Kornel Benko fd5dbd61e7 Make some findadv-tests working again, more to follow
Some shortcuts in cua do not work anymore
so replacing them with virtual shortcus for tests only
seems a good way.
2021-01-15 17:13:07 +01:00

45 lines
1.2 KiB

# Basic test for searching with par-style awareness
UseShortcut "C-F20" "layout Part"
UseShortcut "C-F21" "layout Chapter"
UseShortcut "C-F22" "layout Section"
UseShortcut "C-F23" "layout Subsection"
UseShortcut "C-F24" "layout Subsubsection"
UseShortcut "C-F25" "layout Paragraph"
UseShortcut "C-F26" "layout Subparagraph"
UseShortcut "C-F29" "layout Standard"
Lang sk_SK.utf8
CO: findadv-06.ctrl
TestBegin test.lyx -dbg key,find > findadv-06.loga.txt 2>&1
KD: 100
CN: Part 1
KK: foo\[Return]
KK: \C\[F22]foo\[Return]
KK: \C\[F29]foo\C\[Home]
KK: \Axbuffer-write\[Return]
KK: \Axdialog-show findreplaceadv\[Return]
# Uncheck ignore format
KK: \At\Ai\Ah
#KK: \Aj
KK: \C\[F22]foo\[Return]
CP: Putting selection at .*idx: 0 par: 1 pos: 0\n with len: 3
CN: Part 2
CP: Key (queried) [action=buffer-begin][Ctrl+Home]
KK: \[Escape]\C\[Home]
KK: \Axdialog-show findreplaceadv\[Return]
KK: \[Delete]
# Uncheck ignore format
#KK: \At\Ai\Ah
#KK: \CF
KK: \C\[F29]
KK: foo\[Return]\[Return]\[Return]
CP: Putting selection at .*idx: 0 par: 0 pos: 0\n with len: 3
CP: Putting selection at .*idx: 0 par: 1 pos: 0\n with len: 3
CP: Putting selection at .*idx: 0 par: 2 pos: 0\n with len: 3
Lang C
Assert base=findadv-06