Bo Peng f630be8904 Rename .C ==> .cpp for files in src/
Oldname, newname, classes
src/pspell.C                                       src/PSpell.cpp    PSpell
src/ParagraphMetrics.h                             src/ParagraphMetrics.h    ParagraphMetrics
src/author.C                                       src/Author.cpp    ['Author', 'AuthorList']
src/Floating.C                                     src/Floating.cpp    Floating
src/lyxvc.C                                        src/LyXVC.cpp    LyXVC
src/intl.C                                         src/Intl.cpp    Intl
src/paragraph.h                                    src/Paragraph.h    ['FontSpan', 'Paragraph']
src/LyXAction.C                                    src/LyXAction.cpp    LyXAction
src/SpellBase.C                                    src/SpellBase.cpp    SpellBase
src/TextMetrics.C                                  src/TextMetrics.cpp    TextMetrics
src/LaTeXFeatures.C                                src/LaTeXFeatures.cpp    LaTeXFeatures
src/buffer_funcs.h                                 src/buffer_funcs.h NOCLASSES
src/Variables.h                                    src/Variables.h    Variables
src/cursor.C                                       src/LCursor.cpp    LCursor
src/lyx_cb.C                                       src/lyx_cb.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/DepTable.C                                     src/DepTable.cpp    ['DepTable', 'dep_info']
src/vspace.C                                       src/VSpace.cpp    VSpace
src/Thesaurus.C                                    src/Thesaurus.cpp    Thesaurus
src/Color.h                                        src/color.h NOCLASSES
src/Spacing.C                                      src/Spacing.cpp    Spacing
src/dociterator.h                                  src/DocIterator.h    ['DocIterator', 'StableDocIterator']
src/trans.C                                        src/Trans.cpp    Trans
src/metricsinfo.h                                  src/MetricsInfo.h    ['MetricsBase', 'MetricsInfo', 'PainterInfo', 'TextMetricsInfo', 'ViewMetricsInfo', 'Changer', 'FontChanger', 'FontSetChanger', 'StyleChanger', 'ScriptChanger', 'FracChanger', 'ArrayChanger', 'ShapeChanger', 'WidthChanger', 'ColorChanger']
src/box.C                                          src/Box.cpp    Box
src/language.h                                     src/Language.h    ['Language', 'Languages']
src/output_plaintext.C                             src/output_plaintext.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/coordcache.C                                   src/CoordCache.cpp    ['Point', 'CoordCache']
src/lyxlex.h                                       src/LyXLex.h    ['LyXLex', 'pushpophelper']
src/encoding.h                                     src/Encoding.h    ['Encoding', 'Encodings', 'const_iterator']
src/debug.h                                        src/debug.h    lyx_debug_trait
src/Chktex.h                                       src/Chktex.h    Chktex
src/output.C                                       src/output.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/output_latex.h                                 src/output_latex.h NOCLASSES
src/sgml.C                                         src/sgml.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/pspell.h                                       src/PSpell.h    PSpell
src/bufferlist.C                                   src/BufferList.cpp    BufferList
src/author.h                                       src/Author.h    ['Author', 'AuthorList']
src/Bidi.C                                         src/Bidi.cpp    Bidi
src/exporter.C                                     src/Exporter.cpp    ['Exporter', 'ExportedFile', 'ExportData']
src/Floating.h                                     src/Floating.h    Floating
src/lyxvc.h                                        src/LyXVC.h    LyXVC
src/intl.h                                         src/Intl.h    Intl
src/lyxlength.C                                    src/LyXLength.cpp    LyXLength
src/LyXAction.h                                    src/LyXAction.h    LyXAction
src/SpellBase.h                                    src/SpellBase.h    SpellBase
src/TextMetrics.h                                  src/TextMetrics.h    TextMetrics
src/LaTeXFeatures.h                                src/LaTeXFeatures.h    LaTeXFeatures
src/cursor.h                                       src/LCursor.h    LCursor
src/layout.h                                       src/layout.h NOCLASSES
src/DepTable.h                                     src/DepTable.h    ['DepTable', 'dep_info']
src/lyx_cb.h                                       src/lyx_cb.h NOCLASSES
src/vspace.h                                       src/VSpace.h    VSpace
src/PrinterParams.C                                src/PrinterParams.cpp    PrinterParams
src/tex-strings.C                                  src/tex-strings.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/Thesaurus.h                                    src/Thesaurus.h    Thesaurus
src/Spacing.h                                      src/Spacing.h    Spacing
src/BranchList.C                                   src/BranchList.cpp    ['Branch', 'BranchList', 'BranchNamesEqual']
src/trans.h                                        src/Trans.h    Trans
src/output_plaintext.h                             src/output_plaintext.h NOCLASSES
src/box.h                                          src/Box.h    Box
src/coordcache.h                                   src/CoordCache.h    ['Point', 'CoordCache']
src/graph.C                                        src/Graph.cpp    ['Graph', 'Vertex']
src/lyxserver.C                                    src/LyXServer.cpp    ['LyXComm', 'LyXServer']
src/undo.C                                         src/Undo.cpp    Undo
src/output.h                                       src/output.h NOCLASSES
src/text2.C                                        src/text2.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/ParagraphList_fwd.h                            src/ParagraphList_fwd.h NOCLASSES
src/sgml.h                                         src/sgml.h NOCLASSES
src/converter.C                                    src/Converter.cpp    ['Converter', 'Converters']
src/factory.C                                      src/factory.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/RowList_fwd.h                                  src/RowList_fwd.h NOCLASSES
src/buffer.C                                       src/Buffer.cpp    Buffer
src/bufferlist.h                                   src/BufferList.h    BufferList
src/CutAndPaste.C                                  src/CutAndPaste.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/Bidi.h                                         src/Bidi.h    Bidi
src/exporter.h                                     src/Exporter.h    ['Exporter', 'ExportedFile', 'ExportData']
src/InsetList.C                                    src/InsetList.cpp    ['InsetList', 'InsetTable']
src/FontIterator.C                                 src/FontIterator.cpp    FontIterator
src/session.C                                      src/Session.cpp    ['SessionSection', 'LastFilesSection', 'LastOpenedSection', 'LastFilePosSection', 'BookmarksSection', 'Bookmark', 'ToolbarSection', 'ToolbarInfo', 'SessionInfoSection', 'Session']
src/lyxlength.h                                    src/LyXLength.h    LyXLength
src/main.C                                         src/main.cpp    LyXLength
src/lyxsocket.C                                    src/LyXServerSocket.cpp    ['LyXServerSocket', 'LyXDataSocket']
src/errorlist.C                                    src/ErrorList.cpp    ['ErrorItem', 'ErrorList']
src/lyxtext.h                                      src/LyXText.h    LyXText
src/lyxfunc.C                                      src/LyXFunc.cpp    LyXFunc
src/format.C                                       src/Format.cpp    ['Format', 'Formats']
src/lengthcommon.C                                 src/lengthcommon.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/tex-strings.h                                  src/tex-strings.h NOCLASSES
src/PrinterParams.h                                src/PrinterParams.h    PrinterParams
src/insetiterator.C                                src/InsetIterator.cpp    InsetIterator
src/vc-backend.C                                   src/VCBackend.cpp    ['VCS', 'RCS', 'CVS']
src/TocBackend.C                                   src/TocBackend.cpp    ['TocItem', 'TocList', 'TocBackend']
src/BranchList.h                                   src/BranchList.h    ['Branch', 'BranchList', 'BranchNamesEqual']
src/FuncStatus.C                                   src/FuncStatus.cpp    FuncStatus
src/Sectioning.C                                   src/Section.cpp    ['Section', 'SectioningList']
src/counters.C                                     src/Counters.cpp    ['Counter', 'Counters']
src/graph.h                                        src/Graph.h    ['Graph', 'Vertex']
src/lyxserver.h                                    src/LyXServer.h    ['LyXComm', 'LyXServer']
src/undo.h                                         src/Undo.h    Undo
src/paper.h                                        src/paper.h NOCLASSES
src/converter.h                                    src/Converter.h    ['Converter', 'Converters']
src/factory.h                                      src/factory.h NOCLASSES
src/LaTeX.C                                        src/LaTeX.cpp    ['TeXErrors', 'Error', 'Aux_Info', 'LaTeX']
src/bufferparams.C                                 src/BufferParams.cpp    ['BufferParams', 'MemoryTraits']
src/buffer.h                                       src/Buffer.h    Buffer
src/CutAndPaste.h                                  src/CutAndPaste.h NOCLASSES
src/InsetList.h                                    src/InsetList.h    ['InsetList', 'InsetTable']
src/kbsequence.C                                   src/kb_sequence.cpp    kb_sequence
src/FontIterator.h                                 src/FontIterator.h    FontIterator
src/dimension.C                                    src/Dimension.cpp    Dimension
src/Bullet.C                                       src/Bullet.cpp    Bullet
src/texrow.C                                       src/TexRow.cpp    ['TexRow', 'RowItem']
src/session.h                                      src/Session.h    ['SessionSection', 'LastFilesSection', 'LastOpenedSection', 'LastFilePosSection', 'BookmarksSection', 'Bookmark', 'ToolbarSection', 'ToolbarInfo', 'SessionInfoSection', 'Session']
src/ParagraphParameters.C                          src/ParagraphParameters.cpp    ParagraphParameters
src/lyxsocket.h                                    src/LyXServerSocket.h    ['LyXServerSocket', 'LyXDataSocket']
src/errorlist.h                                    src/ErrorList.h    ['ErrorItem', 'ErrorList']
src/tabular.C                                      src/LyXTabular.cpp    ['LyXTabular', 'ltType', 'cellstruct', 'rowstruct', 'columnstruct']
src/pariterator.C                                  src/ParIterator.cpp    ['ParIterator', 'ParConstIterator']
src/lyxfunc.h                                      src/LyXFunc.h    LyXFunc
src/format.h                                       src/Format.h    ['Format', 'Formats']
src/aspell_local.h                                 src/ASpell_local.h    ASpell
src/lengthcommon.h                                 src/lengthcommon.h NOCLASSES
src/insetiterator.h                                src/InsetIterator.h    InsetIterator
src/lyxrc.C                                        src/LyXRC.cpp    ['LyXRC', 'LyXRC_PreviewStatus']
src/TocBackend.h                                   src/TocBackend.h    ['TocItem', 'TocList', 'TocBackend']
src/vc-backend.h                                   src/VCBackend.h    ['VCS', 'RCS', 'CVS']
src/dispatchresult.h                               src/DispatchResult.h    DispatchResult
src/lyxtextclasslist.C                             src/LyXTextClassList.cpp    LyXTextClassList
src/paragraph_funcs.C                              src/paragraph_funcs.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/funcrequest.C                                  src/FuncRequest.cpp    FuncRequest
src/FuncStatus.h                                   src/FuncStatus.h    FuncStatus
src/UpdateFlags.h                                  src/UpdateFlags.h NOCLASSES
src/lyxrow.C                                       src/Row.cpp    ['Row', 'RowMetrics']
src/outputparams.C                                 src/OutputParams.cpp    OutputParams
src/counters.h                                     src/Counters.h    ['Counter', 'Counters']
src/Sectioning.h                                   src/Section.h    ['Section', 'SectioningList']
src/text3.C                                        src/text3.cpp    ['Section', 'SectioningList']
src/lyxlayout.C                                    src/LyXLayout.cpp    LyXLayout
src/lyxfind.C                                      src/lyxfind.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/bufferparams.h                                 src/BufferParams.h    ['BufferParams', 'MemoryTraits']
src/LaTeX.h                                        src/LaTeX.h    ['TeXErrors', 'Error', 'Aux_Info', 'LaTeX']
src/trans_decl.h                                   src/KmodInfo.h    KmodInfo
src/gettext.C                                      src/gettext.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/dimension.h                                    src/Dimension.h    Dimension
src/kbmap.C                                        src/kb_keymap.cpp    kb_keymap
src/kbsequence.h                                   src/kb_sequence.h    kb_sequence
src/rowpainter.C                                   src/rowpainter.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/ConverterCache.C                               src/ConverterCache.cpp    ConverterCache
src/lyxgluelength.C                                src/LyXGlueLength.cpp    LyXGlueLength
src/tex-accent.C                                   src/tex-accent.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/Bullet.h                                       src/Bullet.h    Bullet
src/texrow.h                                       src/TexRow.h    ['TexRow', 'RowItem']
src/ParagraphParameters.h                          src/ParagraphParameters.h    ParagraphParameters
src/tabular.h                                      src/LyXTabular.h    ['LyXTabular', 'ltType', 'cellstruct', 'rowstruct', 'columnstruct']
src/importer.C                                     src/Importer.cpp    Importer
src/pariterator.h                                  src/ParIterator.h    ['ParIterator', 'ParConstIterator']
src/lyxfont.C                                      src/LyXFont.cpp    ['LyXFont', 'LyXFont_size']
src/BufferView.C                                   src/BufferView.cpp    BufferView
src/ParagraphList.h                                src/ParagraphList.h NOCLASSES
src/lyxrc.h                                        src/LyXRC.h    ['LyXRC', 'LyXRC_PreviewStatus']
src/lyxtextclass.C                                 src/LyXTextClass.cpp    ['CharStyle', 'LyXTextClass']
src/changes.C                                      src/Changes.cpp    ['Change', 'Changes', 'Range', 'ChangeRange']
src/lyxtextclasslist.h                             src/LyXTextClassList.h    LyXTextClassList
src/paragraph_funcs.h                              src/paragraph_funcs.h NOCLASSES
src/funcrequest.h                                  src/FuncRequest.h    FuncRequest
src/lyxrow.h                                       src/Row.h    ['Row', 'RowMetrics']
src/outputparams.h                                 src/OutputParams.h    OutputParams
src/MenuBackend.C                                  src/MenuBackend.cpp    ['MenuItem', 'Menu', 'MenuBackend']
src/lyxlayout.h                                    src/LyXLayout.h    LyXLayout
src/lyxfind.h                                      src/lyxfind.h NOCLASSES
src/gettext.h                                      src/gettext.h NOCLASSES
src/LColor.C                                       src/LColor.cpp    ['LColor', 'LColor_color']
src/version.h                                      src/version.h NOCLASSES
src/cursor_slice.C                                 src/CursorSlice.cpp    CursorSlice
src/WordLangTuple.h                                src/WordLangTuple.h    WordLangTuple
src/lfuns.h                                        src/lfuns.h NOCLASSES
src/trans_mgr.C                                    src/TransState.cpp    ['TransState', 'TransFSMData', 'TransInitState', 'TransDeadkeyState', 'TransCombinedState', 'TransFSM', 'TransManager']
src/kbmap.h                                        src/kb_keymap.h    kb_keymap
src/rowpainter.h                                   src/rowpainter.h NOCLASSES
src/ConverterCache.h                               src/ConverterCache.h    ConverterCache
src/lyxgluelength.h                                src/LyXGlueLength.h    LyXGlueLength
src/output_docbook.C                               src/output_docbook.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/tex-accent.h                                   src/tex-accent.h NOCLASSES
src/FloatList.C                                    src/FloatList.cpp    FloatList
src/bufferview_funcs.C                             src/bufferview_funcs.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/importer.h                                     src/Importer.h    Importer
src/messages.C                                     src/Messages.cpp    Messages
src/lyxfont.h                                      src/LyXFont.h    ['LyXFont', 'LyXFont_size']
src/BufferView.h                                   src/BufferView.h    BufferView
src/ToolbarBackend.C                               src/ToolbarBackend.cpp    ['ToolbarItem', 'ToolbarInfo', 'ToolbarBackend']
src/lyx_sty.C                                      src/lyx_sty.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/lyxtextclass.h                                 src/LyXTextClass.h    ['CharStyle', 'LyXTextClass']
src/changes.h                                      src/Changes.h    ['Change', 'Changes', 'Range', 'ChangeRange']
src/aspell.C                                       src/ASpell.cpp
src/lyx_main.C                                     src/LyX.cpp    LyX
src/MenuBackend.h                                  src/MenuBackend.h    ['MenuItem', 'Menu', 'MenuBackend']
src/toc.C                                          src/toc.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/boost.C                                        src/boost.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/ispell.C                                       src/ISpell.cpp    ISpell
src/mover.C                                        src/Mover.cpp    ['Mover', 'SpecialisedMover', 'Movers']
src/ParagraphMetrics.C                             src/ParagraphMetrics.cpp    ParagraphMetrics
src/LColor.h                                       src/LColor.h    ['LColor', 'LColor_color']
src/cursor_slice.h                                 src/CursorSlice.h    CursorSlice
src/trans_mgr.h                                    src/TransState.h    ['TransState', 'TransFSMData', 'TransInitState', 'TransDeadkeyState', 'TransCombinedState', 'TransFSM', 'TransManager']
src/lyxlayout_ptr_fwd.h                            src/lyxlayout_ptr_fwd.h NOCLASSES
src/output_docbook.h                               src/output_docbook.h NOCLASSES
src/paragraph.C                                    src/Paragraph.cpp    ['FontSpan', 'Paragraph']
src/FloatList.h                                    src/FloatList.h    FloatList
src/bufferview_funcs.h                             src/bufferview_funcs.h NOCLASSES
src/buffer_funcs.C                                 src/buffer_funcs.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/Variables.C                                    src/Variables.cpp    Variables
src/messages.h                                     src/Messages.h    Messages
src/Color.C                                        src/color.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/dociterator.C                                  src/DocIterator.cpp    ['DocIterator', 'StableDocIterator']
src/ToolbarBackend.h                               src/ToolbarBackend.h    ['ToolbarItem', 'ToolbarInfo', 'ToolbarBackend']
src/lyx_sty.h                                      src/lyx_sty.h NOCLASSES
src/metricsinfo.C                                  src/MetricsInfo.cpp    ['MetricsBase', 'MetricsInfo', 'PainterInfo', 'TextMetricsInfo', 'ViewMetricsInfo', 'Changer', 'FontChanger', 'FontSetChanger', 'StyleChanger', 'ScriptChanger', 'FracChanger', 'ArrayChanger', 'ShapeChanger', 'WidthChanger', 'ColorChanger']
src/language.C                                     src/Language.cpp    ['Language', 'Languages']
src/text.C                                         src/text.cpp    ['Language', 'Languages']
src/lyx_main.h                                     src/LyX.h    LyX
src/lyxlex.C                                       src/LyXLex.cpp    ['LyXLex', 'pushpophelper']
src/encoding.C                                     src/Encoding.cpp    ['Encoding', 'Encodings', 'const_iterator']
src/debug.C                                        src/debug.cpp    lyx_debug_trait
src/Chktex.C                                       src/Chktex.cpp    Chktex
src/toc.h                                          src/toc.h NOCLASSES
src/ispell.h                                       src/ISpell.h    ISpell
src/mover.h                                        src/Mover.h    ['Mover', 'SpecialisedMover', 'Movers']
src/output_latex.C                                 src/output_latex.cpp  NOCLASSES

git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-26 04:46:45 +00:00

1947 lines
53 KiB

* \file src/text.cpp
* This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
* Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
* \author Asger Alstrup
* \author Lars Gullik Bjønnes
* \author Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
* \author John Levon
* \author André Pönitz
* \author Dekel Tsur
* \author Jürgen Vigna
* Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
#include <config.h>
#include "LyXText.h"
#include "Author.h"
#include "Buffer.h"
#include "buffer_funcs.h"
#include "BufferParams.h"
#include "BufferView.h"
#include "bufferview_funcs.h"
#include "LCursor.h"
#include "ParIterator.h"
#include "CoordCache.h"
#include "CutAndPaste.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "DispatchResult.h"
#include "Encoding.h"
#include "ErrorList.h"
#include "FuncRequest.h"
#include "factory.h"
#include "FontIterator.h"
#include "gettext.h"
#include "Language.h"
#include "LColor.h"
#include "LyXLength.h"
#include "LyXLex.h"
#include "LyXRC.h"
#include "Row.h"
#include "MetricsInfo.h"
#include "Paragraph.h"
#include "paragraph_funcs.h"
#include "ParagraphParameters.h"
#include "rowpainter.h"
#include "Undo.h"
#include "VSpace.h"
#include "WordLangTuple.h"
#include "frontends/FontMetrics.h"
#include "frontends/Painter.h"
#include "insets/InsetText.h"
#include "insets/InsetBibitem.h"
#include "insets/InsetCaption.h"
#include "insets/InsetHFill.h"
#include "insets/InsetLine.h"
#include "insets/InsetNewline.h"
#include "insets/InsetPagebreak.h"
#include "insets/InsetOptArg.h"
#include "insets/InsetSpace.h"
#include "insets/InsetSpecialChar.h"
#include "insets/InsetTabular.h"
#include "support/lstrings.h"
#include "support/textutils.h"
#include "support/convert.h"
#include <boost/current_function.hpp>
#include <sstream>
using std::auto_ptr;
using std::advance;
using std::distance;
using std::max;
using std::min;
using std::endl;
using std::string;
namespace lyx {
using support::bformat;
using support::contains;
using support::lowercase;
using support::split;
using support::uppercase;
using cap::cutSelection;
using cap::pasteParagraphList;
using frontend::FontMetrics;
namespace {
void readParToken(Buffer const & buf, Paragraph & par, LyXLex & lex,
string const & token, LyXFont & font, Change & change, ErrorList & errorList)
BufferParams const & bp = buf.params();
if (token[0] != '\\') {
#if 0
string::const_iterator cit = token.begin();
for (; cit != token.end(); ++cit)
par.insertChar(par.size(), (*cit), font, change);
docstring dstr = lex.getDocString();
docstring::const_iterator cit = dstr.begin();
docstring::const_iterator cend = dstr.end();
for (; cit != cend; ++cit)
par.insertChar(par.size(), *cit, font, change);
} else if (token == "\\begin_layout") {
string layoutname = lex.getString();
font = LyXFont(LyXFont::ALL_INHERIT, bp.language);
change = Change(Change::UNCHANGED);
LyXTextClass const & tclass = bp.getLyXTextClass();
if (layoutname.empty()) {
layoutname = tclass.defaultLayoutName();
bool hasLayout = tclass.hasLayout(layoutname);
if (!hasLayout) {
errorList.push_back(ErrorItem(_("Unknown layout"),
bformat(_("Layout '%1$s' does not exist in textclass '%2$s'\nTrying to use the default instead.\n"),
from_utf8(layoutname), from_utf8(,, 0, par.size()));
layoutname = tclass.defaultLayoutName();
// Test whether the layout is obsolete.
LyXLayout_ptr const & layout = par.layout();
if (!layout->obsoleted_by().empty())
} else if (token == "\\end_layout") {
<< ": Solitary \\end_layout in line "
<< lex.getLineNo() << "\n"
<< "Missing \\begin_layout?.\n";
} else if (token == "\\end_inset") {
<< ": Solitary \\end_inset in line "
<< lex.getLineNo() << "\n"
<< "Missing \\begin_inset?.\n";
} else if (token == "\\begin_inset") {
InsetBase * inset = readInset(lex, buf);
if (inset)
par.insertInset(par.size(), inset, font, change);
else {
docstring line = lex.getDocString();
errorList.push_back(ErrorItem(_("Unknown Inset"), line,, 0, par.size()));
} else if (token == "\\family") {;
} else if (token == "\\series") {;
} else if (token == "\\shape") {;
} else if (token == "\\size") {;
} else if (token == "\\lang") {;
string const tok = lex.getString();
Language const * lang = languages.getLanguage(tok);
if (lang) {
} else {
lex.printError("Unknown language `$$Token'");
} else if (token == "\\numeric") {;
} else if (token == "\\emph") {;
} else if (token == "\\bar") {;
string const tok = lex.getString();
if (tok == "under")
else if (tok == "no")
else if (tok == "default")
lex.printError("Unknown bar font flag "
} else if (token == "\\noun") {;
} else if (token == "\\color") {;
} else if (token == "\\InsetSpace" || token == "\\SpecialChar") {
// Insets don't make sense in a free-spacing context! ---Kayvan
if (par.isFreeSpacing()) {
if (token == "\\InsetSpace")
par.insertChar(par.size(), ' ', font, change);
else if (lex.isOK()) {;
string const next_token = lex.getString();
if (next_token == "\\-")
par.insertChar(par.size(), '-', font, change);
else {
lex.printError("Token `$$Token' "
"is in free space "
"paragraph layout!");
} else {
auto_ptr<InsetBase> inset;
if (token == "\\SpecialChar" )
inset.reset(new InsetSpecialChar);
inset.reset(new InsetSpace);
inset->read(buf, lex);
par.insertInset(par.size(), inset.release(),
font, change);
} else if (token == "\\backslash") {
par.insertChar(par.size(), '\\', font, change);
} else if (token == "\\newline") {
auto_ptr<InsetBase> inset(new InsetNewline);
inset->read(buf, lex);
par.insertInset(par.size(), inset.release(), font, change);
} else if (token == "\\LyXTable") {
auto_ptr<InsetBase> inset(new InsetTabular(buf));
inset->read(buf, lex);
par.insertInset(par.size(), inset.release(), font, change);
} else if (token == "\\hfill") {
par.insertInset(par.size(), new InsetHFill, font, change);
} else if (token == "\\lyxline") {
par.insertInset(par.size(), new InsetLine, font, change);
} else if (token == "\\newpage") {
par.insertInset(par.size(), new InsetPagebreak, font, change);
} else if (token == "\\clearpage") {
par.insertInset(par.size(), new InsetClearPage, font, change);
} else if (token == "\\cleardoublepage") {
par.insertInset(par.size(), new InsetClearDoublePage, font, change);
} else if (token == "\\change_unchanged") {
change = Change(Change::UNCHANGED);
} else if (token == "\\change_inserted") {
std::istringstream is(lex.getString());
unsigned int aid;
time_type ct;
is >> aid >> ct;
if (aid >= bp.author_map.size()) {
errorList.push_back(ErrorItem(_("Change tracking error"),
bformat(_("Unknown author index for insertion: %1$d\n"), aid),, 0, par.size()));
change = Change(Change::UNCHANGED);
} else
change = Change(Change::INSERTED, bp.author_map[aid], ct);
} else if (token == "\\change_deleted") {
std::istringstream is(lex.getString());
unsigned int aid;
time_type ct;
is >> aid >> ct;
if (aid >= bp.author_map.size()) {
errorList.push_back(ErrorItem(_("Change tracking error"),
bformat(_("Unknown author index for deletion: %1$d\n"), aid),, 0, par.size()));
change = Change(Change::UNCHANGED);
} else
change = Change(Change::DELETED, bp.author_map[aid], ct);
} else {
errorList.push_back(ErrorItem(_("Unknown token"),
bformat(_("Unknown token: %1$s %2$s\n"), from_utf8(token),
lex.getDocString()),, 0, par.size()));
void readParagraph(Buffer const & buf, Paragraph & par, LyXLex & lex,
ErrorList & errorList)
string token = lex.getString();
LyXFont font;
Change change(Change::UNCHANGED);
while (lex.isOK()) {
readParToken(buf, par, lex, token, font, change, errorList);
token = lex.getString();
if (token.empty())
if (token == "\\end_layout") {
//Ok, paragraph finished
LYXERR(Debug::PARSER) << "Handling paragraph token: `"
<< token << '\'' << endl;
if (token == "\\begin_layout" || token == "\\end_document"
|| token == "\\end_inset" || token == "\\begin_deeper"
|| token == "\\end_deeper") {
lyxerr << "Paragraph ended in line "
<< lex.getLineNo() << "\n"
<< "Missing \\end_layout.\n";
// Final change goes to paragraph break:
par.setChange(par.size(), change);
// Initialize begin_of_body_ on load; redoParagraph maintains
} // namespace anon
double LyXText::spacing(Buffer const & buffer,
Paragraph const & par) const
if (par.params().spacing().isDefault())
return buffer.params().spacing().getValue();
return par.params().spacing().getValue();
int LyXText::singleWidth(Buffer const & buffer, Paragraph const & par,
pos_type pos) const
return singleWidth(par, pos, par.getChar(pos),
getFont(buffer, par, pos));
int LyXText::singleWidth(Paragraph const & par,
pos_type pos, char_type c, LyXFont const & font) const
// The most common case is handled first (Asger)
if (isPrintable(c)) {
Language const * language = font.language();
if (language->rightToLeft()) {
if (language->lang() == "arabic") {
if (Encodings::isComposeChar_arabic(c))
return 0;
c = par.transformChar(c, pos);
} else if (language->lang() == "hebrew" &&
return 0;
return theFontMetrics(font).width(c);
if (c == Paragraph::META_INSET)
return par.getInset(pos)->width();
return theFontMetrics(font).width(c);
int LyXText::leftMargin(Buffer const & buffer, int max_width, pit_type pit) const
BOOST_ASSERT(pit >= 0);
BOOST_ASSERT(pit < int(pars_.size()));
return leftMargin(buffer, max_width, pit, pars_[pit].size());
int LyXText::leftMargin(Buffer const & buffer, int max_width,
pit_type const pit, pos_type const pos) const
BOOST_ASSERT(pit >= 0);
BOOST_ASSERT(pit < int(pars_.size()));
Paragraph const & par = pars_[pit];
BOOST_ASSERT(pos >= 0);
BOOST_ASSERT(pos <= par.size());
//lyxerr << "LyXText::leftMargin: pit: " << pit << " pos: " << pos << endl;
LyXTextClass const & tclass = buffer.params().getLyXTextClass();
LyXLayout_ptr const & layout = par.layout();
string parindent = layout->parindent;
int l_margin = 0;
if (isMainText(buffer))
l_margin += changebarMargin();
docstring leftm = from_utf8(tclass.leftmargin());
l_margin += theFontMetrics(buffer.params().getFont()).signedWidth(leftm);
if (par.getDepth() != 0) {
// find the next level paragraph
pit_type newpar = outerHook(pit, pars_);
if (newpar != pit_type(pars_.size())) {
if (pars_[newpar].layout()->isEnvironment()) {
l_margin = leftMargin(buffer, max_width, newpar);
if (par.layout() == tclass.defaultLayout()) {
if (pars_[newpar].params().noindent())
parindent = pars_[newpar].layout()->parindent;
// This happens after sections in standard classes. The 1.3.x
// code compared depths too, but it does not seem necessary
// (JMarc)
if (par.layout() == tclass.defaultLayout()
&& pit > 0 && pars_[pit - 1].layout()->nextnoindent)
LyXFont const labelfont = getLabelFont(buffer, par);
FontMetrics const & labelfont_metrics = theFontMetrics(labelfont);
switch (layout->margintype) {
if (!layout->leftmargin.empty()) {
docstring leftm = from_utf8(layout->leftmargin);
l_margin += theFontMetrics(buffer.params().getFont()).signedWidth(leftm);
if (!par.getLabelstring().empty()) {
docstring labin = from_utf8(layout->labelindent);
l_margin += labelfont_metrics.signedWidth(labin);
docstring labstr = par.getLabelstring();
l_margin += labelfont_metrics.width(labstr);
docstring labsep = from_utf8(layout->labelsep);
l_margin += labelfont_metrics.width(labsep);
docstring labin = from_utf8(layout->labelindent);
l_margin += labelfont_metrics.signedWidth(labin);
// The width of an empty par, even with manual label, should be 0
if (!par.empty() && pos >= par.beginOfBody()) {
if (!par.getLabelWidthString().empty()) {
docstring labstr = par.getLabelWidthString();
l_margin += labelfont_metrics.width(labstr);
docstring labsep = from_utf8(layout->labelsep);
l_margin += labelfont_metrics.width(labsep);
docstring leftm = from_utf8(layout->leftmargin);
l_margin += theFontMetrics(buffer.params().getFont()).signedWidth(leftm)
* 4 / (par.getDepth() + 4);
if (layout->labeltype == LABEL_MANUAL) {
if (pos >= par.beginOfBody()) {
l_margin += labelfont_metrics.signedWidth(
} else {
l_margin += labelfont_metrics.signedWidth(
} else if (pos != 0
// Special case to fix problems with
// theorems (JMarc)
|| (layout->labeltype == LABEL_STATIC
&& layout->latextype == LATEX_ENVIRONMENT
&& !isFirstInSequence(pit, pars_))) {
l_margin += labelfont_metrics.signedWidth(from_utf8(layout->leftmargin));
} else if (layout->labeltype != LABEL_TOP_ENVIRONMENT
&& layout->labeltype != LABEL_BIBLIO
&& layout->labeltype !=
l_margin += labelfont_metrics.signedWidth(from_utf8(layout->labelindent));
l_margin += labelfont_metrics.width(from_utf8(layout->labelsep));
l_margin += labelfont_metrics.width(par.getLabelstring());
#if 0
// ok, a terrible hack. The left margin depends on the widest
// row in this paragraph.
RowList::iterator rit = par.rows().begin();
RowList::iterator end = par.rows().end();
#warning This is wrong.
int minfill = max_width;
for ( ; rit != end; ++rit)
if (rit->fill() < minfill)
minfill = rit->fill();
l_margin += theFontMetrics(params.getFont()).signedWidth(layout->leftmargin);
l_margin += minfill;
// also wrong, but much shorter.
l_margin += max_width / 2;
if (!par.params().leftIndent().zero())
l_margin += par.params().leftIndent().inPixels(max_width);
LyXAlignment align;
if (par.params().align() == LYX_ALIGN_LAYOUT)
align = layout->align;
align = par.params().align();
// set the correct parindent
if (pos == 0
&& (layout->labeltype == LABEL_NO_LABEL
|| layout->labeltype == LABEL_TOP_ENVIRONMENT
|| layout->labeltype == LABEL_CENTERED_TOP_ENVIRONMENT
|| (layout->labeltype == LABEL_STATIC
&& layout->latextype == LATEX_ENVIRONMENT
&& !isFirstInSequence(pit, pars_)))
&& align == LYX_ALIGN_BLOCK
&& !par.params().noindent()
// in some insets, paragraphs are never indented
&& !(par.inInset() && par.inInset()->neverIndent(buffer))
// display style insets are always centered, omit indentation
&& !(!par.empty()
&& par.isInset(pos)
&& par.getInset(pos)->display())
&& (par.layout() != tclass.defaultLayout()
|| buffer.params().paragraph_separation ==
docstring din = from_utf8(parindent);
l_margin += theFontMetrics(buffer.params().getFont()).signedWidth(din);
return l_margin;
LColor_color LyXText::backgroundColor() const
return LColor_color(LColor::color(background_color_));
void LyXText::breakParagraph(LCursor & cur, bool keep_layout)
BOOST_ASSERT(this == cur.text());
Paragraph & cpar = cur.paragraph();
pit_type cpit = cur.pit();
LyXTextClass const & tclass = cur.buffer().params().getLyXTextClass();
LyXLayout_ptr const & layout = cpar.layout();
// this is only allowed, if the current paragraph is not empty
// or caption and if it has not the keepempty flag active
if (cur.lastpos() == 0 && !cpar.allowEmpty() &&
layout->labeltype != LABEL_SENSITIVE)
// a layout change may affect also the following paragraph
recUndo(cur, cur.pit(), undoSpan(cur.pit()) - 1);
// Always break behind a space
// It is better to erase the space (Dekel)
if (cur.pos() != cur.lastpos() && cpar.isLineSeparator(cur.pos()))
cpar.eraseChar(cur.pos(), cur.buffer().params().trackChanges);
// What should the layout for the new paragraph be?
int preserve_layout = 0;
if (keep_layout)
preserve_layout = 2;
preserve_layout = layout->isEnvironment();
// We need to remember this before we break the paragraph, because
// that invalidates the layout variable
bool sensitive = layout->labeltype == LABEL_SENSITIVE;
// we need to set this before we insert the paragraph.
bool const isempty = cpar.allowEmpty() && cpar.empty();
lyx::breakParagraph(cur.buffer().params(), paragraphs(), cpit,
cur.pos(), preserve_layout);
// After this, neither paragraph contains any rows!
cpit = cur.pit();
pit_type next_par = cpit + 1;
// well this is the caption hack since one caption is really enough
if (sensitive) {
if (cur.pos() == 0)
// set to standard-layout
// set to standard-layout
while (!pars_[next_par].empty() && pars_[next_par].isNewline(0)) {
if (!pars_[next_par].eraseChar(0, cur.buffer().params().trackChanges))
break; // the character couldn't be deleted physically due to change tracking
ParIterator current_it(cur);
ParIterator last_it(cur);
updateLabels(cur.buffer(), current_it, last_it);
// A singlePar update is not enough in this case.
// This check is necessary. Otherwise the new empty paragraph will
// be deleted automatically. And it is more friendly for the user!
if (cur.pos() != 0 || isempty)
setCursor(cur, cur.pit() + 1, 0);
setCursor(cur, cur.pit(), 0);
// insert a character, moves all the following breaks in the
// same Paragraph one to the right and make a rebreak
void LyXText::insertChar(LCursor & cur, char_type c)
BOOST_ASSERT(this == cur.text());
recordUndo(cur, Undo::INSERT);
Buffer const & buffer = cur.buffer();
Paragraph & par = cur.paragraph();
// try to remove this
pit_type const pit = cur.pit();
bool const freeSpacing = par.layout()->free_spacing ||
if (lyxrc.auto_number) {
static docstring const number_operators = from_ascii("+-/*");
static docstring const number_unary_operators = from_ascii("+-");
static docstring const number_seperators = from_ascii(".,:");
if (current_font.number() == LyXFont::ON) {
if (!isDigit(c) && !contains(number_operators, c) &&
!(contains(number_seperators, c) &&
cur.pos() != 0 &&
cur.pos() != cur.lastpos() &&
getFont(buffer, par, cur.pos()).number() == LyXFont::ON &&
getFont(buffer, par, cur.pos() - 1).number() == LyXFont::ON)
number(cur); // Set current_font.number to OFF
} else if (isDigit(c) &&
real_current_font.isVisibleRightToLeft()) {
number(cur); // Set current_font.number to ON
if (cur.pos() != 0) {
char_type const c = par.getChar(cur.pos() - 1);
if (contains(number_unary_operators, c) &&
(cur.pos() == 1
|| par.isSeparator(cur.pos() - 2)
|| par.isNewline(cur.pos() - 2))
) {
setCharFont(buffer, pit, cur.pos() - 1, current_font);
} else if (contains(number_seperators, c)
&& cur.pos() >= 2
&& getFont(buffer, par, cur.pos() - 2).number() == LyXFont::ON) {
setCharFont(buffer, pit, cur.pos() - 1, current_font);
// First check, if there will be two blanks together or a blank at
// the beginning of a paragraph.
// I decided to handle blanks like normal characters, the main
// difference are the special checks when calculating the row.fill
// (blank does not count at the end of a row) and the check here
// When the free-spacing option is set for the current layout,
// disable the double-space checking
if (!freeSpacing && isLineSeparatorChar(c)) {
if (cur.pos() == 0) {
static bool sent_space_message = false;
if (!sent_space_message) {
cur.message(_("You cannot insert a space at the "
"beginning of a paragraph. Please read the Tutorial."));
sent_space_message = true;
BOOST_ASSERT(cur.pos() > 0);
if ((par.isLineSeparator(cur.pos() - 1) || par.isNewline(cur.pos() - 1))
&& !par.isDeleted(cur.pos() - 1)) {
static bool sent_space_message = false;
if (!sent_space_message) {
cur.message(_("You cannot type two spaces this way. "
"Please read the Tutorial."));
sent_space_message = true;
par.insertChar(cur.pos(), c, current_font, cur.buffer().params().trackChanges);
checkBufferStructure(cur.buffer(), cur);
// cur.updateFlags(Update::Force);
setCursor(, cur.pit(), cur.pos() + 1);
void LyXText::charInserted()
// Here we call finishUndo for every 20 characters inserted.
// This is from my experience how emacs does it. (Lgb)
static unsigned int counter;
if (counter < 20) {
} else {
counter = 0;
// the cursor set functions have a special mechanism. When they
// realize, that you left an empty paragraph, they will delete it.
bool LyXText::cursorRightOneWord(LCursor & cur)
BOOST_ASSERT(this == cur.text());
LCursor old = cur;
if (old.pos() == old.lastpos() && old.pit() != old.lastpit()) {
old.pos() = 0;
} else {
// Advance through word.
while (old.pos() != old.lastpos() && old.paragraph().isLetter(old.pos()))
// Skip through trailing nonword stuff.
while (old.pos() != old.lastpos() && !old.paragraph().isLetter(old.pos()))
return setCursor(cur, old.pit(), old.pos());
bool LyXText::cursorLeftOneWord(LCursor & cur)
BOOST_ASSERT(this == cur.text());
LCursor old = cur;
if (old.pos() == 0 && old.pit() != 0) {
old.pos() = old.lastpos();
} else {
// Skip through initial nonword stuff.
while (old.pos() != 0 && !old.paragraph().isLetter(old.pos() - 1))
// Advance through word.
while (old.pos() != 0 && old.paragraph().isLetter(old.pos() - 1))
return setCursor(cur, old.pit(), old.pos());
void LyXText::selectWord(LCursor & cur, word_location loc)
BOOST_ASSERT(this == cur.text());
CursorSlice from =;
CursorSlice to =;
getWord(from, to, loc);
if ( != from)
setCursor(cur, from.pit(), from.pos());
if (to == from)
setCursor(cur, to.pit(), to.pos());
// Select the word currently under the cursor when no
// selection is currently set
bool LyXText::selectWordWhenUnderCursor(LCursor & cur, word_location loc)
BOOST_ASSERT(this == cur.text());
if (cur.selection())
return false;
selectWord(cur, loc);
return cur.selection();
void LyXText::acceptOrRejectChanges(LCursor & cur, ChangeOp op)
BOOST_ASSERT(this == cur.text());
if (!cur.selection())
recordUndoSelection(cur, Undo::ATOMIC);
pit_type begPit = cur.selectionBegin().pit();
pit_type endPit = cur.selectionEnd().pit();
pos_type begPos = cur.selectionBegin().pos();
pos_type endPos = cur.selectionEnd().pos();
// keep selection info, because endPos becomes invalid after the first loop
bool endsBeforeEndOfPar = (endPos < pars_[endPit].size());
// first, accept/reject changes within each individual paragraph (do not consider end-of-par)
for (pit_type pit = begPit; pit <= endPit; ++pit) {
pos_type parSize = pars_[pit].size();
// ignore empty paragraphs; otherwise, an assertion will fail for
// acceptChanges(bparams, 0, 0) or rejectChanges(bparams, 0, 0)
if (parSize == 0)
// do not consider first paragraph if the cursor starts at pos size()
if (pit == begPit && begPos == parSize)
// do not consider last paragraph if the cursor ends at pos 0
if (pit == endPit && endPos == 0)
break; // last iteration anyway
pos_type left = (pit == begPit ? begPos : 0);
pos_type right = (pit == endPit ? endPos : parSize);
if (op == ACCEPT) {
pars_[pit].acceptChanges(cur.buffer().params(), left, right);
} else {
pars_[pit].rejectChanges(cur.buffer().params(), left, right);
// next, accept/reject imaginary end-of-par characters
for (pit_type pit = begPit; pit <= endPit; ++pit) {
pos_type pos = pars_[pit].size();
// skip if the selection ends before the end-of-par
if (pit == endPit && endsBeforeEndOfPar)
break; // last iteration anyway
// skip if this is not the last paragraph of the document
// note: the user should be able to accept/reject the par break of the last par!
if (pit == endPit && pit != pars_.size() - 1)
break; // last iteration anway
if (op == ACCEPT) {
if (pars_[pit].isInserted(pos)) {
pars_[pit].setChange(pos, Change(Change::UNCHANGED));
} else if (pars_[pit].isDeleted(pos)) {
if (pit == pars_.size() - 1) {
// we cannot remove a par break at the end of the last paragraph;
// instead, we mark it unchanged
pars_[pit].setChange(pos, Change(Change::UNCHANGED));
} else {
mergeParagraph(cur.buffer().params(), pars_, pit);
} else {
if (pars_[pit].isDeleted(pos)) {
pars_[pit].setChange(pos, Change(Change::UNCHANGED));
} else if (pars_[pit].isInserted(pos)) {
if (pit == pars_.size() - 1) {
// we mark the par break at the end of the last paragraph unchanged
pars_[pit].setChange(pos, Change(Change::UNCHANGED));
} else {
mergeParagraph(cur.buffer().params(), pars_, pit);
// finally, invoke the DEPM
deleteEmptyParagraphMechanism(begPit, endPit, cur.buffer().params().trackChanges);
setCursorIntern(cur, begPit, begPos);
void LyXText::acceptChanges(BufferParams const & bparams)
pit_type pars_size = static_cast<pit_type>(pars_.size());
// first, accept changes within each individual paragraph
// (do not consider end-of-par)
for (pit_type pit = 0; pit < pars_size; ++pit) {
if (!pars_[pit].empty()) // prevent assertion failure
pars_[pit].acceptChanges(bparams, 0, pars_[pit].size());
// next, accept imaginary end-of-par characters
for (pit_type pit = 0; pit < pars_size; ++pit) {
pos_type pos = pars_[pit].size();
if (pars_[pit].isInserted(pos)) {
pars_[pit].setChange(pos, Change(Change::UNCHANGED));
} else if (pars_[pit].isDeleted(pos)) {
if (pit == pars_size - 1) {
// we cannot remove a par break at the end of the last
// paragraph; instead, we mark it unchanged
pars_[pit].setChange(pos, Change(Change::UNCHANGED));
} else {
mergeParagraph(bparams, pars_, pit);
// finally, invoke the DEPM
deleteEmptyParagraphMechanism(0, pars_size - 1, bparams.trackChanges);
void LyXText::rejectChanges(BufferParams const & bparams)
pit_type pars_size = static_cast<pit_type>(pars_.size());
// first, reject changes within each individual paragraph
// (do not consider end-of-par)
for (pit_type pit = 0; pit < pars_size; ++pit) {
if (!pars_[pit].empty()) // prevent assertion failure
pars_[pit].rejectChanges(bparams, 0, pars_[pit].size());
// next, reject imaginary end-of-par characters
for (pit_type pit = 0; pit < pars_size; ++pit) {
pos_type pos = pars_[pit].size();
if (pars_[pit].isDeleted(pos)) {
pars_[pit].setChange(pos, Change(Change::UNCHANGED));
} else if (pars_[pit].isInserted(pos)) {
if (pit == pars_size - 1) {
// we mark the par break at the end of the last
// paragraph unchanged
pars_[pit].setChange(pos, Change(Change::UNCHANGED));
} else {
mergeParagraph(bparams, pars_, pit);
// finally, invoke the DEPM
deleteEmptyParagraphMechanism(0, pars_size - 1, bparams.trackChanges);
// Delete from cursor up to the end of the current or next word.
void LyXText::deleteWordForward(LCursor & cur)
BOOST_ASSERT(this == cur.text());
if (cur.lastpos() == 0)
else {
cur.selection() = true;
cutSelection(cur, true, false);
checkBufferStructure(cur.buffer(), cur);
// Delete from cursor to start of current or prior word.
void LyXText::deleteWordBackward(LCursor & cur)
BOOST_ASSERT(this == cur.text());
if (cur.lastpos() == 0)
else {
cur.selection() = true;
cutSelection(cur, true, false);
checkBufferStructure(cur.buffer(), cur);
// Kill to end of line.
void LyXText::deleteLineForward(LCursor & cur)
BOOST_ASSERT(this == cur.text());
if (cur.lastpos() == 0) {
// Paragraph is empty, so we just go to the right
} else {
cur.selection() = true; // to avoid deletion
// What is this test for ??? (JMarc)
if (!cur.selection())
cutSelection(cur, true, false);
checkBufferStructure(cur.buffer(), cur);
void LyXText::changeCase(LCursor & cur, LyXText::TextCase action)
BOOST_ASSERT(this == cur.text());
CursorSlice from;
CursorSlice to;
if (cur.selection()) {
from = cur.selBegin();
to = cur.selEnd();
} else {
from =;
getWord(from, to, PARTIAL_WORD);
recordUndoSelection(cur, Undo::ATOMIC);
pit_type begPit = from.pit();
pit_type endPit = to.pit();
pos_type begPos = from.pos();
pos_type endPos = to.pos();
bool const trackChanges = cur.buffer().params().trackChanges;
pos_type right = 0; // needed after the for loop
for (pit_type pit = begPit; pit <= endPit; ++pit) {
pos_type parSize = pars_[pit].size();
pos_type pos = (pit == begPit ? begPos : 0);
right = (pit == endPit ? endPos : parSize);
// process sequences of modified characters; in change
// tracking mode, this approach results in much better
// usability than changing case on a char-by-char basis
docstring changes;
bool capitalize = true;
for (; pos < right; ++pos) {
char_type oldChar = pars_[pit].getChar(pos);
char_type newChar = oldChar;
// ignore insets and don't play with deleted text!
if (oldChar != Paragraph::META_INSET && !pars_[pit].isDeleted(pos)) {
switch (action) {
case text_lowercase:
newChar = lowercase(oldChar);
case text_capitalization:
if (capitalize) {
newChar = uppercase(oldChar);
capitalize = false;
case text_uppercase:
newChar = uppercase(oldChar);
if (!pars_[pit].isLetter(pos) || pars_[pit].isDeleted(pos)) {
capitalize = true; // permit capitalization again
if (oldChar != newChar) {
changes += newChar;
if (oldChar == newChar || pos == right - 1) {
if (oldChar != newChar) {
pos++; // step behind the changing area
int erasePos = pos - changes.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < changes.size(); i++) {
pars_[pit].insertChar(pos, changes[i],
if (!pars_[pit].eraseChar(erasePos, trackChanges)) {
++pos; // advance
++right; // expand selection
// the selection may have changed due to logically-only deleted chars
setCursor(cur, begPit, begPos);
setCursor(cur, endPit, right);
checkBufferStructure(cur.buffer(), cur);
bool LyXText::erase(LCursor & cur)
BOOST_ASSERT(this == cur.text());
bool needsUpdate = false;
Paragraph & par = cur.paragraph();
if (cur.pos() != cur.lastpos()) {
// this is the code for a normal delete, not pasting
// any paragraphs
recordUndo(cur, Undo::DELETE);
if(!par.eraseChar(cur.pos(), cur.buffer().params().trackChanges)) {
// the character has been logically deleted only => skip it
checkBufferStructure(cur.buffer(), cur);
needsUpdate = true;
} else {
if (cur.pit() == cur.lastpit())
return dissolveInset(cur);
if (!par.isMergedOnEndOfParDeletion(cur.buffer().params().trackChanges)) {
par.setChange(cur.pos(), Change(Change::DELETED));
needsUpdate = true;
} else {
setCursorIntern(cur, cur.pit() + 1, 0);
needsUpdate = backspacePos0(cur);
if (needsUpdate) {
// Make sure the cursor is correct. Is this really needed?
// No, not really... at least not here!
cur.text()->setCursor(, cur.pit(), cur.pos());
checkBufferStructure(cur.buffer(), cur);
return needsUpdate;
bool LyXText::backspacePos0(LCursor & cur)
BOOST_ASSERT(this == cur.text());
if (cur.pit() == 0)
return false;
bool needsUpdate = false;
BufferParams const & bufparams = cur.buffer().params();
LyXTextClass const & tclass = bufparams.getLyXTextClass();
ParagraphList & plist = cur.text()->paragraphs();
Paragraph const & par = cur.paragraph();
LCursor prevcur = cur;
prevcur.pos() = prevcur.lastpos();
Paragraph const & prevpar = prevcur.paragraph();
// is it an empty paragraph?
if (cur.lastpos() == 0
|| (cur.lastpos() == 1 && par.isSeparator(0))) {
recordUndo(cur, Undo::ATOMIC, prevcur.pit(), cur.pit());
plist.erase(boost::next(plist.begin(), cur.pit()));
needsUpdate = true;
// is previous par empty?
else if (prevcur.lastpos() == 0
|| (prevcur.lastpos() == 1 && prevpar.isSeparator(0))) {
recordUndo(cur, Undo::ATOMIC, prevcur.pit(), cur.pit());
plist.erase(boost::next(plist.begin(), prevcur.pit()));
needsUpdate = true;
// Pasting is not allowed, if the paragraphs have different
// layouts. I think it is a real bug of all other
// word processors to allow it. It confuses the user.
// Correction: Pasting is always allowed with standard-layout
else if (par.layout() == prevpar.layout()
|| par.layout() == tclass.defaultLayout()) {
recordUndo(cur, Undo::ATOMIC, prevcur.pit());
mergeParagraph(bufparams, plist, prevcur.pit());
needsUpdate = true;
if (needsUpdate) {
setCursorIntern(cur, prevcur.pit(), prevcur.pos());
return needsUpdate;
bool LyXText::backspace(LCursor & cur)
BOOST_ASSERT(this == cur.text());
bool needsUpdate = false;
if (cur.pos() == 0) {
if (cur.pit() == 0)
return dissolveInset(cur);
Paragraph & prev_par = pars_[cur.pit() - 1];
if (!prev_par.isMergedOnEndOfParDeletion(cur.buffer().params().trackChanges)) {
prev_par.setChange(prev_par.size(), Change(Change::DELETED));
setCursorIntern(cur, cur.pit() - 1, prev_par.size());
return true;
// The cursor is at the beginning of a paragraph, so
// the backspace will collapse two paragraphs into one.
needsUpdate = backspacePos0(cur);
} else {
// this is the code for a normal backspace, not pasting
// any paragraphs
recordUndo(cur, Undo::DELETE);
// We used to do cursorLeftIntern() here, but it is
// not a good idea since it triggers the auto-delete
// mechanism. So we do a cursorLeftIntern()-lite,
// without the dreaded mechanism. (JMarc)
setCursorIntern(cur, cur.pit(), cur.pos() - 1,
false, cur.boundary());
cur.paragraph().eraseChar(cur.pos(), cur.buffer().params().trackChanges);
checkBufferStructure(cur.buffer(), cur);
if (cur.pos() == cur.lastpos())
// A singlePar update is not enough in this case.
// cur.updateFlags(Update::Force);
setCursor(, cur.pit(), cur.pos());
return needsUpdate;
bool LyXText::dissolveInset(LCursor & cur) {
BOOST_ASSERT(this == cur.text());
if (isMainText(* || cur.inset().nargs() != 1)
return false;
// save position
pos_type spos = cur.pos();
pit_type spit = cur.pit();
ParagraphList plist;
if (cur.lastpit() != 0 || cur.lastpos() != 0)
plist = paragraphs();
// store cursor offset
if (spit == 0)
spos += cur.pos();
spit += cur.pit();
Buffer & b = cur.buffer();
cur.paragraph().eraseChar(cur.pos(), b.params().trackChanges);
if (!plist.empty()) {
// ERT paragraphs have the Language latex_language.
// This is invalid outside of ERT, so we need to
// change it to the buffer language.
ParagraphList::iterator it = plist.begin();
ParagraphList::iterator it_end = plist.end();
for (; it != it_end; it++) {
it->changeLanguage(b.params(), latex_language,
pasteParagraphList(cur, plist, b.params().textclass,
// restore position
cur.pit() = std::min(cur.lastpit(), spit);
cur.pos() = std::min(cur.lastpos(), spos);
return true;
// only used for inset right now. should also be used for main text
void LyXText::draw(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const
paintTextInset(*this, pi, x, y);
// only used for inset right now. should also be used for main text
void LyXText::drawSelection(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int) const
LCursor & cur =>cursor();
if (!cur.selection())
if (!ptr_cmp(cur.text(), this))
<< "draw selection at " << x
<< endl;
DocIterator beg = cur.selectionBegin();
DocIterator end = cur.selectionEnd();
BufferView & bv = *;
Buffer const & buffer = *bv.buffer();
// the selection doesn't touch the visible screen
if (bv_funcs::status(&bv, beg) == bv_funcs::CUR_BELOW
|| bv_funcs::status(&bv, end) == bv_funcs::CUR_ABOVE)
Paragraph const & par1 = pars_[beg.pit()];
Paragraph const & par2 = pars_[end.pit()];
TextMetrics const & tm = bv.textMetrics(this);
ParagraphMetrics const & pm1 = tm.parMetrics(beg.pit());
ParagraphMetrics const & pm2 = tm.parMetrics(end.pit());
bool const above = (bv_funcs::status(&bv, beg)
== bv_funcs::CUR_ABOVE);
bool const below = (bv_funcs::status(&bv, end)
== bv_funcs::CUR_BELOW);
int y1,y2,x1,x2;
if (above) {
y1 = 0;
y2 = 0;
x1 = 0;
x2 = tm.width();
} else {
Row const & row1 = pm1.getRow(beg.pos(), beg.boundary());
y1 = bv_funcs::getPos(bv, beg, beg.boundary()).y_ - row1.ascent();
y2 = y1 + row1.height();
int const startx = cursorX(bv,, beg.boundary());
if (!isRTL(buffer, par1)) {
x1 = startx;
x2 = 0 + tm.width();
else {
x1 = 0;
x2 = startx;
int Y1,Y2,X1,X2;
if (below) {
Y1 = bv.workHeight();
Y2 = bv.workHeight();
X1 = 0;
X2 = tm.width();
} else {
Row const & row2 = pm2.getRow(end.pos(), end.boundary());
Y1 = bv_funcs::getPos(bv, end, end.boundary()).y_ - row2.ascent();
Y2 = Y1 + row2.height();
int const endx = cursorX(bv,, end.boundary());
if (!isRTL(buffer, par2)) {
X1 = 0;
X2 = endx;
else {
X1 = endx;
X2 = 0 + tm.width();
if (!above && !below && &pm1.getRow(beg.pos(), beg.boundary())
== &pm2.getRow(end.pos(), end.boundary()))
// paint only one rectangle
int const b( !isRTL(*bv.buffer(), par1) ? x + x1 : x + X1 );
int const w( !isRTL(*bv.buffer(), par1) ? X2 - x1 : x2 - X1 );
pi.pain.fillRectangle(b, y1, w, y2 - y1, LColor::selection);
LYXERR(Debug::DEBUG) << " y1: " << y1 << " y2: " << y2
<< "X1:" << X1 << " x2: " << X2 << " wid: " << tm.width()
<< endl;
// paint upper rectangle
pi.pain.fillRectangle(x + x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1,
// paint bottom rectangle
pi.pain.fillRectangle(x + X1, Y1, X2 - X1, Y2 - Y1,
// paint center rectangle
pi.pain.fillRectangle(x, y2, tm.width(),
Y1 - y2, LColor::selection);
bool LyXText::isLastRow(pit_type pit, Row const & row) const
return row.endpos() >= pars_[pit].size()
&& pit + 1 == pit_type(paragraphs().size());
bool LyXText::isFirstRow(pit_type pit, Row const & row) const
return row.pos() == 0 && pit == 0;
void LyXText::getWord(CursorSlice & from, CursorSlice & to,
word_location const loc)
Paragraph const & from_par = pars_[from.pit()];
switch (loc) {
if (from.pos() == 0 || from.pos() == from_par.size()
|| !from_par.isLetter(from.pos())
|| !from_par.isLetter(from.pos() - 1)) {
to = from;
// no break here, we go to the next
// If we are already at the beginning of a word, do nothing
if (!from.pos() || !from_par.isLetter(from.pos() - 1))
// no break here, we go to the next
// always move the cursor to the beginning of previous word
while (from.pos() && from_par.isLetter(from.pos() - 1))
lyxerr << "LyXText::getWord: NEXT_WORD not implemented yet"
<< endl;
// no need to move the 'from' cursor
to = from;
Paragraph & to_par = pars_[to.pit()];
while (to.pos() < to_par.size() && to_par.isLetter(to.pos()))
void LyXText::write(Buffer const & buf, std::ostream & os) const
ParagraphList::const_iterator pit = paragraphs().begin();
ParagraphList::const_iterator end = paragraphs().end();
depth_type dth = 0;
for (; pit != end; ++pit)
pit->write(buf, os, buf.params(), dth);
bool LyXText::read(Buffer const & buf, LyXLex & lex, ErrorList & errorList)
depth_type depth = 0;
while (lex.isOK()) {
string const token = lex.getString();
if (token.empty())
if (token == "\\end_inset")
if (token == "\\end_body")
if (token == "\\begin_body")
if (token == "\\end_document")
return false;
if (token == "\\begin_layout") {
Paragraph par;
par.setFont(0, LyXFont(LyXFont::ALL_INHERIT, buf.params().language));
// FIXME: goddamn InsetTabular makes us pass a Buffer
// not BufferParams
lyx::readParagraph(buf, pars_.back(), lex, errorList);
} else if (token == "\\begin_deeper") {
} else if (token == "\\end_deeper") {
if (!depth) {
lex.printError("\\end_deeper: " "depth is already null");
} else {
} else {
lyxerr << "Handling unknown body token: `"
<< token << '\'' << endl;
return true;
int LyXText::cursorX(BufferView const & bv, CursorSlice const & sl,
bool boundary) const
TextMetrics const & tm = bv.textMetrics(sl.text());
pit_type const pit = sl.pit();
Paragraph const & par = pars_[pit];
ParagraphMetrics const & pm = tm.parMetrics(pit);
if (pm.rows().empty())
return 0;
pos_type ppos = sl.pos();
// Correct position in front of big insets
bool const boundary_correction = ppos != 0 && boundary;
if (boundary_correction)
Row const & row = pm.getRow(sl.pos(), boundary);
pos_type cursor_vpos = 0;
Buffer const & buffer = *bv.buffer();
RowMetrics const m = tm.computeRowMetrics(pit, row);
double x = m.x;
pos_type const row_pos = row.pos();
pos_type const end = row.endpos();
if (end <= row_pos)
cursor_vpos = row_pos;
else if (ppos >= end)
cursor_vpos = isRTL(buffer, par) ? row_pos : end;
else if (ppos > row_pos && ppos >= end)
// Place cursor after char at (logical) position pos - 1
cursor_vpos = (bidi.level(ppos - 1) % 2 == 0)
? bidi.log2vis(ppos - 1) + 1 : bidi.log2vis(ppos - 1);
// Place cursor before char at (logical) position ppos
cursor_vpos = (bidi.level(ppos) % 2 == 0)
? bidi.log2vis(ppos) : bidi.log2vis(ppos) + 1;
pos_type body_pos = par.beginOfBody();
if (body_pos > 0 &&
(body_pos > end || !par.isLineSeparator(body_pos - 1)))
body_pos = 0;
// Use font span to speed things up, see below
FontSpan font_span;
LyXFont font;
FontMetrics const & labelfm = theFontMetrics(
getLabelFont(buffer, par));
for (pos_type vpos = row_pos; vpos < cursor_vpos; ++vpos) {
pos_type pos = bidi.vis2log(vpos);
if (body_pos > 0 && pos == body_pos - 1) {
docstring const lsep = from_utf8(par.layout()->labelsep);
x += m.label_hfill + labelfm.width(lsep);
if (par.isLineSeparator(body_pos - 1))
x -= singleWidth(buffer, par, body_pos - 1);
// Use font span to speed things up, see above
if (pos < font_span.first || pos > font_span.last) {
font_span = par.fontSpan(pos);
font = getFont(buffer, par, pos);
x += singleWidth(par, pos, par.getChar(pos), font);
if (par.hfillExpansion(row, pos))
x += (pos >= body_pos) ? m.hfill : m.label_hfill;
else if (par.isSeparator(pos) && pos >= body_pos)
x += m.separator;
// see correction above
if (boundary_correction)
if (getFont(buffer, par, ppos).isVisibleRightToLeft())
x -= singleWidth(buffer, par, ppos);
x += singleWidth(buffer, par, ppos);
// Make sure inside an inset we always count from the left
// edge (bidi!) -- MV
if (sl.pos() < par.size()) {
font = getFont(buffer, par, sl.pos());
if (!boundary && font.isVisibleRightToLeft()
&& par.isInset(sl.pos()))
x -= par.getInset(sl.pos())->width();
return int(x);
int LyXText::cursorY(BufferView const & bv, CursorSlice const & sl, bool boundary) const
//lyxerr << "LyXText::cursorY: boundary: " << boundary << std::endl;
ParagraphMetrics const & pm = bv.parMetrics(this, sl.pit());
if (pm.rows().empty())
return 0;
int h = 0;
h -= bv.parMetrics(this, 0).rows()[0].ascent();
for (pit_type pit = 0; pit < sl.pit(); ++pit) {
h += bv.parMetrics(this, pit).height();
int pos = sl.pos();
if (pos && boundary)
size_t const rend = pm.pos2row(pos);
for (size_t rit = 0; rit != rend; ++rit)
h += pm.rows()[rit].height();
h += pm.rows()[rend].ascent();
return h;
// Returns the current font and depth as a message.
docstring LyXText::currentState(LCursor & cur)
BOOST_ASSERT(this == cur.text());
Buffer & buf = cur.buffer();
Paragraph const & par = cur.paragraph();
odocstringstream os;
if (buf.params().trackChanges)
os << _("[Change Tracking] ");
Change change = par.lookupChange(cur.pos());
if (change.type != Change::UNCHANGED) {
Author const & a = buf.params().authors().get(;
os << _("Change: ") <<;
if (!
os << " (" << << ")";
// FIXME ctime is english, we should translate that
os << _(" at ") << ctime(&change.changetime);
os << " : ";
// I think we should only show changes from the default
// font. (Asger)
// No, from the document font (MV)
LyXFont font = real_current_font;
os << bformat(_("Font: %1$s"), font.stateText(&buf.params()));
// The paragraph depth
int depth = cur.paragraph().getDepth();
if (depth > 0)
os << bformat(_(", Depth: %1$d"), depth);
// The paragraph spacing, but only if different from
// buffer spacing.
Spacing const & spacing = par.params().spacing();
if (!spacing.isDefault()) {
os << _(", Spacing: ");
switch (spacing.getSpace()) {
case Spacing::Single:
os << _("Single");
case Spacing::Onehalf:
os << _("OneHalf");
case Spacing::Double:
os << _("Double");
case Spacing::Other:
os << _("Other (") << from_ascii(spacing.getValueAsString()) << ')';
case Spacing::Default:
// should never happen, do nothing
os << _(", Inset: ") << &cur.inset();
os << _(", Paragraph: ") << cur.pit();
os << _(", Id: ") <<;
os << _(", Position: ") << cur.pos();
// FIXME: Why is the check for par.size() needed?
// We are called with cur.pos() == par.size() quite often.
if (!par.empty() && cur.pos() < par.size()) {
// Force output of code point, not character
size_t const c = par.getChar(cur.pos());
os << _(", Char: 0x") << std::hex << c;
os << _(", Boundary: ") << cur.boundary();
// Row & row = cur.textRow();
// os << bformat(_(", Row b:%1$d e:%2$d"), row.pos(), row.endpos());
return os.str();
docstring LyXText::getPossibleLabel(LCursor & cur) const
pit_type pit = cur.pit();
LyXLayout_ptr layout = pars_[pit].layout();
docstring text;
docstring par_text = pars_[pit].asString(cur.buffer(), false);
for (int i = 0; i < lyxrc.label_init_length; ++i) {
if (par_text.empty())
docstring head;
par_text = split(par_text, head, ' ');
// Is it legal to use spaces in labels ?
if (i > 0)
text += '-';
text += head;
// No need for a prefix if the user said so.
if (lyxrc.label_init_length <= 0)
return text;
// Will contain the label type.
docstring name;
// For section, subsection, etc...
if (layout->latextype == LATEX_PARAGRAPH && pit != 0) {
LyXLayout_ptr const & layout2 = pars_[pit - 1].layout();
if (layout2->latextype != LATEX_PARAGRAPH) {
layout = layout2;
if (layout->latextype != LATEX_PARAGRAPH)
name = from_ascii(layout->latexname());
// for captions, we just take the caption type
InsetBase * caption_inset = cur.innerInsetOfType(InsetBase::CAPTION_CODE);
if (caption_inset)
name = from_ascii(static_cast<InsetCaption *>(caption_inset)->type());
// Inside floats or wraps, if none of the above worked
// we want by default the abbreviation of the float type.
if (name.empty()) {
InsetBase * float_inset = cur.innerInsetOfType(InsetBase::FLOAT_CODE);
if (!float_inset)
float_inset = cur.innerInsetOfType(InsetBase::WRAP_CODE);
if (float_inset)
name = float_inset->getInsetName();
// Create a correct prefix for prettyref
if (name == "theorem")
name = from_ascii("thm");
if (!name.empty())
text = name.substr(0, 3) + ':' + text;
return text;
void LyXText::setCursorFromCoordinates(LCursor & cur, int const x, int const y)
BOOST_ASSERT(this == cur.text());
pit_type pit = getPitNearY(, y);
TextMetrics const & tm =;
ParagraphMetrics const & pm = tm.parMetrics(pit);
int yy =, pit).y_ - pm.ascent();
<< ": x: " << x
<< " y: " << y
<< " pit: " << pit
<< " yy: " << yy << endl;
int r = 0;
for (; r < int(pm.rows().size()) - 1; ++r) {
Row const & row = pm.rows()[r];
if (int(yy + row.height()) > y)
yy += row.height();
Row const & row = pm.rows()[r];
<< ": row " << r
<< " from pos: " << row.pos()
<< endl;
bool bound = false;
int xx = x;
pos_type const pos = row.pos()
+ tm.getColumnNearX(pit, row, xx, bound);
<< ": setting cursor pit: " << pit
<< " pos: " << pos
<< endl;
setCursor(cur, pit, pos, true, bound);
// remember new position.
void LyXText::charsTranspose(LCursor & cur)
BOOST_ASSERT(this == cur.text());
pos_type pos = cur.pos();
// If cursor is at beginning or end of paragraph, do nothing.
if (pos == cur.lastpos() || pos == 0)
Paragraph & par = cur.paragraph();
// Get the positions of the characters to be transposed.
pos_type pos1 = pos - 1;
pos_type pos2 = pos;
// In change tracking mode, ignore deleted characters.
while (pos2 < cur.lastpos() && par.isDeleted(pos2))
if (pos2 == cur.lastpos())
while (pos1 >= 0 && par.isDeleted(pos1))
if (pos1 < 0)
// Don't do anything if one of the "characters" is not regular text.
if (par.isInset(pos1) || par.isInset(pos2))
// Store the characters to be transposed (including font information).
char_type char1 = par.getChar(pos1);
LyXFont const font1 =
par.getFontSettings(cur.buffer().params(), pos1);
char_type char2 = par.getChar(pos2);
LyXFont const font2 =
par.getFontSettings(cur.buffer().params(), pos2);
// And finally, we are ready to perform the transposition.
// Track the changes if Change Tracking is enabled.
bool const trackChanges = cur.buffer().params().trackChanges;
par.eraseChar(pos2, trackChanges);
par.eraseChar(pos1, trackChanges);
par.insertChar(pos1, char2, font2, trackChanges);
par.insertChar(pos2, char1, font1, trackChanges);
checkBufferStructure(cur.buffer(), cur);
// After the transposition, move cursor to after the transposition.
setCursor(cur, cur.pit(), pos2);
} // namespace lyx