Use math module trig functions for scalars

This commit replaces the use of np.sin/np.cos/np.tan uses throughout
the library with math.sin/math.cos/math.tan for scalar values
This commit is contained in:
Ogi Moore 2021-04-19 22:18:59 -07:00
parent c4a1cf11a1
commit 1138c67d45
3 changed files with 18 additions and 28 deletions

View File

@ -6,8 +6,7 @@ Distributed under MIT/X11 license. See license.txt for more information.
from .Qt import QtCore
from . import functions as fn
from math import sin, acos, atan2, inf, pi, hypot
from math import atan2, hypot, degrees
class Point(QtCore.QPointF):
@ -95,23 +94,14 @@ class Point(QtCore.QPointF):
"""Returns the vector length of this Point."""
return hypot(self[0], self[1]) # length
def norm(self):
"""Returns a vector in the same direction with unit length."""
return self / self.length()
def angle(self, a):
"""Returns the angle in degrees between this vector and the vector a."""
n1 = self.length()
n2 = a.length()
if n1 == 0. or n2 == 0.:
return None
## Probably this should be done with arctan2 instead..
ang = acos(fn.clip_scalar( / (n1 * n2), -1.0, 1.0)) ### in radians
c = self.cross(a)
if c > 0:
ang *= -1.
return ang * 180. / pi
rads = atan2(self.y(), self.x()) - atan2(a.y(), a.x())
return degrees(rads)
def dot(self, a):
"""Returns the dot product of a and this Point."""
@ -130,7 +120,6 @@ class Point(QtCore.QPointF):
def __repr__(self):
return "Point(%f, %f)" % (self[0], self[1])
def min(self):
return min(self[0], self[1])

View File

@ -432,16 +432,16 @@ def makeArrowPath(headLen=20, headWidth=None, tipAngle=20, tailLen=20, tailWidth
If *tailLen* is None, no tail will be drawn.
if headWidth is None:
headWidth = headLen * np.tan(tipAngle * 0.5 * np.pi/180.)
headWidth = headLen * math.tan(tipAngle * 0.5 * math.pi / 180.)
path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
path.lineTo(headLen, -headWidth)
if tailLen is None:
innerY = headLen - headWidth * np.tan(baseAngle*np.pi/180.)
innerY = headLen - headWidth * math.tan(baseAngle * math.pi / 180.)
path.lineTo(innerY, 0)
tailWidth *= 0.5
innerY = headLen - (headWidth-tailWidth) * np.tan(baseAngle*np.pi/180.)
innerY = headLen - (headWidth-tailWidth) * math.tan(baseAngle* math.pi / 180.)
path.lineTo(innerY, -tailWidth)
path.lineTo(headLen + tailLen, -tailWidth)
path.lineTo(headLen + tailLen, tailWidth)

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import numpy as np
from .. import Vector
from .. import functions as fn
import warnings
from math import cos, sin, tan
##Vector = QtGui.QVector3D
ShareWidget = None
@ -183,7 +184,7 @@ class GLViewWidget(QtWidgets.QOpenGLWidget):
nearClip = dist * 0.001
farClip = dist * 1000.
r = nearClip * np.tan(fov * 0.5 * np.pi / 180.)
r = nearClip * tan(fov * 0.5 * np.pi / 180.)
t = r * h / w
## Note that X0 and width in these equations must be the values used in viewport
@ -328,9 +329,9 @@ class GLViewWidget(QtWidgets.QOpenGLWidget):
elev = self.opts['elevation'] * np.pi / 180
azim = self.opts['azimuth'] * np.pi / 180
pos = Vector(
center.x() + dist * np.cos(elev) * np.cos(azim),
center.y() + dist * np.cos(elev) * np.sin(azim),
center.z() + dist * np.sin(elev)
center.x() + dist * cos(elev) * cos(azim),
center.y() + dist * cos(elev) * sin(azim),
center.z() + dist * sin(elev)
return pos
@ -387,7 +388,7 @@ class GLViewWidget(QtWidgets.QOpenGLWidget):
cPos = self.cameraPosition()
cVec = self.opts['center'] - cPos
dist = cVec.length() ## distance from camera to center
xDist = dist * 2. * np.tan(0.5 * self.opts['fov'] * np.pi / 180.) ## approx. width of view at distance of center point
xDist = dist * 2. * tan(0.5 * self.opts['fov'] * np.pi / 180.) ## approx. width of view at distance of center point
xScale = xDist / self.width()
zVec = QtGui.QVector3D(0,0,1)
xVec = QtGui.QVector3D.crossProduct(zVec, cVec).normalized()
@ -412,11 +413,11 @@ class GLViewWidget(QtWidgets.QOpenGLWidget):
azim = np.radians(self.opts['azimuth'])
fov = np.radians(self.opts['fov'])
dist = (self.opts['center'] - self.cameraPosition()).length()
fov_factor = np.tan(fov / 2) * 2
fov_factor = tan(fov / 2) * 2
scale_factor = dist * fov_factor / self.width()
z = scale_factor * np.cos(elev) * dy
x = scale_factor * (np.sin(azim) * dx - np.sin(elev) * np.cos(azim) * dy)
y = scale_factor * (np.cos(azim) * dx + np.sin(elev) * np.sin(azim) * dy)
z = scale_factor * cos(elev) * dy
x = scale_factor * (sin(azim) * dx - sin(elev) * cos(azim) * dy)
y = scale_factor * (cos(azim) * dx + sin(elev) * sin(azim) * dy)
self.opts['center'] += QtGui.QVector3D(x, -y, z)
raise ValueError("relative argument must be global, view, or view-upright")
@ -434,7 +435,7 @@ class GLViewWidget(QtWidgets.QOpenGLWidget):
dist = ((pos-cam)**2).sum(axis=-1)**0.5
dist = (pos-cam).length()
xDist = dist * 2. * np.tan(0.5 * self.opts['fov'] * np.pi / 180.)
xDist = dist * 2. * tan(0.5 * self.opts['fov'] * np.pi / 180.)
return xDist / self.width()
def mousePressEvent(self, ev):