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synced 2025-01-12 03:23:12 +00:00
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\lang english
In this Hebrew document, content of the right table column (
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\lang english
) comes out as Latin accented characters (ÄÃÉÇÉ) in the output if the tables
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language is English and the input encoding is set to
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language default
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\lang english
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\lang english
Compare with a table where the
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language is Hebrew:
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\align center
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\lang english
What would you expext from a table in an Englisch paragraph like this
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top left
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bottom right
? IMO, the table content should inherit the
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\begin_inset Quotes erd
language but here it is the document language and therefore mirrored (RTL)
and in small-caps.
\begin_layout Standard
\lang ngerman
Absatz in Deutsch mit Tablle:
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Da kommt größter Mist raus! HE
\numeric on
\numeric off
misses ð and þ