Add spinbox option for custom formatting

This commit is contained in:
Luke Campagnola 2016-11-30 09:16:56 -08:00
parent e26fb1f9de
commit c97c5f51e2
2 changed files with 77 additions and 64 deletions

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@ -36,8 +36,6 @@ SI_PREFIXES = asUnicode('yzafpnµm kMGTPEZY')
def siScale(x, minVal=1e-25, allowUnicode=True):
Return the recommended scale factor and SI prefix string for x.
@ -76,6 +74,7 @@ def siScale(x, minVal=1e-25, allowUnicode=True):
return (p, pref)
def siFormat(x, precision=3, suffix='', space=True, error=None, minVal=1e-25, allowUnicode=True):
Return the number x formatted in engineering notation with SI prefix.

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@ -49,28 +49,9 @@ class SpinBox(QtGui.QAbstractSpinBox):
parent Sets the parent widget for this SpinBox (optional). Default is None.
value (float/int) initial value. Default is 0.0.
bounds (min,max) Minimum and maximum values allowed in the SpinBox.
Either may be None to leave the value unbounded. By default, values are unbounded.
suffix (str) suffix (units) to display after the numerical value. By default, suffix is an empty str.
siPrefix (bool) If True, then an SI prefix is automatically prepended
to the units and the value is scaled accordingly. For example,
if value=0.003 and suffix='V', then the SpinBox will display
"300 mV" (but a call to SpinBox.value will still return 0.003). Default is False.
step (float) The size of a single step. This is used when clicking the up/
down arrows, when rolling the mouse wheel, or when pressing
keyboard arrows while the widget has keyboard focus. Note that
the interpretation of this value is different when specifying
the 'dec' argument. Default is 0.01.
dec (bool) If True, then the step value will be adjusted to match
the current size of the variable (for example, a value of 15
might step in increments of 1 whereas a value of 1500 would
step in increments of 100). In this case, the 'step' argument
is interpreted *relative* to the current value. The most common
'step' values when dec=True are 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, and 1.0. Default is False.
minStep (float) When dec=True, this specifies the minimum allowable step size.
int (bool) if True, the value is forced to integer type. Default is False
decimals (int) Number of decimal values to display. Default is 2.
============== ========================================================================
All keyword arguments are passed to :func:`setOpts`.
QtGui.QAbstractSpinBox.__init__(self, parent)
self.lastValEmitted = None
@ -82,27 +63,14 @@ class SpinBox(QtGui.QAbstractSpinBox):
self.opts = {
'bounds': [None, None],
## Log scaling options #### Log mode is no longer supported.
#'step': 0.1,
#'minStep': 0.001,
#'log': True,
#'dec': False,
## decimal scaling option - example
#'step': 0.1,
#'minStep': .001,
#'log': False,
#'dec': True,
## normal arithmetic step
'step': D('0.01'), ## if 'dec' is false, the spinBox steps by 'step' every time
## if 'dec' is True, the step size is relative to the value
## 'step' needs to be an integral divisor of ten, ie 'step'*n=10 for some integer value of n (but only if dec is True)
'log': False,
'log': False, # deprecated
'dec': False, ## if true, does decimal stepping. ie from 1-10 it steps by 'step', from 10 to 100 it steps by 10*'step', etc.
## if true, minStep must be set in order to cross zero.
'int': False, ## Set True to force value to be integer
'suffix': '',
@ -114,6 +82,8 @@ class SpinBox(QtGui.QAbstractSpinBox):
'decimals': 3,
'format': asUnicode("{scaledValue:.{decimals}g}{suffixGap}{siPrefix}{suffix}"),
self.decOpts = ['step', 'minStep']
@ -134,12 +104,47 @@ class SpinBox(QtGui.QAbstractSpinBox):
ret = True ## For some reason, spinbox pretends to ignore return key press
return ret
##lots of config options, just gonna stuff 'em all in here rather than do the get/set crap.
def setOpts(self, **opts):
Changes the behavior of the SpinBox. Accepts most of the arguments
allowed in :func:`__init__ <pyqtgraph.SpinBox.__init__>`.
"""Set options affecting the behavior of the SpinBox.
============== ========================================================================
bounds (min,max) Minimum and maximum values allowed in the SpinBox.
Either may be None to leave the value unbounded. By default, values are
suffix (str) suffix (units) to display after the numerical value. By default,
suffix is an empty str.
siPrefix (bool) If True, then an SI prefix is automatically prepended
to the units and the value is scaled accordingly. For example,
if value=0.003 and suffix='V', then the SpinBox will display
"300 mV" (but a call to SpinBox.value will still return 0.003). Default
is False.
step (float) The size of a single step. This is used when clicking the up/
down arrows, when rolling the mouse wheel, or when pressing
keyboard arrows while the widget has keyboard focus. Note that
the interpretation of this value is different when specifying
the 'dec' argument. Default is 0.01.
dec (bool) If True, then the step value will be adjusted to match
the current size of the variable (for example, a value of 15
might step in increments of 1 whereas a value of 1500 would
step in increments of 100). In this case, the 'step' argument
is interpreted *relative* to the current value. The most common
'step' values when dec=True are 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, and 1.0. Default is
minStep (float) When dec=True, this specifies the minimum allowable step size.
int (bool) if True, the value is forced to integer type. Default is False
decimals (int) Number of decimal values to display. Default is 3.
format (str) Formatting string used to generate the text shown. Formatting is
done with ``str.format()`` and makes use of several arguments:
* *value* - the unscaled value of the spin box
* *suffix* - the suffix string
* *scaledValue* - the scaled value to use when an SI prefix is present
* *siPrefix* - the SI prefix string (if any), or an empty string if
this feature has been disabled
* *suffixGap* - a single space if a suffix is present, or an empty
string otherwise.
============== ========================================================================
#print opts
for k in opts:
@ -154,6 +159,8 @@ class SpinBox(QtGui.QAbstractSpinBox):
self.opts[k] = D(asUnicode(opts[k]))
elif k == 'value':
pass ## don't set value until bounds have been set
elif k == 'format':
self.opts[k] = asUnicode(opts[k])
elif k in self.opts:
self.opts[k] = opts[k]
@ -378,29 +385,10 @@ class SpinBox(QtGui.QAbstractSpinBox):
return True
def updateText(self, prev=None):
# get the number of decimal places to print
decimals = self.opts.get('decimals')
# temporarily disable validation
self.skipValidate = True
# add a prefix to the units if requested
if self.opts['siPrefix']:
# special case: if it's zero use the previous prefix
if self.val == 0 and prev is not None:
(s, p) = fn.siScale(prev)
# NOTE: insert optional format string here?
txt = ("%."+str(decimals)+"g %s%s") % (0, p, self.opts['suffix'])
# NOTE: insert optional format string here as an argument?
txt = fn.siFormat(float(self.val), precision=decimals, suffix=self.opts['suffix'])
# otherwise, format the string manually
# NOTE: insert optional format string here?
txt = ('%.'+str(decimals)+'g%s') % (self.val , self.opts['suffix'])
txt = self.formatText(prev=prev)
# actually set the text
@ -409,6 +397,32 @@ class SpinBox(QtGui.QAbstractSpinBox):
# re-enable the validation
self.skipValidate = False
def formatText(self, prev=None):
# get the number of decimal places to print
decimals = self.opts['decimals'] if self.opts['int'] is False else 9
suffix = self.opts['suffix']
# format the string
val = float(self.val)
if self.opts['siPrefix']:
# SI prefix was requested, so scale the value accordingly
if self.val == 0 and prev is not None:
# special case: if it's zero use the previous prefix
(s, p) = fn.siScale(prev)
(s, p) = fn.siScale(val)
parts = {'value': val, 'suffix': suffix, 'decimals': decimals, 'siPrefix': p, 'scaledValue': s*val}
# no SI prefix requested; scale is 1
parts = {'value': val, 'suffix': suffix, 'decimals': decimals, 'siPrefix': '', 'scaledValue': val}
parts['suffixGap'] = '' if (parts['suffix'] == '' and parts['siPrefix'] == '') else ' '
format = self.opts['format']
return format.format(**parts)
def validate(self, strn, pos):
if self.skipValidate:
ret = QtGui.QValidator.Acceptable