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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" - Graphics item implementing a scalable ViewBox with plotting powers.
Copyright 2010 Luke Campagnola
Distributed under MIT/X11 license. See license.txt for more infomation.
This class is one of the workhorses of pyqtgraph. It implements a graphics item with
plots, labels, and scales which can be viewed inside a QGraphicsScene. If you want
a widget that can be added to your GUI, see PlotWidget instead.
This class is very heavily featured:
- Automatically creates and manages PlotCurveItems
- Fast display and update of plots
- Manages zoom/pan ViewBox, scale, and label elements
- Automatic scaling when data changes
- Control panel with a huge feature set including averaging, decimation,
display, power spectrum, svg/png export, plot linking, and more.
from ...Qt import QtGui, QtCore, QtSvg, USE_PYSIDE
from ... import pixmaps
import sys
from .plotConfigTemplate_pyside import *
from .plotConfigTemplate_pyqt import *
from ... import functions as fn
from ...widgets.FileDialog import FileDialog
import weakref
import numpy as np
2012-03-02 03:21:18 +00:00
import os
from .. PlotDataItem import PlotDataItem
from .. ViewBox import ViewBox
from .. AxisItem import AxisItem
from .. LabelItem import LabelItem
from .. LegendItem import LegendItem
from .. GraphicsWidget import GraphicsWidget
from .. ButtonItem import ButtonItem
2013-02-10 19:10:30 +00:00
from .. InfiniteLine import InfiniteLine
from ...WidgetGroup import WidgetGroup
__all__ = ['PlotItem']
from metaarray import *
class PlotItem(GraphicsWidget):
2012-04-15 14:20:07 +00:00
2012-04-16 20:45:55 +00:00
**Bases:** :class:`GraphicsWidget <pyqtgraph.GraphicsWidget>`
2012-04-15 14:20:07 +00:00
2012-04-16 20:45:55 +00:00
Plot graphics item that can be added to any graphics scene. Implements axes, titles, and interactive viewbox.
PlotItem also provides some basic analysis functionality that may be accessed from the context menu.
2012-04-15 16:32:20 +00:00
Use :func:`plot() <pyqtgraph.PlotItem.plot>` to create a new PlotDataItem and add it to the view.
2012-04-16 20:45:55 +00:00
Use :func:`addItem() <pyqtgraph.PlotItem.addItem>` to add any QGraphicsItem to the view.
2012-04-15 14:20:07 +00:00
This class wraps several methods from its internal ViewBox:
2012-04-15 16:32:20 +00:00
:func:`setXRange <pyqtgraph.ViewBox.setXRange>`,
:func:`setYRange <pyqtgraph.ViewBox.setYRange>`,
:func:`setRange <pyqtgraph.ViewBox.setRange>`,
:func:`autoRange <pyqtgraph.ViewBox.autoRange>`,
:func:`setXLink <pyqtgraph.ViewBox.setXLink>`,
:func:`setYLink <pyqtgraph.ViewBox.setYLink>`,
:func:`setAutoPan <pyqtgraph.ViewBox.setAutoPan>`,
:func:`setAutoVisible <pyqtgraph.ViewBox.setAutoVisible>`,
:func:`setLimits <pyqtgraph.ViewBox.setLimits>`,
2012-04-15 16:32:20 +00:00
:func:`viewRect <pyqtgraph.ViewBox.viewRect>`,
:func:`viewRange <pyqtgraph.ViewBox.viewRange>`,
2012-04-15 16:32:20 +00:00
:func:`setMouseEnabled <pyqtgraph.ViewBox.setMouseEnabled>`,
:func:`enableAutoRange <pyqtgraph.ViewBox.enableAutoRange>`,
:func:`disableAutoRange <pyqtgraph.ViewBox.disableAutoRange>`,
:func:`setAspectLocked <pyqtgraph.ViewBox.setAspectLocked>`,
:func:`invertY <pyqtgraph.ViewBox.invertY>`,
2014-04-28 11:36:59 +00:00
:func:`invertX <pyqtgraph.ViewBox.invertX>`,
2012-04-15 16:32:20 +00:00
:func:`register <pyqtgraph.ViewBox.register>`,
:func:`unregister <pyqtgraph.ViewBox.unregister>`
2012-04-15 14:20:07 +00:00
2012-04-15 16:32:20 +00:00
The ViewBox itself can be accessed by calling :func:`getViewBox() <pyqtgraph.PlotItem.getViewBox>`
2012-04-16 20:45:55 +00:00
==================== =======================================================================
2014-02-12 20:06:54 +00:00
2012-04-16 20:45:55 +00:00
sigYRangeChanged wrapped from :class:`ViewBox <pyqtgraph.ViewBox>`
sigXRangeChanged wrapped from :class:`ViewBox <pyqtgraph.ViewBox>`
sigRangeChanged wrapped from :class:`ViewBox <pyqtgraph.ViewBox>`
==================== =======================================================================
2012-04-15 14:20:07 +00:00
2012-04-15 16:32:20 +00:00
sigRangeChanged = QtCore.Signal(object, object) ## Emitted when the ViewBox range has changed
sigYRangeChanged = QtCore.Signal(object, object) ## Emitted when the ViewBox Y range has changed
sigXRangeChanged = QtCore.Signal(object, object) ## Emitted when the ViewBox X range has changed
lastFileDir = None
def __init__(self, parent=None, name=None, labels=None, title=None, viewBox=None, axisItems=None, enableMenu=True, **kargs):
Create a new PlotItem. All arguments are optional.
Any extra keyword arguments are passed to PlotItem.plot().
============== ==========================================================================================
*title* Title to display at the top of the item. Html is allowed.
*labels* A dictionary specifying the axis labels to display::
2012-04-15 16:32:20 +00:00
{'left': (args), 'bottom': (args), ...}
2012-04-15 16:32:20 +00:00
The name of each axis and the corresponding arguments are passed to
:func:`PlotItem.setLabel() <pyqtgraph.PlotItem.setLabel>`
Optionally, PlotItem my also be initialized with the keyword arguments left,
right, top, or bottom to achieve the same effect.
*name* Registers a name for this view so that others may link to it
*viewBox* If specified, the PlotItem will be constructed with this as its ViewBox.
*axisItems* Optional dictionary instructing the PlotItem to use pre-constructed items
for its axes. The dict keys must be axis names ('left', 'bottom', 'right', 'top')
and the values must be instances of AxisItem (or at least compatible with AxisItem).
============== ==========================================================================================
GraphicsWidget.__init__(self, parent)
self.setSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding)
## Set up control buttons
path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
#self.autoImageFile = os.path.join(path, 'auto.png')
#self.lockImageFile = os.path.join(path, 'lock.png')
self.autoBtn = ButtonItem(pixmaps.getPixmap('auto'), 14, self)
self.autoBtn.mode = 'auto'
self.buttonsHidden = False ## whether the user has requested buttons to be hidden
self.mouseHovering = False
self.layout = QtGui.QGraphicsGridLayout()
if viewBox is None:
viewBox = ViewBox()
self.vb = viewBox
self.setMenuEnabled(enableMenu, enableMenu) ## en/disable plotitem and viewbox menus
if name is not None:
self.layout.addItem(self.vb, 2, 1)
self.alpha = 1.0
self.autoAlpha = True
self.spectrumMode = False
self.legend = None
## Create and place axis items
if axisItems is None:
axisItems = {}
self.axes = {}
for k, pos in (('top', (1,1)), ('bottom', (3,1)), ('left', (2,0)), ('right', (2,2))):
axis = axisItems.get(k, AxisItem(orientation=k))
self.axes[k] = {'item': axis, 'pos': pos}
self.layout.addItem(axis, *pos)
self.titleLabel = LabelItem('', size='11pt')
self.layout.addItem(self.titleLabel, 0, 1)
self.setTitle(None) ## hide
for i in range(4):
self.layout.setRowPreferredHeight(i, 0)
self.layout.setRowMinimumHeight(i, 0)
self.layout.setRowSpacing(i, 0)
self.layout.setRowStretchFactor(i, 1)
for i in range(3):
self.layout.setColumnPreferredWidth(i, 0)
self.layout.setColumnMinimumWidth(i, 0)
self.layout.setColumnSpacing(i, 0)
self.layout.setColumnStretchFactor(i, 1)
self.layout.setRowStretchFactor(2, 100)
self.layout.setColumnStretchFactor(1, 100)
self.items = []
self.curves = []
self.itemMeta = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
self.dataItems = []
self.paramList = {}
self.avgCurves = {}
### Set up context menu
w = QtGui.QWidget()
self.ctrl = c = Ui_Form()
dv = QtGui.QDoubleValidator(self)
menuItems = [
('Transforms', c.transformGroup),
('Downsample', c.decimateGroup),
('Average', c.averageGroup),
('Alpha', c.alphaGroup),
('Grid', c.gridGroup),
('Points', c.pointsGroup),
self.ctrlMenu = QtGui.QMenu()
self.ctrlMenu.setTitle('Plot Options')
self.subMenus = []
for name, grp in menuItems:
sm = QtGui.QMenu(name)
act = QtGui.QWidgetAction(self)
self.stateGroup = WidgetGroup()
for name, w in menuItems:
self.fileDialog = None
2013-07-03 15:20:49 +00:00
if labels is None:
labels = {}
for label in list(self.axes.keys()):
if label in kargs:
labels[label] = kargs[label]
del kargs[label]
for k in labels:
if isinstance(labels[k], basestring):
labels[k] = (labels[k],)
self.setLabel(k, *labels[k])
if title is not None:
if len(kargs) > 0:
def implements(self, interface=None):
return interface in ['ViewBoxWrapper']
def getViewBox(self):
"""Return the :class:`ViewBox <pyqtgraph.ViewBox>` contained within."""
return self.vb
Added Travis CI support Fixed bugs / style issues to please Lord Travis Squashed commit of the following: commit f25048a1e1e9d0be355f33fbaff6ef74845f4782 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Sun Mar 30 02:40:47 2014 -0400 syntax commit cc8b69695a2698b75ff216dce27fabe46c79a325 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Sun Mar 30 02:36:49 2014 -0400 add size check, diff style check commit 5d5ea065a4d4cc714bfaf7c7e7624295164cd86c Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Sun Mar 30 02:16:05 2014 -0400 travis fix commit b154c6d9971d35c2a46e575a0a884880ec14c8b1 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Sun Mar 30 02:09:41 2014 -0400 travis, flake colored output commit 46921dcd878fdc08f05ef74d08be7953b1820a85 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Wed Mar 26 12:37:54 2014 -0400 fix pyside+py3 bugs to satisfy CI commit 1d30f3c5c7763876ccfff54e460b83cb7422a5b4 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Wed Mar 26 11:13:18 2014 -0400 fix py3 tests commit 426578fa4c5ec991d361c60005c32ca88c85e505 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Wed Mar 26 07:39:19 2014 -0400 fix pytest install commit 88a13c1a7158904af7d25c5ba5bfc8e63e6cf49d Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Wed Mar 26 00:29:29 2014 -0400 qt5 updates commit 51995488ccc9f286aeced3bd49c3213819529e57 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Wed Mar 26 00:16:04 2014 -0400 correct py.test command for py3 commit e2b02fbcbdbd95cbec5dd9307870f39337e6eb45 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 23:50:38 2014 -0400 fix 2nd install test commit 4b3e3ee04adee3a8d1aabdfb18a198cbd0e83a06 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 23:31:31 2014 -0400 syntax error commit 250eabdb34cac48d6f9622e6453235f0ec7f1151 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 23:13:42 2014 -0400 look for py.test3 commit 9f9bca47c1a0a5c35be21835a674058242aa5f48 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 22:54:19 2014 -0400 fix syntax commit 0a871c6f36ecddb7a1002b74d3b6d433e1648e8f Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 22:47:58 2014 -0400 output pip build log commit dbce58d8cd3f3a558202f8d7a149b5ec8fbfcf78 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 22:38:55 2014 -0400 no comments allowed between shall lines commit b79c06121d8e40d8b2d2db0a4dd0a60fbf48edba Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 20:56:35 2014 -0400 another pip try commit 09f4f5d82ab41f66e5c746985f09dfcbe36f2089 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 13:36:09 2014 -0400 pip correction commit 0eedb5c18e7242370f996c6b7481fbcdc8e6caf2 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 13:29:00 2014 -0400 correct py version output commit d9fd039be22cb297f4de83f7ab543de25e2969dd Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 11:55:43 2014 -0400 apt checks commit cf95ccef86bd26964d73bdc649de8f23f64d2575 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 10:23:10 2014 -0400 alternate pip install method commit bee0bcddfef44917a5ee425557ba6ff246edec87 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:51:45 2014 -0400 correct deps install commit 963a4211fcaa5ebbfe0e13a5d879635bd77334ac Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:47:30 2014 -0400 fixes commit 0c86cd1dc28e286f999f01b37beb3c3252a8c864 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:31:06 2014 -0400 permission fix commit 5d04ef53b80a83aa62452ff9a9f9152ca862f8d8 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:30:19 2014 -0400 Fix py.test version selection commit b0e6c7cb94c7fa85653e492f8817e79b1ca30426 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:25:34 2014 -0400 try another pyqt5 install method commit 422a7928665b5afb72861400672cc81b4bcd9779 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:12:36 2014 -0400 syntax error commit 533133905a8e4f2ba26bc6e8f0e4fe631fbd119e Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:04:37 2014 -0400 fixes commit 8d65211ba4e08e4f4b13b68f9778c3aee4b43cdc Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 22:40:18 2014 -0400 Add Qt5 test minor fixes commit 4484efaefe0c99516940812d0472e82998e801f6 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 22:31:56 2014 -0400 use correct py.test for python version commit 5d2441a29b98ed573e15580fc5efd533352ffb45 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 22:24:27 2014 -0400 add setup tests commit 9291db64f25afeb46ee46d92b3bd13aabb325cfe Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 21:48:43 2014 -0400 fix py3-pyqt install commit a7aa675c5a5a5c4a2fff69feefc9298bcc626641 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 21:31:33 2014 -0400 travis tests commit e71cd2b23ab09490c29c1c8ee18fc4db87ff0c01 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 21:17:15 2014 -0400 more corrections commit 527df3bca897ba6a02cb3fe4a5a6db34042600b5 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 20:56:01 2014 -0400 travis corrections commit 87d65cac4aa3bf815860030fac78e8e28069e29d Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 20:48:02 2014 -0400 Add flake tests Correct style in a few files to please Lord Travis commit 537028f88f17da59a6e8a09b9a3dee34282791cf Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 17:36:24 2014 -0400 minimize pyside package install correct line endings to satisfy Lord Travis commit 1e3cc95e37f03f70f50900dcb2e8a4dc4772208a Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 17:23:03 2014 -0400 enable pyside, line ending check fix test commit d7df4517f9004399703cb44237d27be313405e84 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 17:12:06 2014 -0400 syntax fix commit 1ad77a21551c38f7ff77bd537eb6c2a9e13a26ae Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 17:00:30 2014 -0400 alt. pytest install commit 5edcc020729b1ecd452555852652720b4c3285f5 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 16:52:33 2014 -0400 Added initial travis.yml
2014-03-30 06:51:32 +00:00
## Wrap a few methods from viewBox.
#Important: don't use a settattr(m, getattr(self.vb, m)) as we'd be leaving the viebox alive
#because we had a reference to an instance method (creating wrapper methods at runtime instead).
Added Travis CI support Fixed bugs / style issues to please Lord Travis Squashed commit of the following: commit f25048a1e1e9d0be355f33fbaff6ef74845f4782 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Sun Mar 30 02:40:47 2014 -0400 syntax commit cc8b69695a2698b75ff216dce27fabe46c79a325 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Sun Mar 30 02:36:49 2014 -0400 add size check, diff style check commit 5d5ea065a4d4cc714bfaf7c7e7624295164cd86c Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Sun Mar 30 02:16:05 2014 -0400 travis fix commit b154c6d9971d35c2a46e575a0a884880ec14c8b1 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Sun Mar 30 02:09:41 2014 -0400 travis, flake colored output commit 46921dcd878fdc08f05ef74d08be7953b1820a85 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Wed Mar 26 12:37:54 2014 -0400 fix pyside+py3 bugs to satisfy CI commit 1d30f3c5c7763876ccfff54e460b83cb7422a5b4 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Wed Mar 26 11:13:18 2014 -0400 fix py3 tests commit 426578fa4c5ec991d361c60005c32ca88c85e505 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Wed Mar 26 07:39:19 2014 -0400 fix pytest install commit 88a13c1a7158904af7d25c5ba5bfc8e63e6cf49d Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Wed Mar 26 00:29:29 2014 -0400 qt5 updates commit 51995488ccc9f286aeced3bd49c3213819529e57 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Wed Mar 26 00:16:04 2014 -0400 correct py.test command for py3 commit e2b02fbcbdbd95cbec5dd9307870f39337e6eb45 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 23:50:38 2014 -0400 fix 2nd install test commit 4b3e3ee04adee3a8d1aabdfb18a198cbd0e83a06 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 23:31:31 2014 -0400 syntax error commit 250eabdb34cac48d6f9622e6453235f0ec7f1151 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 23:13:42 2014 -0400 look for py.test3 commit 9f9bca47c1a0a5c35be21835a674058242aa5f48 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 22:54:19 2014 -0400 fix syntax commit 0a871c6f36ecddb7a1002b74d3b6d433e1648e8f Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 22:47:58 2014 -0400 output pip build log commit dbce58d8cd3f3a558202f8d7a149b5ec8fbfcf78 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 22:38:55 2014 -0400 no comments allowed between shall lines commit b79c06121d8e40d8b2d2db0a4dd0a60fbf48edba Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 20:56:35 2014 -0400 another pip try commit 09f4f5d82ab41f66e5c746985f09dfcbe36f2089 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 13:36:09 2014 -0400 pip correction commit 0eedb5c18e7242370f996c6b7481fbcdc8e6caf2 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 13:29:00 2014 -0400 correct py version output commit d9fd039be22cb297f4de83f7ab543de25e2969dd Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 11:55:43 2014 -0400 apt checks commit cf95ccef86bd26964d73bdc649de8f23f64d2575 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 10:23:10 2014 -0400 alternate pip install method commit bee0bcddfef44917a5ee425557ba6ff246edec87 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:51:45 2014 -0400 correct deps install commit 963a4211fcaa5ebbfe0e13a5d879635bd77334ac Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:47:30 2014 -0400 fixes commit 0c86cd1dc28e286f999f01b37beb3c3252a8c864 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:31:06 2014 -0400 permission fix commit 5d04ef53b80a83aa62452ff9a9f9152ca862f8d8 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:30:19 2014 -0400 Fix py.test version selection commit b0e6c7cb94c7fa85653e492f8817e79b1ca30426 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:25:34 2014 -0400 try another pyqt5 install method commit 422a7928665b5afb72861400672cc81b4bcd9779 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:12:36 2014 -0400 syntax error commit 533133905a8e4f2ba26bc6e8f0e4fe631fbd119e Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:04:37 2014 -0400 fixes commit 8d65211ba4e08e4f4b13b68f9778c3aee4b43cdc Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 22:40:18 2014 -0400 Add Qt5 test minor fixes commit 4484efaefe0c99516940812d0472e82998e801f6 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 22:31:56 2014 -0400 use correct py.test for python version commit 5d2441a29b98ed573e15580fc5efd533352ffb45 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 22:24:27 2014 -0400 add setup tests commit 9291db64f25afeb46ee46d92b3bd13aabb325cfe Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 21:48:43 2014 -0400 fix py3-pyqt install commit a7aa675c5a5a5c4a2fff69feefc9298bcc626641 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 21:31:33 2014 -0400 travis tests commit e71cd2b23ab09490c29c1c8ee18fc4db87ff0c01 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 21:17:15 2014 -0400 more corrections commit 527df3bca897ba6a02cb3fe4a5a6db34042600b5 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 20:56:01 2014 -0400 travis corrections commit 87d65cac4aa3bf815860030fac78e8e28069e29d Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 20:48:02 2014 -0400 Add flake tests Correct style in a few files to please Lord Travis commit 537028f88f17da59a6e8a09b9a3dee34282791cf Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 17:36:24 2014 -0400 minimize pyside package install correct line endings to satisfy Lord Travis commit 1e3cc95e37f03f70f50900dcb2e8a4dc4772208a Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 17:23:03 2014 -0400 enable pyside, line ending check fix test commit d7df4517f9004399703cb44237d27be313405e84 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 17:12:06 2014 -0400 syntax fix commit 1ad77a21551c38f7ff77bd537eb6c2a9e13a26ae Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 17:00:30 2014 -0400 alt. pytest install commit 5edcc020729b1ecd452555852652720b4c3285f5 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 16:52:33 2014 -0400 Added initial travis.yml
2014-03-30 06:51:32 +00:00
for m in ['setXRange', 'setYRange', 'setXLink', 'setYLink', 'setAutoPan', # NOTE:
'setAutoVisible', 'setRange', 'autoRange', 'viewRect', 'viewRange', # If you update this list, please
'setMouseEnabled', 'setLimits', 'enableAutoRange', 'disableAutoRange', # update the class docstring
2014-04-28 11:36:59 +00:00
'setAspectLocked', 'invertY', 'invertX', 'register', 'unregister']: # as well.
Added Travis CI support Fixed bugs / style issues to please Lord Travis Squashed commit of the following: commit f25048a1e1e9d0be355f33fbaff6ef74845f4782 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Sun Mar 30 02:40:47 2014 -0400 syntax commit cc8b69695a2698b75ff216dce27fabe46c79a325 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Sun Mar 30 02:36:49 2014 -0400 add size check, diff style check commit 5d5ea065a4d4cc714bfaf7c7e7624295164cd86c Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Sun Mar 30 02:16:05 2014 -0400 travis fix commit b154c6d9971d35c2a46e575a0a884880ec14c8b1 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Sun Mar 30 02:09:41 2014 -0400 travis, flake colored output commit 46921dcd878fdc08f05ef74d08be7953b1820a85 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Wed Mar 26 12:37:54 2014 -0400 fix pyside+py3 bugs to satisfy CI commit 1d30f3c5c7763876ccfff54e460b83cb7422a5b4 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Wed Mar 26 11:13:18 2014 -0400 fix py3 tests commit 426578fa4c5ec991d361c60005c32ca88c85e505 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Wed Mar 26 07:39:19 2014 -0400 fix pytest install commit 88a13c1a7158904af7d25c5ba5bfc8e63e6cf49d Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Wed Mar 26 00:29:29 2014 -0400 qt5 updates commit 51995488ccc9f286aeced3bd49c3213819529e57 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Wed Mar 26 00:16:04 2014 -0400 correct py.test command for py3 commit e2b02fbcbdbd95cbec5dd9307870f39337e6eb45 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 23:50:38 2014 -0400 fix 2nd install test commit 4b3e3ee04adee3a8d1aabdfb18a198cbd0e83a06 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 23:31:31 2014 -0400 syntax error commit 250eabdb34cac48d6f9622e6453235f0ec7f1151 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 23:13:42 2014 -0400 look for py.test3 commit 9f9bca47c1a0a5c35be21835a674058242aa5f48 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 22:54:19 2014 -0400 fix syntax commit 0a871c6f36ecddb7a1002b74d3b6d433e1648e8f Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 22:47:58 2014 -0400 output pip build log commit dbce58d8cd3f3a558202f8d7a149b5ec8fbfcf78 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 22:38:55 2014 -0400 no comments allowed between shall lines commit b79c06121d8e40d8b2d2db0a4dd0a60fbf48edba Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 20:56:35 2014 -0400 another pip try commit 09f4f5d82ab41f66e5c746985f09dfcbe36f2089 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 13:36:09 2014 -0400 pip correction commit 0eedb5c18e7242370f996c6b7481fbcdc8e6caf2 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 13:29:00 2014 -0400 correct py version output commit d9fd039be22cb297f4de83f7ab543de25e2969dd Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 11:55:43 2014 -0400 apt checks commit cf95ccef86bd26964d73bdc649de8f23f64d2575 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 10:23:10 2014 -0400 alternate pip install method commit bee0bcddfef44917a5ee425557ba6ff246edec87 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:51:45 2014 -0400 correct deps install commit 963a4211fcaa5ebbfe0e13a5d879635bd77334ac Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:47:30 2014 -0400 fixes commit 0c86cd1dc28e286f999f01b37beb3c3252a8c864 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:31:06 2014 -0400 permission fix commit 5d04ef53b80a83aa62452ff9a9f9152ca862f8d8 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:30:19 2014 -0400 Fix py.test version selection commit b0e6c7cb94c7fa85653e492f8817e79b1ca30426 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:25:34 2014 -0400 try another pyqt5 install method commit 422a7928665b5afb72861400672cc81b4bcd9779 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:12:36 2014 -0400 syntax error commit 533133905a8e4f2ba26bc6e8f0e4fe631fbd119e Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:04:37 2014 -0400 fixes commit 8d65211ba4e08e4f4b13b68f9778c3aee4b43cdc Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 22:40:18 2014 -0400 Add Qt5 test minor fixes commit 4484efaefe0c99516940812d0472e82998e801f6 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 22:31:56 2014 -0400 use correct py.test for python version commit 5d2441a29b98ed573e15580fc5efd533352ffb45 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 22:24:27 2014 -0400 add setup tests commit 9291db64f25afeb46ee46d92b3bd13aabb325cfe Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 21:48:43 2014 -0400 fix py3-pyqt install commit a7aa675c5a5a5c4a2fff69feefc9298bcc626641 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 21:31:33 2014 -0400 travis tests commit e71cd2b23ab09490c29c1c8ee18fc4db87ff0c01 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 21:17:15 2014 -0400 more corrections commit 527df3bca897ba6a02cb3fe4a5a6db34042600b5 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 20:56:01 2014 -0400 travis corrections commit 87d65cac4aa3bf815860030fac78e8e28069e29d Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 20:48:02 2014 -0400 Add flake tests Correct style in a few files to please Lord Travis commit 537028f88f17da59a6e8a09b9a3dee34282791cf Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 17:36:24 2014 -0400 minimize pyside package install correct line endings to satisfy Lord Travis commit 1e3cc95e37f03f70f50900dcb2e8a4dc4772208a Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 17:23:03 2014 -0400 enable pyside, line ending check fix test commit d7df4517f9004399703cb44237d27be313405e84 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 17:12:06 2014 -0400 syntax fix commit 1ad77a21551c38f7ff77bd537eb6c2a9e13a26ae Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 17:00:30 2014 -0400 alt. pytest install commit 5edcc020729b1ecd452555852652720b4c3285f5 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 16:52:33 2014 -0400 Added initial travis.yml
2014-03-30 06:51:32 +00:00
def _create_method(name):
def method(self, *args, **kwargs):
return getattr(self.vb, name)(*args, **kwargs)
method.__name__ = name
return method
locals()[m] = _create_method(m)
del _create_method
Added Travis CI support Fixed bugs / style issues to please Lord Travis Squashed commit of the following: commit f25048a1e1e9d0be355f33fbaff6ef74845f4782 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Sun Mar 30 02:40:47 2014 -0400 syntax commit cc8b69695a2698b75ff216dce27fabe46c79a325 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Sun Mar 30 02:36:49 2014 -0400 add size check, diff style check commit 5d5ea065a4d4cc714bfaf7c7e7624295164cd86c Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Sun Mar 30 02:16:05 2014 -0400 travis fix commit b154c6d9971d35c2a46e575a0a884880ec14c8b1 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Sun Mar 30 02:09:41 2014 -0400 travis, flake colored output commit 46921dcd878fdc08f05ef74d08be7953b1820a85 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Wed Mar 26 12:37:54 2014 -0400 fix pyside+py3 bugs to satisfy CI commit 1d30f3c5c7763876ccfff54e460b83cb7422a5b4 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Wed Mar 26 11:13:18 2014 -0400 fix py3 tests commit 426578fa4c5ec991d361c60005c32ca88c85e505 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Wed Mar 26 07:39:19 2014 -0400 fix pytest install commit 88a13c1a7158904af7d25c5ba5bfc8e63e6cf49d Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Wed Mar 26 00:29:29 2014 -0400 qt5 updates commit 51995488ccc9f286aeced3bd49c3213819529e57 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Wed Mar 26 00:16:04 2014 -0400 correct py.test command for py3 commit e2b02fbcbdbd95cbec5dd9307870f39337e6eb45 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 23:50:38 2014 -0400 fix 2nd install test commit 4b3e3ee04adee3a8d1aabdfb18a198cbd0e83a06 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 23:31:31 2014 -0400 syntax error commit 250eabdb34cac48d6f9622e6453235f0ec7f1151 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 23:13:42 2014 -0400 look for py.test3 commit 9f9bca47c1a0a5c35be21835a674058242aa5f48 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 22:54:19 2014 -0400 fix syntax commit 0a871c6f36ecddb7a1002b74d3b6d433e1648e8f Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 22:47:58 2014 -0400 output pip build log commit dbce58d8cd3f3a558202f8d7a149b5ec8fbfcf78 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 22:38:55 2014 -0400 no comments allowed between shall lines commit b79c06121d8e40d8b2d2db0a4dd0a60fbf48edba Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 20:56:35 2014 -0400 another pip try commit 09f4f5d82ab41f66e5c746985f09dfcbe36f2089 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 13:36:09 2014 -0400 pip correction commit 0eedb5c18e7242370f996c6b7481fbcdc8e6caf2 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 13:29:00 2014 -0400 correct py version output commit d9fd039be22cb297f4de83f7ab543de25e2969dd Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 11:55:43 2014 -0400 apt checks commit cf95ccef86bd26964d73bdc649de8f23f64d2575 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Tue Mar 25 10:23:10 2014 -0400 alternate pip install method commit bee0bcddfef44917a5ee425557ba6ff246edec87 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:51:45 2014 -0400 correct deps install commit 963a4211fcaa5ebbfe0e13a5d879635bd77334ac Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:47:30 2014 -0400 fixes commit 0c86cd1dc28e286f999f01b37beb3c3252a8c864 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:31:06 2014 -0400 permission fix commit 5d04ef53b80a83aa62452ff9a9f9152ca862f8d8 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:30:19 2014 -0400 Fix py.test version selection commit b0e6c7cb94c7fa85653e492f8817e79b1ca30426 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:25:34 2014 -0400 try another pyqt5 install method commit 422a7928665b5afb72861400672cc81b4bcd9779 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:12:36 2014 -0400 syntax error commit 533133905a8e4f2ba26bc6e8f0e4fe631fbd119e Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 23:04:37 2014 -0400 fixes commit 8d65211ba4e08e4f4b13b68f9778c3aee4b43cdc Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 22:40:18 2014 -0400 Add Qt5 test minor fixes commit 4484efaefe0c99516940812d0472e82998e801f6 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 22:31:56 2014 -0400 use correct py.test for python version commit 5d2441a29b98ed573e15580fc5efd533352ffb45 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 22:24:27 2014 -0400 add setup tests commit 9291db64f25afeb46ee46d92b3bd13aabb325cfe Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 21:48:43 2014 -0400 fix py3-pyqt install commit a7aa675c5a5a5c4a2fff69feefc9298bcc626641 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 21:31:33 2014 -0400 travis tests commit e71cd2b23ab09490c29c1c8ee18fc4db87ff0c01 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 21:17:15 2014 -0400 more corrections commit 527df3bca897ba6a02cb3fe4a5a6db34042600b5 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 20:56:01 2014 -0400 travis corrections commit 87d65cac4aa3bf815860030fac78e8e28069e29d Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 20:48:02 2014 -0400 Add flake tests Correct style in a few files to please Lord Travis commit 537028f88f17da59a6e8a09b9a3dee34282791cf Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 17:36:24 2014 -0400 minimize pyside package install correct line endings to satisfy Lord Travis commit 1e3cc95e37f03f70f50900dcb2e8a4dc4772208a Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 17:23:03 2014 -0400 enable pyside, line ending check fix test commit d7df4517f9004399703cb44237d27be313405e84 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 17:12:06 2014 -0400 syntax fix commit 1ad77a21551c38f7ff77bd537eb6c2a9e13a26ae Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 17:00:30 2014 -0400 alt. pytest install commit 5edcc020729b1ecd452555852652720b4c3285f5 Author: Luke Campagnola <> Date: Mon Mar 24 16:52:33 2014 -0400 Added initial travis.yml
2014-03-30 06:51:32 +00:00
def setLogMode(self, x=None, y=None):
Set log scaling for x and/or y axes.
This informs PlotDataItems to transform logarithmically and switches
the axes to use log ticking.
Note that *no other items* in the scene will be affected by
this; there is (currently) no generic way to redisplay a GraphicsItem
with log coordinates.
if x is not None:
if y is not None:
def showGrid(self, x=None, y=None, alpha=None):
Show or hide the grid for either axis.
============== =====================================
x (bool) Whether to show the X grid
y (bool) Whether to show the Y grid
alpha (0.0-1.0) Opacity of the grid
2012-04-21 20:11:15 +00:00
============== =====================================
if x is None and y is None and alpha is None:
raise Exception("Must specify at least one of x, y, or alpha.") ## prevent people getting confused if they just call showGrid()
if x is not None:
if y is not None:
if alpha is not None:
v = np.clip(alpha, 0, 1)*self.ctrl.gridAlphaSlider.maximum()
#def paint(self, *args):
#prof = debug.Profiler()
#QtGui.QGraphicsWidget.paint(self, *args)
2012-03-25 06:25:02 +00:00
## bad idea.
#def __getattr__(self, attr): ## wrap ms
#return getattr(self.vb, attr)
def close(self):
#print "delete", self
## Most of this crap is needed to avoid PySide trouble.
## The problem seems to be whenever scene.clear() leads to deletion of widgets (either through proxies or qgraphicswidgets)
## the solution is to manually remove all widgets before scene.clear() is called
if self.ctrlMenu is None: ## already shut down
self.ctrlMenu = None
self.autoBtn = None
for k in self.axes:
i = self.axes[k]['item']
self.axes = None
self.vb = None
2012-04-15 14:20:07 +00:00
def registerPlot(self, name): ## for backward compatibility
def updateGrid(self, *args):
alpha = self.ctrl.gridAlphaSlider.value()
x = alpha if self.ctrl.xGridCheck.isChecked() else False
y = alpha if self.ctrl.yGridCheck.isChecked() else False
def viewGeometry(self):
2012-04-15 14:20:07 +00:00
"""Return the screen geometry of the viewbox"""
v = self.scene().views()[0]
b = self.vb.mapRectToScene(self.vb.boundingRect())
wr = v.mapFromScene(b).boundingRect()
pos = v.mapToGlobal(v.pos())
wr.adjust(pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.x(), pos.y())
return wr
def avgToggled(self, b):
if b:
for k in self.avgCurves:
def avgParamListClicked(self, item):
name = str(item.text())
self.paramList[name] = (item.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Checked)
def recomputeAverages(self):
if not self.ctrl.averageGroup.isChecked():
for k in self.avgCurves:
self.avgCurves = {}
for c in self.curves:
def addAvgCurve(self, curve):
2012-04-15 14:20:07 +00:00
## Add a single curve into the pool of curves averaged together
## If there are plot parameters, then we need to determine which to average together.
remKeys = []
addKeys = []
if self.ctrl.avgParamList.count() > 0:
### First determine the key of the curve to which this new data should be averaged
for i in range(self.ctrl.avgParamList.count()):
item = self.ctrl.avgParamList.item(i)
if item.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Checked:
if len(remKeys) < 1: ## In this case, there would be 1 average plot for each data plot; not useful.
p = self.itemMeta.get(curve,{}).copy()
for k in p:
if type(k) is tuple:
p['.'.join(k)] = p[k]
del p[k]
for rk in remKeys:
if rk in p:
del p[rk]
for ak in addKeys:
if ak not in p:
p[ak] = None
key = tuple(p.items())
### Create a new curve if needed
if key not in self.avgCurves:
plot = PlotDataItem()
plot.setPen(fn.mkPen([0, 200, 0]))
plot.setShadowPen(fn.mkPen([0, 0, 0, 100], width=3))
plot.setAlpha(1.0, False)
self.addItem(plot, skipAverage=True)
self.avgCurves[key] = [0, plot]
self.avgCurves[key][0] += 1
(n, plot) = self.avgCurves[key]
### Average data together
(x, y) = curve.getData()
if plot.yData is not None:
newData = plot.yData * (n-1) / float(n) + y * 1.0 / float(n)
plot.setData(plot.xData, newData)
plot.setData(x, y)
def autoBtnClicked(self):
if self.autoBtn.mode == 'auto':
def viewStateChanged(self):
def enableAutoScale(self):
Enable auto-scaling. The plot will continuously scale to fit the boundaries of its data.
2012-05-11 22:05:41 +00:00
print("Warning: enableAutoScale is deprecated. Use enableAutoRange(axis, enable) instead.")
def addItem(self, item, *args, **kargs):
2012-04-16 20:45:55 +00:00
Add a graphics item to the view box.
If the item has plot data (PlotDataItem, PlotCurveItem, ScatterPlotItem), it may
be included in analysis performed by the PlotItem.
vbargs = {}
if 'ignoreBounds' in kargs:
vbargs['ignoreBounds'] = kargs['ignoreBounds']
self.vb.addItem(item, *args, **vbargs)
name = None
if hasattr(item, 'implements') and item.implements('plotData'):
name =
params = kargs.get('params', {})
self.itemMeta[item] = params
if hasattr(item, 'setLogMode'):
item.setLogMode(self.ctrl.logXCheck.isChecked(), self.ctrl.logYCheck.isChecked())
if isinstance(item, PlotDataItem):
## configure curve for this plot
(alpha, auto) = self.alphaState()
item.setAlpha(alpha, auto)
2013-07-03 15:20:49 +00:00
## Hide older plots if needed
## Add to average if needed
if self.ctrl.averageGroup.isChecked() and 'skipAverage' not in kargs:
#c.connect(c, QtCore.SIGNAL('plotChanged'), self.plotChanged)
#name = kargs.get('name', getattr(item, 'opts', {}).get('name', None))
if name is not None and hasattr(self, 'legend') and self.legend is not None:
self.legend.addItem(item, name=name)
def addDataItem(self, item, *args):
2012-05-11 22:05:41 +00:00
print("PlotItem.addDataItem is deprecated. Use addItem instead.")
self.addItem(item, *args)
2013-02-10 19:10:30 +00:00
def listDataItems(self):
"""Return a list of all data items (PlotDataItem, PlotCurveItem, ScatterPlotItem, etc)
contained in this PlotItem."""
return self.dataItems[:]
def addCurve(self, c, params=None):
2012-05-11 22:05:41 +00:00
print("PlotItem.addCurve is deprecated. Use addItem instead.")
2012-04-16 21:15:25 +00:00
self.addItem(c, params)
2013-02-10 19:10:30 +00:00
def addLine(self, x=None, y=None, z=None, **kwds):
Create an InfiniteLine and add to the plot.
If *x* is specified,
the line will be vertical. If *y* is specified, the line will be
horizontal. All extra keyword arguments are passed to
:func:`InfiniteLine.__init__() <pyqtgraph.InfiniteLine.__init__>`.
Returns the item created.
2013-07-03 15:20:49 +00:00
pos = kwds.get('pos', x if x is not None else y)
angle = kwds.get('angle', 0 if x is None else 90)
2013-02-10 19:10:30 +00:00
line = InfiniteLine(pos, angle, **kwds)
if z is not None:
return line
def removeItem(self, item):
2012-04-18 04:02:15 +00:00
Remove an item from the internal ViewBox.
if not item in self.items:
if item in self.dataItems:
if item.scene() is not None:
if item in self.curves:
#item.connect(item, QtCore.SIGNAL('plotChanged'), self.plotChanged)
def clear(self):
2012-04-18 04:02:15 +00:00
Remove all items from the ViewBox.
for i in self.items[:]:
self.avgCurves = {}
def clearPlots(self):
for i in self.curves[:]:
self.avgCurves = {}
def plot(self, *args, **kargs):
Add and return a new plot.
2012-04-15 16:32:20 +00:00
See :func:`PlotDataItem.__init__ <pyqtgraph.PlotDataItem.__init__>` for data arguments
Extra allowed arguments are:
clear - clear all plots before displaying new data
params - meta-parameters to associate with this data
clear = kargs.get('clear', False)
params = kargs.get('params', None)
if clear:
item = PlotDataItem(*args, **kargs)
if params is None:
params = {}
self.addItem(item, params=params)
return item
def addLegend(self, size=None, offset=(30, 30)):
Create a new LegendItem and anchor it over the internal ViewBox.
Plots will be automatically displayed in the legend if they
are created with the 'name' argument.
self.legend = LegendItem(size, offset)
return self.legend
def scatterPlot(self, *args, **kargs):
if 'pen' in kargs:
kargs['symbolPen'] = kargs['pen']
kargs['pen'] = None
if 'brush' in kargs:
kargs['symbolBrush'] = kargs['brush']
del kargs['brush']
if 'size' in kargs:
kargs['symbolSize'] = kargs['size']
del kargs['size']
return self.plot(*args, **kargs)
def replot(self):
def updateParamList(self):
## Check to see that each parameter for each curve is present in the list
for c in self.curves:
2012-05-11 22:05:41 +00:00
for p in list(self.itemMeta.get(c, {}).keys()):
if type(p) is tuple:
p = '.'.join(p)
## If the parameter is not in the list, add it.
matches = self.ctrl.avgParamList.findItems(p, QtCore.Qt.MatchExactly)
if len(matches) == 0:
i = QtGui.QListWidgetItem(p)
if p in self.paramList and self.paramList[p] is True:
i = matches[0]
self.paramList[p] = (i.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Checked)
## Qt's SVG-writing capabilities are pretty terrible.
def writeSvgCurves(self, fileName=None):
if fileName is None:
self.fileDialog = FileDialog()
if PlotItem.lastFileDir is not None:
#if fileName is None:
#fileName = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName()
if isinstance(fileName, tuple):
raise Exception("Not implemented yet..")
fileName = str(fileName)
PlotItem.lastFileDir = os.path.dirname(fileName)
rect = self.vb.viewRect()
xRange = rect.left(), rect.right()
svg = ""
fh = open(fileName, 'w')
dx = max(rect.right(),0) - min(rect.left(),0)
ymn = min(, rect.bottom())
ymx = max(, rect.bottom())
dy = max(ymx,0) - min(ymn,0)
sx = 1.
sy = 1.
while dx*sx < 10:
sx *= 1000
while dy*sy < 10:
sy *= 1000
sy *= -1
#fh.write('<svg viewBox="%f %f %f %f">\n' % (rect.left()*sx,*sx, rect.width()*sy, rect.height()*sy))
fh.write('<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-opacity="0.5" stroke-width="1" d="M%f,0 L%f,0"/>\n' % (rect.left()*sx, rect.right()*sx))
fh.write('<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-opacity="0.5" stroke-width="1" d="M0,%f L0,%f"/>\n' % (*sy, rect.bottom()*sy))
for item in self.curves:
if isinstance(item, PlotCurveItem):
color = fn.colorStr(item.pen.color())
opacity = item.pen.color().alpha() / 255.
color = color[:6]
x, y = item.getData()
mask = (x > xRange[0]) * (x < xRange[1])
mask[:-1] += mask[1:]
m2 = mask.copy()
mask[1:] += m2[:-1]
x = x[mask]
y = y[mask]
x *= sx
y *= sy
#fh.write('<g fill="none" stroke="#%s" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="1">\n' % color)
fh.write('<path fill="none" stroke="#%s" stroke-opacity="%f" stroke-width="1" d="M%f,%f ' % (color, opacity, x[0], y[0]))
2012-05-11 22:05:41 +00:00
for i in range(1, len(x)):
fh.write('L%f,%f ' % (x[i], y[i]))
for item in self.dataItems:
if isinstance(item, ScatterPlotItem):
pRect = item.boundingRect()
vRect = pRect.intersected(rect)
for point in item.points():
pos = point.pos()
if not rect.contains(pos):
color = fn.colorStr(point.brush.color())
opacity = point.brush.color().alpha() / 255.
color = color[:6]
x = pos.x() * sx
y = pos.y() * sy
fh.write('<circle cx="%f" cy="%f" r="1" fill="#%s" stroke="none" fill-opacity="%f"/>\n' % (x, y, color, opacity))
#fh.write('<path fill="none" stroke="#%s" stroke-opacity="%f" stroke-width="1" d="M%f,%f ' % (color, opacity, x[0], y[0]))
#for i in xrange(1, len(x)):
#fh.write('L%f,%f ' % (x[i], y[i]))
## get list of curves, scatter plots
def writeSvg(self, fileName=None):
if fileName is None:
fileName = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName()
fileName = str(fileName)
PlotItem.lastFileDir = os.path.dirname(fileName)
self.svg = QtSvg.QSvgGenerator()
res = 120.
view = self.scene().views()[0]
bounds = view.viewport().rect()
bounds = QtCore.QRectF(0, 0, bounds.width(), bounds.height())
self.svg.setSize(QtCore.QSize(bounds.width(), bounds.height()))
painter = QtGui.QPainter(self.svg)
view.render(painter, bounds)
## Workaround to set pen widths correctly
import re
data = open(fileName).readlines()
for i in range(len(data)):
line = data[i]
m = re.match(r'(<g .*)stroke-width="1"(.*transform="matrix\(([^\)]+)\)".*)', line)
if m is not None:
#print "Matched group:", line
g = m.groups()
2012-05-11 22:05:41 +00:00
matrix = list(map(float, g[2].split(',')))
#print "matrix:", matrix
scale = max(abs(matrix[0]), abs(matrix[3]))
if scale == 0 or scale == 1.0:
data[i] = g[0] + ' stroke-width="%0.2g" ' % (1.0/scale) + g[1] + '\n'
#print "old line:", line
#print "new line:", data[i]
open(fileName, 'w').write(''.join(data))
def writeImage(self, fileName=None):
if fileName is None:
self.fileDialog = FileDialog()
if PlotItem.lastFileDir is not None:
#if fileName is None:
#fileName = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName()
if isinstance(fileName, tuple):
raise Exception("Not implemented yet..")
fileName = str(fileName)
PlotItem.lastFileDir = os.path.dirname(fileName)
self.png = QtGui.QImage(int(self.size().width()), int(self.size().height()), QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32)
painter = QtGui.QPainter(self.png)
painter.setRenderHints(painter.Antialiasing | painter.TextAntialiasing)
self.scene().render(painter, QtCore.QRectF(), self.mapRectToScene(self.boundingRect()))
def writeCsv(self, fileName=None):
if fileName is None:
self.fileDialog = FileDialog()
if PlotItem.lastFileDir is not None:
#if fileName is None:
#fileName = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName()
fileName = str(fileName)
PlotItem.lastFileDir = os.path.dirname(fileName)
fd = open(fileName, 'w')
data = [c.getData() for c in self.curves]
i = 0
while True:
done = True
for d in data:
if i < len(d[0]):
fd.write('%g,%g,'%(d[0][i], d[1][i]))
done = False
fd.write(' , ,')
if done:
i += 1
def saveState(self):
state = self.stateGroup.state()
state['paramList'] = self.paramList.copy()
state['view'] = self.vb.getState()
return state
def restoreState(self, state):
if 'paramList' in state:
self.paramList = state['paramList'].copy()
if 'powerSpectrumGroup' in state:
state['fftCheck'] = state['powerSpectrumGroup']
if 'gridGroup' in state:
state['xGridCheck'] = state['gridGroup']
state['yGridCheck'] = state['gridGroup']
if 'view' not in state:
r = [[float(state['xMinText']), float(state['xMaxText'])], [float(state['yMinText']), float(state['yMaxText'])]]
state['view'] = {
'autoRange': [state['xAutoRadio'], state['yAutoRadio']],
'linkedViews': [state['xLinkCombo'], state['yLinkCombo']],
'targetRange': r,
'viewRange': r,
def widgetGroupInterface(self):
return (None, PlotItem.saveState, PlotItem.restoreState)
def updateSpectrumMode(self, b=None):
if b is None:
b = self.ctrl.fftCheck.isChecked()
for c in self.curves:
def updateLogMode(self):
x = self.ctrl.logXCheck.isChecked()
y = self.ctrl.logYCheck.isChecked()
for i in self.items:
if hasattr(i, 'setLogMode'):
2013-07-03 15:20:49 +00:00
def setDownsampling(self, ds=None, auto=None, mode=None):
"""Change the default downsampling mode for all PlotDataItems managed by this plot.
=============== =================================================================
ds (int) Reduce visible plot samples by this factor, or
(bool) To enable/disable downsampling without changing the value.
auto (bool) If True, automatically pick *ds* based on visible range
mode 'subsample': Downsample by taking the first of N samples.
This method is fastest and least accurate.
'mean': Downsample by taking the mean of N samples.
'peak': Downsample by drawing a saw wave that follows the min
and max of the original data. This method produces the best
visual representation of the data but is slower.
=============== =================================================================
2013-07-03 15:20:49 +00:00
if ds is not None:
if ds is False:
elif ds is True:
if auto is not None:
if auto and ds is not False:
if mode is not None:
if mode == 'subsample':
elif mode == 'mean':
elif mode == 'peak':
raise ValueError("mode argument must be 'subsample', 'mean', or 'peak'.")
def updateDownsampling(self):
2013-07-03 15:20:49 +00:00
ds, auto, method = self.downsampleMode()
clip = self.ctrl.clipToViewCheck.isChecked()
for c in self.curves:
2013-07-03 15:20:49 +00:00
c.setDownsampling(ds, auto, method)
def downsampleMode(self):
2013-07-03 15:20:49 +00:00
if self.ctrl.downsampleCheck.isChecked():
ds = self.ctrl.downsampleSpin.value()
2013-07-03 15:20:49 +00:00
ds = 1
auto = self.ctrl.downsampleCheck.isChecked() and self.ctrl.autoDownsampleCheck.isChecked()
if self.ctrl.subsampleRadio.isChecked():
method = 'subsample'
elif self.ctrl.meanRadio.isChecked():
method = 'mean'
elif self.ctrl.peakRadio.isChecked():
method = 'peak'
return ds, auto, method
def setClipToView(self, clip):
"""Set the default clip-to-view mode for all PlotDataItems managed by this plot.
If *clip* is True, then PlotDataItems will attempt to draw only points within the visible
range of the ViewBox."""
def clipToViewMode(self):
return self.ctrl.clipToViewCheck.isChecked()
def updateDecimation(self):
if self.ctrl.maxTracesCheck.isChecked():
numCurves = self.ctrl.maxTracesSpin.value()
numCurves = -1
curves = self.curves[:]
split = len(curves) - numCurves
for i in range(len(curves)):
if numCurves == -1 or i >= split:
if self.ctrl.forgetTracesCheck.isChecked():
def updateAlpha(self, *args):
(alpha, auto) = self.alphaState()
for c in self.curves:
c.setAlpha(alpha**2, auto)
def alphaState(self):
enabled = self.ctrl.alphaGroup.isChecked()
auto = self.ctrl.autoAlphaCheck.isChecked()
alpha = float(self.ctrl.alphaSlider.value()) / self.ctrl.alphaSlider.maximum()
if auto:
alpha = 1.0 ## should be 1/number of overlapping plots
if not enabled:
auto = False
alpha = 1.0
return (alpha, auto)
def pointMode(self):
if self.ctrl.pointsGroup.isChecked():
if self.ctrl.autoPointsCheck.isChecked():
mode = None
mode = True
mode = False
return mode
def resizeEvent(self, ev):
if self.autoBtn is None: ## already closed down
btnRect = self.mapRectFromItem(self.autoBtn, self.autoBtn.boundingRect())
y = self.size().height() - btnRect.height()
self.autoBtn.setPos(0, y)
def getMenu(self):
return self.ctrlMenu
def getContextMenus(self, event):
## called when another item is displaying its context menu; we get to add extras to the end of the menu.
if self.menuEnabled():
return self.ctrlMenu
return None
def setMenuEnabled(self, enableMenu=True, enableViewBoxMenu='same'):
Enable or disable the context menu for this PlotItem.
By default, the ViewBox's context menu will also be affected.
(use enableViewBoxMenu=None to leave the ViewBox unchanged)
self._menuEnabled = enableMenu
if enableViewBoxMenu is None:
if enableViewBoxMenu is 'same':
enableViewBoxMenu = enableMenu
def menuEnabled(self):
return self._menuEnabled
def hoverEvent(self, ev):
if ev.enter:
self.mouseHovering = True
if ev.exit:
self.mouseHovering = False
def getLabel(self, key):
def _checkScaleKey(self, key):
if key not in self.axes:
raise Exception("Scale '%s' not found. Scales are: %s" % (key, str(list(self.axes.keys()))))
def getScale(self, key):
return self.getAxis(key)
def getAxis(self, name):
"""Return the specified AxisItem.
*name* should be 'left', 'bottom', 'top', or 'right'."""
return self.axes[name]['item']
def setLabel(self, axis, text=None, units=None, unitPrefix=None, **args):
Set the label for an axis. Basic HTML formatting is allowed.
2012-04-15 16:32:20 +00:00
============== =================================================================
axis must be one of 'left', 'bottom', 'right', or 'top'
text text to display along the axis. HTML allowed.
units units to display after the title. If units are given,
then an SI prefix will be automatically appended
and the axis values will be scaled accordingly.
(ie, use 'V' instead of 'mV'; 'm' will be added automatically)
============== =================================================================
self.getAxis(axis).setLabel(text=text, units=units, **args)
def setLabels(self, **kwds):
Convenience function allowing multiple labels and/or title to be set in one call.
Keyword arguments can be 'title', 'left', 'bottom', 'right', or 'top'.
Values may be strings or a tuple of arguments to pass to setLabel.
for k,v in kwds.items():
if k == 'title':
if isinstance(v, basestring):
v = (v,)
self.setLabel(k, *v)
def showLabel(self, axis, show=True):
Show or hide one of the plot's axis labels (the axis itself will be unaffected).
axis must be one of 'left', 'bottom', 'right', or 'top'
def setTitle(self, title=None, **args):
Set the title of the plot. Basic HTML formatting is allowed.
If title is None, then the title will be hidden.
if title is None:
self.layout.setRowFixedHeight(0, 0)
self.layout.setRowFixedHeight(0, 30)
self.titleLabel.setText(title, **args)
def showAxis(self, axis, show=True):
Show or hide one of the plot's axes.
axis must be one of 'left', 'bottom', 'right', or 'top'
s = self.getScale(axis)
p = self.axes[axis]['pos']
if show:
def hideAxis(self, axis):
"""Hide one of the PlotItem's axes. ('left', 'bottom', 'right', or 'top')"""
self.showAxis(axis, False)
def showScale(self, *args, **kargs):
2012-05-11 22:05:41 +00:00
print("Deprecated. use showAxis() instead")
return self.showAxis(*args, **kargs)
def hideButtons(self):
"""Causes auto-scale button ('A' in lower-left corner) to be hidden for this PlotItem"""
self.buttonsHidden = True
def showButtons(self):
"""Causes auto-scale button ('A' in lower-left corner) to be visible for this PlotItem"""
self.buttonsHidden = False
def updateButtons(self):
if self._exportOpts is False and self.mouseHovering and not self.buttonsHidden and not all(self.vb.autoRangeEnabled()):
def _plotArray(self, arr, x=None, **kargs):
if arr.ndim != 1:
raise Exception("Array must be 1D to plot (shape is %s)" % arr.shape)
if x is None:
x = np.arange(arr.shape[0])
if x.ndim != 1:
raise Exception("X array must be 1D to plot (shape is %s)" % x.shape)
c = PlotCurveItem(arr, x=x, **kargs)
return c
def _plotMetaArray(self, arr, x=None, autoLabel=True, **kargs):
inf = arr.infoCopy()
if arr.ndim != 1:
raise Exception('can only automatically plot 1 dimensional arrays.')
## create curve
xv = arr.xvals(0)
if x is None:
xv = np.arange(arr.shape[0])
xv = x
c = PlotCurveItem(**kargs)
c.setData(x=xv, y=arr.view(np.ndarray))
if autoLabel:
name = arr._info[0].get('name', None)
units = arr._info[0].get('units', None)
self.setLabel('bottom', text=name, units=units)
name = arr._info[1].get('name', None)
units = arr._info[1].get('units', None)
self.setLabel('left', text=name, units=units)
return c
def setExportMode(self, export, opts=None):
GraphicsWidget.setExportMode(self, export, opts)
#if export: