AxisItem correctly handles scaling with values that are not power of 10
Can remove items from legend
updated plotItem setLogMode to allow unspecified axes
- AxisItem shows fewer tick levels in some cases.
- Lots of boundingRect and dataBounds caching
(improves ViewBox auto-range performance, especially with multiple plots)
- GraphicsScene avoids testing for hover intersections with non-hoverable items
(much less slowdown when moving mouse over plots)
Improved performance for remote plotting:
- reduced cost of transferring arrays between processes (pickle is too slow)
- avoid unnecessary synchronous calls
Added RemoteSpeedTest example
- fixed example testing script
- Added finer axis ticks back in some instances
- fixed improper bounds caching in log/fft mode
- fixed exception handling in remoteproxy
- Added documentation on export system
- Added flowchart documentation and custom node example
- prevent PlotCurveItem drawing shadow when unnecessary
- deprecated flowchart.Node.__getattr__ -- causes too many problems.
- Canvas: added per-item context menus
- Isocurve:
option to extend curves to array boundaries
option to generate QPainterPath instead of vertex array
- Isosurface is a bajillion times faster
- ViewBox
added clear() method
added locate(item) method (shows where an item is for debugging)
- automated example testing working properly
- Exporter gets incorrect source rect when operating on PlotWidget
- Set correct DPI and size for SVG exporter
- GLMeshItem works properly with whole-mesh color specified as sequence
- bugfix in functions.transformCoordinates for rotated matrices
- reload library checks for modules that are imported multiple times
- GraphicsObject, UIGraphicsItem: added workaround for PyQt / itemChange bug
- ScatterPlotItem: disable cached render during export
- added documentation for several functions
- minor updates to
[ Note: These APIs have changed significantly. ]
- MeshData and GLMeshItem now operate on numpy arrays instead of lists.
- MeshData can handle per-vertex and per-triangle color information
Added GLSurfacePlotItem class based on new GLMeshItem
GLGraphicsItem now has per-item support for customizing GL state (setGLOptions method)
Added several new shader programs
Added new examples: