2013-12-08 12:47:04 -05:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
In this example we create a subclass of PlotCurveItem for displaying a very large
data set from an HDF5 file that does not fit in memory .
The basic approach is to override PlotCurveItem . viewRangeChanged such that it
reads only the portion of the HDF5 data that is necessary to display the visible
portion of the data . This is further downsampled to reduce the number of samples
being displayed .
A more clever implementation of this class would employ some kind of caching
to avoid re - reading the entire visible waveform at every update .
import initExample ## Add path to library (just for examples; you do not need this)
2015-05-19 09:29:55 -04:00
import sys , os
2013-12-08 12:47:04 -05:00
import numpy as np
import h5py
2015-05-19 09:29:55 -04:00
import pyqtgraph as pg
from pyqtgraph . Qt import QtCore , QtGui
2014-05-22 01:51:17 -04:00
pg . mkQApp ( )
2013-12-08 12:47:04 -05:00
plt = pg . plot ( )
plt . setWindowTitle ( ' pyqtgraph example: HDF5 big data ' )
plt . enableAutoRange ( False , False )
plt . setXRange ( 0 , 500 )
class HDF5Plot ( pg . PlotCurveItem ) :
def __init__ ( self , * args , * * kwds ) :
self . hdf5 = None
self . limit = 10000 # maximum number of samples to be plotted
pg . PlotCurveItem . __init__ ( self , * args , * * kwds )
def setHDF5 ( self , data ) :
self . hdf5 = data
self . updateHDF5Plot ( )
def viewRangeChanged ( self ) :
self . updateHDF5Plot ( )
def updateHDF5Plot ( self ) :
if self . hdf5 is None :
self . setData ( [ ] )
vb = self . getViewBox ( )
if vb is None :
return # no ViewBox yet
# Determine what data range must be read from HDF5
xrange = vb . viewRange ( ) [ 0 ]
start = max ( 0 , int ( xrange [ 0 ] ) - 1 )
stop = min ( len ( self . hdf5 ) , int ( xrange [ 1 ] + 2 ) )
# Decide by how much we should downsample
ds = int ( ( stop - start ) / self . limit ) + 1
if ds == 1 :
# Small enough to display with no intervention.
visible = self . hdf5 [ start : stop ]
scale = 1
else :
# Here convert data into a down-sampled array suitable for visualizing.
# Must do this piecewise to limit memory usage.
samples = 1 + ( ( stop - start ) / / ds )
visible = np . zeros ( samples * 2 , dtype = self . hdf5 . dtype )
sourcePtr = start
targetPtr = 0
# read data in chunks of ~1M samples
chunkSize = ( 1000000 / / ds ) * ds
while sourcePtr < stop - 1 :
chunk = self . hdf5 [ sourcePtr : min ( stop , sourcePtr + chunkSize ) ]
sourcePtr + = len ( chunk )
# reshape chunk to be integral multiple of ds
chunk = chunk [ : ( len ( chunk ) / / ds ) * ds ] . reshape ( len ( chunk ) / / ds , ds )
# compute max and min
chunkMax = chunk . max ( axis = 1 )
chunkMin = chunk . min ( axis = 1 )
# interleave min and max into plot data to preserve envelope shape
visible [ targetPtr : targetPtr + chunk . shape [ 0 ] * 2 : 2 ] = chunkMin
visible [ 1 + targetPtr : 1 + targetPtr + chunk . shape [ 0 ] * 2 : 2 ] = chunkMax
targetPtr + = chunk . shape [ 0 ] * 2
visible = visible [ : targetPtr ]
scale = ds * 0.5
self . setData ( visible ) # update the plot
self . setPos ( start , 0 ) # shift to match starting index
self . resetTransform ( )
self . scale ( scale , 1 ) # scale to match downsampling
def createFile ( finalSize = 2000000000 ) :
""" Create a large HDF5 data file for testing.
Data consists of 1 M random samples tiled through the end of the array .
chunk = np . random . normal ( size = 1000000 ) . astype ( np . float32 )
f = h5py . File ( ' test.hdf5 ' , ' w ' )
f . create_dataset ( ' data ' , data = chunk , chunks = True , maxshape = ( None , ) )
data = f [ ' data ' ]
2014-05-22 01:51:17 -04:00
nChunks = finalSize / / ( chunk . size * chunk . itemsize )
with pg . ProgressDialog ( " Generating test.hdf5... " , 0 , nChunks ) as dlg :
for i in range ( nChunks ) :
newshape = [ data . shape [ 0 ] + chunk . shape [ 0 ] ]
data . resize ( newshape )
data [ - chunk . shape [ 0 ] : ] = chunk
dlg + = 1
if dlg . wasCanceled ( ) :
f . close ( )
os . remove ( ' test.hdf5 ' )
sys . exit ( )
dlg + = 1
2013-12-08 12:47:04 -05:00
f . close ( )
2014-05-22 01:51:17 -04:00
if len ( sys . argv ) > 1 :
fileName = sys . argv [ 1 ]
else :
fileName = ' test.hdf5 '
if not os . path . isfile ( fileName ) :
size , ok = QtGui . QInputDialog . getDouble ( None , " Create HDF5 Dataset? " , " This demo requires a large HDF5 array. To generate a file, enter the array size (in GB) and press OK. " , 2.0 )
if not ok :
sys . exit ( 0 )
else :
createFile ( int ( size * 1e9 ) )
#raise Exception("No suitable HDF5 file found. Use createFile() to generate an example file.")
f = h5py . File ( fileName , ' r ' )
curve = HDF5Plot ( )
curve . setHDF5 ( f [ ' data ' ] )
plt . addItem ( curve )
2013-12-08 12:47:04 -05:00
## Start Qt event loop unless running in interactive mode or using pyside.
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
2014-05-22 01:51:17 -04:00
2013-12-08 12:47:04 -05:00
import sys
if ( sys . flags . interactive != 1 ) or not hasattr ( QtCore , ' PYQT_VERSION ' ) :
QtGui . QApplication . instance ( ) . exec_ ( )