
106 lines
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Raw Normal View History

#include <optional>
#include "debugtrace.hpp"
#include "lasp_avpowerspectra.h"
#include <cmath>
using std::runtime_error;
PowerSpectra::PowerSpectra(const us nfft, const Window::WindowType w)
: PowerSpectra(Window::create(w, nfft)) {}
PowerSpectra::PowerSpectra(const vd &window)
: nfft(window.size()), _fft(nfft), _window(window) {
d win_pow = arma::sum(window % window) / window.size();
/* Scale fft such that power is easily computed */
_scale_fac = 2 / (win_pow * nfft * nfft);
arma::Cube<c> PowerSpectra::compute(const dmat &input) {
dmat input_tmp = input;
// Multiply each column of the inputs element-wise with the window.
input_tmp.each_col() %= _window;
cmat rfft = _fft.fft(input_tmp);
arma::cx_cube output(rfft.n_rows, input.n_cols, input.n_cols);
#pragma omp parallel for
for (us i = 0; i < input.n_cols; i++) {
for (us j = 0; j < input.n_cols; j++) {
output.slice(j).col(i) =
_scale_fac * (rfft.col(i) % arma::conj(rfft.col(j)));
output.slice(j).col(i)(0) /= 2;
output.slice(j).col(i)(nfft/2) /= 2;
return output;
AvPowerSpectra::AvPowerSpectra(const us nfft, const Window::WindowType w,
const d overlap_percentage,
const int time_constant)
: _ps(nfft, w) {
if (overlap_percentage >= 100 || overlap_percentage < 0) {
throw runtime_error("Overlap percentage should be >= 0 and < 100");
_overlap_keep = (nfft * overlap_percentage) / 100;
if (_overlap_keep >= nfft) {
throw runtime_error("Overlap is too high. Results in no jump. Please "
"choose a smaller overlap percentage or a higher nfft");
if (time_constant < 0) {
_mode = Mode::Averaging;
} else if (time_constant == 0) {
_mode = Mode::Spectrogram;
} else {
_mode = Mode::Leaking;
_alpha = exp(-static_cast<d>(nfft - _overlap_keep) / time_constant);
std::optional<arma::cx_cube> AvPowerSpectra::compute(const dmat &timedata) {
std::optional<arma::cx_cube> res;
while (auto samples = _timeBuf.pop(_ps.nfft, _overlap_keep)) {
switch (_mode) {
case (Mode::Spectrogram): {
} break;
case (Mode::Averaging): {
if (n_averages == 1) {
_est = _ps.compute(samples.value());
} else {
_est = _est * (n_averages - 1) / n_averages +
_ps.compute(samples.value()) / n_averages;
res = _est;
} break;
case (Mode::Leaking): {
if (arma::size(_est) == arma::size(0, 0, 0)) {
_est = _ps.compute(samples.value());
} else {
_est = _alpha * _est + (1 - _alpha) * _ps.compute(samples.value());
res = _est;
} break;
} // end switch mode
return res;
std::optional<arma::cx_cube> AvPowerSpectra::get_est() {
if (_est.n_cols > 0)
return _est;
return std::nullopt;