Luke Campagnola a0b7e5a61c Corrected mouse clicking on PlotCurveItem - now uses stroke outline instead of path shape
Added 'width' argument to PlotCurveItem.setClickable()
2013-12-19 09:56:58 -05:00

38 lines
1.1 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Demonstrates selecting plot curves by mouse click
import initExample ## Add path to library (just for examples; you do not need this)
import pyqtgraph as pg
from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtCore, QtGui
import numpy as np
win = pg.plot()
win.setWindowTitle('pyqtgraph example: Plot data selection')
curves = [
pg.PlotCurveItem(y=np.sin(np.linspace(0, 20, 1000)), pen='r', clickable=True),
pg.PlotCurveItem(y=np.sin(np.linspace(1, 21, 1000)), pen='g', clickable=True),
pg.PlotCurveItem(y=np.sin(np.linspace(2, 22, 1000)), pen='b', clickable=True),
def plotClicked(curve):
global curves
for i,c in enumerate(curves):
if c is curve:
c.setPen('rgb'[i], width=3)
c.setPen('rgb'[i], width=1)
for c in curves:
## Start Qt event loop unless running in interactive mode or using pyside.
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
if (sys.flags.interactive != 1) or not hasattr(QtCore, 'PYQT_VERSION'):