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from ..Qt import QtGui, QtCore
from ..Qt import QtOpenGL
import numpy as np
2012-05-11 22:05:41 +00:00
from .GraphicsObject import GraphicsObject
from .. import functions as fn
from ..Point import Point
2012-05-11 22:05:41 +00:00
import struct, sys
from .. import getConfigOption
from .. import debug
__all__ = ['PlotCurveItem']
class PlotCurveItem(GraphicsObject):
Class representing a single plot curve. Instances of this class are created
automatically as part of PlotDataItem; these rarely need to be instantiated
- Fast data update
- Fill under curve
- Mouse interaction
==================== ===============================================
sigPlotChanged(self) Emitted when the data being plotted has changed
sigClicked(self) Emitted when the curve is clicked
==================== ===============================================
sigPlotChanged = QtCore.Signal(object)
sigClicked = QtCore.Signal(object)
def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
Forwards all arguments to :func:`setData <pyqtgraph.PlotCurveItem.setData>`.
Some extra arguments are accepted as well:
============== =======================================================
parent The parent GraphicsObject (optional)
clickable If True, the item will emit sigClicked when it is
clicked on. Defaults to False.
============== =======================================================
GraphicsObject.__init__(self, kargs.get('parent', None))
## this is disastrous for performance.
self.metaData = {}
self.opts = {
'pen': fn.mkPen('w'),
'shadowPen': None,
'fillLevel': None,
'brush': None,
'stepMode': False,
'name': None,
'antialias': getConfigOption('antialias'),
'connect': 'all',
'mouseWidth': 8, # width of shape responding to mouse click
self.setClickable(kargs.get('clickable', False))
self.setData(*args, **kargs)
def implements(self, interface=None):
ints = ['plotData']
if interface is None:
return ints
return interface in ints
def name(self):
return self.opts.get('name', None)
def setClickable(self, s, width=None):
"""Sets whether the item responds to mouse clicks.
The *width* argument specifies the width in pixels orthogonal to the
curve that will respond to a mouse click.
self.clickable = s
if width is not None:
self.opts['mouseWidth'] = width
self._mouseShape = None
self._boundingRect = None
def getData(self):
return self.xData, self.yData
def dataBounds(self, ax, frac=1.0, orthoRange=None):
## Need this to run as fast as possible.
## check cache first:
cache = self._boundsCache[ax]
if cache is not None and cache[0] == (frac, orthoRange):
return cache[1]
(x, y) = self.getData()
if x is None or len(x) == 0:
return (None, None)
if ax == 0:
d = x
d2 = y
elif ax == 1:
d = y
d2 = x
## If an orthogonal range is specified, mask the data now
if orthoRange is not None:
mask = (d2 >= orthoRange[0]) * (d2 <= orthoRange[1])
d = d[mask]
#d2 = d2[mask]
if len(d) == 0:
return (None, None)
## Get min/max (or percentiles) of the requested data range
if frac >= 1.0:
b = (np.nanmin(d), np.nanmax(d))
elif frac <= 0.0:
raise Exception("Value for parameter 'frac' must be > 0. (got %s)" % str(frac))
mask = np.isfinite(d)
d = d[mask]
b = np.percentile(d, [50 * (1 - frac), 50 * (1 + frac)])
## adjust for fill level
if ax == 1 and self.opts['fillLevel'] is not None:
b = (min(b[0], self.opts['fillLevel']), max(b[1], self.opts['fillLevel']))
## Add pen width only if it is non-cosmetic.
pen = self.opts['pen']
spen = self.opts['shadowPen']
if not pen.isCosmetic():
b = (b[0] - pen.widthF()*0.7072, b[1] + pen.widthF()*0.7072)
if spen is not None and not spen.isCosmetic() and != QtCore.Qt.NoPen:
b = (b[0] - spen.widthF()*0.7072, b[1] + spen.widthF()*0.7072)
self._boundsCache[ax] = [(frac, orthoRange), b]
return b
def pixelPadding(self):
pen = self.opts['pen']
spen = self.opts['shadowPen']
w = 0
if pen.isCosmetic():
w += pen.widthF()*0.7072
if spen is not None and spen.isCosmetic() and != QtCore.Qt.NoPen:
w = max(w, spen.widthF()*0.7072)
if self.clickable:
w = max(w, self.opts['mouseWidth']//2 + 1)
return w
def boundingRect(self):
if self._boundingRect is None:
(xmn, xmx) = self.dataBounds(ax=0)
(ymn, ymx) = self.dataBounds(ax=1)
if xmn is None:
return QtCore.QRectF()
px = py = 0.0
pxPad = self.pixelPadding()
if pxPad > 0:
# determine length of pixel in local x, y directions
px, py = self.pixelVectors()
px = 0 if px is None else px.length()
except OverflowError:
px = 0
py = 0 if py is None else py.length()
except OverflowError:
py = 0
# return bounds expanded by pixel size
px *= pxPad
py *= pxPad
#px += self._maxSpotWidth * 0.5
#py += self._maxSpotWidth * 0.5
self._boundingRect = QtCore.QRectF(xmn-px, ymn-py, (2*px)+xmx-xmn, (2*py)+ymx-ymn)
return self._boundingRect
def viewTransformChanged(self):
#def boundingRect(self):
#if self._boundingRect is None:
#(x, y) = self.getData()
#if x is None or y is None or len(x) == 0 or len(y) == 0:
#return QtCore.QRectF()
#if self.opts['shadowPen'] is not None:
#lineWidth = (max(self.opts['pen'].width(), self.opts['shadowPen'].width()) + 1)
#lineWidth = (self.opts['pen'].width()+1)
#pixels = self.pixelVectors()
#if pixels == (None, None):
#pixels = [Point(0,0), Point(0,0)]
#xmin = x.min()
#xmax = x.max()
#ymin = y.min()
#ymax = y.max()
#if self.opts['fillLevel'] is not None:
#ymin = min(ymin, self.opts['fillLevel'])
#ymax = max(ymax, self.opts['fillLevel'])
#xmin -= pixels[0].x() * lineWidth
#xmax += pixels[0].x() * lineWidth
#ymin -= abs(pixels[1].y()) * lineWidth
#ymax += abs(pixels[1].y()) * lineWidth
#self._boundingRect = QtCore.QRectF(xmin, ymin, xmax-xmin, ymax-ymin)
#return self._boundingRect
def invalidateBounds(self):
self._boundingRect = None
self._boundsCache = [None, None]
def setPen(self, *args, **kargs):
"""Set the pen used to draw the curve."""
self.opts['pen'] = fn.mkPen(*args, **kargs)
def setShadowPen(self, *args, **kargs):
"""Set the shadow pen used to draw behind tyhe primary pen.
This pen must have a larger width than the primary
pen to be visible.
self.opts['shadowPen'] = fn.mkPen(*args, **kargs)
def setBrush(self, *args, **kargs):
"""Set the brush used when filling the area under the curve"""
self.opts['brush'] = fn.mkBrush(*args, **kargs)
def setFillLevel(self, level):
"""Set the level filled to when filling under the curve"""
self.opts['fillLevel'] = level
self.fillPath = None
def setData(self, *args, **kargs):
============== ========================================================
x, y (numpy arrays) Data to show
pen Pen to use when drawing. Any single argument accepted by
:func:`mkPen <pyqtgraph.mkPen>` is allowed.
shadowPen Pen for drawing behind the primary pen. Usually this
is used to emphasize the curve by providing a
high-contrast border. Any single argument accepted by
:func:`mkPen <pyqtgraph.mkPen>` is allowed.
fillLevel (float or None) Fill the area 'under' the curve to
brush QBrush to use when filling. Any single argument accepted
by :func:`mkBrush <pyqtgraph.mkBrush>` is allowed.
antialias (bool) Whether to use antialiasing when drawing. This
is disabled by default because it decreases performance.
2013-08-04 18:36:14 +00:00
stepMode If True, two orthogonal lines are drawn for each sample
as steps. This is commonly used when drawing histograms.
Note that in this case, len(x) == len(y) + 1
connect Argument specifying how vertexes should be connected
by line segments. Default is "all", indicating full
connection. "pairs" causes only even-numbered segments
to be drawn. "finite" causes segments to be omitted if
they are attached to nan or inf values. For any other
connectivity, specify an array of boolean values.
============== ========================================================
If non-keyword arguments are used, they will be interpreted as
setData(y) for a single argument and setData(x, y) for two
self.updateData(*args, **kargs)
def updateData(self, *args, **kargs):
profiler = debug.Profiler()
if len(args) == 1:
kargs['y'] = args[0]
elif len(args) == 2:
kargs['x'] = args[0]
kargs['y'] = args[1]
if 'y' not in kargs or kargs['y'] is None:
kargs['y'] = np.array([])
if 'x' not in kargs or kargs['x'] is None:
kargs['x'] = np.arange(len(kargs['y']))
for k in ['x', 'y']:
data = kargs[k]
if isinstance(data, list):
data = np.array(data)
kargs[k] = data
if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray) or data.ndim > 1:
raise Exception("Plot data must be 1D ndarray.")
if 'complex' in str(data.dtype):
raise Exception("Can not plot complex data types.")
profiler("data checks")
#self.setCacheMode(QtGui.QGraphicsItem.NoCache) ## Disabling and re-enabling the cache works around a bug in Qt 4.6 causing the cached results to display incorrectly
## Test this bug with test_PlotWidget and zoom in on the animated plot
self.yData = kargs['y'].view(np.ndarray)
self.xData = kargs['x'].view(np.ndarray)
if 'stepMode' in kargs:
self.opts['stepMode'] = kargs['stepMode']
if self.opts['stepMode'] is True:
if len(self.xData) != len(self.yData)+1: ## allow difference of 1 for step mode plots
2013-06-20 12:44:46 +00:00
raise Exception("len(X) must be len(Y)+1 since stepMode=True (got %s and %s)" % (self.xData.shape, self.yData.shape))
if self.xData.shape != self.yData.shape: ## allow difference of 1 for step mode plots
2013-06-20 12:44:46 +00:00
raise Exception("X and Y arrays must be the same shape--got %s and %s." % (self.xData.shape, self.yData.shape))
self.path = None
self.fillPath = None
self._mouseShape = None
#self.xDisp = self.yDisp = None
if 'name' in kargs:
self.opts['name'] = kargs['name']
if 'connect' in kargs:
self.opts['connect'] = kargs['connect']
if 'pen' in kargs:
if 'shadowPen' in kargs:
if 'fillLevel' in kargs:
if 'brush' in kargs:
if 'antialias' in kargs:
self.opts['antialias'] = kargs['antialias']
def generatePath(self, x, y):
if self.opts['stepMode']:
## each value in the x/y arrays generates 2 points.
x2 = np.empty((len(x),2), dtype=x.dtype)
x2[:] = x[:,np.newaxis]
if self.opts['fillLevel'] is None:
x = x2.reshape(x2.size)[1:-1]
y2 = np.empty((len(y),2), dtype=y.dtype)
y2[:] = y[:,np.newaxis]
y = y2.reshape(y2.size)
## If we have a fill level, add two extra points at either end
x = x2.reshape(x2.size)
y2 = np.empty((len(y)+2,2), dtype=y.dtype)
y2[1:-1] = y[:,np.newaxis]
y = y2.reshape(y2.size)[1:-1]
y[0] = self.opts['fillLevel']
y[-1] = self.opts['fillLevel']
path = fn.arrayToQPath(x, y, connect=self.opts['connect'])
return path
def getPath(self):
if self.path is None:
x,y = self.getData()
if x is None or len(x) == 0 or y is None or len(y) == 0:
self.path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
self.path = self.generatePath(*self.getData())
self.fillPath = None
self._mouseShape = None
return self.path
@debug.warnOnException ## raising an exception here causes crash
def paint(self, p, opt, widget):
profiler = debug.Profiler()
if self.xData is None or len(self.xData) == 0:
if HAVE_OPENGL and getConfigOption('enableExperimental') and isinstance(widget, QtOpenGL.QGLWidget):
self.paintGL(p, opt, widget)
x = None
y = None
path = self.getPath()
profiler('generate path')
if self._exportOpts is not False:
aa = self._exportOpts.get('antialias', True)
aa = self.opts['antialias']
p.setRenderHint(p.Antialiasing, aa)
if self.opts['brush'] is not None and self.opts['fillLevel'] is not None:
if self.fillPath is None:
if x is None:
x,y = self.getData()
p2 = QtGui.QPainterPath(self.path)
p2.lineTo(x[-1], self.opts['fillLevel'])
p2.lineTo(x[0], self.opts['fillLevel'])
p2.lineTo(x[0], y[0])
self.fillPath = p2
profiler('generate fill path')
p.fillPath(self.fillPath, self.opts['brush'])
profiler('draw fill path')
sp = fn.mkPen(self.opts['shadowPen'])
cp = fn.mkPen(self.opts['pen'])
## Copy pens and apply alpha adjustment
#sp = QtGui.QPen(self.opts['shadowPen'])
#cp = QtGui.QPen(self.opts['pen'])
#for pen in [sp, cp]:
#if pen is None:
#c = pen.color()
#c.setAlpha(c.alpha() * self.opts['alphaHint'])
if sp is not None and != QtCore.Qt.NoPen:
#print "Render hints:", int(p.renderHints())
def paintGL(self, p, opt, widget):
import OpenGL.GL as gl
## set clipping viewport
view = self.getViewBox()
if view is not None:
rect = view.mapRectToItem(self, view.boundingRect())
#gl.glViewport(int(rect.x()), int(rect.y()), int(rect.width()), int(rect.height()))
#gl.glTranslate(-rect.x(), -rect.y(), 0)
gl.glColorMask(gl.GL_FALSE, gl.GL_FALSE, gl.GL_FALSE, gl.GL_FALSE) # disable drawing to frame buffer
gl.glDepthMask(gl.GL_FALSE) # disable drawing to depth buffer
gl.glStencilFunc(gl.GL_NEVER, 1, 0xFF)
gl.glStencilOp(gl.GL_REPLACE, gl.GL_KEEP, gl.GL_KEEP)
## draw stencil pattern
Added Travis CI support Fixed bugs / style issues to please Lord Travis Squashed commit of the following: commit f25048a1e1e9d0be355f33fbaff6ef74845f4782 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Sun Mar 30 02:40:47 2014 -0400 syntax commit cc8b69695a2698b75ff216dce27fabe46c79a325 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Sun Mar 30 02:36:49 2014 -0400 add size check, diff style check commit 5d5ea065a4d4cc714bfaf7c7e7624295164cd86c Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Sun Mar 30 02:16:05 2014 -0400 travis fix commit b154c6d9971d35c2a46e575a0a884880ec14c8b1 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Sun Mar 30 02:09:41 2014 -0400 travis, flake colored output commit 46921dcd878fdc08f05ef74d08be7953b1820a85 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Wed Mar 26 12:37:54 2014 -0400 fix pyside+py3 bugs to satisfy CI commit 1d30f3c5c7763876ccfff54e460b83cb7422a5b4 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Wed Mar 26 11:13:18 2014 -0400 fix py3 tests commit 426578fa4c5ec991d361c60005c32ca88c85e505 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Wed Mar 26 07:39:19 2014 -0400 fix pytest install commit 88a13c1a7158904af7d25c5ba5bfc8e63e6cf49d Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Wed Mar 26 00:29:29 2014 -0400 qt5 updates commit 51995488ccc9f286aeced3bd49c3213819529e57 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Wed Mar 26 00:16:04 2014 -0400 correct py.test command for py3 commit e2b02fbcbdbd95cbec5dd9307870f39337e6eb45 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 23:50:38 2014 -0400 fix 2nd install test commit 4b3e3ee04adee3a8d1aabdfb18a198cbd0e83a06 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 23:31:31 2014 -0400 syntax error commit 250eabdb34cac48d6f9622e6453235f0ec7f1151 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 23:13:42 2014 -0400 look for py.test3 commit 9f9bca47c1a0a5c35be21835a674058242aa5f48 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 22:54:19 2014 -0400 fix syntax commit 0a871c6f36ecddb7a1002b74d3b6d433e1648e8f Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 22:47:58 2014 -0400 output pip build log commit dbce58d8cd3f3a558202f8d7a149b5ec8fbfcf78 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 22:38:55 2014 -0400 no comments allowed between shall lines commit b79c06121d8e40d8b2d2db0a4dd0a60fbf48edba Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 20:56:35 2014 -0400 another pip try commit 09f4f5d82ab41f66e5c746985f09dfcbe36f2089 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 13:36:09 2014 -0400 pip correction commit 0eedb5c18e7242370f996c6b7481fbcdc8e6caf2 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 13:29:00 2014 -0400 correct py version output commit d9fd039be22cb297f4de83f7ab543de25e2969dd Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 11:55:43 2014 -0400 apt checks commit cf95ccef86bd26964d73bdc649de8f23f64d2575 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 10:23:10 2014 -0400 alternate pip install method commit bee0bcddfef44917a5ee425557ba6ff246edec87 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:51:45 2014 -0400 correct deps install commit 963a4211fcaa5ebbfe0e13a5d879635bd77334ac Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:47:30 2014 -0400 fixes commit 0c86cd1dc28e286f999f01b37beb3c3252a8c864 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:31:06 2014 -0400 permission fix commit 5d04ef53b80a83aa62452ff9a9f9152ca862f8d8 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:30:19 2014 -0400 Fix py.test version selection commit b0e6c7cb94c7fa85653e492f8817e79b1ca30426 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:25:34 2014 -0400 try another pyqt5 install method commit 422a7928665b5afb72861400672cc81b4bcd9779 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:12:36 2014 -0400 syntax error commit 533133905a8e4f2ba26bc6e8f0e4fe631fbd119e Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:04:37 2014 -0400 fixes commit 8d65211ba4e08e4f4b13b68f9778c3aee4b43cdc Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 22:40:18 2014 -0400 Add Qt5 test minor fixes commit 4484efaefe0c99516940812d0472e82998e801f6 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 22:31:56 2014 -0400 use correct py.test for python version commit 5d2441a29b98ed573e15580fc5efd533352ffb45 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 22:24:27 2014 -0400 add setup tests commit 9291db64f25afeb46ee46d92b3bd13aabb325cfe Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 21:48:43 2014 -0400 fix py3-pyqt install commit a7aa675c5a5a5c4a2fff69feefc9298bcc626641 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 21:31:33 2014 -0400 travis tests commit e71cd2b23ab09490c29c1c8ee18fc4db87ff0c01 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 21:17:15 2014 -0400 more corrections commit 527df3bca897ba6a02cb3fe4a5a6db34042600b5 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 20:56:01 2014 -0400 travis corrections commit 87d65cac4aa3bf815860030fac78e8e28069e29d Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 20:48:02 2014 -0400 Add flake tests Correct style in a few files to please Lord Travis commit 537028f88f17da59a6e8a09b9a3dee34282791cf Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 17:36:24 2014 -0400 minimize pyside package install correct line endings to satisfy Lord Travis commit 1e3cc95e37f03f70f50900dcb2e8a4dc4772208a Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 17:23:03 2014 -0400 enable pyside, line ending check fix test commit d7df4517f9004399703cb44237d27be313405e84 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 17:12:06 2014 -0400 syntax fix commit 1ad77a21551c38f7ff77bd537eb6c2a9e13a26ae Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 17:00:30 2014 -0400 alt. pytest install commit 5edcc020729b1ecd452555852652720b4c3285f5 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 16:52:33 2014 -0400 Added initial travis.yml
2014-03-30 06:51:32 +00:00
gl.glVertex2f(rect.x(), rect.y())
gl.glVertex2f(rect.x()+rect.width(), rect.y())
gl.glVertex2f(rect.x(), rect.y()+rect.height())
gl.glVertex2f(rect.x()+rect.width(), rect.y()+rect.height())
gl.glVertex2f(rect.x()+rect.width(), rect.y())
gl.glVertex2f(rect.x(), rect.y()+rect.height())
gl.glColorMask(gl.GL_TRUE, gl.GL_TRUE, gl.GL_TRUE, gl.GL_TRUE)
gl.glStencilFunc(gl.GL_EQUAL, 1, 0xFF)
x, y = self.getData()
pos = np.empty((len(x), 2))
pos[:,0] = x
pos[:,1] = y
pen = fn.mkPen(self.opts['pen'])
color = pen.color()
gl.glColor4f(,,, color.alpha()/255.)
width = pen.width()
if pen.isCosmetic() and width < 1:
width = 1
Added Travis CI support Fixed bugs / style issues to please Lord Travis Squashed commit of the following: commit f25048a1e1e9d0be355f33fbaff6ef74845f4782 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Sun Mar 30 02:40:47 2014 -0400 syntax commit cc8b69695a2698b75ff216dce27fabe46c79a325 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Sun Mar 30 02:36:49 2014 -0400 add size check, diff style check commit 5d5ea065a4d4cc714bfaf7c7e7624295164cd86c Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Sun Mar 30 02:16:05 2014 -0400 travis fix commit b154c6d9971d35c2a46e575a0a884880ec14c8b1 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Sun Mar 30 02:09:41 2014 -0400 travis, flake colored output commit 46921dcd878fdc08f05ef74d08be7953b1820a85 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Wed Mar 26 12:37:54 2014 -0400 fix pyside+py3 bugs to satisfy CI commit 1d30f3c5c7763876ccfff54e460b83cb7422a5b4 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Wed Mar 26 11:13:18 2014 -0400 fix py3 tests commit 426578fa4c5ec991d361c60005c32ca88c85e505 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Wed Mar 26 07:39:19 2014 -0400 fix pytest install commit 88a13c1a7158904af7d25c5ba5bfc8e63e6cf49d Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Wed Mar 26 00:29:29 2014 -0400 qt5 updates commit 51995488ccc9f286aeced3bd49c3213819529e57 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Wed Mar 26 00:16:04 2014 -0400 correct py.test command for py3 commit e2b02fbcbdbd95cbec5dd9307870f39337e6eb45 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 23:50:38 2014 -0400 fix 2nd install test commit 4b3e3ee04adee3a8d1aabdfb18a198cbd0e83a06 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 23:31:31 2014 -0400 syntax error commit 250eabdb34cac48d6f9622e6453235f0ec7f1151 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 23:13:42 2014 -0400 look for py.test3 commit 9f9bca47c1a0a5c35be21835a674058242aa5f48 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 22:54:19 2014 -0400 fix syntax commit 0a871c6f36ecddb7a1002b74d3b6d433e1648e8f Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 22:47:58 2014 -0400 output pip build log commit dbce58d8cd3f3a558202f8d7a149b5ec8fbfcf78 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 22:38:55 2014 -0400 no comments allowed between shall lines commit b79c06121d8e40d8b2d2db0a4dd0a60fbf48edba Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 20:56:35 2014 -0400 another pip try commit 09f4f5d82ab41f66e5c746985f09dfcbe36f2089 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 13:36:09 2014 -0400 pip correction commit 0eedb5c18e7242370f996c6b7481fbcdc8e6caf2 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 13:29:00 2014 -0400 correct py version output commit d9fd039be22cb297f4de83f7ab543de25e2969dd Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 11:55:43 2014 -0400 apt checks commit cf95ccef86bd26964d73bdc649de8f23f64d2575 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 10:23:10 2014 -0400 alternate pip install method commit bee0bcddfef44917a5ee425557ba6ff246edec87 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:51:45 2014 -0400 correct deps install commit 963a4211fcaa5ebbfe0e13a5d879635bd77334ac Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:47:30 2014 -0400 fixes commit 0c86cd1dc28e286f999f01b37beb3c3252a8c864 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:31:06 2014 -0400 permission fix commit 5d04ef53b80a83aa62452ff9a9f9152ca862f8d8 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:30:19 2014 -0400 Fix py.test version selection commit b0e6c7cb94c7fa85653e492f8817e79b1ca30426 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:25:34 2014 -0400 try another pyqt5 install method commit 422a7928665b5afb72861400672cc81b4bcd9779 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:12:36 2014 -0400 syntax error commit 533133905a8e4f2ba26bc6e8f0e4fe631fbd119e Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:04:37 2014 -0400 fixes commit 8d65211ba4e08e4f4b13b68f9778c3aee4b43cdc Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 22:40:18 2014 -0400 Add Qt5 test minor fixes commit 4484efaefe0c99516940812d0472e82998e801f6 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 22:31:56 2014 -0400 use correct py.test for python version commit 5d2441a29b98ed573e15580fc5efd533352ffb45 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 22:24:27 2014 -0400 add setup tests commit 9291db64f25afeb46ee46d92b3bd13aabb325cfe Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 21:48:43 2014 -0400 fix py3-pyqt install commit a7aa675c5a5a5c4a2fff69feefc9298bcc626641 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 21:31:33 2014 -0400 travis tests commit e71cd2b23ab09490c29c1c8ee18fc4db87ff0c01 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 21:17:15 2014 -0400 more corrections commit 527df3bca897ba6a02cb3fe4a5a6db34042600b5 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 20:56:01 2014 -0400 travis corrections commit 87d65cac4aa3bf815860030fac78e8e28069e29d Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 20:48:02 2014 -0400 Add flake tests Correct style in a few files to please Lord Travis commit 537028f88f17da59a6e8a09b9a3dee34282791cf Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 17:36:24 2014 -0400 minimize pyside package install correct line endings to satisfy Lord Travis commit 1e3cc95e37f03f70f50900dcb2e8a4dc4772208a Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 17:23:03 2014 -0400 enable pyside, line ending check fix test commit d7df4517f9004399703cb44237d27be313405e84 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 17:12:06 2014 -0400 syntax fix commit 1ad77a21551c38f7ff77bd537eb6c2a9e13a26ae Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 17:00:30 2014 -0400 alt. pytest install commit 5edcc020729b1ecd452555852652720b4c3285f5 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 16:52:33 2014 -0400 Added initial travis.yml
2014-03-30 06:51:32 +00:00
gl.glDrawArrays(gl.GL_LINE_STRIP, 0, pos.size / pos.shape[-1])
def clear(self):
self.xData = None ## raw values
self.yData = None
self.xDisp = None ## display values (after log / fft)
self.yDisp = None
self.path = None
self.fillPath = None
self._mouseShape = None
self._mouseBounds = None
self._boundsCache = [None, None]
#del self.xData, self.yData, self.xDisp, self.yDisp, self.path
def mouseShape(self):
Return a QPainterPath representing the clickable shape of the curve
if self._mouseShape is None:
view = self.getViewBox()
if view is None:
return QtGui.QPainterPath()
stroker = QtGui.QPainterPathStroker()
path = self.getPath()
path = self.mapToItem(view, path)
mousePath = stroker.createStroke(path)
self._mouseShape = self.mapFromItem(view, mousePath)
return self._mouseShape
def mouseClickEvent(self, ev):
if not self.clickable or ev.button() != QtCore.Qt.LeftButton:
if self.mouseShape().contains(ev.pos()):
class ROIPlotItem(PlotCurveItem):
"""Plot curve that monitors an ROI and image for changes to automatically replot."""
def __init__(self, roi, data, img, axes=(0,1), xVals=None, color=None):
self.roi = roi
self.roiData = data
self.roiImg = img
self.axes = axes
self.xVals = xVals
PlotCurveItem.__init__(self, self.getRoiData(), x=self.xVals, color=color)
#roi.connect(roi, QtCore.SIGNAL('regionChanged'), self.roiChangedEvent)
def getRoiData(self):
d = self.roi.getArrayRegion(self.roiData, self.roiImg, axes=self.axes)
if d is None:
while d.ndim > 1:
d = d.mean(axis=1)
return d
def roiChangedEvent(self):
d = self.getRoiData()
self.updateData(d, self.xVals)