All of these will accept the same basic arguments which control how the plot data is interpreted and displayed:
* x - Optional X data; if not specified, then a range of integers will be generated automatically.
* y - Y data.
* pen - The pen to use when drawing plot lines, or None to disable lines.
* symbol - A string describing the shape of symbols to use for each point. Optionally, this may also be a sequence of strings with a different symbol for each point.
* symbolPen - The pen (or sequence of pens) to use when drawing the symbol outline.
* symbolBrush - The brush (or sequence of brushes) to use when filling the symbol.
* fillLevel - Fills the area under the plot curve to this Y-value.
* brush - The brush to use when filling under the curve.
See the 'plotting' :ref:`example <examples>` for a demonstration of these arguments.
All of the above functions also return handles to the objects that are created, allowing the plots and data to be further modified.
Organization of Plotting Classes
There are several classes invloved in displaying plot data. Most of these classes are instantiated automatically, but it is useful to understand how they are organized and relate to each other. Pyqtgraph is based heavily on Qt's GraphicsView framework--if you are not already familiar with this, it's worth reading about (but not essential). Most importantly: 1) Qt GUIs are composed of QWidgets, 2) A special widget called QGraphicsView is used for displaying complex graphics, and 3) QGraphicsItems define the objects that are displayed within a QGraphicsView.
*:class:`PlotCurveItem <pyqtgraph.PlotCurveItem>` - Displays a plot line given x,y data
*:class:`ScatterPlotItem <pyqtgraph.ScatterPlotItem>` - Displays points given x,y data
*:class:`PlotDataItem <pyqtgraph.PlotDataItem>` - Combines PlotCurveItem and ScatterPlotItem. The plotting functions discussed above create objects of this type.
*:class:`PlotItem <pyqtgraph.PlotItem>` - Contains a ViewBox for displaying data as well as AxisItems and labels for displaying the axes and title. This is a QGraphicsItem subclass and thus may only be used from within a GraphicsView
*:class:`GraphicsLayout <pyqtgraph.GraphicsLayout>` - QGraphicsItem subclass which displays a grid of items. This is used to display multiple PlotItems together.
*:class:`ViewBox <pyqtgraph.ViewBox>` - A QGraphicsItem subclass for displaying data. The user may scale/pan the contents of a ViewBox using the mouse. Typically all PlotData/PlotCurve/ScatterPlotItems are displayed from within a ViewBox.
*:class:`AxisItem <pyqtgraph.AxisItem>` - Displays axis values, ticks, and labels. Most commonly used with PlotItem.
*:class:`PlotWidget <pyqtgraph.PlotWidget>` - A subclass of GraphicsView with a single PlotItem displayed. Most of the methods provided by PlotItem are also available through PlotWidget.
*:class:`GraphicsLayoutWidget <pyqtgraph.GraphicsLayoutWidget>` - QWidget subclass displaying a single GraphicsLayoutItem. Most of the methods provided by GraphicsLayoutItem are also available through GraphicsLayoutWidget.