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synced 2024-12-19 04:20:09 +00:00
The stmaryrd package adds support for lots of math symbols, using a font designed to accompany the computer modern fonts. The changes in detail: - Fix generate_symbols_list.py to work with stmaryrd.sty. It loooks like it was automatically translated from a perl version and never used. - Generate the new symbols in lib/symbols using generate_symbols_list.py and add some manual adjustments - Generate stmary10.ttf by a simple ttf export from stmary10.sfd with fontforge - Add license info for stmary10.ttf - Create a test file with all symbols from stmaryrd.sty. Actually it would be nice to have this for the other fonts as well. - The mechanics: lyx2lyx, tex2lyx, font machinery etc.
548 lines
7.2 KiB
548 lines
7.2 KiB
#LyX 2.1 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/
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\begin_layout Standard
This file contains each symbol of the font stmary10.ttf that is made accessible
by stmaryrd.sty, even the ones that are not used in LyX, because they are
already provided by other packages.
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Formula $\shortleftarrow$
\begin_inset Formula $\shortrightarrow$
\begin_inset Formula $\shortuparrow$
\begin_inset Formula $\shortdownarrow$
\begin_inset Formula $\Yup$
\begin_inset Formula $\Ydown$
\begin_inset Formula $\Yleft$
\begin_inset Formula $\Yright$
\begin_inset Formula $\varcurlyvee$
\begin_inset Formula $\varcurlywedge$
\begin_inset Formula $\minuso$
\begin_inset Formula $\baro$
\begin_inset Formula $\sslash$
\begin_inset Formula $\bbslash$
\begin_inset Formula $\moo$
\begin_inset Formula $\varotimes$
\begin_inset Formula $\varoast$
\begin_inset Formula $\varobar$
\begin_inset Formula $\varodot$
\begin_inset Formula $\varoslash$
\begin_inset Formula $\varobslash$
\begin_inset Formula $\varocircle$
\begin_inset Formula $\varoplus$
\begin_inset Formula $\varominus$
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\begin_inset Formula $\talloblong$
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\begin_inset Formula $\arrownot$
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\begin_inset Formula $\mapsfromchar$
\begin_inset Formula $\Mapsfromchar$
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\begin_inset Formula $\bigtriangledown$
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\begin_inset Formula $\bigcurlyvee$
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\begin_inset Formula $\longmapsfrom$
\begin_inset Formula $\Longmapsfrom$