Add tests for inpute/output type on a few parameter types

This commit is contained in:
Luke Campagnola 2017-08-02 15:03:58 -07:00
parent 9094261c54
commit 16f0e3034c

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@ -1,7 +1,19 @@
# ~*~ coding: utf8 ~*~
import sys
import pytest
from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore
import pyqtgraph.parametertree as pt
import pyqtgraph as pg
from pyqtgraph.python2_3 import asUnicode
from pyqtgraph.functions import eq
import numpy as np
app = pg.mkQApp()
def _getWidget(param):
return list(param.items.keys())[0].widget
def test_opts():
paramSpec = [
dict(name='bool', type='bool', readonly=True),
@ -12,7 +24,111 @@ def test_opts():
tree = pt.ParameterTree()
assert list(param.param('bool').items.keys())[0].widget.isEnabled() is False
assert list(param.param('color').items.keys())[0].widget.isEnabled() is False
assert _getWidget(param.param('bool')).isEnabled() is False
assert _getWidget(param.param('bool')).isEnabled() is False
def test_types():
paramSpec = [
dict(name='float', type='float'),
dict(name='int', type='int'),
dict(name='str', type='str'),
dict(name='list', type='list', values=['x','y','z']),
dict(name='dict', type='list', values={'x':1, 'y':3, 'z':7}),
dict(name='bool', type='bool'),
dict(name='color', type='color'),
param = pt.Parameter.create(name='params', type='group', children=paramSpec)
tree = pt.ParameterTree()
all_objs = {
'int0': 0, 'int':7, 'float': -0.35, 'bigfloat': 1e129, 'npfloat': np.float(5),
'npint':,'npinf': np.inf, 'npnan': np.nan, 'bool': True,
'complex': 5+3j, 'str': 'xxx', 'unicode': asUnicode('µ'),
'list': [1,2,3], 'dict': {'1': 2}, 'color': pg.mkColor('k'),
'brush': pg.mkBrush('k'), 'pen': pg.mkPen('k'), 'none': None
if hasattr(QtCore, 'QString'):
all_objs['qstring'] = QtCore.QString('xxxµ')
# float
types = ['int0', 'int', 'float', 'bigfloat', 'npfloat', 'npint', 'npinf', 'npnan', 'bool']
check_param_types(param.child('float'), float, float, 0.0, all_objs, types)
# int
types = ['int0', 'int', 'float', 'bigfloat', 'npfloat', 'npint', 'bool']
inttyps = int if sys.version[0] >= '3' else (int, long)
check_param_types(param.child('int'), inttyps, int, 0, all_objs, types)
# str (should be able to make a string out of any type)
types = all_objs.keys()
strtyp = str if sys.version[0] >= '3' else unicode
check_param_types(param.child('str'), strtyp, asUnicode, '', all_objs, types)
# bool (should be able to make a boolean out of any type?)
types = all_objs.keys()
check_param_types(param.child('bool'), bool, bool, False, all_objs, types)
# color
types = ['color', 'int0', 'int', 'float', 'npfloat', 'npint', 'list']
init = QtGui.QColor(128, 128, 128, 255)
check_param_types(param.child('color'), QtGui.QColor, pg.mkColor, init, all_objs, types)
def check_param_types(param, types, map_func, init, objs, keys):
"""Check that parameter setValue() accepts or rejects the correct types and
that value() returns the correct type.
param : Parameter instance
types : type or tuple of types
The allowed types for this parameter to return from value().
map_func : function
Converts an input value to the expected output value.
init : object
The expected initial value of the parameter
objs : dict
Contains a variety of objects that will be tested as arguments to
keys : list
The list of keys indicating the valid objects in *objs*. When
param.setValue() is teasted with each value from *objs*, we expect
an exception to be raised if the associated key is not in *keys*.
val = param.value()
if not isinstance(types, tuple):
types = (types,)
assert val == init and type(val) in types
# test valid input types
good_inputs = [objs[k] for k in keys if k in objs]
good_outputs = map(map_func, good_inputs)
for x,y in zip(good_inputs, good_outputs):
val = param.value()
if not (eq(val, y) and type(val) in types):
raise Exception("Setting parameter %s with value %r should have resulted in %r (types: %r), "
"but resulted in %r (type: %r) instead." % (param, x, y, types, val, type(val)))
# test invalid input types
for k,v in objs.items():
if k in keys:
except (TypeError, ValueError, OverflowError):
except Exception as exc:
raise Exception("Setting %s parameter value to %r raised %r." % (param, v, exc))
raise Exception("Setting %s parameter value to %r should have raised an exception." % (param, v))