mirror of
synced 2025-01-11 03:03:06 +00:00
Especially after the change to use semantic linefeeds (7b23c76b
the diffs are large and it's hard to figure out what diff is the
result of the linefeed change and which diff is the result of an
By updating the docs, it will make the edits easier to understand
from the diff.
This commit used the LyX binary to write the new .lyx files since
lyx2lyx does not apply semantic linefeeds.
I used the following command:
./development/tools/updatedocs.py [path to 'lyx' binary]
A few documents were not updated (e.g., the command sequence used
failed because a dialog about a missing dependency was shown).
I did not update Additional.lyx for any language since it is
undergoing changes. I also didn't change anything in doc/fr since JP
is working on some of those. I also didn't change doc/ru since it
appears Yuriy already updated those.
312 lines
5.6 KiB
312 lines
5.6 KiB
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Bem-vindo ao \SpecialChar LyX
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As coisas mais importantes a saber para utilizar o \SpecialChar LyX
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vem com uma excelente documentação—
por favor,
Comece com
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no sentido que torna a escrita de documentos mais fácil.
Mas somente um pouco diferente,
então não se assuste.
A documentação tornará tudo isso claro
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Nos já mencionamos que você deve ler a documentação?
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O resultado visual dos documentos no \SpecialChar LyX
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não se preocupe,
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tem diversos recursos para pessoas que lêem ou escrevem em outra língua diferente do Inglês.
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Obtenha informações sobre o \SpecialChar LyX
inscreva-se na(s) lista(s) de discussão,
veja a Turnê Gráfica do \SpecialChar LyX
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e mais.
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