2012-03-01 21:55:32 -05:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2013-02-24 23:09:03 -05:00
Update a simple plot as rapidly as possible to measure speed.
2021-07-22 20:57:50 -07:00
2021-02-11 23:14:02 +01:00
## Add path to library (just for examples; you do not need this)
2021-07-22 20:57:50 -07:00
import initExample
2021-02-11 23:14:02 +01:00
from collections import deque
2021-07-18 18:16:05 +08:00
from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets, QT_LIB
2012-03-01 21:55:32 -05:00
import numpy as np
import pyqtgraph as pg
2021-07-22 20:57:50 -07:00
from time import perf_counter
2021-07-18 18:16:05 +08:00
import pyqtgraph.parametertree as ptree
import pyqtgraph.functions as fn
import itertools
import argparse
2021-07-31 15:49:56 +08:00
if QT_LIB.startswith('PyQt'):
2021-07-18 18:16:05 +08:00
wrapinstance = pg.Qt.sip.wrapinstance
2021-07-31 15:49:56 +08:00
wrapinstance = pg.Qt.shiboken.wrapInstance
2021-07-18 18:16:05 +08:00
# defaults here result in the same configuration as the original PlotSpeedTest
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--noise', dest='noise', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--no-noise', dest='noise', action='store_false')
parser.add_argument('--nsamples', default=5000, type=int)
parser.add_argument('--frames', default=50, type=int)
parser.add_argument('--fsample', default=1000, type=float)
parser.add_argument('--frequency', default=0, type=float)
parser.add_argument('--amplitude', default=5, type=float)
2021-07-31 13:01:40 +08:00
parser.add_argument('--opengl', dest='use_opengl', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--no-opengl', dest='use_opengl', action='store_false')
parser.add_argument('--allow-opengl-toggle', action='store_true',
help="""Allow on-the-fly change of OpenGL setting. This may cause unwanted side effects.
2021-07-18 18:16:05 +08:00
args = parser.parse_args()
2021-07-31 13:01:40 +08:00
if args.use_opengl is not None:
pg.setConfigOption('useOpenGL', args.use_opengl)
pg.setConfigOption('enableExperimental', args.use_opengl)
2021-07-18 18:16:05 +08:00
# don't limit frame rate to vsync
sfmt = QtGui.QSurfaceFormat()
class LineInstances:
def __init__(self):
def alloc(self, size):
self.arr = np.empty((size, 4), dtype=np.float64)
self.ptrs = list(map(wrapinstance,
itertools.count(self.arr.ctypes.data, self.arr.strides[0]),
itertools.repeat(QtCore.QLineF, self.arr.shape[0])))
def array(self, size):
if size > self.arr.shape[0]:
self.alloc(size + 16)
return self.arr[:size]
def instances(self, size):
return self.ptrs[:size]
class MonkeyCurveItem(pg.PlotCurveItem):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
super().__init__(*args, **kwds)
self.monkey_mode = ''
self._lineInstances = LineInstances()
def setMethod(self, param, value):
self.monkey_mode = value
def paint(self, painter, opt, widget):
if self.monkey_mode not in ['drawPolyline', 'drawLines']:
return super().paint(painter, opt, widget)
painter.setRenderHint(painter.RenderHint.Antialiasing, self.opts['antialias'])
if self.monkey_mode == 'drawPolyline':
painter.drawPolyline(fn.arrayToQPolygonF(self.xData, self.yData))
elif self.monkey_mode == 'drawLines':
lines = self._lineInstances
npts = len(self.xData)
even_slice = slice(0, 0+(npts-0)//2*2)
odd_slice = slice(1, 1+(npts-1)//2*2)
for sl in [even_slice, odd_slice]:
npairs = (sl.stop - sl.start) // 2
memory = lines.array(npairs).reshape((-1, 2))
memory[:, 0] = self.xData[sl]
memory[:, 1] = self.yData[sl]
2021-02-11 23:14:02 +01:00
2021-01-27 10:59:07 -08:00
app = pg.mkQApp("Plot Speed Test")
2012-03-01 21:55:32 -05:00
2021-07-18 18:16:05 +08:00
default_pen = pg.mkPen()
2012-04-04 09:29:35 -04:00
2021-07-18 18:16:05 +08:00
children = [
dict(name='sigopts', title='Signal Options', type='group', children=[
dict(name='noise', type='bool', value=args.noise),
dict(name='nsamples', type='int', limits=[0, None], value=args.nsamples),
dict(name='frames', type='int', limits=[1, None], value=args.frames),
dict(name='fsample', title='sample rate', type='float', value=args.fsample, units='Hz'),
dict(name='frequency', type='float', value=args.frequency, units='Hz'),
dict(name='amplitude', type='float', value=args.amplitude),
2021-07-31 13:01:40 +08:00
dict(name='useOpenGL', type='bool', value=pg.getConfigOption('useOpenGL'),
readonly=not args.allow_opengl_toggle),
2021-07-18 18:16:05 +08:00
dict(name='enableExperimental', type='bool', value=pg.getConfigOption('enableExperimental')),
dict(name='pen', type='pen', value=default_pen),
dict(name='antialias', type='bool', value=pg.getConfigOption('antialias')),
2021-08-05 15:28:05 -04:00
dict(name='connect', type='list', limits=['all', 'pairs', 'finite', 'array'], value='all'),
2021-07-18 18:16:05 +08:00
dict(name='skipFiniteCheck', type='bool', value=False),
2021-08-05 15:28:05 -04:00
dict(name='plotMethod', title='Plot Method', type='list', limits=['pyqtgraph', 'drawPolyline', 'drawLines'])
2021-07-18 18:16:05 +08:00
2012-04-04 09:29:35 -04:00
2021-07-18 18:16:05 +08:00
params = ptree.Parameter.create(name='Parameters', type='group', children=children)
pt = ptree.ParameterTree(showHeader=False)
pw = pg.PlotWidget()
splitter = QtWidgets.QSplitter()
pw.setWindowTitle('pyqtgraph example: PlotSpeedTest')
pw.setLabel('bottom', 'Index', units='B')
curve = MonkeyCurveItem(pen=default_pen)
rollingAverageSize = 1000
2021-02-11 23:14:02 +01:00
elapsed = deque(maxlen=rollingAverageSize)
2012-04-04 09:29:35 -04:00
2021-07-18 18:16:05 +08:00
def resetTimings(*args):
def makeData(*args):
global data, connect_array, ptr
sigopts = params.child('sigopts')
nsamples = sigopts['nsamples']
frames = sigopts['frames']
Fs = sigopts['fsample']
A = sigopts['amplitude']
F = sigopts['frequency']
ttt = np.arange(frames * nsamples, dtype=np.float64) / Fs
data = A*np.sin(2*np.pi*F*ttt).reshape((frames, nsamples))
if sigopts['noise']:
data += np.random.normal(size=data.shape)
connect_array = np.ones(data.shape[-1], dtype=bool)
ptr = 0
pw.setRange(QtCore.QRectF(0, -10, nsamples, 20))
def onUseOpenGLChanged(param, enable):
def onEnableExperimentalChanged(param, enable):
pg.setConfigOption('enableExperimental', enable)
def onPenChanged(param, pen):
fpsLastUpdate = perf_counter()
2012-03-01 21:55:32 -05:00
def update():
2021-07-18 18:16:05 +08:00
global curve, data, ptr, elapsed, fpsLastUpdate
options = ['antialias', 'connect', 'skipFiniteCheck']
kwds = { k : params[k] for k in options }
if kwds['connect'] == 'array':
kwds['connect'] = connect_array
2021-02-11 23:14:02 +01:00
# Measure
t_start = perf_counter()
2021-07-18 18:16:05 +08:00
curve.setData(data[ptr], **kwds)
2021-02-11 23:14:02 +01:00
2021-07-18 18:16:05 +08:00
t_end = perf_counter()
elapsed.append(t_end - t_start)
ptr = (ptr + 1) % data.shape[0]
2021-02-11 23:14:02 +01:00
2021-07-18 18:16:05 +08:00
# update fps at most once every 0.2 secs
if t_end - fpsLastUpdate > 0.2:
fpsLastUpdate = t_end
2021-02-11 23:14:02 +01:00
average = np.mean(elapsed)
fps = 1 / average
2021-07-18 18:16:05 +08:00
pw.setTitle('%0.2f fps - %0.1f ms avg' % (fps, average * 1_000))
2021-02-11 23:14:02 +01:00
2012-03-01 21:55:32 -05:00
timer = QtCore.QTimer()
2021-07-18 18:16:05 +08:00
2012-12-05 00:25:45 -05:00
if __name__ == '__main__':
2021-05-14 05:28:22 +08:00