
289 lines
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Raw Normal View History

from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore
from pyqtgraph.GraphicsScene import GraphicsScene
from pyqtgraph.Point import Point
import weakref
2012-03-01 22:21:18 -05:00
class GraphicsItemMethods(object):
Class providing useful methods to GraphicsObject and GraphicsWidget.
def __init__(self):
self._viewWidget = None
self._viewBox = None
GraphicsScene.registerObject(self) ## workaround for pyqt bug in graphicsscene.items()
def getViewWidget(self):
Return the view widget for this item. If the scene has multiple views, only the first view is returned.
The return value is cached; clear the cached value with forgetViewWidget()
if self._viewWidget is None:
scene = self.scene()
if scene is None:
return None
views = scene.views()
if len(views) < 1:
return None
self._viewWidget = weakref.ref(self.scene().views()[0])
return self._viewWidget()
def forgetViewWidget(self):
self._viewWidget = None
def getViewBox(self):
Return the first ViewBox or GraphicsView which bounds this item's visible space.
If this item is not contained within a ViewBox, then the GraphicsView is returned.
If the item is contained inside nested ViewBoxes, then the inner-most ViewBox is returned.
The result is cached; clear the cache with forgetViewBox()
if self._viewBox is None:
p = self
while True:
p = p.parentItem()
if p is None:
vb = self.getViewWidget()
if vb is None:
return None
self._viewBox = weakref.ref(vb)
if hasattr(p, 'implements') and p.implements('ViewBox'):
self._viewBox = weakref.ref(p)
return self._viewBox() ## If we made it this far, _viewBox is definitely not None
def forgetViewBox(self):
self._viewBox = None
def deviceTransform(self, viewportTransform=None):
Return the transform that converts local item coordinates to device coordinates (usually pixels).
Extends deviceTransform to automatically determine the viewportTransform.
if viewportTransform is None:
view = self.getViewWidget()
if view is None:
return None
viewportTransform = view.viewportTransform()
return QtGui.QGraphicsObject.deviceTransform(self, viewportTransform)
def viewTransform(self):
"""Return the transform that maps from local coordinates to the item's ViewBox coordinates
If there is no ViewBox, return the scene transform.
Returns None if the item does not have a view."""
view = self.getViewBox()
if view is None:
return None
if hasattr(view, 'implements') and view.implements('ViewBox'):
2012-03-01 22:53:52 -05:00
tr = self.itemTransform(view.innerSceneItem())
if isinstance(tr, tuple):
tr = tr[0] ## difference between pyside and pyqt
return tr
return self.sceneTransform()
#return self.deviceTransform(view.viewportTransform())
def getBoundingParents(self):
"""Return a list of parents to this item that have child clipping enabled."""
p = self
parents = []
while True:
p = p.parentItem()
if p is None:
if p.flags() & self.ItemClipsChildrenToShape:
return parents
def viewRect(self):
"""Return the bounds (in item coordinates) of this item's ViewBox or GraphicsWidget"""
view = self.getViewBox()
if view is None:
return None
2012-03-01 22:53:52 -05:00
bounds = self.mapRectFromView(view.viewRect())
if bounds is None:
return None
bounds = bounds.normalized()
## nah.
#for p in self.getBoundingParents():
#bounds &= self.mapRectFromScene(p.sceneBoundingRect())
return bounds
def pixelVectors(self):
"""Return vectors in local coordinates representing the width and height of a view pixel."""
vt = self.deviceTransform()
if vt is None:
return None
vt = vt.inverted()[0]
orig =, 0))
return, 0))-orig,, 1))-orig
def pixelLength(self, direction):
"""Return the length of one pixel in the direction indicated (in local coordinates)"""
dt = self.deviceTransform()
if dt is None:
return None
viewDir = Point( -,0)))
norm = viewDir.norm()
dti = dt.inverted()[0]
return Point(,0))).length()
def pixelSize(self):
v = self.pixelVectors()
return (v[0].x()**2+v[0].y()**2)**0.5, (v[1].x()**2+v[1].y()**2)**0.5
def pixelWidth(self):
vt = self.deviceTransform()
if vt is None:
return 0
vt = vt.inverted()[0]
return Point(, 0)), 0))).length()
def pixelHeight(self):
vt = self.deviceTransform()
if vt is None:
return 0
vt = vt.inverted()[0]
return Point(, 1)), 0))).length()
def mapToDevice(self, obj):
Return *obj* mapped from local coordinates to device coordinates (pixels).
If there is no device mapping available, return None.
vt = self.deviceTransform()
if vt is None:
return None
def mapFromDevice(self, obj):
Return *obj* mapped from device coordinates (pixels) to local coordinates.
If there is no device mapping available, return None.
vt = self.deviceTransform()
if vt is None:
return None
vt = vt.inverted()[0]
def mapRectToDevice(self, rect):
Return *rect* mapped from local coordinates to device coordinates (pixels).
If there is no device mapping available, return None.
vt = self.deviceTransform()
if vt is None:
return None
return vt.mapRect(rect)
def mapRectFromDevice(self, rect):
Return *rect* mapped from device coordinates (pixels) to local coordinates.
If there is no device mapping available, return None.
vt = self.deviceTransform()
if vt is None:
return None
vt = vt.inverted()[0]
return vt.mapRect(rect)
def mapToView(self, obj):
vt = self.viewTransform()
if vt is None:
return None
def mapRectToView(self, obj):
vt = self.viewTransform()
if vt is None:
return None
return vt.mapRect(obj)
def mapFromView(self, obj):
vt = self.viewTransform()
if vt is None:
return None
vt = vt.inverted()[0]
def mapRectFromView(self, obj):
vt = self.viewTransform()
if vt is None:
return None
vt = vt.inverted()[0]
return vt.mapRect(obj)
def pos(self):
return Point(QtGui.QGraphicsObject.pos(self))
def viewPos(self):
return self.mapToView(self.mapFromParent(self.pos()))
#def itemChange(self, change, value):
#ret = QtGui.QGraphicsObject.itemChange(self, change, value)
#if change == self.ItemParentHasChanged or change == self.ItemSceneHasChanged:
#print "Item scene changed:", self
#self.setChildScene(self) ## This is bizarre.
#return ret
#def setChildScene(self, ch):
#scene = self.scene()
#for ch2 in ch.childItems():
#if ch2.scene() is not scene:
#print "item", ch2, "has different scene:", ch2.scene(), scene
#print " --> ", ch2.scene()
def parentItem(self):
## PyQt bug -- some items are returned incorrectly.
return GraphicsScene.translateGraphicsItem(QtGui.QGraphicsObject.parentItem(self))
def childItems(self):
## PyQt bug -- some child items are returned incorrectly.
return map(GraphicsScene.translateGraphicsItem, QtGui.QGraphicsObject.childItems(self))
def sceneTransform(self):
## Qt bug: do no allow access to sceneTransform() until
## the item has a scene.
if self.scene() is None:
return self.transform()
return QtGui.QGraphicsObject.sceneTransform(self)
def transformAngle(self, relativeItem=None):
"""Return the rotation produced by this item's transform (this assumes there is no shear in the transform)
If relativeItem is given, then the angle is determined relative to that item.
if relativeItem is None:
relativeItem = self.parentItem()
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tr = self.itemTransform(relativeItem)
if isinstance(tr, tuple): ## difference between pyside and pyqt
tr = tr[0]
vec =,0)) -,0))
return Point(vec).angle(Point(1,0))
2012-03-01 22:21:18 -05:00