@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ from .. import getConfigOption
__all__ = [
'TestROI', 'RectROI', 'EllipseROI', 'CircleROI', 'PolygonROI',
'LineROI', 'MultiLineROI', 'MultiRectROI', 'LineSegmentROI', 'PolyLineROI', 'SpiralROI', 'CrosshairROI',
'LineROI', 'MultiLineROI', 'MultiRectROI', 'LineSegmentROI', 'PolyLineROI',
@ -231,6 +232,9 @@ class ROI(GraphicsObject):
multiple change functions to be called sequentially while minimizing processing overhead
and repeated signals. Setting ``update=False`` also forces ``finish=False``.
if update not in (True, False):
raise TypeError("update argument must be bool")
if y is None:
pos = Point(pos)
@ -238,6 +242,7 @@ class ROI(GraphicsObject):
if isinstance(y, bool):
raise TypeError("Positional arguments to setPos() must be numerical.")
pos = Point(pos, y)
self.state['pos'] = pos
QtGui.QGraphicsItem.setPos(self, pos)
if update:
@ -247,16 +252,20 @@ class ROI(GraphicsObject):
"""Set the size of the ROI. May be specified as a QPoint, Point, or list of two values.
See setPos() for an explanation of the update and finish arguments.
if update not in (True, False):
raise TypeError("update argument must be bool")
size = Point(size)
self.state['size'] = size
if update:
def setAngle(self, angle, update=True, finish=True):
"""Set the angle of rotation (in degrees) for this ROI.
See setPos() for an explanation of the update and finish arguments.
if update not in (True, False):
raise TypeError("update argument must be bool")
self.state['angle'] = angle
tr = QtGui.QTransform()
#tr.rotate(-angle * 180 / np.pi)
@ -756,11 +765,6 @@ class ROI(GraphicsObject):
raise Exception("New point location must be given in either 'parent' or 'scene' coordinates.")
## transform p0 and p1 into parent's coordinates (same as scene coords if there is no parent). I forget why.
#p0 = self.mapSceneToParent(p0)
#p1 = self.mapSceneToParent(p1)
## Handles with a 'center' need to know their local position relative to the center point (lp0, lp1)
if 'center' in h:
c = h['center']
@ -770,8 +774,6 @@ class ROI(GraphicsObject):
if h['type'] == 't':
snap = True if (modifiers & QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier) else None
#if self.translateSnap or ():
#snap = Point(self.snapSize, self.snapSize)
self.translate(p1-p0, snap=snap, update=False)
elif h['type'] == 'f':
@ -779,7 +781,6 @@ class ROI(GraphicsObject):
h['pos'] = newPos
self.freeHandleMoved = True
#self.sigRegionChanged.emit(self) ## should be taken care of by call to stateChanged()
elif h['type'] == 's':
## If a handle and its center have the same x or y value, we can't scale across that axis.
@ -921,10 +922,7 @@ class ROI(GraphicsObject):
r = self.stateRect(newState)
if not self.maxBounds.contains(r):
#self.setPos(newState['pos'], update=False)
#self.state = newState
self.setState(newState, update=False)
@ -1734,10 +1732,18 @@ class EllipseROI(ROI):
def __init__(self, pos, size, **args):
#QtGui.QGraphicsRectItem.__init__(self, 0, 0, size[0], size[1])
self.path = None
ROI.__init__(self, pos, size, **args)
def _addHandles(self):
self.addRotateHandle([1.0, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5])
self.addScaleHandle([0.5*2.**-0.5 + 0.5, 0.5*2.**-0.5 + 0.5], [0.5, 0.5])
def _clearPath(self):
self.path = None
def paint(self, p, opt, widget):
r = self.boundingRect()
@ -1760,6 +1766,7 @@ class EllipseROI(ROI):
return arr
w = arr.shape[axes[0]]
h = arr.shape[axes[1]]
## generate an ellipsoidal mask
mask = np.fromfunction(lambda x,y: (((x+0.5)/(w/2.)-1)**2+ ((y+0.5)/(h/2.)-1)**2)**0.5 < 1, (w, h))
@ -1772,8 +1779,27 @@ class EllipseROI(ROI):
return arr * mask
def shape(self):
self.path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
if self.path is None:
path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
# Note: Qt has a bug where very small ellipses (radius <0.001) do
# not correctly intersect with mouse position (upper-left and
# lower-right quadrants are not clickable).
# Workaround: manually draw the path.
br = self.boundingRect()
center =
r1 = br.width() / 2.
r2 = br.height() / 2.
theta = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 24)
x = center.x() + r1 * np.cos(theta)
y = center.y() + r2 * np.sin(theta)
path.moveTo(x[0], y[0])
for i in range(1, len(x)):
path.lineTo(x[i], y[i])
self.path = path
return self.path
@ -1790,10 +1816,15 @@ class CircleROI(EllipseROI):
============== =============================================================
def __init__(self, pos, size, **args):
ROI.__init__(self, pos, size, **args)
def __init__(self, pos, size=None, radius=None, **args):
if size is None:
if radius is None:
raise TypeError("Must provide either size or radius.")
size = (radius*2, radius*2)
EllipseROI.__init__(self, pos, size, **args)
self.aspectLocked = True
#self.addTranslateHandle([0.5, 0.5])
def _addHandles(self):
self.addScaleHandle([0.5*2.**-0.5 + 0.5, 0.5*2.**-0.5 + 0.5], [0.5, 0.5])
@ -2157,79 +2188,6 @@ class _PolyLineSegment(LineSegmentROI):
return LineSegmentROI.hoverEvent(self, ev)
class SpiralROI(ROI):
def __init__(self, pos=None, size=None, **args):
if size == None:
size = [100e-6,100e-6]
if pos == None:
pos = [0,0]
ROI.__init__(self, pos, size, **args)
self.translateSnap = False
self.addFreeHandle([0.25,0], name='a')
self.addRotateFreeHandle([1,0], [0,0], name='r')
#QtCore.connect(self, QtCore.SIGNAL('regionChanged'), self.
def getRadius(self):
radius = Point(self.handles[1]['item'].pos()).length()
#r2 = radius[1]
#r3 = r2[0]
return radius
def boundingRect(self):
r = self.getRadius()
return QtCore.QRectF(-r*1.1, -r*1.1, 2.2*r, 2.2*r)
#return self.bounds
#def movePoint(self, *args, **kargs):
#ROI.movePoint(self, *args, **kargs)
#for h in self.handles:
#h['pos'] = h['item'].pos()/self.state['size'][0]
def stateChanged(self, finish=True):
ROI.stateChanged(self, finish=finish)
if len(self.handles) > 1:
self.path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
h0 = Point(self.handles[0]['item'].pos()).length()
a = h0/(2.0*np.pi)
theta = 30.0*(2.0*np.pi)/360.0
self.path.moveTo(QtCore.QPointF(a*theta*cos(theta), a*theta*sin(theta)))
x0 = a*theta*cos(theta)
y0 = a*theta*sin(theta)
radius = self.getRadius()
theta += 20.0*(2.0*np.pi)/360.0
i = 0
while Point(x0, y0).length() < radius and i < 1000:
x1 = a*theta*cos(theta)
y1 = a*theta*sin(theta)
theta += 20.0*(2.0*np.pi)/360.0
x0 = x1
y0 = y1
i += 1
return self.path
def shape(self):
p = QtGui.QPainterPath()
return p
def paint(self, p, *args):
#path = self.shape()
class CrosshairROI(ROI):
"""A crosshair ROI whose position is at the center of the crosshairs. By default, it is scalable, rotatable and translatable."""
@ -2251,16 +2209,8 @@ class CrosshairROI(ROI):
def boundingRect(self):
#size = self.size()
#return QtCore.QRectF(-size[0]/2., -size[1]/2., size[0], size[1]).normalized()
return self.shape().boundingRect()
#def getRect(self):
### same as boundingRect -- for internal use so that boundingRect can be re-implemented in subclasses
#size = self.size()
#return QtCore.QRectF(-size[0]/2., -size[1]/2., size[0], size[1]).normalized()
def shape(self):
if self._shape is None:
radius = self.getState()['size'][1]
@ -2274,58 +2224,43 @@ class CrosshairROI(ROI):
outline = stroker.createStroke(p)
self._shape = self.mapFromDevice(outline)
##h1 = self.handles[0]['item'].pos()
##h2 = self.handles[1]['item'].pos()
#w1 = Point(-0.5, 0)*self.size()
#w2 = Point(0.5, 0)*self.size()
#h1 = Point(0, -0.5)*self.size()
#h2 = Point(0, 0.5)*self.size()
#dh = h2-h1
#dw = w2-w1
#if dh.length() == 0 or dw.length() == 0:
#return p
#pxv = self.pixelVectors(dh)[1]
#if pxv is None:
#return p
#pxv *= 4
#pxv = self.pixelVectors(dw)[1]
#if pxv is None:
#return p
#pxv *= 4
return self._shape
def paint(self, p, *args):
#r = self.getRect()
radius = self.getState()['size'][1]
#p.scale(r.width()/10., r.height()/10.) ## need to scale up a little because drawLine has trouble dealing with 0.5
#p.drawLine(0,5, 10,5)
#p.drawLine(5,0, 5,10)
p.drawLine(Point(0, -radius), Point(0, radius))
p.drawLine(Point(-radius, 0), Point(radius, 0))
class RulerROI(LineSegmentROI):
def paint(self, p, *args):
LineSegmentROI.paint(self, p, *args)
h1 = self.handles[0]['item'].pos()
h2 = self.handles[1]['item'].pos()
p1 = p.transform().map(h1)
p2 = p.transform().map(h2)
vec = Point(h2) - Point(h1)
length = vec.length()
angle = vec.angle(Point(1, 0))
pvec = p2 - p1
pvecT = Point(pvec.y(), -pvec.x())
pos = 0.5 * (p1 + p2) + pvecT * 40 / pvecT.length()
txt = fn.siFormat(length, suffix='m') + '\n%0.1f deg' % angle
p.drawText(QtCore.QRectF(pos.x()-50, pos.y()-50, 100, 100), QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter, txt)
def boundingRect(self):
r = LineSegmentROI.boundingRect(self)
pxl = self.pixelLength(Point([1, 0]))
if pxl is None:
return r
pxw = 50 * pxl
return r.adjusted(-50, -50, 50, 50)
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