Merge pull request #567 from acq4/flowchart-updates

Flowchart updates
This commit is contained in:
Luke Campagnola 2017-09-22 21:51:42 -07:00 committed by GitHub
commit cebc292b59
5 changed files with 223 additions and 73 deletions

View File

@ -166,6 +166,8 @@ class Flowchart(Node):
def createNode(self, nodeType, name=None, pos=None):
"""Create a new Node and add it to this flowchart.
if name is None:
n = 0
while True:
@ -179,6 +181,10 @@ class Flowchart(Node):
return node
def addNode(self, node, name, pos=None):
"""Add an existing Node to this flowchart.
See also: createNode()
if pos is None:
pos = [0, 0]
if type(pos) in [QtCore.QPoint, QtCore.QPointF]:
@ -189,6 +195,7 @@ class Flowchart(Node):
self._nodes[name] = node
if node is not self.inputNode and node is not self.outputNode:
@ -196,6 +203,8 @@ class Flowchart(Node):
self.sigChartChanged.emit(self, 'add', node)
def removeNode(self, node):
"""Remove a Node from this flowchart.
def nodeClosed(self, node):
@ -233,7 +242,6 @@ class Flowchart(Node):
term2 = self.internalTerminal(term2)
def process(self, **args):
Process data through the flowchart, returning the output.
@ -325,7 +333,6 @@ class Flowchart(Node):
#print "DEPS:", deps
## determine correct node-processing order
#deps[self] = []
order = fn.toposort(deps)
#print "ORDER1:", order
@ -349,7 +356,6 @@ class Flowchart(Node):
if lastNode is None or ind > lastInd:
lastNode = n
lastInd = ind
#tdeps[t] = lastNode
if lastInd is not None:
dels.append((lastInd+1, t))
dels.sort(key=lambda a: a[0], reverse=True)
@ -405,26 +411,24 @@ class Flowchart(Node):
def chartGraphicsItem(self):
"""Return the graphicsItem which displays the internals of this flowchart.
(graphicsItem() still returns the external-view item)"""
#return self._chartGraphicsItem
"""Return the graphicsItem that displays the internal nodes and
connections of this flowchart.
Note that the similar method `graphicsItem()` is inherited from Node
and returns the *external* graphical representation of this flowchart."""
return self.viewBox
def widget(self):
"""Return the control widget for this flowchart.
This widget provides GUI access to the parameters for each node and a
graphical representation of the flowchart.
if self._widget is None:
self._widget = FlowchartCtrlWidget(self)
self.scene = self._widget.scene()
self.viewBox = self._widget.viewBox()
#self._scene = QtGui.QGraphicsScene()
#ci = self.chartGraphicsItem()
return self._widget
def listConnections(self):
@ -437,10 +441,11 @@ class Flowchart(Node):
return conn
def saveState(self):
"""Return a serializable data structure representing the current state of this flowchart.
state = Node.saveState(self)
state['nodes'] = []
state['connects'] = []
#state['terminals'] = self.saveTerminals()
for name, node in self._nodes.items():
cls = type(node)
@ -460,6 +465,8 @@ class Flowchart(Node):
return state
def restoreState(self, state, clear=False):
"""Restore the state of this flowchart from a previous call to `saveState()`.
if clear:
@ -469,7 +476,6 @@ class Flowchart(Node):
nodes.sort(key=lambda a: a['pos'][0])
for n in nodes:
if n['name'] in self._nodes:
@ -477,7 +483,6 @@ class Flowchart(Node):
printExc("Error creating node %s: (continuing anyway)" % n['name'])
self.inputNode.restoreState(state.get('inputNode', {}))
self.outputNode.restoreState(state.get('outputNode', {}))
@ -491,55 +496,52 @@ class Flowchart(Node):
printExc("Error connecting terminals %s.%s - %s.%s:" % (n1, t1, n2, t2))
def loadFile(self, fileName=None, startDir=None):
"""Load a flowchart (*.fc) file.
if fileName is None:
if startDir is None:
startDir = self.filePath
if startDir is None:
startDir = '.'
self.fileDialog = FileDialog(None, "Load Flowchart..", startDir, "Flowchart (*.fc)")
## NOTE: was previously using a real widget for the file dialog's parent, but this caused weird mouse event bugs..
#fileName = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None, "Load Flowchart..", startDir, "Flowchart (*.fc)")
fileName = unicode(fileName)
state = configfile.readConfigFile(fileName)
self.restoreState(state, clear=True)
#self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL('fileLoaded'), fileName)
def saveFile(self, fileName=None, startDir=None, suggestedFileName='flowchart.fc'):
"""Save this flowchart to a .fc file
if fileName is None:
if startDir is None:
startDir = self.filePath
if startDir is None:
startDir = '.'
self.fileDialog = FileDialog(None, "Save Flowchart..", startDir, "Flowchart (*.fc)")
#fileName = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(None, "Save Flowchart..", startDir, "Flowchart (*.fc)")
fileName = unicode(fileName)
configfile.writeConfigFile(self.saveState(), fileName)
def clear(self):
"""Remove all nodes from this flowchart except the original input/output nodes.
for n in list(self._nodes.values()):
if n is self.inputNode or n is self.outputNode:
@ -552,18 +554,15 @@ class Flowchart(Node):
#class FlowchartGraphicsItem(QtGui.QGraphicsItem):
class FlowchartGraphicsItem(GraphicsObject):
def __init__(self, chart):
#print "FlowchartGraphicsItem.__init__"
self.chart = chart ## chart is an instance of Flowchart()
def updateTerminals(self):
#print "FlowchartGraphicsItem.updateTerminals"
self.terminals = {}
bounds = self.boundingRect()
inp = self.chart.inputs()
@ -759,6 +758,7 @@ class FlowchartCtrlWidget(QtGui.QWidget):
item = self.items[node]
class FlowchartWidget(dockarea.DockArea):
"""Includes the actual graphical flowchart and debugging interface"""
def __init__(self, chart, ctrl):

View File

@ -189,31 +189,36 @@ class EvalNode(Node):
self.ui = QtGui.QWidget()
self.layout = QtGui.QGridLayout()
#self.addInBtn = QtGui.QPushButton('+Input')
#self.addOutBtn = QtGui.QPushButton('+Output')
self.text = QtGui.QTextEdit()
self.text.setPlainText("# Access inputs as args['input_name']\nreturn {'output': None} ## one key per output terminal")
#self.layout.addWidget(self.addInBtn, 0, 0)
#self.layout.addWidget(self.addOutBtn, 0, 1)
self.layout.addWidget(self.text, 1, 0, 1, 2)
#QtCore.QObject.connect(self.addInBtn, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.addInput)
#QtCore.QObject.connect(self.addOutBtn, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.addOutput)
self.text.focusOutEvent = self.focusOutEvent
self.lastText = None
def ctrlWidget(self):
return self.ui
#def addInput(self):
#Node.addInput(self, 'input', renamable=True)
def setCode(self, code):
# unindent code; this allows nicer inline code specification when
# calling this method.
ind = []
lines = code.split('\n')
for line in lines:
stripped = line.lstrip()
if len(stripped) > 0:
ind.append(len(line) - len(stripped))
if len(ind) > 0:
ind = min(ind)
code = '\n'.join([line[ind:] for line in lines])
#def addOutput(self):
#Node.addOutput(self, 'output', renamable=True)
def code(self):
return self.text.toPlainText()
def focusOutEvent(self, ev):
text = str(self.text.toPlainText())
@ -247,11 +252,11 @@ class EvalNode(Node):
def restoreState(self, state):
Node.restoreState(self, state)
class ColumnJoinNode(Node):
"""Concatenates record arrays and/or adds new columns"""
nodeName = 'ColumnJoin'
@ -354,3 +359,117 @@ class ColumnJoinNode(Node):
class Mean(CtrlNode):
"""Calculate the mean of an array across an axis.
nodeName = 'Mean'
uiTemplate = [
('axis', 'intSpin', {'value': 0, 'min': -1, 'max': 1000000}),
def processData(self, data):
s = self.stateGroup.state()
ax = None if s['axis'] == -1 else s['axis']
return data.mean(axis=ax)
class Max(CtrlNode):
"""Calculate the maximum of an array across an axis.
nodeName = 'Max'
uiTemplate = [
('axis', 'intSpin', {'value': 0, 'min': -1, 'max': 1000000}),
def processData(self, data):
s = self.stateGroup.state()
ax = None if s['axis'] == -1 else s['axis']
return data.max(axis=ax)
class Min(CtrlNode):
"""Calculate the minimum of an array across an axis.
nodeName = 'Min'
uiTemplate = [
('axis', 'intSpin', {'value': 0, 'min': -1, 'max': 1000000}),
def processData(self, data):
s = self.stateGroup.state()
ax = None if s['axis'] == -1 else s['axis']
return data.min(axis=ax)
class Stdev(CtrlNode):
"""Calculate the standard deviation of an array across an axis.
nodeName = 'Stdev'
uiTemplate = [
('axis', 'intSpin', {'value': -0, 'min': -1, 'max': 1000000}),
def processData(self, data):
s = self.stateGroup.state()
ax = None if s['axis'] == -1 else s['axis']
return data.std(axis=ax)
class Index(CtrlNode):
"""Select an index from an array axis.
nodeName = 'Index'
uiTemplate = [
('axis', 'intSpin', {'value': 0, 'min': 0, 'max': 1000000}),
('index', 'intSpin', {'value': 0, 'min': 0, 'max': 1000000}),
def processData(self, data):
s = self.stateGroup.state()
ax = s['axis']
ind = s['index']
if ax == 0:
# allow support for non-ndarray sequence types
return data[ind]
return data.take(ind, axis=ax)
class Slice(CtrlNode):
"""Select a slice from an array axis.
nodeName = 'Slice'
uiTemplate = [
('axis', 'intSpin', {'value': 0, 'min': 0, 'max': 1e6}),
('start', 'intSpin', {'value': 0, 'min': -1e6, 'max': 1e6}),
('stop', 'intSpin', {'value': -1, 'min': -1e6, 'max': 1e6}),
('step', 'intSpin', {'value': 1, 'min': -1e6, 'max': 1e6}),
def processData(self, data):
s = self.stateGroup.state()
ax = s['axis']
start = s['start']
stop = s['stop']
step = s['step']
if ax == 0:
# allow support for non-ndarray sequence types
return data[start:stop:step]
sl = [slice(None) for i in range(data.ndim)]
sl[ax] = slice(start, stop, step)
return data[sl]
class AsType(CtrlNode):
"""Convert an array to a different dtype.
nodeName = 'AsType'
uiTemplate = [
('dtype', 'combo', {'values': ['float', 'int', 'float32', 'float64', 'float128', 'int8', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'uint8', 'uint16', 'uint32', 'uint64'], 'index': 0}),
def processData(self, data):
s = self.stateGroup.state()
return data.astype(s['dtype'])

View File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class Bessel(CtrlNode):
nodeName = 'BesselFilter'
uiTemplate = [
('band', 'combo', {'values': ['lowpass', 'highpass'], 'index': 0}),
('cutoff', 'spin', {'value': 1000., 'step': 1, 'dec': True, 'range': [0.0, None], 'suffix': 'Hz', 'siPrefix': True}),
('cutoff', 'spin', {'value': 1000., 'step': 1, 'dec': True, 'bounds': [0.0, None], 'suffix': 'Hz', 'siPrefix': True}),
('order', 'intSpin', {'value': 4, 'min': 1, 'max': 16}),
('bidir', 'check', {'checked': True})
@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ class Butterworth(CtrlNode):
nodeName = 'ButterworthFilter'
uiTemplate = [
('band', 'combo', {'values': ['lowpass', 'highpass'], 'index': 0}),
('wPass', 'spin', {'value': 1000., 'step': 1, 'dec': True, 'range': [0.0, None], 'suffix': 'Hz', 'siPrefix': True}),
('wStop', 'spin', {'value': 2000., 'step': 1, 'dec': True, 'range': [0.0, None], 'suffix': 'Hz', 'siPrefix': True}),
('gPass', 'spin', {'value': 2.0, 'step': 1, 'dec': True, 'range': [0.0, None], 'suffix': 'dB', 'siPrefix': True}),
('gStop', 'spin', {'value': 20.0, 'step': 1, 'dec': True, 'range': [0.0, None], 'suffix': 'dB', 'siPrefix': True}),
('wPass', 'spin', {'value': 1000., 'step': 1, 'dec': True, 'bounds': [0.0, None], 'suffix': 'Hz', 'siPrefix': True}),
('wStop', 'spin', {'value': 2000., 'step': 1, 'dec': True, 'bounds': [0.0, None], 'suffix': 'Hz', 'siPrefix': True}),
('gPass', 'spin', {'value': 2.0, 'step': 1, 'dec': True, 'bounds': [0.0, None], 'suffix': 'dB', 'siPrefix': True}),
('gStop', 'spin', {'value': 20.0, 'step': 1, 'dec': True, 'bounds': [0.0, None], 'suffix': 'dB', 'siPrefix': True}),
('bidir', 'check', {'checked': True})
@ -78,14 +78,14 @@ class ButterworthNotch(CtrlNode):
"""Butterworth notch filter"""
nodeName = 'ButterworthNotchFilter'
uiTemplate = [
('low_wPass', 'spin', {'value': 1000., 'step': 1, 'dec': True, 'range': [0.0, None], 'suffix': 'Hz', 'siPrefix': True}),
('low_wStop', 'spin', {'value': 2000., 'step': 1, 'dec': True, 'range': [0.0, None], 'suffix': 'Hz', 'siPrefix': True}),
('low_gPass', 'spin', {'value': 2.0, 'step': 1, 'dec': True, 'range': [0.0, None], 'suffix': 'dB', 'siPrefix': True}),
('low_gStop', 'spin', {'value': 20.0, 'step': 1, 'dec': True, 'range': [0.0, None], 'suffix': 'dB', 'siPrefix': True}),
('high_wPass', 'spin', {'value': 3000., 'step': 1, 'dec': True, 'range': [0.0, None], 'suffix': 'Hz', 'siPrefix': True}),
('high_wStop', 'spin', {'value': 4000., 'step': 1, 'dec': True, 'range': [0.0, None], 'suffix': 'Hz', 'siPrefix': True}),
('high_gPass', 'spin', {'value': 2.0, 'step': 1, 'dec': True, 'range': [0.0, None], 'suffix': 'dB', 'siPrefix': True}),
('high_gStop', 'spin', {'value': 20.0, 'step': 1, 'dec': True, 'range': [0.0, None], 'suffix': 'dB', 'siPrefix': True}),
('low_wPass', 'spin', {'value': 1000., 'step': 1, 'dec': True, 'bounds': [0.0, None], 'suffix': 'Hz', 'siPrefix': True}),
('low_wStop', 'spin', {'value': 2000., 'step': 1, 'dec': True, 'bounds': [0.0, None], 'suffix': 'Hz', 'siPrefix': True}),
('low_gPass', 'spin', {'value': 2.0, 'step': 1, 'dec': True, 'bounds': [0.0, None], 'suffix': 'dB', 'siPrefix': True}),
('low_gStop', 'spin', {'value': 20.0, 'step': 1, 'dec': True, 'bounds': [0.0, None], 'suffix': 'dB', 'siPrefix': True}),
('high_wPass', 'spin', {'value': 3000., 'step': 1, 'dec': True, 'bounds': [0.0, None], 'suffix': 'Hz', 'siPrefix': True}),
('high_wStop', 'spin', {'value': 4000., 'step': 1, 'dec': True, 'bounds': [0.0, None], 'suffix': 'Hz', 'siPrefix': True}),
('high_gPass', 'spin', {'value': 2.0, 'step': 1, 'dec': True, 'bounds': [0.0, None], 'suffix': 'dB', 'siPrefix': True}),
('high_gStop', 'spin', {'value': 20.0, 'step': 1, 'dec': True, 'bounds': [0.0, None], 'suffix': 'dB', 'siPrefix': True}),
('bidir', 'check', {'checked': True})
@ -160,19 +160,13 @@ class Gaussian(CtrlNode):
def processData(self, data):
sigma = self.ctrls['sigma'].value()
import scipy.ndimage
return scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(data, sigma)
except ImportError:
raise Exception("GaussianFilter node requires the package scipy.ndimage.")
return pgfn.gaussianFilter(data, sigma)
if hasattr(data, 'implements') and data.implements('MetaArray'):
info = data.infoCopy()
filt = pgfn.gaussianFilter(data.asarray(), self.ctrls['sigma'].value())
if 'values' in info[0]:
info[0]['values'] = info[0]['values'][:filt.shape[0]]
return metaarray.MetaArray(filt, info=info)
return pgfn.gaussianFilter(data, self.ctrls['sigma'].value())
class Derivative(CtrlNode):
"""Returns the pointwise derivative of the input"""

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from ..Node import Node
from .common import CtrlNode
class UniOpNode(Node):
"""Generic node for performing any operation like Out = In.fn()"""
@ -13,11 +15,22 @@ class UniOpNode(Node):
def process(self, **args):
return {'Out': getattr(args['In'], self.fn)()}
class BinOpNode(Node):
class BinOpNode(CtrlNode):
"""Generic node for performing any operation like A.fn(B)"""
_dtypes = [
'float64', 'float32', 'float16',
'int64', 'int32', 'int16', 'int8',
'uint64', 'uint32', 'uint16', 'uint8'
uiTemplate = [
('outputType', 'combo', {'values': ['no change', 'input A', 'input B'] + _dtypes , 'index': 0})
def __init__(self, name, fn):
self.fn = fn
Node.__init__(self, name, terminals={
CtrlNode.__init__(self, name, terminals={
'A': {'io': 'in'},
'B': {'io': 'in'},
'Out': {'io': 'out', 'bypass': 'A'}
@ -36,6 +49,18 @@ class BinOpNode(Node):
out = fn(args['B'])
if out is NotImplemented:
raise Exception("Operation %s not implemented between %s and %s" % (fn, str(type(args['A'])), str(type(args['B']))))
# Coerce dtype if requested
typ = self.stateGroup.state()['outputType']
if typ == 'no change':
elif typ == 'input A':
out = out.astype(args['A'].dtype)
elif typ == 'input B':
out = out.astype(args['B'].dtype)
out = out.astype(typ)
#print " ", fn, out
return {'Out': out}
@ -71,4 +96,10 @@ class DivideNode(BinOpNode):
# try truediv first, followed by div
BinOpNode.__init__(self, name, ('__truediv__', '__div__'))
class FloorDivideNode(BinOpNode):
"""Returns A // B. Does not check input types."""
nodeName = 'FloorDivide'
def __init__(self, name):
BinOpNode.__init__(self, name, '__floordiv__')

View File

@ -30,6 +30,11 @@ def generateUi(opts):
k, t, o = opt
raise Exception("Widget specification must be (name, type) or (name, type, {opts})")
## clean out these options so they don't get sent to SpinBox
hidden = o.pop('hidden', False)
tip = o.pop('tip', None)
if t == 'intSpin':
w = QtGui.QSpinBox()
if 'max' in o:
@ -63,11 +68,12 @@ def generateUi(opts):
w = ColorButton()
raise Exception("Unknown widget type '%s'" % str(t))
if 'tip' in o:
if tip is not None:
l.addRow(k, w)
if o.get('hidden', False):
if hidden:
label = l.labelForField(w)