Automated tests based on the "MonKey Testing" keytest program.


xvkbd, wmctrl, pcregrep


In order to launch all the tests available in this folder, just run


and do not interact with your computer while the tests are running.

If you wish to launch one or more specific tests, then provide them
as argument to the script, e.g.:

  ./ <whatever>*-in.txt

For failed tests you get a folder with the logs that help you identify
the problem.


Each test-case script should be named as xxx-in.txt. The syntax of the
script is described in detail in the sample test-case script


Speed-up the execution of the tests as much as possible (i.e., get rid
of heuristic waits when present and replace them with exact check of
the condition we're waiting for).

Allow for tests with multiple LyX instances, e.g., for copy&paste
across LyX instances, or multiple applications, i.e., for testing
the interaction between LyX and other applications.