
149 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Author: J.A. de Jong - ASCEE
Provides the FIR implementation of the octave filter bank
__all__ = ['OctaveFilterBank']
from .filter.bandpass_fir import OctaveBankDesigner, ThirdOctaveBankDesigner
from .wrappers import Decimator, FilterBank as pyxFilterBank
import numpy as np
class FilterBank:
Single channel octave filter bank implementation
def __init__(self, fs):
Initialize a OctaveFilterBank object.
fs: Sampling frequency of base signal
assert np.isclose(fs, 48000), "Only sampling frequency" \
" available is 48 kHz"
maxdecimation = self.decimation(self.xs[0])
self.decimators = []
for dec in maxdecimation:
self.decimators.append(Decimator(1, dec))
xs_d1 = []
xs_d4 = []
xs_d16 = []
xs_d64 = []
xs_d256 = []
self.filterbanks = []
# Sort the x values in categories according to the required decimation
for x in self.xs:
dec = self.decimation(x)
if len(dec) == 1 and dec[0] == 1:
elif len(dec) == 1 and dec[0] == 4:
elif len(dec) == 2:
elif len(dec) == 3:
elif len(dec) == 4:
raise ValueError(f'No decimation found for x={x}')
xs_all = [xs_d1, xs_d4, xs_d16, xs_d64, xs_d256]
for xs in xs_all:
nominals_txt = []
firs = np.empty((self.L, len(xs)), order='F')
for i, x in enumerate(xs):
# These are the filters that do not require lasp_decimation
# prior to filtering
firs[:, i] = self.createFilter(fs, x)
filterbank = {'fb': pyxFilterBank(firs, 1024),
'xs': xs,
'nominals': nominals_txt}
# Sample input counter.
self.N = 0
# Filter output counters
self.dec = [1, 4, 16, 64, 256]
# These intial delays are found experimentally using a toneburst
# response.
self.Nf = [915, 806, 780, 582, 338]
def filterd(self, dec_stage, data):
Filter data for a given decimation stage
dec_stage: decimation stage
data: Pre-filtered data
output = {}
if data.shape[0] == 0:
return output
filtered = self.filterbanks[dec_stage]['fb'].filter_(data)
Nf = filtered.shape[0]
if Nf > 0:
dec = self.dec[dec_stage]
fd = self.fs/dec
oldNf = self.Nf[dec_stage]
tstart = oldNf/fd
tend = tstart + Nf/fd
t = np.linspace(tstart, tend, Nf, endpoint=False)
self.Nf[dec_stage] += Nf
for i, nom in enumerate(self.filterbanks[dec_stage]['nominals']):
output[nom] = {'t': t, 'data': filtered[:, [i]]}
return output
def filter_(self, data):
Filter input data
assert data.ndim == 2
assert data.shape[1] == 1, "invalid number of channels, should be 1"
if data.shape[0] == 0:
return {}
# Output given as a dictionary with x as the key
output = {}
self.N += data.shape[0]
output = {**output, **self.filterd(0, data)}
for i in range(len(self.decimators)):
dec_stage = i+1
if data.shape[0] > 0:
# Apply a decimation stage
data = self.decimators[i].decimate(data)
output = {**output, **self.filterd(dec_stage, data)}
return output
class OctaveFilterBank(FilterBank, OctaveBankDesigner):
def __init__(self, fs):
FilterBank.__init__(self, fs)
class ThirdOctaveFilterBank(FilterBank, ThirdOctaveBankDesigner):
def __init__(self, fs):
FilterBank.__init__(self, fs)