
58 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Author: J.A. de Jong - ASCEE
Description: Implementation of SOS filters to color a signal. Typically used to
color white noise to i.e. Pink noise, or Brownian noise.
from scipy.signal import bilinear_zpk, zpk2sos, freqz_zpk
import numpy as np
__all__ = ['PinkNoise'] #, 'BrownianNoise', 'BlueNoise']
def PinkNoise(fs, fstart=10, fend=None, N=3):
Creates SOS filter for pink noise. The filter has a flat response below
fstart, and rolls of close to Nyquist, or flattens out above fend. The
ripple (i.e.) closeness the filter rolls of depends on the number of
sections. The default, N=3 results in
fs: Sampling frequency [Hz]
fstart: Frequency of first pole of the filter
fend: Frequency of last pole of the filter, if not given, set to 5/6th
of the Nyquist frequency.
N: Number of sections.
sos: Array of digital filter coefficients
order = N*2
if fend is None:
fend = 5*fs/6/2
# Not the fastest implementation, but this will not be the bottleneck
# anyhow.
fpoles = np.array([fstart*(fend/fstart)**(n/(order-1))
for n in range(order)])
# Put zeros inbetween poles
fzeros = np.sqrt(fpoles[1:]*fpoles[:-1])
poles = -2*np.pi*fpoles
zeros = -2*np.pi*fzeros
z,p,k = bilinear_zpk(zeros, poles,1, fs=fs)
# Compute the frequency response and search for the gain at fstart, we
# normalize such that this gain is ~ 0 dB. Rounded to an integer frequency
# in Hz.
Omg, h = freqz_zpk(z, p, k, worN = int(fs/2), fs=fs)
h_fstart = np.abs(h[int(fstart)])
k *= 1/h_fstart
sos = zpk2sos(z,p,k)
return sos