mirror of
synced 2025-01-05 17:09:56 +00:00
Actually, the test case showed several problems: - ERT insets did use layout "Standard", not "Plain Layout" - The font scale was read correctly, but tex2lyx claimed that it did ignore the option "scaled=0.95" - If a third argument of the CJK environment was given, it caused the whole environment to be put in ERT with a broken encoding. This is now fixed for the bug test case by using the \font_cjk header variable, but the encoding problem still exists for unsupported encodings. I'll file a separate bug for that. - The CJKutf8 package was not handled in the preamble parsing. Therefore the chinese comment in the preamble was read with a wrong encoding, and guessing the document language did not work. The new file CJKutf8.tex was created by copying and modifying CJK.tex, but unfortunately it is impossible to tell git to inherit the history of CJK.tex for the new file (search the web for git svn copy if you want to know details).
502 lines
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502 lines
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What are you doing \SpecialChar \ldots{}
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This is a great footnote because:
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How cool is that!?
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I keep
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. This
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is text in a new par\SpecialChar \-
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\begin_inset Formula $ \alpha $
in it, which is OK\SpecialChar \@.
I can type special characters
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i.e., characters which must be escaped
like & and #.
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_ is a neat token.
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some math in a displayed equation.
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q^{(i)}_O & = & q^{water}_{O}+dq_{O}\times (P_{deg}^{(i-1)}-P_{deg}^{(i)})\\
q_{H}^{(i)} & = & q^{water}_{H}+dq_{H}\times (P_{deg}^{(i-1)}-P_{deg}^{(i)})\\
q_{p}^{(i)} & = & q^{water}_{H}+dq_{H}\times (P_{deg}^{(i-1)}-P^{(i+1)}_{deg})
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Here's an itemized list
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Hello there how are you?
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I am fine. Thanks
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Let's try a few unicode characters: the (R) symbol ®(and the same one with braces ® and a space after) or maybe an accented a á or this one á or this î.
\begin_layout Standard
Watch out: ®should be glued to its successor here.
\begin_layout Standard
Final Text.