Vincent van Ravesteijn 73db05c0bb branch: Fix bug 1802:
* allows the selection of a whole cell with shift+key
* shift-movement between empty cells with a single keystroke 

git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2009-03-14 17:31:11 +00:00

354 lines
12 KiB

// -*- C++ -*-
* \file Text.h
* This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
* Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
* \author unknown
* \author Lars Gullik Bjønnes
* \author John Levon
* Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
#ifndef TEXT_H
#define TEXT_H
#include "DocIterator.h"
#include "ParagraphList.h"
namespace lyx {
class Buffer;
class BufferParams;
class BufferView;
class CompletionList;
class CursorSlice;
class DocIterator;
class ErrorList;
class Font;
class FontInfo;
class FuncRequest;
class FuncStatus;
class Inset;
class Cursor;
class Lexer;
class PainterInfo;
class Spacing;
/// This class encapsulates the main text data and operations in LyX
class Text {
/// constructor
explicit Text();
/// \return true if there's no content at all.
/// \warning a non standard layout on an empty paragraph doesn't
// count as empty.
bool empty() const;
FontInfo layoutFont(Buffer const & buffer, pit_type pit) const;
FontInfo labelFont(Buffer const & buffer,
Paragraph const & par) const;
/** Set font of character at position \p pos in paragraph \p pit.
* Must not be called if \p pos denotes an inset with text contents,
* and the inset is not allowed inside a font change (see below).
void setCharFont(Buffer const & buffer, pit_type pit, pos_type pos,
Font const & font, Font const & display_font);
/** Needed to propagate font changes to all text cells of insets
* that are not allowed inside a font change (bug 1973).
* Must not be called if \p pos denotes an ordinary character or an
* inset that is alowed inside a font change.
* FIXME: This should be removed, see documentation of noFontChange
* in insetbase.h
void setInsetFont(BufferView const & bv, pit_type pit, pos_type pos,
Font const & font, bool toggleall = false);
/// what you expect when pressing \<enter\> at cursor position
void breakParagraph(Cursor & cur, bool inverse_logic = false);
/// set layout over selection
void setLayout(Buffer const & buffer, pit_type start, pit_type end,
docstring const & layout);
/// Set given layout to current cursor position.
/// FIXME: replace Cursor with DocIterator.
void setLayout(Cursor & cur, docstring const & layout);
/// what type of depth change to make
/// Increase or decrease the nesting depth of the selected paragraph(s)
/// FIXME: replace Cursor with DocIterator.
void changeDepth(Cursor & cur, DEPTH_CHANGE type);
/// Returns whether something would be changed by changeDepth
/// FIXME: replace Cursor with DocIterator.
bool changeDepthAllowed(Cursor & cur, DEPTH_CHANGE type) const;
/// Set font over selection paragraphs and rebreak.
/// FIXME: replace Cursor with DocIterator.
void setFont(Cursor & cur, Font const &, bool toggleall = false);
/// Set font from \p begin to \p end and rebreak.
void setFont(BufferView const & bv, CursorSlice const & begin,
CursorSlice const & end, Font const &,
bool toggleall = false);
void toggleFree(Cursor & cur, Font const &, bool toggleall = false);
/// ???
/// FIXME: replace Cursor with DocIterator.
docstring getStringToIndex(Cursor const & cur);
/// Convert the paragraphs to a string.
/// \param AsStringParameter options. This can contain any combination of
/// asStringParameter values. Valid examples:
/// asString(AS_STR_LABEL)
/// asString(AS_STR_INSETS)
docstring asString(int options = AS_STR_NONE) const;
docstring asString(pit_type beg, pit_type end,
int options = AS_STR_NONE) const;
/// insert a character at cursor position
/// FIXME: replace Cursor with DocIterator.
void insertChar(Cursor & cur, char_type c);
/// insert an inset at cursor position
/// FIXME: replace Cursor with DocIterator.
void insertInset(Cursor & cur, Inset * inset);
/// try to handle that request
/// FIXME: replace Cursor with DocIterator.
void dispatch(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest & cmd);
/// do we want to handle this event?
bool getStatus(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest const & cmd,
FuncStatus & status) const;
/// read-only access to individual paragraph
Paragraph const & getPar(pit_type pit) const { return pars_[pit]; }
/// read-write access to individual paragraph
Paragraph & getPar(pit_type pit) { return pars_[pit]; }
// Returns the current font and depth as a message.
/// FIXME: replace Cursor with DocIterator.
docstring currentState(Cursor const & cur) const;
/** Find the word under \c from in the relative location
* defined by \c word_location.
* @param from return here the start of the word
* @param to return here the end of the word
void getWord(CursorSlice & from, CursorSlice & to, word_location const) const;
/// just selects the word the cursor is in
void selectWord(Cursor & cur, word_location loc);
/// select all text
void selectAll(Cursor & cur);
/// convenience function get the previous word or an empty string
docstring previousWord(CursorSlice const & sl) const;
/// what type of change operation to make
enum ChangeOp {
/// accept or reject the selected change
void acceptOrRejectChanges(Cursor & cur, ChangeOp op);
/// accept the changes within the complete Text
void acceptChanges(BufferParams const & bparams);
/// reject the changes within the complete Text
void rejectChanges(BufferParams const & bparams);
/// returns true if par was empty and was removed
bool setCursor(Cursor & cur, pit_type par, pos_type pos,
bool setfont = true, bool boundary = false);
void setCursor(CursorSlice &, pit_type par, pos_type pos);
void setCursorIntern(Cursor & cur, pit_type par,
pos_type pos, bool setfont = true, bool boundary = false);
void recUndo(Cursor & cur, pit_type first, pit_type last) const;
void recUndo(Cursor & cur, pit_type first) const;
/// Move cursor one position backwards
* Returns true if an update is needed after the move.
bool cursorBackward(Cursor & cur);
/// Move cursor visually one position to the left
* \param skip_inset if true, don't enter insets
* Returns true if an update is needed after the move.
bool cursorVisLeft(Cursor & cur, bool skip_inset = false);
/// Move cursor one position forward
* Returns true if an update is needed after the move.
bool cursorForward(Cursor & cur);
/// Move cursor visually one position to the right
* \param skip_inset if true, don't enter insets
* Returns true if an update is needed after the move.
bool cursorVisRight(Cursor & cur, bool skip_inset = false);
bool cursorBackwardOneWord(Cursor & cur);
bool cursorForwardOneWord(Cursor & cur);
bool cursorVisLeftOneWord(Cursor & cur);
bool cursorVisRightOneWord(Cursor & cur);
/// Delete from cursor up to the end of the current or next word.
void deleteWordForward(Cursor & cur);
/// Delete from cursor to start of current or prior word.
void deleteWordBackward(Cursor & cur);
bool cursorUpParagraph(Cursor & cur);
bool cursorDownParagraph(Cursor & cur);
bool cursorTop(Cursor & cur);
bool cursorBottom(Cursor & cur);
/// Erase character at cursor. Honour change tracking
/// FIXME: replace Cursor with DocIterator.
bool erase(Cursor & cur);
/// Delete character before cursor. Honour CT
/// FIXME: replace Cursor with DocIterator.
bool backspace(Cursor & cur);
// Dissolve the inset under cursor
/// FIXME: replace Cursor with DocIterator.
bool dissolveInset(Cursor & cur);
bool selectWordWhenUnderCursor(Cursor & cur, word_location);
/// Change the case of the word at cursor position.
void changeCase(Cursor & cur, TextCase action);
/// Transposes the character at the cursor with the one before it
void charsTranspose(Cursor & cur);
/** the DTP switches for paragraphs. LyX will store the top settings
always in the first physical paragraph, the bottom settings in the
last. When a paragraph is broken, the top settings rest, the bottom
settings are given to the new one.
This function will handle a multi-paragraph selection.
void setParagraphs(Cursor & cur, docstring arg, bool modify = false);
/// Sets parameters for current or selected paragraphs
void setParagraphs(Cursor & cur, ParagraphParameters const & p);
/* these things are for search and replace */
/// needed to insert the selection
/// FIXME: replace Cursor with DocIterator.
void insertStringAsLines(Cursor & cur, docstring const & str);
/// needed to insert the selection
/// FIXME: replace Cursor with DocIterator.
void insertStringAsParagraphs(Cursor & cur, docstring const & str);
/// access to our paragraphs
ParagraphList const & paragraphs() const { return pars_; }
ParagraphList & paragraphs() { return pars_; }
/// return true if this is the main text
bool isMainText(Buffer const &) const;
double spacing(Buffer const & buffer, Paragraph const & par) const;
/// make a suggestion for a label
/// FIXME: replace Cursor with DocIterator.
docstring getPossibleLabel(Cursor const & cur) const;
/// is this paragraph right-to-left?
bool isRTL(Buffer const &, Paragraph const & par) const;
bool checkAndActivateInset(Cursor & cur, bool front);
bool checkAndActivateInsetVisual(Cursor & cur, bool movingForward, bool movingLeft);
void write(Buffer const & buf, std::ostream & os) const;
/// returns true if \end_document has not been read
/// insetPtr is the containing Inset
bool read(Buffer const & buf, Lexer & lex, ErrorList & errorList,
InsetText * insetPtr);
/// delete double spaces, leading spaces, and empty paragraphs around old cursor.
/// \retval true if a change has happened and we need a redraw.
/// FIXME: replace Cursor with DocIterator. This is not possible right
/// now because recordUndo() is called which needs a Cursor.
static bool deleteEmptyParagraphMechanism(Cursor & cur,
Cursor & old, bool & need_anchor_change);
/// delete double spaces, leading spaces, and empty paragraphs
/// from \first to \last paragraph
void deleteEmptyParagraphMechanism(pit_type first, pit_type last, bool trackChanges);
/// To resolve macros properly the texts get their DocIterator.
/// Every macro definition is stored with its DocIterator
/// as well. Only those macros with a smaller iterator become
/// visible in a paragraph.
DocIterator macrocontextPosition() const;
void setMacrocontextPosition(DocIterator const & pos);
bool completionSupported(Cursor const & cur) const;
CompletionList const * createCompletionList(Cursor const & cur) const;
bool insertCompletion(Cursor & cur, docstring const & s, bool /*finished*/);
docstring completionPrefix(Cursor const & cur) const;
ParagraphList pars_;
bool autoBreakRows_;
/// return past-the-last paragraph influenced by a layout
/// change on pit
pit_type undoSpan(pit_type pit);
// fix the cursor `cur' after a characters has been deleted at `where'
// position. Called by deleteEmptyParagraphMechanism
static void fixCursorAfterDelete(CursorSlice & cur, CursorSlice const & where);
// At cursor position 0, try to merge the paragraph with the one before it.
// Ignore change tracking, i.e., physically remove the end-of-par character
bool backspacePos0(Cursor & cur);
/// handle the case where bibitems were deleted
bool handleBibitems(Cursor & cur);
/// are we in a list item (description etc.)?
bool inDescriptionItem(Cursor & cur) const;
void charInserted(Cursor & cur);
/// set 'number' font property
void number(Cursor & cur);
/// paste plain text at current cursor.
/// \param str string to paste
/// \param asParagraphs whether to paste as paragraphs or as lines
void pasteString(Cursor & cur, docstring const & str,
bool asParagraphs);
/// position of the text in the buffer.
DocIterator macrocontext_position_;
} // namespace lyx
#endif // TEXT_H