Jean-Marc Lasgouttes 0140348118 Linearize macros in box edit mode too.
The special mode used by macros where the macro name is displayed as
grey text in a box is now one of the possible marker types for any
inset. The new code puts the macro name below the text, which means
that only the text below the current line will be moved. This makes
edition much more comfortable.

The marker_type enum has been moved from Inset to InsetMath.

A new BOX_MARKER enum value has been added and is taken care of in
afterMetricsMarkers (renamed from metricsMarkerVertical) and

The InsetMath::marker() macro now takes a BufferView pointer as
argument, so that the marker type can depend on editing state.

MathRow::metrics now makes changes to the MathRow object when needed.

The specific metrics/draw code in MathMacro has been removed and
replaced by assertions. Code in addToMathRow and marker is adapted to
reflect the cases where linearization is possible.
2017-02-14 01:02:00 +01:00

265 lines
9.1 KiB

// -*- C++ -*-
* \file InsetMath.h
* This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
* Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
* \author Alejandro Aguilar Sierra
* \author André Pönitz
* Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
#ifndef MATH_INSET_H
#define MATH_INSET_H
#include "MathClass.h"
#include "insets/Inset.h"
namespace lyx {
enum HullType {
HullType hullType(docstring const & name);
docstring hullName(HullType type);
Abstract base class for all math objects. A math insets is for use of the
math editor only, it isn't a general LyX inset. It's used to represent all
the math objects.
Math insets do not know their parents, a cursor position or things
like that. They are dumb objects that are contained in other math insets
(InsetMathNests, in fact) thus forming a tree. The root of this tree is
always a InsetMathHull, which provides an interface to the Outer World by
inclusion in the "real LyX insets" FormulaInset and FormulaMacroInset.
class Cursor;
class OutputParams;
class MetricsInfo;
class InsetMathArray;
class InsetMathAMSArray;
class InsetMathBrace;
class InsetMathChar;
class InsetMathDelim;
class InsetMathFracBase;
class InsetMathFrac;
class InsetMathFont;
class InsetMathGrid;
class InsetMathHull;
class InsetMathMatrix;
class InsetMathNest;
class InsetMathScript;
class InsetMathString;
class InsetMathSpace;
class InsetMathSpecialChar;
class InsetMathSymbol;
class InsetMathUnknown;
class InsetMathRef;
class HtmlStream;
class NormalStream;
class OctaveStream;
class MapleStream;
class MaximaStream;
class MathematicaStream;
class MathStream;
class WriteStream;
class MathData;
class MathMacroTemplate;
class MathMacro;
class MathRow;
class TextPainter;
class TextMetricsInfo;
class ReplaceData;
/// Type of unique identifiers for math insets (used in TexRow)
typedef void const * uid_type;
class InsetMath : public Inset {
InsetMath(Buffer * buf = 0) : Inset(buf) {}
/// identification as math inset
InsetMath * asInsetMath() { return this; }
/// identification as math inset
InsetMath const * asInsetMath() const { return this; }
/// this is overridden in math text insets (i.e. mbox)
bool inMathed() const { return true; }
virtual docstring name() const;
/// this is overridden by specific insets
virtual mode_type currentMode() const { return MATH_MODE; }
// The possible marker types for math insets
enum marker_type { NO_MARKER, MARKER2, MARKER, BOX_MARKER };
/// this is overridden by insets with specific edit marker type
virtual marker_type marker(BufferView const *) const;
/// the ascent of the inset above the baseline
/// compute the size of the object for text based drawing
virtual void metricsT(TextMetricsInfo const & mi, Dimension & dim) const;
/// draw the object as text
virtual void drawT(TextPainter &, int x, int y) const;
/// return cell given its number
virtual MathData & cell(idx_type);
/// return cell given its number
virtual MathData const & cell(idx_type) const;
/// identifies certain types of insets
virtual InsetMathAMSArray * asAMSArrayInset() { return 0; }
virtual InsetMathAMSArray const * asAMSArrayInset() const { return 0; }
virtual InsetMathArray * asArrayInset() { return 0; }
virtual InsetMathArray const * asArrayInset() const { return 0; }
virtual InsetMathBrace * asBraceInset() { return 0; }
virtual InsetMathBrace const * asBraceInset() const { return 0; }
virtual InsetMathChar const * asCharInset() const { return 0; }
virtual InsetMathDelim * asDelimInset() { return 0; }
virtual InsetMathDelim const * asDelimInset() const { return 0; }
virtual InsetMathFracBase * asFracBaseInset() { return 0; }
virtual InsetMathFracBase const * asFracBaseInset() const { return 0; }
virtual InsetMathFrac * asFracInset() { return 0; }
virtual InsetMathFrac const * asFracInset() const { return 0; }
virtual InsetMathFont * asFontInset() { return 0; }
virtual InsetMathFont const * asFontInset() const { return 0; }
virtual InsetMathGrid * asGridInset() { return 0; }
virtual InsetMathGrid const * asGridInset() const { return 0; }
virtual InsetMathHull * asHullInset() { return 0; }
virtual InsetMathHull const * asHullInset() const { return 0; }
virtual MathMacro * asMacro() { return 0; }
virtual MathMacro const * asMacro() const { return 0; }
virtual MathMacroTemplate * asMacroTemplate() { return 0; }
virtual MathMacroTemplate const * asMacroTemplate() const { return 0; }
virtual InsetMathMatrix const * asMatrixInset() const { return 0; }
virtual InsetMathNest * asNestInset() { return 0; }
virtual InsetMathNest const * asNestInset() const { return 0; }
virtual InsetMathScript * asScriptInset() { return 0; }
virtual InsetMathScript const * asScriptInset() const { return 0; }
virtual InsetMathSpace * asSpaceInset() { return 0; }
virtual InsetMathSpace const * asSpaceInset() const { return 0; }
virtual InsetMathString * asStringInset() { return 0; }
virtual InsetMathString const * asStringInset() const { return 0; }
virtual InsetMathSymbol const * asSymbolInset() const { return 0; }
virtual InsetMathUnknown * asUnknownInset() { return 0; }
virtual InsetMathUnknown const * asUnknownInset() const { return 0; }
virtual InsetMathRef * asRefInset() { return 0; }
virtual InsetMathSpecialChar const * asSpecialCharInset() const { return 0; }
/// The class of the math object (used primarily for spacing)
virtual MathClass mathClass() const;
/// Add this inset to a math row. Return true if contents got added
virtual bool addToMathRow(MathRow &, MetricsInfo & mi) const;
/// Hook that is run before metrics computation starts
virtual void beforeMetrics() const {}
/// Hook that is run after metrics computation
virtual void afterMetrics() const {}
/// Hook that is run before actual drawing
virtual void beforeDraw(PainterInfo const &) const {}
/// Hook that is run after drawing
virtual void afterDraw(PainterInfo const &) const {}
/// identifies things that can get scripts
virtual bool isScriptable() const { return false; }
/// will this get written as a single block in {..}
virtual bool extraBraces() const { return false; }
/// return the content as char if the inset is able to do so
virtual char_type getChar() const { return 0; }
/// identifies things that can get \limits or \nolimits
virtual bool takesLimits() const { return false; }
/// replace things by other things
virtual void replace(ReplaceData &) {}
/// do we contain a given subsequence?
virtual bool contains(MathData const &) const { return false; }
/// access to the lock (only nest array have one)
virtual bool lock() const { return false; }
/// access to the lock (only nest array have one)
virtual void lock(bool) {}
// Indicate that we do not want to hide the normal version of
// write(). This is to shut off a clang warning.
using Inset::write;
/// write LaTeX and LyX code
virtual void write(WriteStream & os) const;
/// write normalized content
virtual void normalize(NormalStream &) const;
/// write content as something readable by Maple
virtual void maple(MapleStream &) const;
/// write content as something readable by Maxima
virtual void maxima(MaximaStream &) const;
/// write content as something readable by Mathematica
virtual void mathematica(MathematicaStream &) const;
/// write content as MathML
virtual void mathmlize(MathStream &) const;
/// write content as HTML, best we can.
/// the idea for this, and some of the details, come from
/// eLyXer, written by Alex Fernandez. no code is borrowed. rather,
/// we try to mimic how eLyXer outputs some math.
virtual void htmlize(HtmlStream &) const;
/// write content as something readable by Octave
virtual void octave(OctaveStream &) const;
/// plain text output in ucs4 encoding
int plaintext(odocstringstream &, OutputParams const &, size_t) const;
/// dump content to stderr for debugging
virtual void dump() const;
/// LyXInset stuff
virtual bool numberedType() const { return false; }
/// hull type
virtual HullType getType() const;
/// change type
virtual void mutate(HullType /*newtype*/) {}
/// math stuff usually isn't allowed in text mode
virtual bool allowedIn(mode_type mode) const { return mode == MATH_MODE; }
/// Italic correction as described in InsetMathScript.h
virtual int kerning(BufferView const *) const { return 0; }
bool isInToc() const { return true; }
InsetCode lyxCode() const { return MATH_CODE; }
uid_type id() const { return this; }
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &, MathAtom const &);
odocstream & operator<<(odocstream &, MathAtom const &);
// initialize math
void initMath();
} // namespace lyx