break up arrayToQPath
this restructuring removes inter-dependencies between the various modes. this makes it easier to reason about and modify the various codepaths.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1870,6 +1870,153 @@ def downsample(data, n, axis=0, xvals='subsample'):
return MetaArray(d2, info=info)
def _fill_nonfinite(arr, isfinite):
# the presence of inf/nans result in an empty QPainterPath being generated
# this behavior started in Qt 5.12.3 and was introduced in this commit
# We therefore replace non-finite values
# credit: Divakar
mask = ~isfinite
idx = np.arange(len(arr))
idx[mask] = -1
np.maximum.accumulate(idx, out=idx)
first = np.searchsorted(idx, 0)
if first < len(arr):
# Replace all non-finite entries from beginning of arr with the first finite one
idx[:first] = first
arr[:] = arr[:][idx]
def _arrayToQPath_all(x, y, finiteCheck):
n = x.shape[0]
if n == 0:
return QtGui.QPainterPath()
if finiteCheck:
isfinite = np.isfinite(x) & np.isfinite(y)
all_isfinite = np.all(isfinite)
chunksize = 10000
numchunks = (n + chunksize - 1) // chunksize
minchunks = 3
if numchunks < minchunks:
# too few chunks, batching would be a pessimization
poly = create_qpolygonf(n)
arr = ndarray_from_qpolygonf(poly)
arr[:, 0] = x
arr[:, 1] = y
if finiteCheck and not all_isfinite:
_fill_nonfinite(arr, isfinite)
path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
return path
if finiteCheck and not all_isfinite:
# this section here is inefficient as a full copy of the input data is made.
arr = np.column_stack((x, y))
_fill_nonfinite(arr, isfinite)
x = arr[:, 0]
y = arr[:, 1]
# at this point, we have:
# 1) numchunks >= minchunks
# 2) x, y filled with finite only
path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
if hasattr(path, 'reserve'): # Qt 5.13
subpoly = QtGui.QPolygonF()
subpath = None
for idx in range(numchunks):
xchunk = x[idx*chunksize:(idx+1)*chunksize]
ychunk = y[idx*chunksize:(idx+1)*chunksize]
currsize = xchunk.size
if currsize != subpoly.size():
if hasattr(subpoly, 'resize'):
subpoly.fill(QtCore.QPointF(), currsize)
subarr = ndarray_from_qpolygonf(subpoly)
subarr[:, 0] = xchunk
subarr[:, 1] = ychunk
if subpath is None:
subpath = QtGui.QPainterPath()
if hasattr(subpath, 'clear'): # Qt 5.13
subpath = None
return path
def _arrayToQPath_finite(x, y, isfinite=None):
n = x.shape[0]
if n == 0:
return QtGui.QPainterPath()
if isfinite is None:
isfinite = np.isfinite(x) & np.isfinite(y)
path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
if hasattr(path, 'reserve'): # Qt 5.13
sidx = np.nonzero(~isfinite)[0] + 1
# note: the chunks are views
xchunks = np.split(x, sidx)
ychunks = np.split(y, sidx)
chunks = list(zip(xchunks, ychunks))
# create a single polygon able to hold the largest chunk
maxlen = max(len(chunk) for chunk in xchunks)
subpoly = create_qpolygonf(maxlen)
subarr = ndarray_from_qpolygonf(subpoly)
# resize and fill do not change the capacity
if hasattr(subpoly, 'resize'):
subpoly_resize = subpoly.resize
# PyQt will be less efficient
subpoly_resize = lambda n, v=QtCore.QPointF() : subpoly.fill(v, n)
# notes:
# - we backfill the non-finite in order to get the same image as the
# old codepath on the CI. somehow P1--P2 gets rendered differently
# from P1--P2--P2
# - we do not generate MoveTo(s) that are not followed by a LineTo,
# thus the QPainterPath can be different from the old codepath's
# all chunks except the last chunk have a trailing non-finite
for xchunk, ychunk in chunks[:-1]:
lc = len(xchunk)
if lc <= 1:
# len 1 means we have a string of non-finite
subarr[:lc, 0] = xchunk
subarr[:lc, 1] = ychunk
subarr[lc-1] = subarr[lc-2] # fill non-finite with its neighbour
# handle last chunk, which is either all-finite or empty
for xchunk, ychunk in chunks[-1:]:
lc = len(xchunk)
if lc <= 1:
# can't draw a line with just 1 point
subarr[:lc, 0] = xchunk
subarr[:lc, 1] = ychunk
return path
def arrayToQPath(x, y, connect='all', finiteCheck=True):
Convert an array of x,y coordinates to QPainterPath as efficiently as
@ -1925,10 +2072,9 @@ def arrayToQPath(x, y, connect='all', finiteCheck=True):
This binary format may change in future versions of Qt
path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
n = x.shape[0]
if n == 0:
return path
return QtGui.QPainterPath()
connect_array = None
if isinstance(connect, np.ndarray):
@ -1936,167 +2082,69 @@ def arrayToQPath(x, y, connect='all', finiteCheck=True):
connect_array, connect = connect, 'array'
isfinite = None
all_isfinite = None
if finiteCheck or connect == 'finite':
isfinite = np.isfinite(x) & np.isfinite(y)
use_qpolygonf = connect == 'all'
if connect == 'finite':
if not finiteCheck:
# if user specified to skip finite check, then that forces use_qpolygonf
use_qpolygonf = True
# if user specified to skip finite check, then we skip the heuristic
return _arrayToQPath_finite(x, y)
# otherwise use a heuristic
# if non-finite aren't that many, then use_qpolyponf
isfinite = np.isfinite(x) & np.isfinite(y)
nonfinite_cnt = n - np.sum(isfinite)
all_isfinite = nonfinite_cnt == 0
if all_isfinite:
# delegate to connect='all'
connect = 'all'
finiteCheck = False
elif nonfinite_cnt / n < 2 / 100:
return _arrayToQPath_finite(x, y, isfinite)
# otherwise use a heuristic
# if non-finite aren't that many, then use_qpolyponf
nonfinite_cnt = n - np.sum(isfinite)
if nonfinite_cnt / n < 2 / 100:
use_qpolygonf = True
finiteCheck = False
all_isfinite = nonfinite_cnt == 0
if all_isfinite:
connect = 'all'
# delegate to connect=ndarray
# finiteCheck=True, all_isfinite=False
connect = 'array'
connect_array = isfinite
if hasattr(path, 'reserve'): # Qt 5.13
if connect == 'all':
return _arrayToQPath_all(x, y, finiteCheck)
while connect == 'all':
if finiteCheck:
# non-finite value patching operates on the whole array
# so if there are any non-finite values, we bail out
if all_isfinite is None:
all_isfinite = np.all(isfinite)
if not all_isfinite:
chunksize = 10000
numchunks = (n + chunksize - 1) // chunksize
if numchunks <= 2:
subpoly = QtGui.QPolygonF()
subpath = None
for idx in range(numchunks):
xchunk = x[idx*chunksize:(idx+1)*chunksize]
ychunk = y[idx*chunksize:(idx+1)*chunksize]
currsize = xchunk.size
if currsize != subpoly.size():
if hasattr(subpoly, 'resize'):
subpoly.fill(QtCore.QPointF(), currsize)
subarr = ndarray_from_qpolygonf(subpoly)
subarr[:, 0] = xchunk
subarr[:, 1] = ychunk
if subpath is None:
subpath = QtGui.QPainterPath()
if hasattr(subpath, 'clear'): # Qt 5.13
subpath = None
return path
if use_qpolygonf:
backstore = create_qpolygonf(n)
arr = np.frombuffer(ndarray_from_qpolygonf(backstore), dtype=[('x', 'f8'), ('y', 'f8')])
backstore = QtCore.QByteArray()
backstore.resize(4 + n*20 + 8) # contents uninitialized
backstore.replace(0, 4, struct.pack('>i', n))
# cStart, fillRule (Qt.FillRule.OddEvenFill)
backstore.replace(4+n*20, 8, struct.pack('>ii', 0, 0))
arr = np.frombuffer(backstore, dtype=[('c', '>i4'), ('x', '>f8'), ('y', '>f8')],
count=n, offset=4)
backstore = QtCore.QByteArray()
backstore.resize(4 + n*20 + 8) # contents uninitialized
backstore.replace(0, 4, struct.pack('>i', n))
# cStart, fillRule (Qt.FillRule.OddEvenFill)
backstore.replace(4+n*20, 8, struct.pack('>ii', 0, 0))
arr = np.frombuffer(backstore, dtype=[('c', '>i4'), ('x', '>f8'), ('y', '>f8')],
count=n, offset=4)
# Fill array with vertex values
arr['x'] = x
arr['y'] = y
# the presence of inf/nans result in an empty QPainterPath being generated
# this behavior started in Qt 5.12.3 and was introduced in this commit
# We therefore replace non-finite values
if finiteCheck:
if all_isfinite is None:
if isfinite is None:
isfinite = np.isfinite(x) & np.isfinite(y)
all_isfinite = np.all(isfinite)
if not all_isfinite:
# credit: Divakar
mask = ~isfinite
idx = np.arange(len(x))
idx[mask] = -1
np.maximum.accumulate(idx, out=idx)
first = np.searchsorted(idx, 0)
if first < len(x):
# Replace all non-finite entries from beginning of arr with the first finite one
idx[:first] = first
arr[:] = arr[:][idx]
_fill_nonfinite(arr, isfinite)
# decide which points are connected by lines
if connect == 'all':
return path
elif connect == 'pairs':
if connect == 'pairs':
arr['c'][0::2] = 0
arr['c'][1::2] = 1 # connect every 2nd point to every 1st one
elif connect == 'finite':
elif connect == 'array':
# Let's call a point with either x or y being nan is an invalid point.
# A point will anyway not connect to an invalid point regardless of the
# 'c' value of the invalid point. Therefore, we should set 'c' to 0 for
# the next point of an invalid point.
if not use_qpolygonf:
arr['c'][:1] = 0 # the first vertex has no previous vertex to connect
arr['c'][1:] = isfinite[:-1]
sidx = np.nonzero(~isfinite)[0] + 1
chunks = np.split(arr, sidx) # note: the chunks are views
# create a single polygon able to hold the largest chunk
maxlen = max(len(chunk) for chunk in chunks)
subpoly = create_qpolygonf(maxlen)
subarr = np.frombuffer(ndarray_from_qpolygonf(subpoly), dtype=arr.dtype)
# resize and fill do not change the capacity
if hasattr(subpoly, 'resize'):
subpoly_resize = subpoly.resize
# PyQt will be less efficient
subpoly_resize = lambda n, v=QtCore.QPointF() : subpoly.fill(v, n)
# notes:
# - we backfill the non-finite in order to get the same image as the
# old codepath on the CI. somehow P1--P2 gets rendered differently
# from P1--P2--P2
# - we do not generate MoveTo(s) that are not followed by a LineTo,
# thus the QPainterPath can be different from the old codepath's
# all chunks except the last chunk have a trailing non-finite
for chunk in chunks[:-1]:
lc = len(chunk)
if lc <= 1:
# len 1 means we have a string of non-finite
subarr[:lc] = chunk
subarr[lc-1] = subarr[lc-2] # fill non-finite with its neighbour
# handle last chunk, which is either all-finite or empty
for chunk in chunks[-1:]:
lc = len(chunk)
if lc <= 1:
# can't draw a line with just 1 point
subarr[:lc] = chunk
return path
elif connect == 'array':
arr['c'][:1] = 0 # the first vertex has no previous vertex to connect
arr['c'][1:] = connect_array[:-1]
raise ValueError('connect argument must be "all", "pairs", "finite", or array')
path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
if hasattr(path, 'reserve'): # Qt 5.13
ds = QtCore.QDataStream(backstore)
ds >> path
return path
Reference in New Issue
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