2012-03-24 12:17:48 -04:00
from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui
2012-04-15 10:21:31 -04:00
import pyqtgraph.functions as fn
2012-03-24 12:17:48 -04:00
2012-03-09 12:38:15 -05:00
class MeshData(object):
Class for storing 3D mesh data. May contain:
- list of vertex locations
- list of edges
- list of triangles
- colors per vertex, edge, or tri
- normals per vertex or tri
2012-03-23 22:13:41 -04:00
def __init__(self):
2012-03-24 12:17:48 -04:00
self._vertexes = []
self._edges = None
self._faces = []
self._vertexFaces = None ## maps vertex ID to a list of face IDs
self._vertexNormals = None
self._faceNormals = None
self._vertexColors = None
self._edgeColors = None
self._faceColors = None
self._meshColor = (1, 1, 1, 0.1) # default color to use if no face/edge/vertex colors are given
2012-03-23 22:13:41 -04:00
def setFaces(self, faces, vertexes=None):
Set the faces in this data set.
Data may be provided either as an Nx3x3 list of floats (9 float coordinate values per face)
*faces* = [ [(x, y, z), (x, y, z), (x, y, z)], ... ]
or as an Nx3 list of ints (vertex integers) AND an Mx3 list of floats (3 float coordinate values per vertex)
*faces* = [ (p1, p2, p3), ... ]
*vertexes* = [ (x, y, z), ... ]
if vertexes is None:
2012-03-24 12:17:48 -04:00
2012-03-23 22:13:41 -04:00
2012-03-24 12:17:48 -04:00
self._setIndexedFaces(faces, vertexes)
2012-04-15 10:21:31 -04:00
def setMeshColor(self, color):
"""Set the color of the entire mesh. This removes any per-face or per-vertex colors."""
color = fn.Color(color)
self._meshColor = color.glColor()
self._vertexColors = None
self._faceColors = None
2012-03-24 12:17:48 -04:00
2012-03-23 22:13:41 -04:00
def _setUnindexedFaces(self, faces):
verts = {}
2012-03-24 12:17:48 -04:00
self._faces = []
self._vertexes = []
self._vertexFaces = []
self._faceNormals = None
self._vertexNormals = None
2012-03-23 22:13:41 -04:00
for face in faces:
inds = []
for pt in face:
2012-03-24 12:17:48 -04:00
pt2 = tuple([round(x*1e14) for x in pt]) ## quantize to be sure that nearly-identical points will be merged
2012-03-23 22:13:41 -04:00
index = verts.get(pt2, None)
if index is None:
2012-03-24 12:17:48 -04:00
index = len(self._vertexes)-1
2012-03-23 22:13:41 -04:00
verts[pt2] = index
2012-03-24 12:17:48 -04:00
2012-03-23 22:13:41 -04:00
2012-03-24 12:17:48 -04:00
2012-03-23 22:13:41 -04:00
def _setIndexedFaces(self, faces, vertexes):
2012-03-24 12:17:48 -04:00
self._vertexes = [QtGui.QVector3D(*v) for v in vertexes]
self._faces = faces
self._edges = None
self._vertexFaces = None
self._faceNormals = None
self._vertexNormals = None
2012-03-09 12:38:15 -05:00
2012-03-24 12:17:48 -04:00
def vertexFaces(self):
2012-03-23 22:13:41 -04:00
Return list mapping each vertex index to a list of face indexes that use the vertex.
2012-03-24 12:17:48 -04:00
if self._vertexFaces is None:
self._vertexFaces = [[]] * len(self._vertexes)
for i, face in enumerate(self._faces):
2012-03-23 22:13:41 -04:00
for ind in face:
2012-03-24 12:17:48 -04:00
if len(self._vertexFaces[ind]) == 0:
self._vertexFaces[ind] = [] ## need a unique/empty list to fill
return self._vertexFaces
2012-03-23 22:13:41 -04:00
2012-03-24 12:17:48 -04:00
def __iter__(self):
"""Iterate over all faces, yielding a list of three tuples [(position, normal, color), ...] for each face."""
vnorms = self.vertexNormals()
vcolors = self.vertexColors()
for i in range(len(self._faces)):
face = []
for j in [0,1,2]:
vind = self._faces[i][j]
pos = self._vertexes[vind]
norm = vnorms[vind]
if vcolors is None:
color = self._meshColor
color = vcolors[vind]
face.append((pos, norm, color))
yield face
def faceNormals(self):
2012-03-23 22:13:41 -04:00
Computes and stores normal of each face.
2012-03-24 12:17:48 -04:00
if self._faceNormals is None:
self._faceNormals = []
for i, face in enumerate(self._faces):
2012-03-23 22:13:41 -04:00
## compute face normal
2012-03-24 12:17:48 -04:00
pts = [self._vertexes[vind] for vind in face]
2012-04-15 10:21:31 -04:00
norm = QtGui.QVector3D.crossProduct(pts[1]-pts[0], pts[2]-pts[0])
norm = norm / norm.length() ## don't use .normalized(); doesn't work for small values.
2012-03-24 12:17:48 -04:00
return self._faceNormals
2012-03-09 12:38:15 -05:00
2012-03-24 12:17:48 -04:00
def vertexNormals(self):
2012-03-09 12:38:15 -05:00
Assigns each vertex the average of its connected face normals.
If face normals have not been computed yet, then generateFaceNormals will be called.
2012-03-24 12:17:48 -04:00
if self._vertexNormals is None:
faceNorms = self.faceNormals()
vertFaces = self.vertexFaces()
self._vertexNormals = []
for vindex in xrange(len(self._vertexes)):
#print vertFaces[vindex]
2012-03-23 22:13:41 -04:00
norms = [faceNorms[findex] for findex in vertFaces[vindex]]
2012-03-24 12:17:48 -04:00
norm = QtGui.QVector3D()
for fn in norms:
norm += fn
2012-04-15 10:21:31 -04:00
norm = norm / norm.length() ## don't use .normalize(); doesn't work for small values.
2012-03-24 12:17:48 -04:00
return self._vertexNormals
def vertexColors(self):
return self._vertexColors
def faceColors(self):
return self._faceColors
2012-03-09 12:38:15 -05:00
2012-03-24 12:17:48 -04:00
def edgeColors(self):
return self._edgeColors
2012-03-09 12:38:15 -05:00
def reverseNormals(self):
2012-03-23 22:13:41 -04:00
Reverses the direction of all normal vectors.
def generateEdgesFromFaces(self):
Generate a set of edges by listing all the edges of faces and removing any duplicates.
Useful for displaying wireframe meshes.
2012-04-15 10:21:31 -04:00
def save(self):
"""Serialize this mesh to a string appropriate for disk storage"""
import pickle
names = ['_vertexes', '_edges', '_faces', '_vertexFaces', '_vertexNormals', '_faceNormals', '_vertexColors', '_edgeColors', '_faceColors', '_meshColor']
state = {n:getattr(self, n) for n in names}
return pickle.dumps(state)
def restore(self, state):
"""Restore the state of a mesh previously saved using save()"""
import pickle
state = pickle.loads(state)
for k in state:
setattr(self, k, state[k])