
561 lines
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from ..Qt import QtCore, QtGui
from ..python2_3 import sortList
import weakref
from ..Point import Point
from .. import functions as fn
from .. import ptime as ptime
from .mouseEvents import *
from .. import debug as debug
if hasattr(QtCore, 'PYQT_VERSION'):
import sip
except ImportError:
HAVE_SIP = False
HAVE_SIP = False
__all__ = ['GraphicsScene']
class GraphicsScene(QtGui.QGraphicsScene):
Extension of QGraphicsScene that implements a complete, parallel mouse event system.
(It would have been preferred to just alter the way QGraphicsScene creates and delivers
events, but this turned out to be impossible because the constructor for QGraphicsMouseEvent
is private)
* Generates MouseClicked events in addition to the usual press/move/release events.
(This works around a problem where it is impossible to have one item respond to a
drag if another is watching for a click.)
* Adjustable radius around click that will catch objects so you don't have to click *exactly* over small/thin objects
* Global context menu--if an item implements a context menu, then its parent(s) may also add items to the menu.
* Allows items to decide _before_ a mouse click which item will be the recipient of mouse events.
This lets us indicate unambiguously to the user which item they are about to click/drag on
* Eats mouseMove events that occur too soon after a mouse press.
* Reimplements items() and itemAt() to circumvent PyQt bug
Mouse interaction is as follows:
1) Every time the mouse moves, the scene delivers both the standard hoverEnter/Move/LeaveEvents
as well as custom HoverEvents.
2) Items are sent HoverEvents in Z-order and each item may optionally call event.acceptClicks(button),
acceptDrags(button) or both. If this method call returns True, this informs the item that _if_
the user clicks/drags the specified mouse button, the item is guaranteed to be the
recipient of click/drag events (the item may wish to change its appearance to indicate this).
If the call to acceptClicks/Drags returns False, then the item is guaranteed to *not* receive
the requested event (because another item has already accepted it).
3) If the mouse is clicked, a mousePressEvent is generated as usual. If any items accept this press event, then
No click/drag events will be generated and mouse interaction proceeds as defined by Qt. This allows
items to function properly if they are expecting the usual press/move/release sequence of events.
(It is recommended that items do NOT accept press events, and instead use click/drag events)
Note: The default implementation of QGraphicsItem.mousePressEvent will *accept* the event if the
item is has its Selectable or Movable flags enabled. You may need to override this behavior.
4) If no item accepts the mousePressEvent, then the scene will begin delivering mouseDrag and/or mouseClick events.
If the mouse is moved a sufficient distance (or moved slowly enough) before the button is released,
then a mouseDragEvent is generated.
If no drag events are generated before the button is released, then a mouseClickEvent is generated.
5) Click/drag events are delivered to the item that called acceptClicks/acceptDrags on the HoverEvent
in step 1. If no such items exist, then the scene attempts to deliver the events to items near the event.
ClickEvents may be delivered in this way even if no
item originally claimed it could accept the click. DragEvents may only be delivered this way if it is the initial
move in a drag.
sigMouseHover = QtCore.Signal(object) ## emits a list of objects hovered over
sigMouseMoved = QtCore.Signal(object) ## emits position of mouse on every move
sigMouseClicked = QtCore.Signal(object) ## emitted when mouse is clicked. Check for event.isAccepted() to see whether the event has already been acted on.
sigPrepareForPaint = QtCore.Signal() ## emitted immediately before the scene is about to be rendered
_addressCache = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
ExportDirectory = None
def registerObject(cls, obj):
Workaround for PyQt bug in qgraphicsscene.items()
All subclasses of QGraphicsObject must register themselves with this function.
(otherwise, mouse interaction with those objects will likely fail)
if HAVE_SIP and isinstance(obj, sip.wrapper):
cls._addressCache[sip.unwrapinstance(sip.cast(obj, QtGui.QGraphicsItem))] = obj
def __init__(self, clickRadius=2, moveDistance=5):
self.exportDirectory = None
self.clickEvents = []
self.dragButtons = []
self.mouseGrabber = None
self.dragItem = None
self.lastDrag = None
self.hoverItems = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
self.lastHoverEvent = None
self.contextMenu = [QtGui.QAction("Export...", self)]
self.exportDialog = None
def render(self, *args):
return QtGui.QGraphicsScene.render(self, *args)
def prepareForPaint(self):
"""Called before every render. This method will inform items that the scene is about to
be rendered by emitting sigPrepareForPaint.
This allows items to delay expensive processing until they know a paint will be required."""
def setClickRadius(self, r):
Set the distance away from mouse clicks to search for interacting items.
When clicking, the scene searches first for items that directly intersect the click position
followed by any other items that are within a rectangle that extends r pixels away from the
click position.
self._clickRadius = r
def setMoveDistance(self, d):
Set the distance the mouse must move after a press before mouseMoveEvents will be delivered.
This ensures that clicks with a small amount of movement are recognized as clicks instead of
self._moveDistance = d
def mousePressEvent(self, ev):
#print 'scenePress'
QtGui.QGraphicsScene.mousePressEvent(self, ev)
#print "mouseGrabberItem: ", self.mouseGrabberItem()
if self.mouseGrabberItem() is None: ## nobody claimed press; we are free to generate drag/click events
## set focus on the topmost focusable item under this click
items = self.items(ev.scenePos())
for i in items:
if i.isEnabled() and i.isVisible() and int(i.flags() & i.ItemIsFocusable) > 0:
#addr = sip.unwrapinstance(sip.cast(self.mouseGrabberItem(), QtGui.QGraphicsItem))
#item = GraphicsScene._addressCache.get(addr, self.mouseGrabberItem())
#print "click grabbed by:", item
def mouseMoveEvent(self, ev):
## First allow QGraphicsScene to deliver hoverEnter/Move/ExitEvents
QtGui.QGraphicsScene.mouseMoveEvent(self, ev)
## Next deliver our own HoverEvents
if int(ev.buttons()) != 0: ## button is pressed; send mouseMoveEvents and mouseDragEvents
QtGui.QGraphicsScene.mouseMoveEvent(self, ev)
if self.mouseGrabberItem() is None:
now = ptime.time()
init = False
## keep track of which buttons are involved in dragging
for btn in [QtCore.Qt.LeftButton, QtCore.Qt.MidButton, QtCore.Qt.RightButton]:
if int(ev.buttons() & btn) == 0:
if int(btn) not in self.dragButtons: ## see if we've dragged far enough yet
cev = [e for e in self.clickEvents if int(e.button()) == int(btn)][0]
dist = Point(ev.screenPos() - cev.screenPos())
if dist.length() < self._moveDistance and now - cev.time() < 0.5:
init = init or (len(self.dragButtons) == 0) ## If this is the first button to be dragged, then init=True
## If we have dragged buttons, deliver a drag event
if len(self.dragButtons) > 0:
if self.sendDragEvent(ev, init=init):
def leaveEvent(self, ev): ## inform items that mouse is gone
if len(self.dragButtons) == 0:
self.sendHoverEvents(ev, exitOnly=True)
def mouseReleaseEvent(self, ev):
#print 'sceneRelease'
if self.mouseGrabberItem() is None:
#print "sending click/drag event"
if ev.button() in self.dragButtons:
if self.sendDragEvent(ev, final=True):
#print "sent drag event"
cev = [e for e in self.clickEvents if int(e.button()) == int(ev.button())]
if self.sendClickEvent(cev[0]):
#print "sent click event"
if int(ev.buttons()) == 0:
self.dragItem = None
self.dragButtons = []
self.clickEvents = []
self.lastDrag = None
QtGui.QGraphicsScene.mouseReleaseEvent(self, ev)
self.sendHoverEvents(ev) ## let items prepare for next click/drag
def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, ev):
QtGui.QGraphicsScene.mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, ev)
if self.mouseGrabberItem() is None: ## nobody claimed press; we are free to generate drag/click events
self.clickEvents.append(MouseClickEvent(ev, double=True))
def sendHoverEvents(self, ev, exitOnly=False):
## if exitOnly, then just inform all previously hovered items that the mouse has left.
if exitOnly:
items = []
event = HoverEvent(None, acceptable)
acceptable = int(ev.buttons()) == 0 ## if we are in mid-drag, do not allow items to accept the hover event.
event = HoverEvent(ev, acceptable)
items = self.itemsNearEvent(event, hoverable=True)
prevItems = list(self.hoverItems.keys())
for item in items:
if hasattr(item, 'hoverEvent'):
event.currentItem = item
if item not in self.hoverItems:
self.hoverItems[item] = None
event.enter = True
event.enter = False
debug.printExc("Error sending hover event:")
event.enter = False
event.exit = True
for item in prevItems:
event.currentItem = item
debug.printExc("Error sending hover exit event:")
del self.hoverItems[item]
if hasattr(ev, 'buttons') and int(ev.buttons()) == 0:
self.lastHoverEvent = event ## save this so we can ask about accepted events later.
def sendDragEvent(self, ev, init=False, final=False):
## Send a MouseDragEvent to the current dragItem or to
## items near the beginning of the drag
event = MouseDragEvent(ev, self.clickEvents[0], self.lastDrag, start=init, finish=final)
#print "dragEvent: init=", init, 'final=', final, 'self.dragItem=', self.dragItem
if init and self.dragItem is None:
if self.lastHoverEvent is not None:
acceptedItem = self.lastHoverEvent.dragItems().get(event.button(), None)
acceptedItem = None
if acceptedItem is not None:
#print "Drag -> pre-selected item:", acceptedItem
self.dragItem = acceptedItem
event.currentItem = self.dragItem
debug.printExc("Error sending drag event:")
#print "drag -> new item"
for item in self.itemsNearEvent(event):
#print "check item:", item
if not item.isVisible() or not item.isEnabled():
if hasattr(item, 'mouseDragEvent'):
event.currentItem = item
debug.printExc("Error sending drag event:")
if event.isAccepted():
#print " --> accepted"
self.dragItem = item
if int(item.flags() & item.ItemIsFocusable) > 0:
elif self.dragItem is not None:
event.currentItem = self.dragItem
debug.printExc("Error sending hover exit event:")
self.lastDrag = event
return event.isAccepted()
def sendClickEvent(self, ev):
## if we are in mid-drag, click events may only go to the dragged item.
if self.dragItem is not None and hasattr(self.dragItem, 'mouseClickEvent'):
ev.currentItem = self.dragItem
## otherwise, search near the cursor
if self.lastHoverEvent is not None:
acceptedItem = self.lastHoverEvent.clickItems().get(ev.button(), None)
acceptedItem = None
if acceptedItem is not None:
ev.currentItem = acceptedItem
debug.printExc("Error sending click event:")
for item in self.itemsNearEvent(ev):
if not item.isVisible() or not item.isEnabled():
if hasattr(item, 'mouseClickEvent'):
ev.currentItem = item
debug.printExc("Error sending click event:")
if ev.isAccepted():
if int(item.flags() & item.ItemIsFocusable) > 0:
#if not ev.isAccepted() and ev.button() is QtCore.Qt.RightButton:
#print "GraphicsScene emitting sigSceneContextMenu"
return ev.isAccepted()
#def claimEvent(self, item, button, eventType):
#key = (button, eventType)
#if key in self.claimedEvents:
#return False
#self.claimedEvents[key] = item
#print "event", key, "claimed by", item
#return True
def items(self, *args):
#print 'args:', args
items = QtGui.QGraphicsScene.items(self, *args)
## PyQt bug: items() returns a list of QGraphicsItem instances. If the item is subclassed from QGraphicsObject,
## then the object returned will be different than the actual item that was originally added to the scene
items2 = list(map(self.translateGraphicsItem, items))
#if HAVE_SIP and isinstance(self, sip.wrapper):
#items2 = []
#for i in items:
#addr = sip.unwrapinstance(sip.cast(i, QtGui.QGraphicsItem))
#i2 = GraphicsScene._addressCache.get(addr, i)
##print i, "==>", i2
#print 'items:', items
return items2
def selectedItems(self, *args):
items = QtGui.QGraphicsScene.selectedItems(self, *args)
## PyQt bug: items() returns a list of QGraphicsItem instances. If the item is subclassed from QGraphicsObject,
## then the object returned will be different than the actual item that was originally added to the scene
#if HAVE_SIP and isinstance(self, sip.wrapper):
#items2 = []
#for i in items:
#addr = sip.unwrapinstance(sip.cast(i, QtGui.QGraphicsItem))
#i2 = GraphicsScene._addressCache.get(addr, i)
##print i, "==>", i2
items2 = list(map(self.translateGraphicsItem, items))
#print 'items:', items
return items2
def itemAt(self, *args):
item = QtGui.QGraphicsScene.itemAt(self, *args)
## PyQt bug: items() returns a list of QGraphicsItem instances. If the item is subclassed from QGraphicsObject,
## then the object returned will be different than the actual item that was originally added to the scene
#if HAVE_SIP and isinstance(self, sip.wrapper):
#addr = sip.unwrapinstance(sip.cast(item, QtGui.QGraphicsItem))
#item = GraphicsScene._addressCache.get(addr, item)
#return item
return self.translateGraphicsItem(item)
def itemsNearEvent(self, event, selMode=QtCore.Qt.IntersectsItemShape, sortOrder=QtCore.Qt.DescendingOrder, hoverable=False):
Return an iterator that iterates first through the items that directly intersect point (in Z order)
followed by any other items that are within the scene's click radius.
#tr = self.getViewWidget(event.widget()).transform()
view = self.views()[0]
tr = view.viewportTransform()
r = self._clickRadius
rect = view.mapToScene(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 2*r, 2*r)).boundingRect()
seen = set()
if hasattr(event, 'buttonDownScenePos'):
point = event.buttonDownScenePos()
point = event.scenePos()
w = rect.width()
h = rect.height()
rgn = QtCore.QRectF(point.x()-w, point.y()-h, 2*w, 2*h)
items = self.items(point, selMode, sortOrder, tr)
## remove items whose shape does not contain point (scene.items() apparently sucks at this)
items2 = []
for item in items:
if hoverable and not hasattr(item, 'hoverEvent'):
shape = item.shape() # Note: default shape() returns boundingRect()
if shape is None:
if shape.contains(item.mapFromScene(point)):
## Sort by descending Z-order (don't trust scene.itms() to do this either)
## use 'absolute' z value, which is the sum of all item/parent ZValues
def absZValue(item):
if item is None:
return 0
return item.zValue() + absZValue(item.parentItem())
sortList(items2, lambda a,b: cmp(absZValue(b), absZValue(a)))
return items2
#for item in items:
#shape = item.mapToScene(item.shape())
#if not shape.contains(point):
#yield item
#for item in self.items(rgn, selMode, sortOrder, tr):
##if item not in seen:
#yield item
def getViewWidget(self):
return self.views()[0]
#def getViewWidget(self, widget):
### same pyqt bug -- mouseEvent.widget() doesn't give us the original python object.
### [[doesn't seem to work correctly]]
#if HAVE_SIP and isinstance(self, sip.wrapper):
#addr = sip.unwrapinstance(sip.cast(widget, QtGui.QWidget))
##print "convert", widget, addr
#for v in self.views():
#addr2 = sip.unwrapinstance(sip.cast(v, QtGui.QWidget))
##print " check:", v, addr2
#if addr2 == addr:
#return v
#return widget
def addParentContextMenus(self, item, menu, event):
Can be called by any item in the scene to expand its context menu to include parent context menus.
Parents may implement getContextMenus to add new menus / actions to the existing menu.
getContextMenus must accept 1 argument (the event that generated the original menu) and
return a single QMenu or a list of QMenus.
The final menu will look like:
| Original Item 1
| Original Item 2
| ...
| Original Item N
| ------------------
| Parent Item 1
| Parent Item 2
| ...
| Grandparent Item 1
| ...
============== ==================================================
item The item that initially created the context menu
(This is probably the item making the call to this function)
menu The context menu being shown by the item
event The original event that triggered the menu to appear.
============== ==================================================
menusToAdd = []
while item is not self:
item = item.parentItem()
if item is None:
item = self
if not hasattr(item, "getContextMenus"):
subMenus = item.getContextMenus(event) or []
if isinstance(subMenus, list): ## so that some items (like FlowchartViewBox) can return multiple menus
if menusToAdd:
for m in menusToAdd:
if isinstance(m, QtGui.QMenu):
elif isinstance(m, QtGui.QAction):
raise Exception("Cannot add object %s (type=%s) to QMenu." % (str(m), str(type(m))))
return menu
def getContextMenus(self, event):
self.contextMenuItem = event.acceptedItem
return self.contextMenu
def showExportDialog(self):
if self.exportDialog is None:
from . import exportDialog
self.exportDialog = exportDialog.ExportDialog(self)
def translateGraphicsItem(item):
## for fixing pyqt bugs where the wrong item is returned
if HAVE_SIP and isinstance(item, sip.wrapper):
addr = sip.unwrapinstance(sip.cast(item, QtGui.QGraphicsItem))
item = GraphicsScene._addressCache.get(addr, item)
return item
def translateGraphicsItems(items):
return list(map(GraphicsScene.translateGraphicsItem, items))