// tasystem.cpp // // last-edit-by: J.A. de Jong // // Description: // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define TRACERPLUS (-10) #include "segment.h" #include "tasystem.h" #include "triplets.h" #include "jacobian.h" #include "tasmet_utils.h" #include "tasmet_assert.h" #include "tasmet_exception.h" #include "tasmet_constants.h" #include "duct.h" #include "ductbc.h" #include // Lite version of the library #include TaSystem::TaSystem(const pb::System& sys): GlobalConf(sys.nf(),sys.freq()) { TRACE(14,"TaSystem::TaSystem()"); if(sys.systemtype() != pb::TaSystem) { throw TaSMETError("Invalid system type for TaSystem"); } // Checking parameters T0 and p0 also happens in newGas method _gas = std::unique_ptr(Gas::newGas(sys.gastype(),sys.t0(),sys.p0())); if(!_gas) throw TaSMETBadAlloc(); // Create all ducts for(const auto& d : sys.ducts()) { // d.first: id // d.second: duct description try { _segs[d.first] = new Duct(*this,d.first,d.second); if(!_segs[d.first]) throw TaSMETBadAlloc(); } catch(TaSMETError e) { // Cleanup the already successfully created Ducts and rethrow cleanup(); throw e; } } // Create all ductbcs for(const auto& d : sys.ductbcs()) { // d.first: id // d.second: duct description try { _segs[d.first] = DuctBc::newDuctBc(d.first, *this, d.second); if(!_segs[d.first]) throw TaSMETBadAlloc(); } catch(TaSMETError e) { // Cleanup the already successfully created Ducts and rethrow cleanup(); throw e; } } initSolRes(); } TaSystem::TaSystem(const TaSystem& o): GlobalConf(o), // Share a ptr to the Global conf _gas(o._gas->copy()) { TRACE(25,"TaSystem::TaSystem(TaSystem&) copy"); // Take over the pointers to the segments _segs = o._segs; for(auto& seg: _segs){ seg.second = seg.second->copy(*this); if(!seg.second) throw TaSMETBadAlloc(); } initSolRes(); // This empties the // solution. Therefore we copy it // after this phase. _solution = o._solution; } void TaSystem::initSolRes() { // Create the initial solution from the segments and store it // here. Please be careful not to call any virtual functions! vus ndofs = getNDofs(); vus neqs = getNEqs(); us Ns = this->Ns(); us total_dofs = arma::sum(ndofs); us total_eqs = arma::sum(neqs); if(total_dofs != total_eqs) { throw TaSMETError("Number of equations does not match number of DOFS. " "This is probably due to missing, or too much boundary conditions"); } if(total_dofs*Ns > constants::maxndofs) { stringstream error; error << "Too many DOFS required. Problem too large. " "Number of equations computed: "; error << total_dofs*Ns; throw TaSMETError(error); } _solution = zeros(total_dofs*Ns); _residual = zeros(total_dofs*Ns)+arma::datum::nan; d* solptr = _solution.memptr(); d* resptr = _residual.memptr(); us globalposdof=0; us globalposeq=0; // Loop over the segments, and for each dof in the segment, we // allocate a vd, with its memory pointed to from the global // solution pointer. for(auto& seg_: _segs) { us segid = seg_.first; VARTRACE(15,segid); for(us i=0;i< ndofs(segid); i++) { // false: own memory (means the vd does not own the memory // true: strict true means bound to the memory for its // lifetime. Does not allow memory adjustments. _solution_dofs[segid].push_back(new vd(&solptr[globalposdof*Ns],Ns,false,true)); globalposdof++; VARTRACE(15,i); } // Set the initial solution if(ndofs(segid)>0) seg_.second->initialSolution(_solution_dofs.at(segid)); for(us i=0;i< neqs(segid); i++) { // false: own memory (means the vd does not own the memory // true: strict true means bound to the memory for its // lifetime. Does not allow memory adjustments. _residual_eqs[segid].push_back(new vd(&resptr[globalposeq*Ns],Ns,false,true)); _jac[segid].push_back(JacRow()); globalposeq++; } } tasmet_assert(globalposdof == total_dofs,"Bug in assigning solution vectors"); tasmet_assert(globalposeq == total_eqs,"Bug in assigning residual vectors"); } int TaSystem::getArbitrateMassEq(const vus& neqs) const { // Tells the TaSystem which Dof should be overwritten with the // mass arbitration equation. The special value of -1 means, that // mass is not arbitrated. This can be the case if for example a // pressure boundary condition is present. int arbitrateMassEq=-1; bool masseq_found = false; us total_neqs = 0, i=0; // Iterate over all segments to find a single one segment Dof that is // willing to arbitrate the mass in the system. This can, of // course, be only be one segment. int local_mass_eq = -1; const Segment* seg; for(auto& seg_: _segs) { seg = seg_.second; if(masseq_found && (local_mass_eq = seg->arbitrateMassEq())) { throw TaSMETError("Error: only one Segment is allowed to" " arbitrate the system mass"); } else if(local_mass_eq != -1){ arbitrateMassEq = total_neqs+local_mass_eq; masseq_found = true; } total_neqs += neqs(i); i++; } return arbitrateMassEq; } void TaSystem::residualJac(ResidualJac& resjac) const { TRACE(15,"TaSystem::residual()"); int arbitrateMassEq = -1;//getArbitrateMassEq(neqs); // This is the mass in the sytem. Only counted when there is an // equation present which arbitrates the mass in the system d mass=0; #ifdef TASMET_DEBUG _residual *= arma::datum::nan; #endif us segid; const Segment* seg; for(auto seg_: _segs) { segid = seg_.first; seg = seg_.second; // Put the residual of the segment in the over-all residual seg->residualJac(_residual_eqs[segid],_jac[segid]); // Count the mass, add it if(arbitrateMassEq!=-1) { mass += seg->getMass(); } } us Ns = this->Ns(); vus neqs = getNEqs(); vus neqs_sum = arma::cumsum(neqs); us total_neqs = arma::sum(neqs); vus ndofs = getNDofs(); vus ndofs_sum = arma::cumsum(ndofs); us total_ndofs = arma::sum(ndofs); // Now we create the triplets TripletList triplets(total_neqs*Ns); for(auto& segjacrows : _jac) { // The current segment number us segno = segjacrows.first; // The row offset for this segment us rowoffset = (segno==0) ? 0 : neqs_sum(segno-1)*Ns; for(auto& jacrow: segjacrows.second) { for(auto& jaccol : jacrow) { const PosId& id = jaccol.first; us coloffset = (id.segno==0) ? 0 : ndofs_sum(segno-1)*Ns; coloffset += id.segoffset; coloffset*=Ns; dmat& colmat = jaccol.second; for(us i=0;i=0) { _residual(arbitrateMassEq)=mass - _mass; } // Store the Jacobian and the residual resjac.jacobian = sdmat(triplets); resjac.residual = _residual; } vd TaSystem::getSolution() const { return _solution; } void TaSystem::updateSolution(const vd& solution) { if(_solution.size() == solution.size()) { _solution = solution; } else { throw TaSMETError("Solution vector size does not match."); } } const SegPositionMapper& TaSystem::getSolution(const us seg_id) const { return _solution_dofs.at(seg_id); } vus TaSystem::getNDofs() const { TRACE(0,"TaSystem::getNDofs()"); vus Ndofs(_segs.size()); for (auto seg : _segs) { Ndofs(seg.first)=seg.second->getNDofs(); } return Ndofs; } vus TaSystem::getNEqs() const { TRACE(15,"TaSystem::getNEqs()"); vus Neqs(_segs.size()); for (auto seg :_segs) { Neqs(seg.first)=seg.second->getNEqs(); } return Neqs; } void TaSystem::show(us detailnr){ TRACE(25,"TaSystem::show()"); cout << "########################## Showing TaSystem...\n"; cout << "Showing Global configuration...\n"; GlobalConf::show(); if(detailnr>0){ for(auto seg:_segs){ cout << "Showing segment with ID " << seg.first << "\n"; seg.second->show(detailnr); } } // detailnr>0 } // TripletList TaSystem::jacTriplets() const { // TRACE(14,"TaSystem::jacobian()"); // vus ndofs=getNDofs(); // vus neqs=getNEqs(); // us total_ndofs = arma::sum(ndofs); // us total_neqs = arma::sum(neqs); // us i=0,dofnr=0,eqnr=0; // Jacobian j(total_ndofs); // int arbitrateMassEq = getArbitrateMassEq(neqs); // vd dmtotdx; // if(arbitrateMassEq > -1) // dmtotdx = vd(total_ndofs); // const Segment* seg; // for(auto& seg_ :_segs) { // seg = seg_.second; // seg->jac(*this,j,dofnr,eqnr); // if(arbitrateMassEq > -1) { // seg->dmtotdx(*this,dmtotdx,dofnr); // } // eqnr += neqs(i); // dofnr += ndofs(i); // i++; // } // if(dofnr!=eqnr){ // throw TaSMETError("System of equations is over/underdetermined"); // } // // Convert to tripletlist // TripletList jac=j; // assert(arbitrateMassEq< (int) total_neqs); // // Exchange equation if we need to arbitrate mass // if(arbitrateMassEq!=-1) { // // Replace this equation with global mass conservation // jac.zeroOutRow(arbitrateMassEq); // us dmtotdxsize=dmtotdx.size(); // for(us k=0;kresetHarmonics(); // } // } // dmat TaSystem::showJac(){ // TRACE(15,"TaSystem::showJac()"); // return dmat(jacobian()); // } TaSystem::~TaSystem() { TRACE(25,"~TaSystem()"); cleanup(); } void TaSystem::cleanup() { purge(_segs); for(auto& segdofs: _solution_dofs) { for(vd* dof : segdofs.second){ delete dof; } } for(auto& segdofs: _residual_eqs) { for(vd* dof : segdofs.second){ delete dof; } } } void TaSystem::exportHDF5(const string& filename) const { TRACE(15,"TaSystem::exportHDF5"); hid_t file_id; herr_t status; // hid_t error_stack = H5Eget_current_stack(); /* Save old error handler */ // herr_t (*old_func)(void*); // void *old_client_data; // H5Eget_auto(error_stack, &old_func, &old_client_data); /* Turn off error handling */ // H5Eset_auto(error_stack, NULL, NULL); // H5Eset_auto( NULL, NULL); file_id = H5Fcreate (filename.c_str(), H5F_ACC_TRUNC, // Truncate any existing file H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT); /* Restore previous error handler */ // H5Eset_auto(error_stack, old_func, old_client_data); /// Disable HDF5 error printing if(file_id < 0) throw TaSMETError("Creation of export file failed. This is probably " "because the postprocessor is already running. " "However, this could also mean that the file is blocked " "by another program, or you have insufficient " "privileges to create the postprocessing file." ); /// Enable HDF5 error printing d freq = getfreq(); H5LTset_attribute_double(file_id, "/", "freq", &freq,1); int Ns = this->Ns(); H5LTset_attribute_int(file_id, "/", "Ns", &Ns,1); vd timeInstances = this->timeInstances(); H5LTset_attribute_double(file_id, "/", "t", timeInstances.memptr(), timeInstances.size()); d p0 = _gas->p0(); H5LTset_attribute_double(file_id, "/", "p0", &p0,1); d T0 = _gas->T0(); H5LTset_attribute_double(file_id, "/", "T0", &T0,1); const string& gasName = _gas->gasName(); H5LTset_attribute_string(file_id, "/", "gas", gasName.c_str()); for(const auto& seg_ : _segs) { // Create a group for each segment string group = string("/") + std::to_string(seg_.first); VARTRACE(15,group); hid_t grp_id = H5Gcreate(file_id, group.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT); if(grp_id < 0) throw TaSMETError("Group creation failed"); seg_.second->exportHDF5(grp_id); // Close the group H5Gclose(grp_id); } status = H5Fclose(file_id); H5Eprint(status,0); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////