Added threadpool, biquadbank could be working for equalizer. First steps of SLM and AvPowerSpectra

This commit is contained in:
Anne de Jong 2022-08-11 14:47:44 +02:00
parent 7ca52695da
commit 1e8b18aabe
16 changed files with 423 additions and 49 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -18,3 +18,4 @@ _skbuild

.gitmodules vendored
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@ -19,3 +19,6 @@
[submodule "third_party/carma"]
path = third_party/carma
url =
[submodule "third_party/thread-pool"]
path = third_party/thread-pool
url =

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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ include_directories(../../third_party/DebugTrace-cpp/include)

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@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ set(lasp_dsp_files

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#include <optional>
#include "lasp_avpowerspectra.h"
#include "debugtrace.hpp"
#include "lasp_avpowerspectra.h"
#include <cmath>
using std::runtime_error;
@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ PowerSpectra::PowerSpectra(const vd &window)
/* Scale fft such that power is easily computed */
_scale_fac = sqrt(2 / win_pow) / nfft;
arma::Cube<c> PowerSpectra::compute(const dmat &input) {
dmat input_tmp = input;
@ -44,8 +46,8 @@ AvPowerSpectra::AvPowerSpectra(const us nfft, const Window::WindowType w,
throw runtime_error("Overlap percentage should be >= 0 and < 100");
_overlap_jump = nfft - (nfft * overlap_percentage) / 100;
if (_overlap_jump == 0) {
_overlap_keep = (nfft * overlap_percentage) / 100;
if (_overlap_keep >= nfft) {
throw runtime_error("Overlap is too high. Results in no jump. Please "
"choose a smaller overlap percentage or a higher nfft");
@ -53,16 +55,46 @@ AvPowerSpectra::AvPowerSpectra(const us nfft, const Window::WindowType w,
_mode = Mode::Averaging;
} else if (time_constant == 0) {
_mode = Mode::Spectrogram;
else {
} else {
_mode = Mode::Leaking;
_alpha = exp(-static_cast<d>(_overlap_jump)/time_constant);
_alpha = exp(-static_cast<d>(nfft - _overlap_keep) / time_constant);
std::optional<arma::cx_cube> AvPowerSpectra::compute(const dmat &timedata) {
std::optional<arma::cx_cube> res;
while (auto samples = _timeBuf.pop(_ps.nfft, _overlap_keep)) {
switch (_mode) {
case (Mode::Spectrogram): {
} break;
case (Mode::Averaging): {
if (n_averages == 1) {
_est = _ps.compute(samples.value());
} else {
_est = _est * (n_averages - 1) / n_averages +
_ps.compute(samples.value()) / n_averages;
arma::cx_cube* AvPowerSpectra::compute(const dmat& timedata) {
return nullptr;
res = _est;
} break;
case (Mode::Leaking): {
if (arma::size(_est) == arma::size(0, 0, 0)) {
_est = _ps.compute(samples.value());
} else {
_est = _alpha * _est + (1 - _alpha) * _ps.compute(samples.value());
res = _est;
} break;
} // end switch mode
return res;
std::optional<arma::cx_cube> AvPowerSpectra::get_est() {
if (_est.n_cols > 0)
return _est;
return std::nullopt;

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@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include "lasp_fft.h"
#include "lasp_mathtypes.h"
#include "lasp_timebuffer.h"
#include "lasp_window.h"
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
@ -72,6 +73,7 @@ class AvPowerSpectra {
Mode _mode;
d _alpha; // Only valid in case of 'Leaking'
us n_averages = 0; // Only valid in case of 'Averaging'
PowerSpectra _ps;
@ -82,15 +84,11 @@ class AvPowerSpectra {
* @brief Buffer of storage of time data.
dmat _timeBuf;
TimeBuffer _timeBuf;
* @brief Current time index in ring buffer
* @brief The amount of samples to keep in the overlap
us _curTimeIdx = 0;
* @brief The amount of samples to jump in the overlap
us _overlap_jump;
us _overlap_keep;
@ -132,10 +130,10 @@ public:
* @return Optionally, a reference (NOT OWNING POINTER) to a new estimate of
* the power spectra. An update is only given if the amount of new time data
* is enough to compute a new estimate. This is the case when the amount of
* new time data is enough.
* is enough to compute a new estimate.
arma::cx_cube *compute(const dmat &timedata);
std::optional<arma::cx_cube> compute(const dmat &timedata);
* @brief Returns the latest estimate of cps (cross-power spectra.
@ -143,7 +141,7 @@ public:
* @return Pointer (reference, not owning!) to spectral estimate date, or
* nullptr, in case nothing could yet be computed.
arma::cx_cube *get_est();
std::optional<arma::cx_cube> get_est();
* @brief The overlap is rounded to a certain amount of time samples. This
@ -151,5 +149,5 @@ public:
* @return The amount of samples in overlapping.
us exactOverlapSamples() const { return _ps.nfft - _overlap_jump; }
us exactOverlapSamples() const { return _ps.nfft - _overlap_keep; }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
#include <vector>
#include "debugtrace.hpp"
#include "lasp_biquadbank.h"
#include "lasp_thread.h"
using std::runtime_error;
SeriesBiquad::SeriesBiquad(const vd &filter_coefs) {
if (filter_coefs.n_rows % 6 != 0) {
throw runtime_error("filter_coefs should be multiple of 6");
us nfilters = filter_coefs.n_rows / 6;
sos.resize(6, nfilters);
for (us i = 0; i < nfilters; i++) {
sos.col(i) = filter_coefs.subvec(6 * i, 6 * (i + 1) - 1);
/// Check if third row in this matrix equals unity.
if (!arma::approx_equal(sos.row(3),
arma::rowvec(nfilters, arma::fill::ones), "absdiff",
1e-9)) {
throw std::runtime_error(
"Filter coefficients should have fourth element (a0) equal to 1.0");
/// Initialize state to zero
state = dmat(2, nfilters, arma::fill::zeros);
void SeriesBiquad::filter(vd &inout) {
/// Implementation is based on Proakis & Manolakis - Digital Signal
/// Processing, Fourth Edition, p. 550
for (us filterno = 0; filterno < sos.n_cols; filterno++) {
d b0 = sos(filterno, 0);
d b1 = sos(filterno, 1);
d b2 = sos(filterno, 2);
d a1 = sos(filterno, 4);
d a2 = sos(filterno, 5);
d w1 = state(0, filterno);
d w2 = state(1, filterno);
for (us sample = 0; sample < inout.size(); sample++) {
d w0 = inout(sample) - a1 * w1 - a2 * w2;
d yn = b0 * w0 + b1 * w1 + b2 * w2;
w2 = w1;
w1 = w0;
inout(sample) = yn;
state(0, filterno) = w1;
state(1, filterno) = w2;
BiquadBank::BiquadBank(const dmat &filters, const vd *gains) {
* @brief Make sure the pool is created once, such that all threads are ready
* for use.
auto& pool = getPool();
for (us i = 0; i < filters.n_cols; i++) {
if (gains != nullptr) {
} else {
_gains = vd(_filters.size(), arma::fill::ones);
void BiquadBank::setGains(const vd &gains) {
const us nfilters = _filters.size();
if (gains.size() != nfilters) {
throw runtime_error("Invalid number of gain values given.");
_gains = gains;
void BiquadBank::filter(vd &inout) {
dmat res(inout.n_rows, _filters.size());
std::vector<std::future<vd>> futs;
auto& pool = getPool();
for (us i = 0; i < res.n_cols; i++) {
[&](us i) {
// Copy column
vd col = inout;
return col;
}, // Launch a task to filter.
i // Column i as argument to the lambda function above.
// Zero-out in-out and sum-up the filtered values
for (us i = 0; i < res.n_cols; i++) {
inout += futs[i].get() * _gains[i];

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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
#include "lasp_filter.h"
* @brief A set of Biquad filters in series.
class SeriesBiquad : public Filter {
/// The filter coefficients for each of the filters in the Filterbank
/// The *first* axis is the filter no, the second axis contains the
/// filter coefficients, in the order, b_0, b_1, b_2, a_0, a_1, a_2, which
/// corresponds to the transfer function
/// b_0 + b_1 z^-1 + b_2 z^-2
/// H[z] = -------------------------
/// a_0 + a_1 z^-1 + a_2 z^-2
dmat sos; /// sos[coef, filter_no]
/// Storage for the current state of the output, first axis correspond to
/// the state axis, the second axis to the series filter no. For each filter
/// in series, two state coefficients are remembered.
dmat state;
* @brief Initalize a SeriesBiquad filter.
* @param filter_coefs Filter coefficients, should be given in the order as
* [b0, b1, b2, a0==1, a1, a2, b0,...]
SeriesBiquad(const vd &filter_coefs);
virtual void filter(vd &inout) override;
virtual ~SeriesBiquad() override {}
* @brief Multiple biquad filters in parallel, each multiplied with a gain
* value, and finally all added together. This class can be used to create
* a graphic equalizer.
class BiquadBank : public Filter {
std::vector<SeriesBiquad> _filters;
vd _gains;
* @brief Initialize biquadbank.
* @param filters Filters for each filter in the bank
* @param gains Gain values. Given as pointer, if not given (nulltpr), gains
* are initialized with unity gain.
BiquadBank(const dmat &filters, const vd *gains = nullptr);
* @brief Set new gain values for each filter in the BiquadBank
* @param gains Vector of gain values. Should be of same length as the number
* of filters installed.
void setGains(const vd& gains);
* @brief Returns the number of Filters
* @return The number of filters
us nfilters() const {return _filters.size();}
virtual void filter(vd &inout) override;

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#include "lasp_filter.h"

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@ -8,7 +8,14 @@
class Filter {
virtual void filter(const vd &inout) = 0;
* @brief Filter input, and provides output in same array as input
* @param inout Vector of input / output samples.
virtual void filter(vd &inout) = 0;
virtual ~Filter() = 0;
inline Filter::~Filter() {}

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
#include "lasp_thread.h"
#include "BS_thread_pool.hpp"
BS::thread_pool& getPool() {
static BS::thread_pool pool;
return pool;

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#pragma once
#include "BS_thread_pool.hpp"
* @brief Return reference to global (singleton) thread pool. The threadpool is
* created using the default argument, which results in exactly
* hardware_concurrency() amount of threads.
* @return Thread pool ref.
BS::thread_pool& getPool();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
#include "lasp_timebuffer.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <deque>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <stdexcept>
using std::runtime_error;
class TimeBufferImp {
* @brief Storage in a double-ended queue of armadillo row vectors.
std::deque<arma::rowvec> _storage;
void reset() {
void push(const dmat &mat) {
if(!_storage.empty()) {
if(mat.n_cols != _storage.front().n_cols) {
throw runtime_error("Invalid number of channels in mat");
for (us i = 0; i < mat.n_rows; i++) {
std::optional<dmat> pop(const us nsamples, us keep) {
if (keep > nsamples)
throw runtime_error("keep should be <= nsamples");
if (nsamples <= n_frames()) {
dmat res(nsamples, _storage.front().n_cols);
for (us i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
if (i + keep >= nsamples) {
// Suppose keep == 0, then we never arrive here
// Suppose keep == 1, then storage[0] is copyied over.
// Suppose keep == 2, then storage[0[ and storage[1] is copyied over.
// Etc.
res.row(i) = _storage[i + keep - nsamples];
} else {
// Just pop elements and copy over
res.row(i) = _storage.front();
return res;
// If nsamples is too much for what we have, we just return nothing.
return std::nullopt;
* @brief Counts the number of available frames in the queue
* @return
us n_frames() const { return _storage.size(); }
TimeBuffer::TimeBuffer() : _imp(std::make_unique<TimeBufferImp>()) {}
std::optional<dmat> TimeBuffer::pop(const us n_rows,const us keep) {
return _imp->pop(n_rows, keep);
void TimeBuffer::reset() {
void TimeBuffer::push(const dmat &dat) { _imp->push(dat); }

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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
#pragma once
#include "lasp_mathtypes.h"
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
class TimeBufferImp;
* @brief Implementation of a buffer of time samples, where
class TimeBuffer {
std::unique_ptr<TimeBufferImp> _imp;
* @brief Put samples in the buffer. Number of channels should match other
* frames, otherwise things go wrong.
* @param mat Samples to push, axes should be as mat(frame, channel).
void push(const dmat &mat);
* @brief Reset (empties) the time buffer.
void reset();
* @brief Try top pop frames from the buffer.
* @param nframes The number of rows
* @param keep The number of frames to copy, but also to keep in the buffer
* (usage: overlap)
* @return An optional container, containing a matrix of time samples for
* each channel
std::optional<dmat> pop(const us nframes, const us keep = 0);

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#include "debugtrace.hpp"
#include "lasp_streammgr.h"
#include <atomic>
#include <boost/lockfree/policies.hpp>
#include <boost/lockfree/spsc_queue.hpp>
#include <chrono>
#include <pybind11/buffer_info.h>

third_party/thread-pool vendored Submodule

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Subproject commit 67fad04348b91cf93bdfad7495d298f54825602c