- generalized makeARGB API: can now process arrays of arbitrary shape.
- affineSlice automatically converts vector arguments to array
- new function applyLookupTable taken from makeARGB
- isosurface function returns array
Updated VideoSpeedTest example to follow new makeARGB API
LayoutWidget: row argument now accepts 'next' as value
ParameterTree bugfix: avoid infinite recursion when accessing non-existent attributes
ViewBox: avoid exit error caused when cleanup callback is invoked while python is shutting down
- ConsoleWidget now correctly catches its own exceptions
- Fixed ViewBox auto-scaling bug
- Fixed functions.siEval not parsing units correctly
- Fixed bug caused when opengl GL_VERSION_STR is None
- added ability for ScatterPlotItem to use arbitrary symbol shapes
- added scatter plot speed test for evaluating new methods
- added butterworth notch filter to flowchart library
- fixed bugs with ViewBox trying to close itself after python has started cleaning up
- fixed python 2.6 compatibility bug in PlotCurveItem
- fixed support for list-of-dicts and dict-of-lists input for PlotDataItem
- check to ensure Qt version is >= 4.7
- workaround for numpy segmentation fault
- several other minor updates and documentation changes
- Fixed some floating-point precision issues. (Added a workaround for QTransform.inverted() bug)
- No longer putting asUnicode inside __builtin__ since this causes problems in some rare circumstances
(pyshell, lazy import recipe)
- Minor docstring updates
- Added pyqtgraph.systemInfo() for bug reporting
- GraphicsLayout does a better job of avoiding occupied cells when using automatic placement
- Fixed sizing issues with LabelItem
- Updated GraphicsLayout example
This _could_ cause other problems, but they will certainly be fewer than the existing problems.
- Fixed bugs with ViewBox linking to views which are subsequently deleted
- optional context menu for ImageItem
- inverted y-axis in Canvas (+y now points upward)
- extra __init__ arguments for Dock
- Transform can be constructed from Matrix4x4
- many others
- Added rate-limited mode to SignalProxy
- Added basic text justification to LabelItem
- ViewBox.addItem now has ignoreBounds option, which causes the item to be ignored when autoscaling
- Added ValueLabel widget
- Fixed some autoscaling bugs
- InfiniteLine fix - no hilight if movable=False