
1126 lines
43 KiB
Raw Normal View History

from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore
import numpy as np
from pyqtgraph.Point import Point
import pyqtgraph.functions as fn
from .. ItemGroup import ItemGroup
from .. GraphicsWidget import GraphicsWidget
from pyqtgraph.GraphicsScene import GraphicsScene
import pyqtgraph
import weakref
from copy import deepcopy
import collections
__all__ = ['ViewBox']
class ChildGroup(ItemGroup):
sigItemsChanged = QtCore.Signal()
def itemChange(self, change, value):
ret = ItemGroup.itemChange(self, change, value)
if change == self.ItemChildAddedChange or change == self.ItemChildRemovedChange:
return ret
class ViewBox(GraphicsWidget):
2012-04-18 14:59:30 +00:00
**Bases:** :class:`GraphicsWidget <pyqtgraph.GraphicsWidget>`
Box that allows internal scaling/panning of children by mouse drag.
2012-04-15 16:32:20 +00:00
This class is usually created automatically as part of a :class:`PlotItem <pyqtgraph.PlotItem>` or :class:`Canvas <pyqtgraph.canvas.Canvas>` or with :func:`GraphicsLayout.addViewBox() <pyqtgraph.GraphicsLayout.addViewBox>`.
- Scaling contents by mouse or auto-scale when contents change
- View linking--multiple views display the same data ranges
- Configurable by context menu
- Item coordinate mapping methods
Not really compatible with GraphicsView having the same functionality.
sigYRangeChanged = QtCore.Signal(object, object)
sigXRangeChanged = QtCore.Signal(object, object)
sigRangeChangedManually = QtCore.Signal(object)
sigRangeChanged = QtCore.Signal(object, object)
#sigActionPositionChanged = QtCore.Signal(object)
sigStateChanged = QtCore.Signal(object)
## mouse modes
PanMode = 3
RectMode = 1
## axes
XAxis = 0
YAxis = 1
XYAxes = 2
## for linking views together
NamedViews = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() # name: ViewBox
AllViews = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() # ViewBox: None
def __init__(self, parent=None, border=None, lockAspect=False, enableMouse=True, invertY=False, name=None):
2012-04-15 16:32:20 +00:00
============= =============================================================
*parent* (QGraphicsWidget) Optional parent widget
*border* (QPen) Do draw a border around the view, give any
single argument accepted by :func:`mkPen <pyqtgraph.mkPen>`
*lockAspect* (False or float) The aspect ratio to lock the view
coorinates to. (or False to allow the ratio to change)
*enableMouse* (bool) Whether mouse can be used to scale/pan the view
*invertY* (bool) See :func:`invertY <pyqtgraph.ViewBox.invertY>`
============= =============================================================
GraphicsWidget.__init__(self, parent) = None
self.linksBlocked = False
self.addedItems = []
#self.gView = view
#self.showGrid = showGrid
self.state = {
## separating targetRange and viewRange allows the view to be resized
## while keeping all previously viewed contents visible
'targetRange': [[0,1], [0,1]], ## child coord. range visible [[xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax]]
'viewRange': [[0,1], [0,1]], ## actual range viewed
'yInverted': invertY,
'aspectLocked': False, ## False if aspect is unlocked, otherwise float specifies the locked ratio.
'autoRange': [True, True], ## False if auto range is disabled,
## otherwise float gives the fraction of data that is visible
'autoPan': [False, False], ## whether to only pan (do not change scaling) when auto-range is enabled
'autoVisibleOnly': [False, False], ## whether to auto-range only to the visible portion of a plot
'linkedViews': [None, None],
'mouseEnabled': [enableMouse, enableMouse],
'mouseMode': ViewBox.PanMode if pyqtgraph.getConfigOption('leftButtonPan') else ViewBox.RectMode,
'wheelScaleFactor': -1.0 / 8.0,
2012-04-15 16:33:56 +00:00
#self.exportMethods = collections.OrderedDict([
#('SVG', self.saveSvg),
#('Image', self.saveImage),
#('Print', self.savePrint),
self.setFlag(self.ItemIsFocusable, True) ## so we can receive key presses
## childGroup is required so that ViewBox has local coordinates similar to device coordinates.
## this is a workaround for a Qt + OpenGL but that causes improper clipping
self.childGroup = ChildGroup(self)
#self.useLeftButtonPan = pyqtgraph.getConfigOption('leftButtonPan') # normally use left button to pan
# this also enables capture of keyPressEvents.
## Make scale box that is shown when dragging on the view
self.rbScaleBox = QtGui.QGraphicsRectItem(0, 0, 1, 1)
self.rbScaleBox.setPen(fn.mkPen((255,0,0), width=1))
self.axHistory = [] # maintain a history of zoom locations
self.axHistoryPointer = -1 # pointer into the history. Allows forward/backward movement, not just "undo"
self.setSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding))
2012-04-15 16:32:20 +00:00
self.border = fn.mkPen(border) = ViewBoxMenu(self)
if name is None:
def register(self, name):
Add this ViewBox to the registered list of views.
*name* will appear in the drop-down lists for axis linking in all other views.
The same can be accomplished by initializing the ViewBox with the *name* attribute.
ViewBox.AllViews[self] = None
if is not None:
del ViewBox.NamedViews[] = name
if name is not None:
ViewBox.NamedViews[name] = self
def unregister(self):
2012-04-15 16:32:20 +00:00
Remove this ViewBox forom the list of linkable views. (see :func:`register() <pyqtgraph.ViewBox.register>`)
del ViewBox.AllViews[self]
if is not None:
del ViewBox.NamedViews[]
def close(self):
def implements(self, interface):
return interface == 'ViewBox'
def getState(self, copy=True):
state = self.state.copy()
state['linkedViews'] = [(None if v is None else for v in state['linkedViews']]
if copy:
return deepcopy(self.state)
return self.state
def setState(self, state):
state = state.copy()
del state['linkedViews']
def setMouseMode(self, mode):
2012-04-15 16:32:20 +00:00
Set the mouse interaction mode. *mode* must be either ViewBox.PanMode or ViewBox.RectMode.
In PanMode, the left mouse button pans the view and the right button scales.
In RectMode, the left button draws a rectangle which updates the visible region (this mode is more suitable for single-button mice)
if mode not in [ViewBox.PanMode, ViewBox.RectMode]:
raise Exception("Mode must be ViewBox.PanMode or ViewBox.RectMode")
self.state['mouseMode'] = mode
#def toggleLeftAction(self, act): ## for backward compatibility
#if act.text() is 'pan':
#elif act.text() is 'zoom':
def setLeftButtonAction(self, mode='rect'): ## for backward compatibility
if mode.lower() == 'rect':
elif mode.lower() == 'pan':
raise Exception('graphicsItems:ViewBox:setLeftButtonAction: unknown mode = %s (Options are "pan" and "rect")' % mode)
def innerSceneItem(self):
return self.childGroup
def setMouseEnabled(self, x=None, y=None):
2012-04-15 16:32:20 +00:00
Set whether each axis is enabled for mouse interaction. *x*, *y* arguments must be True or False.
This allows the user to pan/scale one axis of the view while leaving the other axis unchanged.
if x is not None:
self.state['mouseEnabled'][0] = x
if y is not None:
self.state['mouseEnabled'][1] = y
def mouseEnabled(self):
return self.state['mouseEnabled'][:]
def addItem(self, item, ignoreBounds=False):
2012-04-15 16:32:20 +00:00
Add a QGraphicsItem to this view. The view will include this item when determining how to set its range
automatically unless *ignoreBounds* is True.
if item.zValue() < self.zValue():
if not ignoreBounds:
#print "addItem:", item, item.boundingRect()
def removeItem(self, item):
2012-04-15 16:32:20 +00:00
"""Remove an item from this view."""
2012-03-02 03:17:55 +00:00
def resizeEvent(self, ev):
#self.setRange(self.range, padding=0)
2012-03-23 08:04:04 +00:00
def viewRange(self):
2012-04-15 16:32:20 +00:00
"""Return a the view's visible range as a list: [[xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax]]"""
return [x[:] for x in self.state['viewRange']] ## return copy
def viewRect(self):
"""Return a QRectF bounding the region visible within the ViewBox"""
vr0 = self.state['viewRange'][0]
vr1 = self.state['viewRange'][1]
return QtCore.QRectF(vr0[0], vr1[0], vr0[1]-vr0[0], vr1[1] - vr1[0])
2012-05-11 22:05:41 +00:00
print("make qrectf failed:", self.state['viewRange'])
#def viewportTransform(self):
##return self.itemTransform(self.childGroup)[0]
#return self.childGroup.itemTransform(self)[0]
def targetRange(self):
return [x[:] for x in self.state['targetRange']] ## return copy
def targetRect(self):
Return the region which has been requested to be visible.
(this is not necessarily the same as the region that is *actually* visible--
resizing and aspect ratio constraints can cause targetRect() and viewRect() to differ)
tr0 = self.state['targetRange'][0]
tr1 = self.state['targetRange'][1]
return QtCore.QRectF(tr0[0], tr1[0], tr0[1]-tr0[0], tr1[1] - tr1[0])
2012-05-11 22:05:41 +00:00
print("make qrectf failed:", self.state['targetRange'])
def setRange(self, rect=None, xRange=None, yRange=None, padding=0.02, update=True, disableAutoRange=True):
Set the visible range of the ViewBox.
Must specify at least one of *range*, *xRange*, or *yRange*.
2012-04-15 16:32:20 +00:00
============= =====================================================================
*rect* (QRectF) The full range that should be visible in the view box.
*xRange* (min,max) The range that should be visible along the x-axis.
*yRange* (min,max) The range that should be visible along the y-axis.
*padding* (float) Expand the view by a fraction of the requested range.
By default, this value is 0.02 (2%)
============= =====================================================================
changes = {}
if rect is not None:
changes = {0: [rect.left(), rect.right()], 1: [, rect.bottom()]}
if xRange is not None:
changes[0] = xRange
if yRange is not None:
changes[1] = yRange
if len(changes) == 0:
raise Exception("Must specify at least one of rect, xRange, or yRange.")
changed = [False, False]
2012-05-11 22:05:41 +00:00
for ax, range in changes.items():
mn = min(range)
mx = max(range)
if mn == mx: ## If we requested 0 range, try to preserve previous scale. Otherwise just pick an arbitrary scale.
dy = self.state['viewRange'][ax][1] - self.state['viewRange'][ax][0]
if dy == 0:
dy = 1
mn -= dy*0.5
mx += dy*0.5
padding = 0.0
if any(np.isnan([mn, mx])) or any(np.isinf([mn, mx])):
raise Exception("Not setting range [%s, %s]" % (str(mn), str(mx)))
p = (mx-mn) * padding
mn -= p
mx += p
if self.state['targetRange'][ax] != [mn, mx]:
self.state['targetRange'][ax] = [mn, mx]
changed[ax] = True
if any(changed) and disableAutoRange:
if all(changed):
ax = ViewBox.XYAxes
elif changed[0]:
ax = ViewBox.XAxis
elif changed[1]:
ax = ViewBox.YAxis
self.enableAutoRange(ax, False)
if update:
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for ax, range in changes.items():
link = self.state['linkedViews'][ax]
if link is not None:
link.linkedViewChanged(self, ax)
if changed[0] and self.state['autoVisibleOnly'][1]:
elif changed[1] and self.state['autoVisibleOnly'][0]:
def setYRange(self, min, max, padding=0.02, update=True):
2012-04-15 16:32:20 +00:00
Set the visible Y range of the view to [*min*, *max*].
The *padding* argument causes the range to be set larger by the fraction specified.
self.setRange(yRange=[min, max], update=update, padding=padding)
def setXRange(self, min, max, padding=0.02, update=True):
2012-04-15 16:32:20 +00:00
Set the visible X range of the view to [*min*, *max*].
The *padding* argument causes the range to be set larger by the fraction specified.
self.setRange(xRange=[min, max], update=update, padding=padding)
def autoRange(self, padding=0.02):
Set the range of the view box to make all children visible.
2012-04-15 16:32:20 +00:00
Note that this is not the same as enableAutoRange, which causes the view to
automatically auto-range whenever its contents are changed.
bounds = self.childrenBoundingRect()
if bounds is not None:
self.setRange(bounds, padding=padding)
def scaleBy(self, s, center=None):
Scale by *s* around given center point (or center of view).
*s* may be a Point or tuple (x, y)
scale = Point(s)
if self.state['aspectLocked'] is not False:
scale[0] = self.state['aspectLocked'] * scale[1]
vr = self.targetRect()
if center is None:
center = Point(
center = Point(center)
tl = center + (vr.topLeft()-center) * scale
br = center + (vr.bottomRight()-center) * scale
self.setRange(QtCore.QRectF(tl, br), padding=0)
def translateBy(self, t):
Translate the view by *t*, which may be a Point or tuple (x, y).
t = Point(t)
#if viewCoords: ## scale from pixels
#o = self.mapToView(Point(0,0))
#t = self.mapToView(t) - o
vr = self.targetRect()
self.setRange(vr.translated(t), padding=0)
def enableAutoRange(self, axis=None, enable=True):
Enable (or disable) auto-range for *axis*, which may be ViewBox.XAxis, ViewBox.YAxis, or ViewBox.XYAxes for both.
When enabled, the axis will automatically rescale when items are added/removed or change their shape.
The argument *enable* may optionally be a float (0.0-1.0) which indicates the fraction of the data that should
be visible (this only works with items implementing a dataRange method, such as PlotDataItem).
#print "autorange:", axis, enable
#if not enable:
#import traceback
if enable is True:
enable = 1.0
if axis is None:
axis = ViewBox.XYAxes
if axis == ViewBox.XYAxes or axis == 'xy':
self.state['autoRange'][0] = enable
self.state['autoRange'][1] = enable
elif axis == ViewBox.XAxis or axis == 'x':
self.state['autoRange'][0] = enable
elif axis == ViewBox.YAxis or axis == 'y':
self.state['autoRange'][1] = enable
raise Exception('axis argument must be ViewBox.XAxis, ViewBox.YAxis, or ViewBox.XYAxes.')
if enable:
def disableAutoRange(self, axis=None):
2012-04-15 16:32:20 +00:00
"""Disables auto-range. (See enableAutoRange)"""
self.enableAutoRange(axis, enable=False)
def autoRangeEnabled(self):
return self.state['autoRange'][:]
def setAutoPan(self, x=None, y=None):
if x is not None:
self.state['autoPan'][0] = x
if y is not None:
self.state['autoPan'][1] = y
if None not in [x,y]:
def setAutoVisible(self, x=None, y=None):
if x is not None:
self.state['autoVisibleOnly'][0] = x
if x is True:
self.state['autoVisibleOnly'][1] = False
if y is not None:
self.state['autoVisibleOnly'][1] = y
if y is True:
self.state['autoVisibleOnly'][0] = False
if x is not None or y is not None:
def updateAutoRange(self):
targetRect = self.viewRange()
if not any(self.state['autoRange']):
fractionVisible = self.state['autoRange'][:]
for i in [0,1]:
if type(fractionVisible[i]) is bool:
fractionVisible[i] = 1.0
childRect = None
order = [0,1]
if self.state['autoVisibleOnly'][0] is True:
order = [1,0]
for ax in order:
if self.state['autoRange'][ax] is False:
if self.state['autoVisibleOnly'][ax]:
oRange = [None, None]
oRange[ax] = targetRect[1-ax]
childRect = self.childrenBoundingRect(frac=fractionVisible, orthoRange=oRange)
if childRect is None:
childRect = self.childrenBoundingRect(frac=fractionVisible)
if ax == 0:
## Make corrections to X range
if self.state['autoPan'][0]:
x =
w2 = (targetRect[0][1]-targetRect[0][0]) / 2.
wp = childRect.width() * 0.02
childRect = childRect.adjusted(-wp, 0, wp, 0)
targetRect[0][0] = childRect.left()
targetRect[0][1] = childRect.right()
## Make corrections to Y range
if self.state['autoPan'][1]:
y =
h2 = (targetRect[1][1]-targetRect[1][0]) / 2.
hp = childRect.height() * 0.02
childRect = childRect.adjusted(0, -hp, 0, hp)
targetRect[1][0] =
targetRect[1][1] = childRect.bottom()
self.setRange(xRange=targetRect[0], yRange=targetRect[1], padding=0, disableAutoRange=False)
def setXLink(self, view):
2012-04-15 16:32:20 +00:00
"""Link this view's X axis to another view. (see LinkView)"""
self.linkView(self.XAxis, view)
def setYLink(self, view):
2012-04-15 16:32:20 +00:00
"""Link this view's Y axis to another view. (see LinkView)"""
self.linkView(self.YAxis, view)
def linkView(self, axis, view):
Link X or Y axes of two views and unlink any previously connected axes. *axis* must be ViewBox.XAxis or ViewBox.YAxis.
If view is None, the axis is left unlinked.
if isinstance(view, basestring):
if view == '':
view = None
view = ViewBox.NamedViews[view]
if hasattr(view, 'implements') and view.implements('ViewBoxWrapper'):
view = view.getViewBox()
## used to connect/disconnect signals between a pair of views
if axis == ViewBox.XAxis:
signal = 'sigXRangeChanged'
slot = self.linkedXChanged
signal = 'sigYRangeChanged'
slot = self.linkedYChanged
oldLink = self.state['linkedViews'][axis]
if oldLink is not None:
getattr(oldLink, signal).disconnect(slot)
self.state['linkedViews'][axis] = view
if view is not None:
getattr(view, signal).connect(slot)
if view.autoRangeEnabled()[axis] is not False:
self.enableAutoRange(axis, False)
if self.autoRangeEnabled()[axis] is False:
def blockLink(self, b):
self.linksBlocked = b ## prevents recursive plot-change propagation
def linkedXChanged(self):
2012-03-21 03:38:04 +00:00
## called when x range of linked view has changed
view = self.state['linkedViews'][0]
self.linkedViewChanged(view, ViewBox.XAxis)
def linkedYChanged(self):
2012-03-21 03:38:04 +00:00
## called when y range of linked view has changed
view = self.state['linkedViews'][1]
self.linkedViewChanged(view, ViewBox.YAxis)
def linkedViewChanged(self, view, axis):
if self.linksBlocked or view is None:
vr = view.viewRect()
vg = view.screenGeometry()
if vg is None:
sg = self.screenGeometry()
if axis == ViewBox.XAxis:
2012-03-21 03:38:04 +00:00
overlap = min(sg.right(), vg.right()) - max(sg.left(), vg.left())
if overlap < min(vg.width()/3, sg.width()/3): ## if less than 1/3 of views overlap,
## then just replicate the view
x1 = vr.left()
x2 = vr.right()
else: ## views overlap; line them up
upp = float(vr.width()) / vg.width()
x1 = vr.left() + (sg.x()-vg.x()) * upp
x2 = x1 + sg.width() * upp
self.enableAutoRange(ViewBox.XAxis, False)
self.setXRange(x1, x2, padding=0)
2012-03-21 03:38:04 +00:00
overlap = min(sg.bottom(), vg.bottom()) - max(,
if overlap < min(vg.height()/3, sg.height()/3): ## if less than 1/3 of views overlap,
## then just replicate the view
x1 =
x2 = vr.bottom()
else: ## views overlap; line them up
upp = float(vr.height()) / vg.height()
x1 = + (sg.y()-vg.y()) * upp
x2 = x1 + sg.height() * upp
self.enableAutoRange(ViewBox.YAxis, False)
self.setYRange(x1, x2, padding=0)
def screenGeometry(self):
"""return the screen geometry of the viewbox"""
v = self.getViewWidget()
if v is None:
return None
b = self.sceneBoundingRect()
wr = v.mapFromScene(b).boundingRect()
pos = v.mapToGlobal(v.pos())
wr.adjust(pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.x(), pos.y())
return wr
def itemsChanged(self):
## called when items are added/removed from self.childGroup
def itemBoundsChanged(self, item):
def invertY(self, b=True):
By default, the positive y-axis points upward on the screen. Use invertY(True) to reverse the y-axis.
self.state['yInverted'] = b
def setAspectLocked(self, lock=True, ratio=1):
If the aspect ratio is locked, view scaling must always preserve the aspect ratio.
By default, the ratio is set to 1; x and y both have the same scaling.
This ratio can be overridden (width/height), or use None to lock in the current ratio.
if not lock:
self.state['aspectLocked'] = False
vr = self.viewRect()
currentRatio = vr.width() / vr.height()
if ratio is None:
ratio = currentRatio
self.state['aspectLocked'] = ratio
if ratio != currentRatio: ## If this would change the current range, do that now
#self.setRange(0, self.state['viewRange'][0][0], self.state['viewRange'][0][1])
def childTransform(self):
Return the transform that maps from child(item in the childGroup) coordinates to local coordinates.
(This maps from inside the viewbox to outside)
m = self.childGroup.transform()
#m1 = QtGui.QTransform()
#m1.translate(self.childGroup.pos().x(), self.childGroup.pos().y())
return m #*m1
def mapToView(self, obj):
"""Maps from the local coordinates of the ViewBox to the coordinate system displayed inside the ViewBox"""
m = self.childTransform().inverted()[0]
def mapFromView(self, obj):
"""Maps from the coordinate system displayed inside the ViewBox to the local coordinates of the ViewBox"""
m = self.childTransform()
def mapSceneToView(self, obj):
"""Maps from scene coordinates to the coordinate system displayed inside the ViewBox"""
return self.mapToView(self.mapFromScene(obj))
def mapViewToScene(self, obj):
"""Maps from the coordinate system displayed inside the ViewBox to scene coordinates"""
return self.mapToScene(self.mapFromView(obj))
def mapFromItemToView(self, item, obj):
2012-04-15 16:32:20 +00:00
"""Maps *obj* from the local coordinate system of *item* to the view coordinates"""
2012-03-23 08:04:04 +00:00
return self.childGroup.mapFromItem(item, obj)
#return self.mapSceneToView(item.mapToScene(obj))
def mapFromViewToItem(self, item, obj):
2012-04-15 16:32:20 +00:00
"""Maps *obj* from view coordinates to the local coordinate system of *item*."""
2012-03-23 08:04:04 +00:00
return self.childGroup.mapToItem(item, obj)
#return item.mapFromScene(self.mapViewToScene(obj))
def itemBoundingRect(self, item):
"""Return the bounding rect of the item in view coordinates"""
return self.mapSceneToView(item.sceneBoundingRect()).boundingRect()
#def viewScale(self):
#vr = self.viewRect()
##print "viewScale:", self.range
#xd = vr.width()
#yd = vr.height()
#if xd == 0 or yd == 0:
#print "Warning: 0 range in view:", xd, yd
#return np.array([1,1])
##cs = self.canvas().size()
#cs = self.boundingRect()
#scale = np.array([cs.width() / xd, cs.height() / yd])
##print "view scale:", scale
#return scale
def wheelEvent(self, ev, axis=None):
mask = np.array(self.state['mouseEnabled'], dtype=np.float)
if axis is not None and axis >= 0 and axis < len(mask):
mv = mask[axis]
mask[:] = 0
mask[axis] = mv
s = ((mask * 0.02) + 1) ** ( * self.state['wheelScaleFactor']) # actual scaling factor
center = Point(self.childGroup.transform().inverted()[0].map(ev.pos()))
#center = ev.pos()
self.scaleBy(s, center)
def mouseClickEvent(self, ev):
if ev.button() == QtCore.Qt.RightButton:
def raiseContextMenu(self, ev):
#print "viewbox.raiseContextMenu called."
#menu = self.getMenu(ev)
menu = self.getMenu(ev)
self.scene().addParentContextMenus(self, menu, ev)
#print "2:", [str(a.text()) for a in]
pos = ev.screenPos()
#pos2 = ev.scenePos()
#print "3:", [str(a.text()) for a in]
menu.popup(QtCore.QPoint(pos.x(), pos.y()))
#print "4:", [str(a.text()) for a in]
def getMenu(self, ev):
self._menuCopy = ## temporary storage to prevent menu disappearing
return self._menuCopy
def getContextMenus(self, event):
#return [self.getMenu(event)]
def mouseDragEvent(self, ev, axis=None):
## if axis is specified, event will only affect that axis.
ev.accept() ## we accept all buttons
pos = ev.pos()
lastPos = ev.lastPos()
dif = pos - lastPos
dif = dif * -1
## Ignore axes if mouse is disabled
mask = np.array(self.state['mouseEnabled'], dtype=np.float)
if axis is not None:
mask[1-axis] = 0.0
## Scale or translate based on mouse button
if ev.button() & (QtCore.Qt.LeftButton | QtCore.Qt.MidButton):
if self.state['mouseMode'] == ViewBox.RectMode:
if ev.isFinish(): ## This is the final move in the drag; change the view scale now
#print "finish"
#ax = QtCore.QRectF(Point(self.pressPos), Point(self.mousePos))
ax = QtCore.QRectF(Point(ev.buttonDownPos(ev.button())), Point(pos))
ax = self.childGroup.mapRectFromParent(ax)
self.axHistoryPointer += 1
self.axHistory = self.axHistory[:self.axHistoryPointer] + [ax]
## update shape of scale box
self.updateScaleBox(ev.buttonDownPos(), ev.pos())
tr = dif*mask
tr = self.mapToView(tr) - self.mapToView(Point(0,0))
elif ev.button() & QtCore.Qt.RightButton:
#print "vb.rightDrag"
if self.state['aspectLocked'] is not False:
mask[0] = 0
dif = ev.screenPos() - ev.lastScreenPos()
dif = np.array([dif.x(), dif.y()])
dif[0] *= -1
s = ((mask * 0.02) + 1) ** dif
center = Point(self.childGroup.transform().inverted()[0].map(ev.buttonDownPos(QtCore.Qt.RightButton)))
#center = Point(ev.buttonDownPos(QtCore.Qt.RightButton))
self.scaleBy(s, center)
def keyPressEvent(self, ev):
This routine should capture key presses in the current view box.
Key presses are used only when mouse mode is RectMode
The following events are implemented:
ctrl-A : zooms out to the default "full" view of the plot
ctrl-+ : moves forward in the zooming stack (if it exists)
ctrl-- : moves backward in the zooming stack (if it exists)
#print ev.key()
#print 'I intercepted a key press, but did not accept it'
## not implemented yet ?
if ev.text() == '-':
elif ev.text() in ['+', '=']:
elif ev.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Backspace:
def scaleHistory(self, d):
ptr = max(0, min(len(self.axHistory)-1, self.axHistoryPointer+d))
if ptr != self.axHistoryPointer:
self.axHistoryPointer = ptr
def updateScaleBox(self, p1, p2):
r = QtCore.QRectF(p1, p2)
r = self.childGroup.mapRectFromParent(r)
self.rbScaleBox.scale(r.width(), r.height())
def showAxRect(self, ax):
self.setRange(ax.normalized()) # be sure w, h are correct coordinates
#def mouseRect(self):
#vs = self.viewScale()
#vr = self.state['viewRange']
## Convert positions from screen (view) pixel coordinates to axis coordinates
#ax = QtCore.QRectF(self.pressPos[0]/vs[0]+vr[0][0], -(self.pressPos[1]/vs[1]-vr[1][1]),
#(self.mousePos[0]-self.pressPos[0])/vs[0], -(self.mousePos[1]-self.pressPos[1])/vs[1])
def allChildren(self, item=None):
"""Return a list of all children and grandchildren of this ViewBox"""
if item is None:
item = self.childGroup
children = [item]
for ch in item.childItems():
return children
def childrenBoundingRect(self, frac=None, orthoRange=(None,None)):
"""Return the bounding range of all children.
[[xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax]]
Values may be None if there are no specific bounds for an axis.
#items = self.allChildren()
items = self.addedItems
#if item is None:
##print "children bounding rect:"
#item = self.childGroup
range = [None, None]
for item in items:
if not item.isVisible():
#print "=========", item
useX = True
useY = True
if hasattr(item, 'dataBounds'):
if frac is None:
frac = (1.0, 1.0)
xr = item.dataBounds(0, frac=frac[0], orthoRange=orthoRange[0])
yr = item.dataBounds(1, frac=frac[1], orthoRange=orthoRange[1])
if xr is None or xr == (None, None):
useX = False
xr = (0,0)
if yr is None or yr == (None, None):
useY = False
yr = (0,0)
bounds = QtCore.QRectF(xr[0], yr[0], xr[1]-xr[0], yr[1]-yr[0])
#print " item real:", bounds
if int(item.flags() & item.ItemHasNoContents) > 0:
#print " empty"
bounds = item.boundingRect()
#bounds = [[item.left(),], [item.right(), item.bottom()]]
#print " item:", bounds
#bounds = QtCore.QRectF(bounds[0][0], bounds[1][0], bounds[0][1]-bounds[0][0], bounds[1][1]-bounds[1][0])
bounds = self.mapFromItemToView(item, bounds).boundingRect()
#print " ", bounds
if not any([useX, useY]):
if useX != useY: ## != means xor
ang = item.transformAngle()
if ang == 0 or ang == 180:
elif ang == 90 or ang == 270:
tmp = useX
useY = useX
useX = tmp
continue ## need to check for item rotations and decide how best to apply this boundary.
if useY:
if range[1] is not None:
range[1] = [min(, range[1][0]), max(bounds.bottom(), range[1][1])]
#bounds.setBottom(max(bounds.bottom(), chb.bottom()))
range[1] = [, bounds.bottom()]
if useX:
if range[0] is not None:
range[0] = [min(bounds.left(), range[0][0]), max(bounds.right(), range[0][1])]
#bounds.setLeft(min(bounds.left(), chb.left()))
#bounds.setRight(max(bounds.right(), chb.right()))
range[0] = [bounds.left(), bounds.right()]
tr = self.targetRange()
if range[0] is None:
range[0] = tr[0]
if range[1] is None:
range[1] = tr[1]
bounds = QtCore.QRectF(range[0][0], range[1][0], range[0][1]-range[0][0], range[1][1]-range[1][0])
return bounds
def updateMatrix(self, changed=None):
if changed is None:
changed = [False, False]
#print "udpateMatrix:"
#print " range:", self.range
tr = self.targetRect()
bounds = self.rect() #boundingRect()
#print bounds
## set viewRect, given targetRect and possibly aspect ratio constraint
if self.state['aspectLocked'] is False or bounds.height() == 0:
self.state['viewRange'] = [self.state['targetRange'][0][:], self.state['targetRange'][1][:]]
viewRatio = bounds.width() / bounds.height()
targetRatio = self.state['aspectLocked'] * tr.width() / tr.height()
if targetRatio > viewRatio:
## target is wider than view
dy = 0.5 * (tr.width() / (self.state['aspectLocked'] * viewRatio) - tr.height())
if dy != 0:
changed[1] = True
self.state['viewRange'] = [self.state['targetRange'][0][:], [self.state['targetRange'][1][0] - dy, self.state['targetRange'][1][1] + dy]]
dx = 0.5 * (tr.height() * viewRatio * self.state['aspectLocked'] - tr.width())
if dx != 0:
changed[0] = True
self.state['viewRange'] = [[self.state['targetRange'][0][0] - dx, self.state['targetRange'][0][1] + dx], self.state['targetRange'][1][:]]
vr = self.viewRect()
#print " bounds:", bounds
if vr.height() == 0 or vr.width() == 0:
scale = Point(bounds.width()/vr.width(), bounds.height()/vr.height())
if not self.state['yInverted']:
scale = scale * Point(1, -1)
m = QtGui.QTransform()
## First center the viewport at 0
#center = self.transform().inverted()[0].map(
center =
#print " transform to center:", center
#if self.state['yInverted']:
#m.translate(center.x(), -center.y())
#print " inverted; translate", center.x(), center.y()
m.translate(center.x(), center.y())
#print " not inverted; translate", center.x(), -center.y()
## Now scale and translate properly
m.scale(scale[0], scale[1])
st = Point(
#st = translate
m.translate(-st[0], -st[1])
#self.currentScale = scale
if changed[0]:
self.sigXRangeChanged.emit(self, tuple(self.state['viewRange'][0]))
if changed[1]:
self.sigYRangeChanged.emit(self, tuple(self.state['viewRange'][1]))
if any(changed):
self.sigRangeChanged.emit(self, self.state['viewRange'])
def paint(self, p, opt, widget):
if self.border is not None:
bounds = self.shape()
#p.fillRect(bounds, QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0))
2012-04-15 16:32:20 +00:00
#def saveSvg(self):
2012-04-15 16:32:20 +00:00
#def saveImage(self):
2012-04-15 16:32:20 +00:00
#def savePrint(self):
#printer = QtGui.QPrinter()
#if QtGui.QPrintDialog(printer).exec_() == QtGui.QDialog.Accepted:
#p = QtGui.QPainter(printer)
def updateViewLists(self):
def cmpViews(a, b):
wins = 100 * cmp(a.window() is self.window(), b.window() is self.window())
alpha = cmp(,
return wins + alpha
## make a sorted list of all named views
2012-05-11 22:05:41 +00:00
nv = list(ViewBox.NamedViews.values())
sortList(nv, cmpViews) ## see pyqtgraph.python2_3.sortList
if self in nv:
names = [ for v in nv]
def updateAllViewLists():
for v in ViewBox.AllViews:
2012-05-11 22:05:41 +00:00
from .ViewBoxMenu import ViewBoxMenu