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feature More parameter item types (#1844) * feature More parameter item types Pen: Pops up a dialouge that allows the user to customize a pen. Setting pen value is not working yet. Progress bar: For indication things. Slider: Easier way to set values that dont require precision. Fonts: Picking font types. Next thing could be a Font dialog. Calendar: For picking dates or intervals Open/save file/files/directory: Pops up an open/save file/directory dialog to select a file/directory. Filter string and caption can be defined too. A PenSelectorDialog widget was created for the pen parameter item too. Also added these parameter items to the example. * PyQt/Side6 compatibility fixup * Revisions from intial PR Co-authored-by: ChristophRose <> Update pyqtgraph/widgets/ Co-authored-by: ChristophRose <> Update pyqtgraph/widgets/ Co-authored-by: ChristophRose <> Update pyqtgraph/widgets/ Co-authored-by: ChristophRose <> Update pyqtgraph/widgets/ Co-authored-by: ChristophRose <> Update pyqtgraph/parametertree/ Co-authored-by: ChristophRose <> Update pyqtgraph/parametertree/ Co-authored-by: ChristophRose <> Update pyqtgraph/widgets/ Co-authored-by: ChristophRose <> Update pyqtgraph/widgets/ Co-authored-by: ChristophRose <> Update pyqtgraph/widgets/ Co-authored-by: ChristophRose <> Update pyqtgraph/widgets/ Co-authored-by: ChristophRose <> Update pyqtgraph/widgets/ Co-authored-by: ChristophRose <> Apply suggestions from code review Co-authored-by: ChristophRose <> * Bugfix: module instead of class import on param tree example * Enrich the slider parameter * Address pijyoi comments on pen style parameter * Different file picker for easier porting * Better organization and formatting, minor refactoring * PyQt6/PySide6 fixup for file dialog * Minor adjustment to file picker * Bugfix: for 'None' sigChanged 'None' is explicitly allowed for a WidgetParameterItem's `sigChanged` value. However, this raises an error on a changed value unless the commit's fix is applied * Calendar works better as sub item * Fixes bugs in pen parameter's dialog + makes it resizable * more bugfixes and recommended changes, lets pen serialize its options * better pen save state * Fixes file parameter qualms * Fixes font parameter qualms * Fixes calendar parameter qualms * Fixes multiply-defined slider optsChanged * Fixes pen parameter qualms * ptree example minor bugfix * Pen dialog bugfixes * File dialog bugfixes / mild improvements * unto ptree save state regression * file fixup * Adds parameter descriptions to docstrings * Improved parameter documentation * adds 'relativeTo' option for file parameter * Less abuse of Qt enums during or-operations * More uniform handling of relative paths * More cleanup of enum setting * better name for window title (matches qt name) * Favor os.path over pathlib * Exposes 'directory', 'windowTitle' to file parameter * Fixup and add comparison to parameter tree state restoration * Exposes "cosmetic" in pen parameter * Indicate defaults in parameter documentation * QtEnumParameter works for enums outside QtCore.Qt * see if altering pytest report fixes ci bug * Cleanup unused import and redundant `self.widget` assignments Co-authored-by: Fekete Imre <> Co-authored-by: ChristophRose <>
2021-07-23 21:40:49 +00:00
from ..Qt import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
from ..parametertree import Parameter, ParameterTree
from ..functions import mkPen
import re
from contextlib import ExitStack
class PenPreviewArea(QtWidgets.QLabel):
def __init__(self, pen):
self.penLocs = []
self.lastPos = None
self.pen = pen
def mousePressEvent(self, ev):
def mouseMoveEvent(self, ev):
ret =super().mouseMoveEvent(ev)
if not (ev.buttons() & QtCore.Qt.MouseButton.LeftButton):
return ret
pos = ev.position() if hasattr(ev, 'position') else ev.localPos()
if pos != self.lastPos:
self.lastPos = QtCore.QPointF(pos)
return ret
def paintEvent(self, *args):
painter = QtGui.QPainter(self)
# draw a squigly line to show what the pen looks like.
if len(self.penLocs) < 1:
path = self.getDefaultPath()
path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
for pos in self.penLocs[1:]:
def getDefaultPath(self):
w, h = self.width(), self.height()
path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
path.moveTo(w * .2, h * .2)
path.lineTo(w * .8, h * .2)
path.lineTo(w * .2, h * .5)
path.cubicTo(w * .1, h * 1, w * .5, h * .25, w * .8, h * .8)
return path
class PenSelectorDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog):
def __init__(self, initialPen='k'):
self.pen = mkPen(initialPen)
self.param = self.mkParam(self.pen)
self.tree = ParameterTree(showHeader=False)
self.tree.setParameters(self.param, showTop=False)
def mkParam(boundPen=None):
# Import here to avoid cyclic dependency
from ..parametertree.parameterTypes import QtEnumParameter
cs = QtCore.Qt.PenCapStyle
js = QtCore.Qt.PenJoinStyle
ps = QtCore.Qt.PenStyle
param = Parameter.create(name='Params', type='group', children=[
dict(name='color', type='color', value='k'),
dict(name='width', value=1, type='int', limits=[0, None]),
QtEnumParameter(ps, name='style', value='SolidLine'),
QtEnumParameter(cs, name='capStyle'),
QtEnumParameter(js, name='joinStyle'),
dict(name='cosmetic', type='bool', value=True)
for p in param:
name =
replace = r'\1 \2'
name = re.sub(r'(\w)([A-Z])', replace, name)
name = name.title().strip()
def setterWrapper(setter):
"""Ignores the 'param' argument of sigValueChanged"""
def newSetter(_, value):
return setter(value)
return newSetter
if boundPen is not None:
PenSelectorDialog.updateParamFromPen(param, boundPen)
for p in param:
setter, setName = PenSelectorDialog._setterForParam(, boundPen, returnName=True)
# Instead, set the parameter which will signal the old setter
setattr(boundPen, setName, p.setValue)
# Populate initial value
return param
def updatePenFromParam(penOptsParam, pen=None):
if pen is None:
pen = mkPen()
for param in penOptsParam:
setter = PenSelectorDialog._setterForParam(, pen)
return pen
def updatePenFromOpts(self, penOpts, pen=None):
if pen is None:
pen = mkPen()
useKeys = set(penOpts).intersection(self.param.names)
for kk in useKeys:
setter = self._setterForParam(kk, pen)
def _setterForParam(paramName, obj, returnName=False):
formatted = paramName[0].upper() + paramName[1:]
setter = getattr(obj, f'set{formatted}')
if returnName:
return setter, formatted
return setter
def updateParamFromPen(param, pen):
Applies settings from a pen to either a Parameter or dict. The Parameter or dict must already
be populated with the relevant keys that can be found in `PenSelectorDialog.mkParam`.
stack = ExitStack()
if isinstance(param, Parameter):
names = param.names
# Block changes until all are finalized
names = param
for opt in names:
# Booleans have different naming convention
if isinstance(param[opt], bool):
attrName = f'is{opt.title()}'
attrName = opt
param[opt] = getattr(pen, attrName)()
def setupUi(self):
layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout()
self.buttonBoxAcceptCancel = QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox(self)
QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton.Cancel | QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton.Ok)
self.labelPenPreview = PenPreviewArea(self.pen)
def maybeUpdatePreview(_, changes):
if any('value' in c[1] for c in changes):
infoLbl = QtWidgets.QLabel('Click and drag below to test the pen')
policy = QtGui.QSizePolicy.Policy
infoLbl.setSizePolicy(policy.Expanding, policy.Fixed)
self.tree.setMinimumSize(240, 135)
self.resize(240, 300)