Updated octave smoothing function; completely different approach
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,19 +3,46 @@
Author: C. Jansen, J.A. de Jong - ASCEE V.O.F.
Smooth data in the frequency domain. TODO: This function is rather slow as it
Smooth data in the frequency domain.
TODO: This function is rather slow as it
used Python for loops. The implementations should be speed up in the near
TODO: check if the smoothing is correct: depending on whether the data points
are spaced lin of log in frequency, they should be given different weights.
TODO: accept data that is not equally spaced in frequency
TODO: output data that is log spaced in frequency
Cutoff frequencies of window taken from
http://www.huennebeck-online.de/software/download/src/index.html 15-10-2021
math --> ReduceSpectrum.c --> ReduceSpectrum::smoothLogXScale()
fl = fcenter / sqrt(2^(1/Noct)) # lower cutoff
fu = fcenter * sqrt(2^(1/Noct)) # upper cutoff
such that:
sqrt(fl * fu) = fcenter
fu = 2^(1/Noct) * fl
Smoothing window taken from
the-fft-with-apx/ 15-10-2021
g = sqrt( 1/ ([1+[(f/fm - fm/f)*(1.507*b)]^6]) )
where b = 3 for 1/3rd octave, f = frequency, fm = mid-band frequency, g = gain.
Gain is related to magnitude; power is related to gain^2
from enum import Enum, unique
__all__ = ['SmoothingType', 'smoothSpectralData', 'SmoothingWidth']
from enum import Enum, unique
import bisect
import numpy as np
class SmoothingWidth(Enum):
none = (0, 'No smoothing')
# three = (3, '1/3th octave smoothing')
one = (1, '1/1stoctave smoothing')
two = (2, '1/2th octave smoothing')
three = (3, '1/3rd octave smoothing')
six = (6, '1/6th octave smoothing')
twelve = (12, '1/12th octave smoothing')
twfo = (24, '1/24th octave smoothing')
@ -38,6 +65,7 @@ class SmoothingWidth(Enum):
def getCurrent(cb):
return list(SmoothingWidth)[cb.currentIndex()]
class SmoothingType:
levels = 'l', 'Levels'
# tf = 'tf', 'Transfer function',
@ -48,9 +76,6 @@ class SmoothingType:
# TO DO: add possibility to insert data that is not lin spaced in frequency
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal.windows import gaussian
def smoothSpectralData(freq, M, sw: SmoothingWidth,
st: SmoothingType = SmoothingType.levels):
@ -77,13 +102,14 @@ def smoothSpectralData(freq, M, sw: SmoothingWidth,
# TODO: Make this function multi-dimensional array aware.
# Settings
tr = 2 # truncate window after 2x std
tr = 2 # truncate window after 2x std; shorter is faster and less accurate
# Safety
Noct = sw.value[0]
assert Noct > 0, "'Noct' must be absolute positive"
if Noct < 1: raise Warning('Check if \'Noct\' is entered correctly')
assert len(freq)==len(M), 'f and M should have equal length'
if Noct < 1:
raise Warning('Check if \'Noct\' is entered correctly')
assert len(freq) == len(M), 'f and M should have equal length'
if st == SmoothingType.ps:
assert np.min(M) >= 0, 'absolute magnitude M cannot be negative'
@ -92,109 +118,218 @@ def smoothSpectralData(freq, M, sw: SmoothingWidth,
# Initialize
L = M.shape[0] # number of data points
P = M
if st == SmoothingType.levels:
P = 10**(P/10)
P = 10**(M/10) # magnitude [dB] --> power
P = M # data already given as power
# TODO: This does not work due to complex numbers. Should be split up in
# magnitude and phase.
# elif st == SmoothingType.tf:
# P = P**2
# P is power while smoothing. x are indices of P.
Psm = np.zeros_like(P) # Smoothed power - to be calculated
x0 = 1 if freq[0]==0 else 0 # Skip first data point if zero frequency
Psm[0] = P[0] # Reuse old value in case first data..
# ..point is skipped. Not plotted any way.
df = freq[1] - freq[0] # Frequency step
Psm = np.zeros_like(P) # Smoothed power - to be calculated
x0 = 1 if freq[0] == 0 else 0 # Skip first data point if zero frequency
Psm[0] = P[0] # Reuse old value in case first data..
# ..point is skipped. Not plotted any way.
# Loop through data points
for x in range(x0, L):
# Find indices of data points to calculate current (smoothed) magnitude
fc = freq[x] # center freq. of smoothing window
Df = tr * fc / Noct # freq. range of smoothing window
# desired lower index of frequency array to be used during smoothing
xl = int(np.ceil(x - 0.5*Df/df))
# upper index + 1 (because half-open interval)
xu = int(np.floor(x + 0.5*Df/df)) + 1
# Create window
Np = xu - xl # number of points
std = Np / (2 * tr)
wind = gaussian(Np, std) # Gaussian window
# Clip indices to valid range
# Indices beyond [0, L] point to non-existing data. This occurs when
# the smoothing windows nears the beginning or end of the series.
# Optional: if one end of the window is clipped, the other end
# could be clipped as well, to prevent an error on magnitude data with
# a slope. It however results in unsmoothed looking data at the ends.
if xl < 0:
rl = 0 - xl # remove this number of points at the lower end
xl = xl + rl # .. from f
wind = wind[rl:] # .. and from window
# Implicitly, the window is truncated in this implementation, because
# of the bisect search
fc = freq[x] # center freq. of smoothing window
fl = fc / np.sqrt(2**(tr/Noct)) # lower cutoff
fu = fc * np.sqrt(2**(tr/Noct)) # upper cutoff
xl = bisect.bisect_left(f, fl) # index corresponding to fl
xu = bisect.bisect_left(f, fu)
# rl = 0 - xl # remove this number of points at the lower end
# xl = xl + rl # .. from f
# xu = xu - rl
# wind = wind[rl:-rl] # .. and from window
if xu > L:
ru = xu - L # remove this number of points at the upper end
xu = xu - ru
wind = wind[:-ru]
# ru = xu - L # remove this number of points at the upper end
# xl = xl + ru
# xu = xu - ru
# wind = wind[ru:-ru]
# Calculate window
g = np.zeros(xu-xl)
for n, xi in enumerate(range(xl, xu)):
fi = f[xi] # current frequency
g[n] = np.sqrt( 1/ ((1+((fi/fc - fc/fi)*(1.507*Noct))**6)) )
g /= np.sum(g) # normalize: integral=1
# Apply smoothing
wind_int = np.sum(wind) # integral
Psm[x] = np.dot(wind, P[xl:xu]) / wind_int # apply window
Psm[x] = np.dot(g, P[xl:xu])
if st == SmoothingType.levels:
Psm = 10*np.log10(Psm)
return Psm
#from scipy.signal.windows import gaussian
#def smoothSpectralData(freq, M, sw: SmoothingWidth,
# st: SmoothingType = SmoothingType.levels):
# """
# Apply fractional octave smoothing to magnitude data in frequency domain.
# Smoothing is performed to power, using a sliding Gaussian window with
# variable length. The window is truncated after 2x std at either side.
# The implementation is not exact, because f is linearly spaced and
# fractional octave smoothing is related to log spaced data. In this
# implementation, the window extends with a fixed frequency step to either
# side. The deviation is largest when Noct is small (e.g. coarse smoothing).
# Casper Jansen, 07-05-2021
# Args:
# freq: array of frequencies of data points [Hz] - equally spaced
# M: array of either power, transfer functin or dB points. Depending on
# the smoothing type `st`, the smoothing is applied.
# Returns:
# freq : array frequencies of data points [Hz]
# Msm : float smoothed magnitude of data points
# """
# # TODO: Make this function multi-dimensional array aware.
# # Settings
# tr = 2 # truncate window after 2x std; shorter is faster and less accurate
# # Safety
# Noct = sw.value[0]
# assert Noct > 0, "'Noct' must be absolute positive"
# if Noct < 1: raise Warning('Check if \'Noct\' is entered correctly')
# assert len(freq)==len(M), 'f and M should have equal length'
# if st == SmoothingType.ps:
# assert np.min(M) >= 0, 'absolute magnitude M cannot be negative'
# if st == SmoothingType.levels and isinstance(M.dtype, complex):
# raise RuntimeError('Decibel input should be real-valued')
# # Initialize
# L = M.shape[0] # number of data points
# P = M
# if st == SmoothingType.levels:
# P = 10**(P/10)
# # TODO: This does not work due to complex numbers. Should be split up in
# # magnitude and phase.
# # elif st == SmoothingType.tf:
# # P = P**2
# # P is power while smoothing. x are indices of P.
# Psm = np.zeros_like(P) # Smoothed power - to be calculated
# x0 = 1 if freq[0]==0 else 0 # Skip first data point if zero frequency
# Psm[0] = P[0] # Reuse old value in case first data..
# # ..point is skipped. Not plotted any way.
# df = freq[1] - freq[0] # Frequency step
# # Loop through data points
# for x in range(x0, L):
# # Find indices of data points to calculate current (smoothed) magnitude
# fc = freq[x] # center freq. of smoothing window
# Df = tr * fc / Noct # freq. range of smoothing window
# # desired lower index of frequency array to be used during smoothing
# xl = int(np.ceil(x - 0.5*Df/df))
# # upper index + 1 (because half-open interval)
# xu = int(np.floor(x + 0.5*Df/df)) + 1
# # Create window, suitable for frequency lin-spaced data points
# Np = xu - xl # number of points
# std = Np / (2 * tr)
# wind = gaussian(Np, std) # Gaussian window
# # Clip indices to valid range
# #
# # Indices beyond [0, L] point to non-existing data. This occurs when
# # the smoothing windows nears the beginning or end of the series.
# # Optional: if one end of the window is clipped, the other end
# # could be clipped as well, to prevent an error on magnitude data with
# # a slope. It however results in unsmoothed looking data at the ends.
# if xl < 0:
# rl = 0 - xl # remove this number of points at the lower end
# xl = xl + rl # .. from f
# wind = wind[rl:] # .. and from window
# # rl = 0 - xl # remove this number of points at the lower end
# # xl = xl + rl # .. from f
# # xu = xu - rl
# # wind = wind[rl:-rl] # .. and from window
# if xu > L:
# ru = xu - L # remove this number of points at the upper end
# xu = xu - ru
# wind = wind[:-ru]
# # ru = xu - L # remove this number of points at the upper end
# # xl = xl + ru
# # xu = xu - ru
# # wind = wind[ru:-ru]
# # Apply smoothing
# wind_int = np.sum(wind) # integral
# Psm[x] = np.dot(wind, P[xl:xu]) / wind_int # apply window
# if st == SmoothingType.levels:
# Psm = 10*np.log10(Psm)
# return Psm
# %% Test
if __name__ == "__main__":
""" Test function for evaluation and debugging
Note: make a distinction between lin and log spaced (in frequency) data
points. They should be treated and weighted differently.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Initialize
Noct = 6 # 1/6 oct. smoothing
Noct = 6 # Noct = 6 for 1/6 oct. smoothing
# Create dummy data
fmin = 3e3 # [Hz] min freq
# Create dummy data set 1: noise
fmin = 3e3 # [Hz] min freq
fmax = 24e3 # [Hz] max freq
Ndata = 200 # number of data points
Ndata = 200 # number of data points
f = np.linspace(fmin, fmax, Ndata) # frequency points
M = abs(1+0.4*np.random.normal(size=(Ndata,)))+0.01 #
dB = False
M = 20*np.log10(M)
dB = True
# M = f+1 # magnitude
# dB = False # True if M is given in dB
# # Create dummy data set 2: dirac delta
# fmin = 3e3 # [Hz] min freq
# fmax = 24e3 # [Hz] max freq
# Ndata = 200 # number of data points
# f = np.linspace(fmin, fmax, Ndata) # frequency points
# M = 0 * abs(1+0.4*np.random.normal(size=(Ndata,))) + 0.01 #
# M[int(Ndata/5)] = 1
# M = 20*np.log10(M)
# Apply function
Msm = oct_smooth(f, M, Noct, dB)
class sw:
value = [Noct]
st = SmoothingType.levels # so data is given in dB
Msm = smoothSpectralData(f, M, sw, st)
fsm = f
# Plot
# Plot - lin frequency
# plt.semilogx(f, M, '.b')
# plt.semilogx(fsm, Msm, 'r')
plt.plot(f, M, '.b')
plt.plot(fsm, Msm, 'r')
plt.xlabel('f (Hz)')
plt.xlim([100, fmax])
plt.title('lin frequency')
# Plot - log frequency
plt.semilogx(f, M, '.b')
plt.semilogx(fsm, Msm, 'r')
plt.xlabel('f (Hz)')
plt.xlim([100, fmax])
plt.title('log frequency')
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