mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 04:20:09 +00:00
The current spelling is not strictly wrong, but flagged as unusual or
historical by some authorities. It is also found fault with many
spell checkers. Thus we decided to move to the more standard "-ible"
form once and for all.
See #10678 for discussion
This part covers the most tricky part: the internal naming.
Translations and layouts will follow.
This will all also all be backported to 2.3.x, for the sake of backwards
compatibility (cherry-picking).
(cherry picked from commit c466baaa5b
1203 lines
40 KiB
1203 lines
40 KiB
* \file InsetListingsParams.cpp
* This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
* Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
* \author Bo Peng
* Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
#include <config.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "InsetListingsParams.h"
#include "Length.h"
#include "Lexer.h"
#include "support/convert.h"
#include "support/gettext.h"
#include "support/lstrings.h"
#include "support/textutils.h"
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
using namespace lyx::support;
namespace lyx {
namespace {
enum param_type {
ALL, // accept all
TRUEFALSE, // accept 'true' or 'false'
INTEGER, // accept an integer
LENGTH, // accept a latex length
SKIP, // accept a skip or a length
ONEOF, // accept one of a few values
SUBSETOF // accept a string composed of given characters
/// Listings package parameter information.
// FIXME: make this class visible outside of this file so that
// FIXME: it can be used directly in the frontend and in the LyX format
// FIXME: parsing.
class ListingsParam {
/// Default ctor for STL containers.
ListingsParam(): onoff_(false), type_(ALL)
/// Main ctor.
ListingsParam(string const & v, bool o, param_type t,
string const & i, docstring const & h)
: value_(v), onoff_(o), type_(t), info_(i), hint_(h)
/// Validate a paramater.
/// \retval an empty string if \c par is valid.
/// \retval otherwise an explanation WRT to \c par invalidity.
docstring validate(string const & par) const;
/// default value
string value_;
/// for option with value "true", "false".
/// if onoff is true,
/// "true": option
/// "false":
/// "other": option="other"
/// onoff is false,
/// "true": option=true
/// "false": option=false
// FIXME: this is public because of InsetListingParam::addParam()
bool onoff_;
/// validator type.
/// ALL:
/// info is ignored.
/// info is a \n separated string with allowed values
/// info is a string from which par is composed of
/// (e.g. floatplacement can be one or more of *tbph)
param_type type_;
/// information which meaning depends on parameter type.
/// \sa type_
string info_;
/// a help message that is displayed in the gui.
docstring hint_;
char const * allowed_skips = "\\smallskipamount,\\medskipamount,\\bigskipamount";
docstring ListingsParam::validate(string const & par) const
bool unclosed = false;
string par2 = par;
// braces are allowed
if (prefixIs(par, "{") && suffixIs(par, "}") && !suffixIs(par, "\\}"))
par2 = par.substr(1, par.size() - 2);
// check for unmatched braces
int braces = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < par2.size(); ++i) {
if (par2[i] == '{' && (i == 0 || par2[i-1] != '\\'))
else if (par2[i] == '}' && (i == 0 || par2[i-1] != '\\'))
unclosed = braces != 0;
switch (type_) {
case ALL:
if (par2.empty() && !onoff_) {
if (!hint_.empty())
return hint_;
return _("A value is expected.");
if (unclosed)
return _("Unbalanced braces!");
return docstring();
if (par2.empty() && !onoff_) {
if (!hint_.empty())
return hint_;
return _("Please specify true or false.");
if (par2 != "true" && par2 != "false")
return _("Only true or false is allowed.");
if (unclosed)
return _("Unbalanced braces!");
return docstring();
if (!isStrInt(par2)) {
if (!hint_.empty())
return hint_;
return _("Please specify an integer value.");
if (convert<int>(par2) == 0 && par2[0] != '0')
return _("An integer is expected.");
if (unclosed)
return _("Unbalanced braces!");
return docstring();
case LENGTH:
if (par2.empty() && !onoff_) {
if (!hint_.empty())
return hint_;
return _("Please specify a LaTeX length expression.");
if (!isValidLength(par2))
return _("Invalid LaTeX length expression.");
if (unclosed)
return _("Unbalanced braces!");
return docstring();
case SKIP:
if (par2.empty() && !onoff_) {
if (!hint_.empty())
return hint_;
return bformat(_("Please specify a LaTeX length expression or a skip amount (%1$s)"),
from_ascii(subst(allowed_skips, ",", ", ")));
if (!isValidLength(par2) && tokenPos(allowed_skips, ',', par2) == -1)
return _("Not a valid LaTeX length expression or skip amount.");
if (unclosed)
return _("Unbalanced braces!");
return docstring();
case ONEOF: {
if (par2.empty() && !onoff_) {
if (!hint_.empty())
return hint_;
return bformat(_("Please specify one of %1$s."),
// break value to allowed strings
vector<string> lists;
string v;
for (size_t i = 0; i != info_.size(); ++i) {
if (info_[i] == '\n') {
v = string();
} else
v += info_[i];
if (!v.empty())
// good, find the string
if (find(lists.begin(), lists.end(), par2) != lists.end()) {
if (unclosed)
return _("Unbalanced braces!");
return docstring();
// otherwise, produce a meaningful error message.
string matching_names;
for (vector<string>::iterator it = lists.begin();
it != lists.end(); ++it) {
if (it->size() >= par2.size() && it->substr(0, par2.size()) == par2) {
if (matching_names.empty())
matching_names += *it;
matching_names += ", " + *it;
if (matching_names.empty())
return bformat(_("Try one of %1$s."), from_utf8(info_));
return bformat(_("I guess you mean %1$s."), from_utf8(matching_names));
if (par2.empty() && !onoff_) {
if (!hint_.empty())
return hint_;
return bformat(_("Please specify one or more of '%1$s'."),
for (size_t i = 0; i < par2.size(); ++i)
if (info_.find(par2[i], 0) == string::npos)
return bformat(_("Should be composed of one or more of %1$s."),
if (unclosed)
return _("Unbalanced braces!");
return docstring();
return docstring();
/// languages and language/dialect combinations
char const * allowed_languages =
"no language\nABAP\n[R/2 4.3]ABAP\n[R/2 5.0]ABAP\n[R/3 3.1]ABAP\n"
"[R/3 4.6C]ABAP\n[R/3 6.10]ABAP\nACSL\nAda\n[2005]Ada\n[83]Ada\n"
"[ibm]Cobol\nComal 80\ncommand.com\n[WinXP]command.com\nComsol\ncsh\n"
/// Return language allowed in the GUI without dialect and proper casing
string const languageonly(string const & lang)
string const locase = ascii_lowercase(trim(lang, "{}"));
string const all_languages = ascii_lowercase(allowed_languages) + "\n";
string language = (lang.at(0) == '[') ? locase + "\n"
: string("]") + locase + "\n";
size_t i = all_languages.find(language);
if (i == string::npos && lang.at(0) != '[') {
language[0] = '\n';
i = all_languages.find(language);
if (i == string::npos)
return lang;
if (all_languages.at(i) == '[')
i = all_languages.find(']', i);
if (i == string::npos)
return lang;
size_t j = all_languages.find('\n', i + 1);
if (j == string::npos)
return lang;
return string(allowed_languages).substr(i + 1, j - i - 1);
/// ListingsParam Validator.
/// This class is aimed to be a singleton which is instantiated in
/// \c InsetListingsParams::addParam().
// FIXME: transfer this validator to the frontend.
// FIXME: avoid the use of exception.
class ParValidator
/// validate a parameter for a given name.
/// return an error message if \c par is an invalid parameter.
docstring validate(string const & name, string const & par) const;
/// return the onoff status of a parameter \c key, if \c key is not found
/// return false
bool onoff(string const & key) const;
/// key is the name of the parameter
typedef map<string, ListingsParam> ListingsParams;
ListingsParams all_params_[2];
docstring const empty_hint;
docstring const style_hint = _("Use \\footnotesize, \\small, \\itshape, "
"\\ttfamily or something like that");
docstring const frame_hint_mint =
_("none, leftline, topline, bottomline, lines, single");
docstring const frame_hint_lst =
_("none, leftline, topline, bottomline, lines, "
"single, shadowbox or subset of trblTRBL");
docstring const frameround_hint = _("Enter four letters (either t = round "
"or f = square) for top right, bottom "
"right, bottom left and top left corner.");
docstring const color_hint_mint =
_("Previously defined color name as a string");
docstring const color_hint_lst =
_("Enter something like \\color{white}");
// Listings package
/// options copied from page 26 of listings manual
// FIXME: add default parameters ... (which is not used now)
all_params_[0]["float"] =
ListingsParam("false", true, SUBSETOF, "*tbph", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["floatplacement"] =
ListingsParam("tbp", false, SUBSETOF, "tbp", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["aboveskip"] =
ListingsParam("\\medskipamount", false, SKIP, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["belowskip"] =
ListingsParam("\\medskipamount", false, SKIP, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["lineskip"] =
ListingsParam("", false, SKIP, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["boxpos"] =
ListingsParam("", false, SUBSETOF, "bct", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["print"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["firstline"] =
ListingsParam("", false, INTEGER, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["lastline"] =
ListingsParam("", false, INTEGER, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["linerange"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["showlines"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["emptylines"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", _(
"Expect a number with an optional * before it"));
all_params_[0]["gobble"] =
ListingsParam("", false, INTEGER, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["style"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["language"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ONEOF, allowed_languages, empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["alsolanguage"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ONEOF, allowed_languages, empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["defaultdialect"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ONEOF, allowed_languages, empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["printpod"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["usekeywordsintag"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["tagstyle"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", style_hint);
all_params_[0]["markfirstintag"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", style_hint);
all_params_[0]["makemacrouse"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["basicstyle"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", style_hint);
all_params_[0]["identifierstyle"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", style_hint);
all_params_[0]["commentstyle"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", style_hint);
all_params_[0]["stringstyle"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", style_hint);
all_params_[0]["keywordstyle"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", style_hint);
all_params_[0]["ndkeywordstyle"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", style_hint);
all_params_[0]["classoffset"] =
ListingsParam("", false, INTEGER, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["texcsstyle"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", style_hint);
all_params_[0]["directivestyle"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", style_hint);
all_params_[0]["emph"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["moreemph"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["deleteemph"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["emphstyle"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["delim"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["moredelim"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["deletedelim"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["extendedchars"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["inputencoding"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["upquote"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["tabsize"] =
ListingsParam("", false, INTEGER, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["showtabs"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["tab"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["showspaces"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["showstringspaces"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["formfeed"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["numbers"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ONEOF, "none\nleft\nright", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["stepnumber"] =
ListingsParam("", false, INTEGER, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["numberfirstline"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["numberstyle"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", style_hint);
all_params_[0]["numbersep"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["numberblanklines"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["firstnumber"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", _("auto, last or a number"));
all_params_[0]["name"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["thelstnumber"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["title"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
// this option is not handled in the parameter box
all_params_[0]["caption"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", _(
"This parameter should not be entered here. Please use the caption "
"edit box (when using the child document dialog) or "
"menu Insert->Caption (when defining a listing inset)"));
// this option is not handled in the parameter box
all_params_[0]["label"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "",_(
"This parameter should not be entered here. Please use the label "
"edit box (when using the child document dialog) or "
"menu Insert->Label (when defining a listing inset)"));
all_params_[0]["nolol"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["captionpos"] =
ListingsParam("", false, SUBSETOF, "tb", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["abovecaptionskip"] =
ListingsParam("", false, SKIP, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["belowcaptionskip"] =
ListingsParam("", false, SKIP, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["linewidth"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["xleftmargin"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["xrightmargin"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["resetmargins"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["breaklines"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["breakatwhitespace"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["prebreak"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["postbreak"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["breakindent"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["breakautoindent"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["frame"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", frame_hint_lst);
all_params_[0]["frameround"] =
ListingsParam("", false, SUBSETOF, "tf", frameround_hint);
all_params_[0]["framesep"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["rulesep"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["framerule"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["framexleftmargin"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["framexrightmargin"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["framextopmargin"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["framexbottommargin"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["backgroundcolor"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", color_hint_lst);
all_params_[0]["rulecolor"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", color_hint_lst);
all_params_[0]["fillcolor"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", color_hint_lst);
all_params_[0]["rulesepcolor"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", color_hint_lst);
all_params_[0]["frameshape"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["index"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["moreindex"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["deleteindex"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["indexstyle"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["columns"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["flexiblecolumns"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["keepspaces"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["basewidth"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["fontadjust"] =
ListingsParam("", true, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["texcl"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["mathescape"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["escapechar"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["escapeinside"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["escapebegin"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["escapeend"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["fancyvrb"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["fvcmdparams"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["morefvcmdparams"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["keywordsprefix"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["keywords"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["morekeywords"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["deletekeywords"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["ndkeywords"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["morendkeywords"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["deletendkeywords"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["texcs"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["moretexcs"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["deletetexcs"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["directives"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["moredirectives"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["deletedirectives"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["sensitive"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["alsoletter"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["alsodigit"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["alsoother"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["otherkeywords"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["tag"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["string"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["morestring"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["deletestring"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["comment"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["morecomment"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["deletecomment"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["keywordcomment"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["morekeywordcomment"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["deletekeywordcomment"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["keywordcommentsemicolon"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["podcomment"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
// the following are experimental listings features
all_params_[0]["procnamekeys"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["moreprocnamekeys"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["deleteprocnamekeys"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["procnamestyle"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", style_hint);
all_params_[0]["indexprocnames"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["hyperref"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["morehyperref"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["deletehyperref"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["hyperanchor"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["hyperlink"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["literate"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["lgrindef"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["rangebeginprefix"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["rangebeginsuffix"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["rangeendprefix"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["rangeendsuffix"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["rangeprefix"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["rangesuffix"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["includerangemarker"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[0]["multicols"] =
ListingsParam("", false, INTEGER, "", empty_hint);
// Minted package
// This is not a real minted option and its only purpose
// is to get a caption for a floating listing.
all_params_[1]["caption"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", _(
"This parameter should not be entered here. Please use the caption "
"edit box (when using the child document dialog) or "
"menu Insert->Caption (when defining a listing inset)"));
// The "label" minted option is being subverted here for the
// sake of getting a label for a floating listing.
all_params_[1]["label"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "",_(
"This parameter should not be entered here. Please use the label "
"edit box (when using the child document dialog) or "
"menu Insert->Label (when defining a listing inset)"));
// This is not a real minted option and its only purpose
// is to signal that this is a floating listing.
all_params_[1]["float"] =
ListingsParam("false", true, SUBSETOF, "*tbph", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["cache"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["cachedir"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", _(
"default: _minted-<jobname>"));
all_params_[1]["finalizecache"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["frozencache"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["draft"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["final"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["kpsewhich"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["langlinenos"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["newfloat"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["outputdir"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["autogobble"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["baselinestretch"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["breakafter"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["breakaftergroup"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["breakaftersymbolpre"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["breakaftersymbolpost"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["breakanywhere"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["breakanywheresymbolpre"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["breakanywheresymbolpost"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["breakautoindent"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["breakbefore"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["breakbeforegroup"] =
ListingsParam("", true, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["breakbeforesymbolpre"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["breakbeforesymbolpost"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["breakbytoken"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["breakbytokenanywhere"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["breakindent"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["breaklines"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["breaksymbol"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["breaksymbolleft"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["breaksymbolright"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["breaksymbolindent"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["breaksymbolindentleft"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["breaksymbolindentright"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["breaksymbolsep"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["breaksymbolsepleft"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["breaksymbolsepright"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["bgcolor"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", color_hint_mint);
all_params_[1]["codetagify"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["curlyquotes"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["encoding"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", _(
"Sets encoding expected by Pygments"));
all_params_[1]["escapeinside"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["firstline"] =
ListingsParam("", false, INTEGER, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["firstnumber"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", _(
"auto, last or a number"));
all_params_[1]["fontfamily"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", _(
"A latex family such as tt, sf, rm"));
all_params_[1]["fontseries"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", _(
"A latex series such as m, b, c, bx, sb"));
all_params_[1]["fontsize"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", _(
"A latex name such as \\small"));
all_params_[1]["fontshape"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", _(
"A latex shape such as n, it, sl, sc"));
all_params_[1]["formatcom"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["frame"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ONEOF,
all_params_[1]["framerule"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["framesep"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["funcnamehighlighting"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["gobble"] =
ListingsParam("", false, INTEGER, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["highlightcolor"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", color_hint_mint);
all_params_[1]["highlightlines"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", _(
"A range of lines such as {1,3-4}"));
all_params_[1]["keywordcase"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ONEOF,
"lower\nupper\ncapitalize", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["labelposition"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ONEOF,
"none\ntopline\nbottomline\nall", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["language"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", _(
"Enter one of the supported languages. However, if you "
"are defining a listing inset, it is better using the "
"language combo box, unless you need to enter a language not "
"offered there, otherwise the combo box will be disabled."));
all_params_[1]["lastline"] =
ListingsParam("", false, INTEGER, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["linenos"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["numberfirstline"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["numbers"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ONEOF,
"left\nright\nboth\nnone", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["mathescape"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["numberblanklines"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["numbersep"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["obeytabs"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["outencoding"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", _(
"File encoding used by Pygments for highlighting"));
all_params_[1]["python3"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", _(
"Apply Python 3 highlighting"));
all_params_[1]["resetmargins"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["rulecolor"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", color_hint_mint);
all_params_[1]["samepage"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["showspaces"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["showtabs"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["space"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", _(
"A macro. Default: \\textvisiblespace"));
all_params_[1]["spacecolor"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", color_hint_mint);
all_params_[1]["startinline"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", _("For PHP only"));
all_params_[1]["style"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", _(
"The style used by Pygments"));
all_params_[1]["stepnumber"] =
ListingsParam("", false, INTEGER, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["stepnumberfromfirst"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["stepnumberoffsetvalues"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["stripall"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["stripnl"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["tab"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", _(
"A macro to redefine visible tabs"));
all_params_[1]["tabcolor"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", color_hint_mint);
all_params_[1]["tabsize"] =
ListingsParam("", false, INTEGER, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["texcl"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", _(
"Enables latex code in comments"));
all_params_[1]["texcomments"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", _(
"Enables latex code in comments"));
all_params_[1]["xleftmargin"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_[1]["xrightmargin"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
docstring ParValidator::validate(string const & name,
string const & par) const
int p = InsetListingsParams::package();
if (name.empty())
return _("Invalid (empty) listing parameter name.");
if (name[0] == '?') {
string suffix = trim(string(name, 1));
string param_names;
ListingsParams::const_iterator it = all_params_[p].begin();
ListingsParams::const_iterator end = all_params_[p].end();
for (; it != end; ++it) {
if (suffix.empty() || contains(it->first, suffix)) {
if (!param_names.empty())
param_names += ", ";
param_names += it->first;
if (suffix.empty())
return bformat(
_("Available listing parameters are %1$s"), from_ascii(param_names));
return bformat(
_("Available listings parameters containing string \"%1$s\" are %2$s"),
from_utf8(suffix), from_utf8(param_names));
// locate name in parameter table
ListingsParams::const_iterator it = all_params_[p].find(name);
if (it != all_params_[p].end()) {
docstring msg = it->second.validate(par);
if (msg.empty())
return msg;
return bformat(_("Parameter %1$s: "), from_utf8(name)) + msg;
} else {
// otherwise, produce a meaningful error message.
string matching_names;
ListingsParams::const_iterator end = all_params_[p].end();
for (it = all_params_[p].begin(); it != end; ++it) {
if (prefixIs(it->first, name)) {
if (!matching_names.empty())
matching_names += ", ";
matching_names += it->first;
if (matching_names.empty())
return bformat(_("Unknown listing parameter name: %1$s"),
return bformat(_("Parameters starting with '%1$s': %2$s"),
from_utf8(name), from_utf8(matching_names));
bool ParValidator::onoff(string const & name) const
int p = InsetListingsParams::package();
// locate name in parameter table
ListingsParams::const_iterator it = all_params_[p].find(name);
if (it != all_params_[p].end())
return it->second.onoff_;
return false;
} // namespace
// define a global ParValidator
ParValidator * par_validator = 0;
// The package to be used by the global ParValidator
// (0 for listings, 1 for minted)
int InsetListingsParams::package_ = 0;
: inline_(false), params_(), status_(InsetCollapsible::Open)
InsetListingsParams::InsetListingsParams(string const & par, bool in,
InsetCollapsible::CollapseStatus s)
: inline_(in), params_(), status_(s)
// this will activate parameter validation.
void InsetListingsParams::write(ostream & os) const
if (inline_)
os << "true ";
os << "false ";
os << status_ << " \"" << encodedString() << "\"";
void InsetListingsParams::read(Lexer & lex)
lex >> inline_;
int s = InsetCollapsible::Collapsed;
lex >> s;
status_ = static_cast<InsetCollapsible::CollapseStatus>(s);
string par;
lex >> par;
string InsetListingsParams::params(string const & sep) const
string par;
keyValuePair::const_iterator it = params_.begin();
for (; it != params_.end(); ++it) {
if (!par.empty())
par += sep;
// key=value,key=value1 is stored in params_ as key=value,key_=value1.
if (it->second.empty())
par += rtrim(it->first, "_");
par += rtrim(it->first, "_") + '=' + it->second;
return par;
bool InsetListingsParams::hasParam(string const & key) const
keyValuePair::const_iterator it = params_.begin();
for (; it != params_.end(); ++it) {
if (it->first == key)
return true;
return false;
string InsetListingsParams::getValue(string const & key) const
keyValuePair::const_iterator it = params_.begin();
for (; it != params_.end(); ++it) {
if (it->first == key)
return it->second;
return string();
void InsetListingsParams::addParam(string const & key,
string const & val, bool replace)
if (key.empty())
bool const is_minted_language = minted() && key == "language";
string const value = (is_minted_language && !val.empty())
? languageonly(val) : val;
// duplicate parameters!
string keyname = key;
if (!replace && hasParam(key))
// key=value,key=value1 is allowed in listings
// use key_, key__, key___ etc to avoid name conflict
while (hasParam(keyname += '_')) { }
// check onoff flag
// onoff parameter with value false
if (!par_validator)
par_validator = new ParValidator;
if (par_validator->onoff(key) && (value == "false" || value == "{false}"))
params_.push_back(make_pair(keyname, string()));
// if the parameter is surrounded with {}, good
else if (prefixIs(value, "{") && suffixIs(value, "}"))
params_.push_back(make_pair(keyname, value));
// otherwise, check if {} is needed. Add {} to all values with
// non-ascii/number characters, just to be safe
else {
bool has_special_char = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < value.size(); ++i)
if (!isAlnumASCII(value[i])) {
has_special_char = true;
if (has_special_char && !is_minted_language)
params_.push_back(make_pair(keyname, "{" + value + "}"));
params_.push_back(make_pair(keyname, value));
void InsetListingsParams::addParams(string const & par)
string key;
string value;
bool isValue = false;
int braces = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < par.size(); ++i) {
// end of par
if (par[i] == '\n') {
addParam(trim(key), trim(value));
key = string();
value = string();
isValue = false;
} else if (par[i] == ',' && braces == 0) {
addParam(trim(key), trim(value));
key = string();
value = string();
isValue = false;
} else if (par[i] == '=' && braces == 0) {
isValue = true;
} else if (par[i] == '{' && i > 0 && par[i-1] != '\\')
// don't count a brace in first position
else if (par[i] == '}' && i != par.size() - 1
&& (i == 0 || (i > 0 && par[i-1] != '\\')))
if (isValue)
value += par[i];
key += par[i];
if (!trim(key).empty())
addParam(trim(key), trim(value));
void InsetListingsParams::setParams(string const & par)
string InsetListingsParams::encodedString() const
// Encode string!
// '"' is handled differently because it will
// terminate a lyx token.
string par = params();
// '"' is now " ==> '"' is now &quot;
par = subst(par, "&", "&");
// '"' is now &quot; ==> '"' is now &quot;
par = subst(par, "\"", """);
return par;
string InsetListingsParams::separatedParams(bool keepComma) const
if (keepComma)
return params(",\n");
return params("\n");
void InsetListingsParams::fromEncodedString(string const & in)
// Decode string! Reversal of encodedString
string par = in;
// '"' is now &quot; ==> '"' is now &quot;
par = subst(par, """, "\"");
// '"' is now &quot; ==> '"' is now "
par = subst(par, "&", "&");
bool InsetListingsParams::isFloat() const
return hasParam("float");
string InsetListingsParams::getParamValue(string const & param) const
string par = getValue(param);
if (prefixIs(par, "{") && suffixIs(par, "}"))
return par.substr(1, par.size() - 2);
return par;
docstring InsetListingsParams::validate() const
docstring msg;
if (!par_validator)
par_validator = new ParValidator;
// return msg for first key=value pair which is incomplete or has an error
keyValuePair::const_iterator it = params_.begin();
for (; it != params_.end(); ++it) {
// key trimmed
msg = par_validator->validate(rtrim(it->first, "_"), it->second);
if (!msg.empty())
return msg;
return msg;
} // namespace lyx