Expanded capabilities of interpolateArray function to support broadcasting
This commit is contained in:
@ -399,7 +399,9 @@ class Profiler(object):
only the initial "pyqtgraph." prefix from the module.
_profilers = os.environ.get("PYQTGRAPHPROFILE", "")
_profilers = os.environ.get("PYQTGRAPHPROFILE", None)
_profilers = _profilers.split(",") if _profilers is not None else []
_depth = 0
_msgs = []
@ -415,38 +417,36 @@ class Profiler(object):
_disabledProfiler = DisabledProfiler()
if _profilers:
_profilers = _profilers.split(",")
def __new__(cls, msg=None, disabled='env', delayed=True):
"""Optionally create a new profiler based on caller's qualname.
if disabled is True:
return cls._disabledProfiler
# determine the qualified name of the caller function
caller_frame = sys._getframe(1)
caller_object_type = type(caller_frame.f_locals["self"])
except KeyError: # we are in a regular function
qualifier = caller_frame.f_globals["__name__"].split(".", 1)[1]
else: # we are in a method
qualifier = caller_object_type.__name__
func_qualname = qualifier + "." + caller_frame.f_code.co_name
if func_qualname not in cls._profilers: # don't do anything
return cls._disabledProfiler
# create an actual profiling object
cls._depth += 1
obj = super(Profiler, cls).__new__(cls)
obj._name = msg or func_qualname
obj._delayed = delayed
obj._markCount = 0
obj._finished = False
obj._firstTime = obj._lastTime = ptime.time()
obj._newMsg("> Entering " + obj._name)
return obj
def __new__(cls, delayed=True):
return lambda msg=None: None
def __new__(cls, msg=None, disabled='env', delayed=True):
"""Optionally create a new profiler based on caller's qualname.
if disabled is True or (disabled=='env' and len(cls._profilers) == 0):
return cls._disabledProfiler
# determine the qualified name of the caller function
caller_frame = sys._getframe(1)
caller_object_type = type(caller_frame.f_locals["self"])
except KeyError: # we are in a regular function
qualifier = caller_frame.f_globals["__name__"].split(".", 1)[1]
else: # we are in a method
qualifier = caller_object_type.__name__
func_qualname = qualifier + "." + caller_frame.f_code.co_name
if disabled=='env' and func_qualname not in cls._profilers: # don't do anything
return cls._disabledProfiler
# create an actual profiling object
cls._depth += 1
obj = super(Profiler, cls).__new__(cls)
obj._name = msg or func_qualname
obj._delayed = delayed
obj._markCount = 0
obj._finished = False
obj._firstTime = obj._lastTime = ptime.time()
obj._newMsg("> Entering " + obj._name)
return obj
#def __new__(cls, delayed=True):
#return lambda msg=None: None
def __call__(self, msg=None):
"""Register or print a new message with timing information.
@ -416,6 +416,7 @@ def affineSlice(data, shape, origin, vectors, axes, order=1, returnCoords=False,
have_scipy = True
except ImportError:
have_scipy = False
have_scipy = False
# sanity check
if len(shape) != len(vectors):
@ -452,14 +453,18 @@ def affineSlice(data, shape, origin, vectors, axes, order=1, returnCoords=False,
#print "X values:"
#print x
## iterate manually over unused axes since map_coordinates won't do it for us
extraShape = data.shape[len(axes):]
output = np.empty(tuple(shape) + extraShape, dtype=data.dtype)
for inds in np.ndindex(*extraShape):
ind = (Ellipsis,) + inds
if have_scipy:
if have_scipy:
extraShape = data.shape[len(axes):]
output = np.empty(tuple(shape) + extraShape, dtype=data.dtype)
for inds in np.ndindex(*extraShape):
ind = (Ellipsis,) + inds
output[ind] = scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates(data[ind], x, order=order, **kargs)
output[ind] = mapCoordinates(data[ind], x.T)
# map_coordinates expects the indexes as the first axis, whereas
# interpolateArray expects indexes at the last axis.
tr = tuple(range(1,x.ndim)) + (0,)
output = interpolateArray(data, x.transpose(tr))
tr = list(range(output.ndim))
trb = []
@ -476,51 +481,114 @@ def affineSlice(data, shape, origin, vectors, axes, order=1, returnCoords=False,
return output
def mapCoordinates(data, x, default=0.0):
def interpolateArray(data, x, default=0.0):
Pure-python alternative to scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates
N-dimensional interpolation similar scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates.
*data* is an array of any shape.
*x* is an array with shape[-1] == data.ndim
This function returns linearly-interpolated values sampled from a regular
grid of data.
*data* is an array of any shape containing the values to be interpolated.
*x* is an array with (shape[-1] <= data.ndim) containing the locations
within *data* to interpolate.
Returns array of shape (x.shape[:-1] + data.shape)
For example, assume we have the following 2D image data::
>>> data = np.array([[1, 2, 4 ],
[10, 20, 40 ],
[100, 200, 400]])
To compute a single interpolated point from this data::
>>> x = np.array([(0.5, 0.5)])
>>> interpolateArray(data, x)
array([ 8.25])
To compute a 1D list of interpolated locations::
>>> x = np.array([(0.5, 0.5),
(1.0, 1.0),
(1.0, 2.0),
(1.5, 0.0)])
>>> interpolateArray(data, x)
array([ 8.25, 20. , 40. , 55. ])
To compute a 2D array of interpolated locations::
>>> x = np.array([[(0.5, 0.5), (1.0, 2.0)],
[(1.0, 1.0), (1.5, 0.0)]])
>>> interpolateArray(data, x)
array([[ 8.25, 40. ],
[ 20. , 55. ]])
..and so on. The *x* argument may have any shape as long as
```x.shape[-1] <= data.ndim```. In the case that
```x.shape[-1] < data.ndim```, then the remaining axes are simply
broadcasted as usual. For example, we can interpolate one location
from an entire row of the data::
>>> x = np.array([[0.5]])
>>> interpolateArray(data, x)
array([[ 5.5, 11. , 22. ]])
This is useful for interpolating from arrays of colors, vertexes, etc.
prof = debug.Profiler()
result = np.empty(x.shape[:-1] + data.shape, dtype=data.dtype)
nd = data.ndim
md = x.shape[-1]
# First we generate arrays of indexes that are needed to
# extract the data surrounding each point
fields = np.mgrid[(slice(0,2),) * nd]
fields = np.mgrid[(slice(0,2),) * md]
xmin = np.floor(x).astype(int)
xmax = xmin + 1
indexes = np.concatenate([xmin[np.newaxis, ...], xmax[np.newaxis, ...]])
fieldInds = []
totalMask = np.ones(x.shape[:-1], dtype=bool) # keep track of out-of-bound indexes
for ax in range(nd):
mask = (xmin[...,ax] >= 0) & (xmax[...,ax] < data.shape[ax])
totalMask &= mask
for ax in range(md):
mask = (xmin[...,ax] >= 0) & (x[...,ax] <= data.shape[ax]-1)
# keep track of points that need to be set to default
totalMask &= mask
# ..and keep track of indexes that are out of bounds
# (note that when x[...,ax] == data.shape[ax], then xmax[...,ax] will be out
# of bounds, but the interpolation will work anyway)
mask &= (xmax[...,ax] < data.shape[ax])
axisIndex = indexes[...,ax][fields[ax]]
axisMask = mask.astype(np.ubyte).reshape((1,)*(fields.ndim-1) + mask.shape)
axisIndex *= axisMask
#axisMask = mask.astype(np.ubyte).reshape((1,)*(fields.ndim-1) + mask.shape)
axisIndex[axisIndex < 0] = 0
axisIndex[axisIndex >= data.shape[ax]] = 0
# Get data values surrounding each requested point
# fieldData[..., i] contains all 2**nd values needed to interpolate x[i]
fieldData = data[tuple(fieldInds)]
## Interpolate
s = np.empty((nd,) + fieldData.shape, dtype=float)
s = np.empty((md,) + fieldData.shape, dtype=float)
dx = x - xmin
# reshape fields for arithmetic against dx
for ax in range(nd):
for ax in range(md):
f1 = fields[ax].reshape(fields[ax].shape + (1,)*(dx.ndim-1))
s[ax] = f1 * dx[:,ax] + (1-f1) * (1-dx[:,ax])
sax = f1 * dx[...,ax] + (1-f1) * (1-dx[...,ax])
sax = sax.reshape(sax.shape + (1,) * (s.ndim-1-sax.ndim))
s[ax] = sax
s = np.product(s, axis=0)
result = fieldData * s
for i in range(nd):
for i in range(md):
result = result.sum(axis=0)
totalMask.shape = totalMask.shape + (1,) * (nd - md)
result[~totalMask] = default
return result
@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ def testSolve3D():
assert_array_almost_equal(tr[:3], tr2[:3])
def test_mapCoordinates():
data = np.array([[ 0., 1., 2.],
[ 2., 3., 5.],
[ 7., 7., 4.]])
def test_interpolateArray():
data = np.array([[ 1., 2., 4. ],
[ 10., 20., 40. ],
[ 100., 200., 400.]])
x = np.array([[ 0.3, 0.6],
[ 1. , 1. ],
@ -32,11 +32,33 @@ def test_mapCoordinates():
[ 0.5, 2.5],
[ 10. , 10. ]])
result = pg.mapCoordinates(data, x)
result = pg.interpolateArray(data, x)
import scipy.ndimage
spresult = scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates(data, x.T, order=1)
assert_array_almost_equal(result, spresult)
# test mapping when x.shape[-1] < data.ndim
x = np.array([[ 0.3, 0],
[ 0.3, 1],
[ 0.3, 2]])
r1 = pg.interpolateArray(data, x)
r2 = pg.interpolateArray(data, x[0,:1])
assert_array_almost_equal(r1, r2)
# test mapping 2D array of locations
x = np.array([[[0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 1.0], [0.5, 1.5]],
[[1.5, 0.5], [1.5, 1.0], [1.5, 1.5]]])
r1 = pg.interpolateArray(data, x)
r2 = scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates(data, x.transpose(2,0,1), order=1)
assert_array_almost_equal(r1, r2)
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