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328 lines
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% This is chkconfig.ltx, a script which tries to autodetect and
% document your LaTeX configuration.
% Author: Jean-Marc Lasgouttes (Jean-Marc.Lasgouttes@inria.fr)
% with minimal changes by Asger Alstrup (alstrup@diku.dk).
% This script should only be run from the configure script to update
% the files textclass.lst and doc/LaTeXConfig.lyx
% This script is in fact a complete rewrite of the original chkconfig
% script. Expect bugs.
%%% If you want to add new packages/documentclasses to be recognized,
%%% read the explanation that follow and jump to the section 'Actual
%%% inspection code' below. You do not need to understand the ugly
%%% LaTeX code below to help improving chkconfig.ltx :-)
%%% If you want to add the new package <name>, all you need most of
%%% the times is a two-steps work:
%%% 1- Add the command \TestPackage{<name>}. The syntax is:
%%% \TestPackage[<file>]{<name>}, which tests whether <name>.sty
%%% (or <file>, if this optional parameter is provided) exists.
%%% 2- Add a description for <name> in doc/LaTeXConfig.lyx,
%%% containing in particular a line like
%%% Found @chk_<name>@
%%% This line will be replaced at configure time by the proper text.
%%% For document classes, things are even simpler, since you do not
%%% need to edit this file. Just put your layout file in some place
%%% where LyX can find it and add if you wish a description in
%%% LaTeXConfig.lyx, as described above.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Initialization part (skip) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% we do not want to stop on errors
%%% Some useful macros.
% Several commands are defined to test for packages:
% \AddLayout{<layout>} adds an entry for <layout> in textclass.lst
% \AddVariable{<name>}{<value>} creates a new variable chk_<name>,
% and gives it the value <value>.
% \TestDocClass{<name>}{<command>} if layout <name> has not already
% been tested for, execute <command>. Note that you will
% probably not need to use this directly, since the configure
% script generates the needed macro calls automatically.
% \TestPackage[<file>]{<name>} tests whether <name>.sty (or <file>,
% if it is provided) exists.
% Both commands call \AddVariable to give value 'yes' or 'no' to
% the variable chk_<name>.
\newcommand{\prefix}{+} % the character used by grep to filter 'good' output
\immediate\write\layouts{"#2" "#1" "#3" "#4"}}
% Tests whether an item is present
% Syntax: \TestItem{<file>}{<name>}{<type>}{<ext>}{<iftrue>}{<iffalse>}
\message{^^J\prefix checking for #3 #2 [#1]...}
\def\layoutname{#1} % remember the name of the layout file
{#2 % execute the command
{} % we have already tried this one.
\TestItem[#1]{\layoutname}{document class}{cls}
% Only for compatibility. Will be removed later.
\message{^^J\prefix checking for docbook\space\space class \layoutname... }
% Stolen from article.cls
January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
\space\number\day, \number\year}
% Initializes the files
\typeout{\prefix Inspecting your LaTeX configuration.}
\newwrite{\layouts} \immediate\openout \layouts = textclass.lst.tmp
\newwrite{\vars} \immediate\openout \vars = chkconfig.vars
\newwrite{\packages} \immediate\openout \packages = packages.lst.tmp
# This file declares layouts and their associated definition files.^^J%
# It has been automatically generated by configure^^J%
# Use "Options/Reconfigure" if you need to update it after a^^J%
# configuration change. Run ./configure manually to update the^^J%
# system wide version of this file.}
%%%%% ACTUAL CONFIGURATION INSPECTION CODE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%% Add any new package or document class here.
%%% First, we want the day on which the test has been run.
%%% Then, the version of LaTeX we are using
\message{^^J\prefix checking for LaTeX version... \fmtversion}
%%% And now, the list of available languages
% The trick is to know that \the\everyjob contains something like
% \typeout{LaTeX2e <2001/06/01>}
% \typeout{Babel <v3.7h> and hyphenation patterns for american, french, german, ngerman, nohyphenation, loaded.}
% All we have to do is to extract the list from there:
% (1) concatenate all the messages that are displayed everytime the
% format is loaded. The is done by redefining locally \typeout to
% append its argument to the macro \mesg.
{\def\typeout#1{\xdef\mesg{\mesg #1}}
% (2) strip the useless parts from \mesg. This uses the fact that TeX
% allows to define macros with parameters delimited by arbitrary text.
\def\strip#1patterns for #2, loaded.#3\endmark{\def\langs{#2}}
% (3) handle the result
\message{^^J\prefix checking for available hyphenation patterns... \langs}
%%% Check for ec fonts. Most of this code has been shamelessely stolen
%%% from the file ltxcheck.tex in the LaTeX distribution. In particular,
%%% don't ask me how the macro \ecrm works...
{\expandafter\string\csname ecrm\endcsname}%
\string\csname T1/cmr/m/n\endcsname}}%
\message{^^J\prefix checking for default encoding (this may take a long time)^^J}
\message{^^J\prefix\prefix checking for ec fonts... no^^J}
\message{^^J\prefix\space\space checking for ec fonts... yes^^J}
\message{^^J\prefix\space\space checking for ec support in LaTeX format...}
\message{^^J \prefix\space\space default encoding will be set to T1^^J}
%%% Document classes
% The list of layout files has been put in this file here by the
% configure script.
%%% Packages
\TestPackage{color} % this one should be there if graphics.sty is there.
% The test for the graphics package is slightly more involved...
% Let's do some clever things to guess the default driver for the
% graphicx package. The maintainer of the site might have declared it
% in the file 'graphics.cfg'. Let's hope there are no strange commands
% in there...
\message{^^J\prefix checking for graphics driver... \groption^^J}
% psnfss is in fact the name of a set of style files, among which
% times.sty. If times.sty is here, we will assume that everything is
% fine.
% not sure if these are in all versions of psnfss
% Other font packages
%%%%% END ACTUAL CONFIGURATION INSPECTION CODE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% End of the LaTeX job
\typeout{\prefix Inspection done.}
\typeout{\prefix Read the file doc/LaTeXConfig.lyx for more information.}
% Get the real \end command, that has been hidden by LaTeX