mirror of
synced 2024-11-16 16:18:22 +00:00
* New TOC "math-macro". This means that math macros can now be accessed in the
outline pane in their order of appearance or in alphabetical order, and can be
searched using the filter.
* Lists of floats now show subfloats deeper in the navigation menu
* The arbitrary 30 element cut-off after which nothing is shown except "Open
Navigator..." is removed. Menus now have no limit in size, so Qt may display
them scrollable. In exchange, we always show "Open outliner..." at the
beginning. I tested for performance issues with a rather complex document and
it is fine; but this does not exclude corner cases with lots of TOC entries of
a certain kind. If necessary, populating the navigation sub-menu should be
delayed like the main menu.
* Elements that do not contribute to the output (e.g. in a note, a disabled
branch) are now preceded with a symbol indicating this status. (The machinery
was already there; I wonder why it was not implemented already.) I have chosen
* Fix the contextual menus in the outliner (bug introduced at 94e992c5
* Toc item now move to the caption when present, but first center on the float,
to prevent the situation where the caption is at the top of the screen and the
contents of the float is off-screen above the caption.
(Internally, the action of the toc items can now be customised)
* Fix the LyXHTML output. Disabled captions no longer appear in the list of
458 lines
12 KiB
458 lines
12 KiB
* \file InsetCitation.cpp
* This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
* Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
* \author Angus Leeming
* \author Herbert Voß
* Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
#include <config.h>
#include "InsetCitation.h"
#include "BiblioInfo.h"
#include "Buffer.h"
#include "buffer_funcs.h"
#include "BufferParams.h"
#include "BufferView.h"
#include "DispatchResult.h"
#include "FuncCode.h"
#include "FuncRequest.h"
#include "LaTeXFeatures.h"
#include "output_xhtml.h"
#include "ParIterator.h"
#include "TocBackend.h"
#include "support/debug.h"
#include "support/docstream.h"
#include "support/FileNameList.h"
#include "support/gettext.h"
#include "support/lstrings.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <climits>
using namespace std;
using namespace lyx::support;
namespace lyx {
ParamInfo InsetCitation::param_info_;
InsetCitation::InsetCitation(Buffer * buf, InsetCommandParams const & p)
: InsetCommand(buf, p)
if (isBufferLoaded())
ParamInfo const & InsetCitation::findInfo(string const & /* cmdName */)
// standard cite does only take one argument if jurabib is
// not used, but jurabib extends this to two arguments, so
// we have to allow both here. InsetCitation takes care that
// LaTeX output is nevertheless correct.
if (param_info_.empty()) {
param_info_.add("after", ParamInfo::LATEX_OPTIONAL);
param_info_.add("before", ParamInfo::LATEX_OPTIONAL);
param_info_.add("key", ParamInfo::LATEX_REQUIRED);
return param_info_;
namespace {
vector<string> const init_possible_cite_commands()
char const * const possible[] = {
"cite", "nocite", "citet", "citep", "citealt", "citealp",
"citeauthor", "citeyear", "citeyearpar",
"citet*", "citep*", "citealt*", "citealp*", "citeauthor*",
"Citet", "Citep", "Citealt", "Citealp", "Citeauthor",
"Citet*", "Citep*", "Citealt*", "Citealp*", "Citeauthor*",
"footcite", "footcitet", "footcitep", "footcitealt",
"footcitealp", "footciteauthor", "footciteyear", "footciteyearpar",
"citefield", "citetitle", "cite*"
size_t const size_possible = sizeof(possible) / sizeof(possible[0]);
return vector<string>(possible, possible + size_possible);
vector<string> const & possibleCiteCommands()
static vector<string> const possible = init_possible_cite_commands();
return possible;
} // anon namespace
// FIXME: use the citeCommands provided by the TextClass
// instead of possibleCiteCommands defined in this file.
bool InsetCitation::isCompatibleCommand(string const & cmd)
vector<string> const & possibles = possibleCiteCommands();
vector<string>::const_iterator const end = possibles.end();
return find(possibles.begin(), end, cmd) != end;
void InsetCitation::doDispatch(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest & cmd)
if (cmd.action() == LFUN_INSET_MODIFY) {
cache.recalculate = true;
InsetCommand::doDispatch(cur, cmd);
bool InsetCitation::addKey(string const & key)
docstring const ukey = from_utf8(key);
docstring const & curkeys = getParam("key");
if (curkeys.empty()) {
setParam("key", ukey);
cache.recalculate = true;
return true;
vector<docstring> keys = getVectorFromString(curkeys);
vector<docstring>::const_iterator it = keys.begin();
vector<docstring>::const_iterator en = keys.end();
for (; it != en; ++it) {
if (*it == ukey) {
LYXERR0("Key " << key << " already present.");
return false;
setParam("key", getStringFromVector(keys));
cache.recalculate = true;
return true;
docstring InsetCitation::toolTip(BufferView const & bv, int, int) const
Buffer const & buf = bv.buffer();
// Only after the buffer is loaded from file...
if (!buf.isFullyLoaded())
return docstring();
BiblioInfo const & bi = buf.masterBibInfo();
if (bi.empty())
return _("No bibliography defined!");
docstring const & key = getParam("key");
if (key.empty())
return _("No citations selected!");
vector<docstring> keys = getVectorFromString(key);
vector<docstring>::const_iterator it = keys.begin();
vector<docstring>::const_iterator en = keys.end();
docstring tip;
for (; it != en; ++it) {
docstring const key_info = bi.getInfo(*it, buffer());
if (key_info.empty())
if (!tip.empty())
tip += "\n";
tip += wrap(key_info, -4);
return tip;
namespace {
CitationStyle asValidLatexCommand(string const & input, vector<CitationStyle> const & valid_styles)
CitationStyle cs = valid_styles[0];
cs.forceUpperCase = false;
cs.fullAuthorList = false;
if (!InsetCitation::isCompatibleCommand(input))
return cs;
string normalized_input = input;
string::size_type const n = input.size() - 1;
if (input[0] == 'C')
normalized_input[0] = 'c';
if (input[n] == '*')
normalized_input = normalized_input.substr(0, n);
vector<CitationStyle>::const_iterator it = valid_styles.begin();
vector<CitationStyle>::const_iterator end = valid_styles.end();
for (; it != end; ++it) {
CitationStyle this_cs = *it;
if (this_cs.cmd == normalized_input) {
cs = *it;
cs.forceUpperCase &= input[0] == 'C';
cs.fullAuthorList &= input[n] == '*';
return cs;
inline docstring wrapCitation(docstring const & key,
docstring const & content, bool for_xhtml)
if (!for_xhtml)
return content;
// we have to do the escaping here, because we will ultimately
// write this as a raw string, so as not to escape the tags.
return "<a href='#LyXCite-" + html::cleanAttr(key) + "'>" +
html::htmlize(content, XHTMLStream::ESCAPE_ALL) + "</a>";
} // anonymous namespace
docstring InsetCitation::generateLabel(bool for_xhtml) const
docstring label;
label = complexLabel(for_xhtml);
// Fallback to fail-safe
if (label.empty())
label = basicLabel(for_xhtml);
return label;
docstring InsetCitation::complexLabel(bool for_xhtml) const
Buffer const & buf = buffer();
// Only start the process off after the buffer is loaded from file.
if (!buf.isFullyLoaded())
return docstring();
BiblioInfo const & biblist = buf.masterBibInfo();
if (biblist.empty())
return docstring();
docstring const & key = getParam("key");
if (key.empty())
return _("No citations selected!");
// We don't currently use the full or forceUCase fields.
string cite_type = getCmdName();
if (cite_type[0] == 'C')
// If we were going to use them, this would mean ForceUCase
cite_type = string(1, 'c') + cite_type.substr(1);
if (cite_type[cite_type.size() - 1] == '*')
// and this would mean FULL
cite_type = cite_type.substr(0, cite_type.size() - 1);
docstring const & before = getParam("before");
docstring const & after = getParam("after");
// FIXME: allow to add cite macros
buffer().params().documentClass().addCiteMacro("!textbefore", to_utf8(before));
buffer().params().documentClass().addCiteMacro("!textafter", to_utf8(after));
docstring label;
vector<docstring> keys = getVectorFromString(key);
label = biblist.getLabel(keys, buffer(), cite_type, for_xhtml, UINT_MAX, before, after);
return label;
docstring InsetCitation::basicLabel(bool for_xhtml) const
docstring keys = getParam("key");
docstring label;
docstring key;
do {
// if there is no comma, then everything goes into key
// and keys will be empty.
keys = trim(split(keys, key, ','));
key = trim(key);
if (!label.empty())
label += ", ";
label += wrapCitation(key, key, for_xhtml);
} while (!keys.empty());
docstring const & after = getParam("after");
if (!after.empty())
label += ", " + after;
return '[' + label + ']';
docstring InsetCitation::screenLabel() const
return cache.screen_label;
void InsetCitation::updateBuffer(ParIterator const &, UpdateType)
if (!cache.recalculate && buffer().citeLabelsValid())
// The label may have changed, so we have to re-create it.
docstring const glabel = generateLabel();
unsigned int const maxLabelChars = 45;
docstring label = glabel;
if (label.size() > maxLabelChars) {
label.erase(maxLabelChars - 3);
label += "...";
cache.recalculate = false;
cache.generated_label = glabel;
cache.screen_label = label;
void InsetCitation::addToToc(DocIterator const & cpit, bool output_active,
UpdateType) const
// BiblioInfo::collectCitedEntries() uses the TOC to collect the citations
// from the document. It is used indirectly, via BiblioInfo::makeCitationLables,
// by both XHTML and plaintext output. So, if we change what goes into the TOC,
// then we will also need to change that routine.
docstring const tocitem = getParam("key");
shared_ptr<Toc> toc = buffer().tocBackend().toc("citation");
toc->push_back(TocItem(cpit, 0, tocitem, output_active));
int InsetCitation::plaintext(odocstringstream & os,
OutputParams const &, size_t) const
string const & cmd = getCmdName();
if (cmd == "nocite")
return 0;
docstring const label = generateLabel(false);
os << label;
return label.size();
static docstring const cleanupWhitespace(docstring const & citelist)
docstring::const_iterator it = citelist.begin();
docstring::const_iterator end = citelist.end();
// Paranoia check: make sure that there is no whitespace in here
// -- at least not behind commas or at the beginning
docstring result;
char_type last = ',';
for (; it != end; ++it) {
if (*it != ' ')
last = *it;
if (*it != ' ' || last != ',')
result += *it;
return result;
int InsetCitation::docbook(odocstream & os, OutputParams const &) const
os << from_ascii("<citation>")
<< cleanupWhitespace(getParam("key"))
<< from_ascii("</citation>");
return 0;
docstring InsetCitation::xhtml(XHTMLStream & xs, OutputParams const &) const
string const & cmd = getCmdName();
if (cmd == "nocite")
return docstring();
// have to output this raw, because generateLabel() will include tags
xs << XHTMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << generateLabel(true);
return docstring();
void InsetCitation::toString(odocstream & os) const
odocstringstream ods;
plaintext(ods, OutputParams(0));
os << ods.str();
void InsetCitation::forOutliner(docstring & os, size_t) const
os += screenLabel();
// Have to overwrite the default InsetCommand method in order to check that
// the \cite command is valid. Eg, the user has natbib enabled, inputs some
// citations and then changes his mind, turning natbib support off. The output
// should revert to the default citation command as provided by the citation
// engine, e.g. \cite[]{} for the basic engine.
void InsetCitation::latex(otexstream & os, OutputParams const & runparams) const
vector<CitationStyle> citation_styles = buffer().params().citeStyles();
CitationStyle cs = asValidLatexCommand(getCmdName(), citation_styles);
BiblioInfo const & bi = buffer().masterBibInfo();
docstring const cite_str = from_utf8(citationStyleToString(cs));
if (runparams.inulemcmd > 0)
os << "\\mbox{";
os << "\\" << cite_str;
docstring const & before = getParam("before");
docstring const & after = getParam("after");
if (!before.empty() && cs.textBefore)
os << '[' << before << "][" << after << ']';
else if (!after.empty() && cs.textAfter)
os << '[' << after << ']';
if (!bi.isBibtex(getParam("key")))
// escape chars with bibitems
os << '{' << escape(cleanupWhitespace(getParam("key"))) << '}';
os << '{' << cleanupWhitespace(getParam("key")) << '}';
if (runparams.inulemcmd)
os << "}";
string InsetCitation::contextMenuName() const
return "context-citation";
} // namespace lyx