Kyle Sunden e1f2cdce74 Final preparations for 0.11.0 release
Intend to tag and upload after this is merged
2020-06-08 18:25:45 -05:00

489 lines
18 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
PyQtGraph - Scientific Graphics and GUI Library for Python
__version__ = '0.11.0'
### import all the goodies and add some helper functions for easy CLI use
## 'Qt' is a local module; it is intended mainly to cover up the differences
## between PyQt4 and PySide.
from .Qt import QtGui, mkQApp
## not really safe--If we accidentally create another QApplication, the process hangs (and it is very difficult to trace the cause)
#if QtGui.QApplication.instance() is None:
#app = QtGui.QApplication([])
import numpy ## pyqtgraph requires numpy
## (import here to avoid massive error dump later on if numpy is not available)
import os, sys
## check python version
## Allow anything >= 2.7
if sys.version_info[0] < 2 or (sys.version_info[0] == 2 and sys.version_info[1] < 6):
raise Exception("Pyqtgraph requires Python version 2.6 or greater (this is %d.%d)" % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]))
## helpers for 2/3 compatibility
from . import python2_3
## in general openGL is poorly supported with Qt+GraphicsView.
## we only enable it where the performance benefit is critical.
## Note this only applies to 2D graphics; 3D graphics always use OpenGL.
if 'linux' in sys.platform: ## linux has numerous bugs in opengl implementation
useOpenGL = False
elif 'darwin' in sys.platform: ## openGL can have a major impact on mac, but also has serious bugs
useOpenGL = False
if QtGui.QApplication.instance() is not None:
print('Warning: QApplication was created before pyqtgraph was imported; there may be problems (to avoid bugs, call QApplication.setGraphicsSystem("raster") before the QApplication is created).')
if QtGui.QApplication.setGraphicsSystem:
QtGui.QApplication.setGraphicsSystem('raster') ## work around a variety of bugs in the native graphics system
useOpenGL = False ## on windows there's a more even performance / bugginess tradeoff.
'useOpenGL': useOpenGL, ## by default, this is platform-dependent (see widgets/GraphicsView). Set to True or False to explicitly enable/disable opengl.
'leftButtonPan': True, ## if false, left button drags a rubber band for zooming in viewbox
# foreground/background take any arguments to the 'mkColor' in /pyqtgraph/
'foreground': 'd', ## default foreground color for axes, labels, etc.
'background': 'k', ## default background for GraphicsWidget
'antialias': False,
'editorCommand': None, ## command used to invoke code editor from ConsoleWidgets
'useWeave': False, ## Use weave to speed up some operations, if it is available
'weaveDebug': False, ## Print full error message if weave compile fails
'exitCleanup': True, ## Attempt to work around some exit crash bugs in PyQt and PySide
'enableExperimental': False, ## Enable experimental features (the curious can search for this key in the code)
'crashWarning': False, # If True, print warnings about situations that may result in a crash
'imageAxisOrder': 'col-major', # For 'row-major', image data is expected in the standard (row, col) order.
# For 'col-major', image data is expected in reversed (col, row) order.
# The default is 'col-major' for backward compatibility, but this may
# change in the future.
def setConfigOption(opt, value):
if opt not in CONFIG_OPTIONS:
raise KeyError('Unknown configuration option "%s"' % opt)
if opt == 'imageAxisOrder' and value not in ('row-major', 'col-major'):
raise ValueError('imageAxisOrder must be either "row-major" or "col-major"')
CONFIG_OPTIONS[opt] = value
def setConfigOptions(**opts):
"""Set global configuration options.
Each keyword argument sets one global option.
for k,v in opts.items():
setConfigOption(k, v)
def getConfigOption(opt):
"""Return the value of a single global configuration option.
return CONFIG_OPTIONS[opt]
def systemInfo():
print("sys.platform: %s" % sys.platform)
print("sys.version: %s" % sys.version)
from .Qt import VERSION_INFO
print("qt bindings: %s" % VERSION_INFO)
global __version__
rev = None
if __version__ is None: ## this code was probably checked out from bzr; look up the last-revision file
lastRevFile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '.bzr', 'branch', 'last-revision')
if os.path.exists(lastRevFile):
with open(lastRevFile, 'r') as fd:
rev =
print("pyqtgraph: %s; %s" % (__version__, rev))
import pprint
## Rename orphaned .pyc files. This is *probably* safe :)
## We only do this if __version__ is None, indicating the code was probably pulled
## from the repository.
def renamePyc(startDir):
### Used to rename orphaned .pyc files
### When a python file changes its location in the repository, usually the .pyc file
### is left behind, possibly causing mysterious and difficult to track bugs.
### Note that this is no longer necessary for python 3.2; from PEP 3147:
### "If the py source file is missing, the pyc file inside __pycache__ will be ignored.
### This eliminates the problem of accidental stale pyc file imports."
printed = False
startDir = os.path.abspath(startDir)
for path, dirs, files in os.walk(startDir):
if '__pycache__' in path:
for f in files:
fileName = os.path.join(path, f)
base, ext = os.path.splitext(fileName)
py = base + ".py"
if ext == '.pyc' and not os.path.isfile(py):
if not printed:
print("NOTE: Renaming orphaned .pyc files:")
printed = True
n = 1
while True:
name2 = fileName + ".renamed%d" % n
if not os.path.exists(name2):
n += 1
print(" " + fileName + " ==>")
print(" " + name2)
os.rename(fileName, name2)
path = os.path.split(__file__)[0]
if __version__ is None and not hasattr(sys, 'frozen') and sys.version_info[0] == 2: ## If we are frozen, there's a good chance we don't have the original .py files anymore.
## Import almost everything to make it available from a single namespace
## don't import the more complex systems--canvas, parametertree, flowchart, dockarea
## these must be imported separately.
#from . import frozenSupport
#def importModules(path, globals, locals, excludes=()):
#"""Import all modules residing within *path*, return a dict of name: module pairs.
#Note that *path* MUST be relative to the module doing the import.
#d = os.path.join(os.path.split(globals['__file__'])[0], path)
#files = set()
#for f in frozenSupport.listdir(d):
#if frozenSupport.isdir(os.path.join(d, f)) and f not in ['__pycache__', 'tests']:
#elif f[-3:] == '.py' and f != '':
#elif f[-4:] == '.pyc' and f != '__init__.pyc':
#mods = {}
#path = path.replace(os.sep, '.')
#for modName in files:
#if modName in excludes:
#if len(path) > 0:
#modName = path + '.' + modName
#print( "from .%s import * " % modName)
#mod = __import__(modName, globals, locals, ['*'], 1)
#mods[modName] = mod
#import traceback
#print("[Error importing module: %s]" % modName)
#return mods
#def importAll(path, globals, locals, excludes=()):
#"""Given a list of modules, import all names from each module into the global namespace."""
#mods = importModules(path, globals, locals, excludes)
#for mod in mods.values():
#if hasattr(mod, '__all__'):
#names = mod.__all__
#names = [n for n in dir(mod) if n[0] != '_']
#for k in names:
#if hasattr(mod, k):
#globals[k] = getattr(mod, k)
# Dynamic imports are disabled. This causes too many problems.
#importAll('graphicsItems', globals(), locals())
#importAll('widgets', globals(), locals(),
#excludes=['MatplotlibWidget', 'RawImageWidget', 'RemoteGraphicsView'])
from .graphicsItems.VTickGroup import *
from .graphicsItems.GraphicsWidget import *
from .graphicsItems.ScaleBar import *
from .graphicsItems.PlotDataItem import *
from .graphicsItems.GraphItem import *
from .graphicsItems.TextItem import *
from .graphicsItems.GraphicsLayout import *
from .graphicsItems.UIGraphicsItem import *
from .graphicsItems.GraphicsObject import *
from .graphicsItems.PlotItem import *
from .graphicsItems.ROI import *
from .graphicsItems.InfiniteLine import *
from .graphicsItems.HistogramLUTItem import *
from .graphicsItems.GridItem import *
from .graphicsItems.GradientLegend import *
from .graphicsItems.GraphicsItem import *
from .graphicsItems.BarGraphItem import *
from .graphicsItems.ViewBox import *
from .graphicsItems.ArrowItem import *
from .graphicsItems.ImageItem import *
from .graphicsItems.AxisItem import *
from .graphicsItems.DateAxisItem import *
from .graphicsItems.LabelItem import *
from .graphicsItems.CurvePoint import *
from .graphicsItems.GraphicsWidgetAnchor import *
from .graphicsItems.PlotCurveItem import *
from .graphicsItems.ButtonItem import *
from .graphicsItems.GradientEditorItem import *
from .graphicsItems.MultiPlotItem import *
from .graphicsItems.ErrorBarItem import *
from .graphicsItems.IsocurveItem import *
from .graphicsItems.LinearRegionItem import *
from .graphicsItems.FillBetweenItem import *
from .graphicsItems.LegendItem import *
from .graphicsItems.ScatterPlotItem import *
from .graphicsItems.ItemGroup import *
from .widgets.MultiPlotWidget import *
from .widgets.ScatterPlotWidget import *
from .widgets.ColorMapWidget import *
from .widgets.FileDialog import *
from .widgets.ValueLabel import *
from .widgets.HistogramLUTWidget import *
from .widgets.CheckTable import *
from .widgets.BusyCursor import *
from .widgets.PlotWidget import *
from .widgets.ComboBox import *
from .widgets.GradientWidget import *
from .widgets.DataFilterWidget import *
from .widgets.SpinBox import *
from .widgets.JoystickButton import *
from .widgets.GraphicsLayoutWidget import *
from .widgets.TreeWidget import *
from .widgets.PathButton import *
from .widgets.VerticalLabel import *
from .widgets.FeedbackButton import *
from .widgets.ColorButton import *
from .widgets.DataTreeWidget import *
from .widgets.DiffTreeWidget import *
from .widgets.GraphicsView import *
from .widgets.LayoutWidget import *
from .widgets.TableWidget import *
from .widgets.ProgressDialog import *
from .widgets.GroupBox import GroupBox
from .widgets.RemoteGraphicsView import RemoteGraphicsView
from .imageview import *
from .WidgetGroup import *
from .Point import Point
from .Vector import Vector
from .SRTTransform import SRTTransform
from .Transform3D import Transform3D
from .SRTTransform3D import SRTTransform3D
from .functions import *
from .graphicsWindows import *
from .SignalProxy import *
from .colormap import *
from .ptime import time
from .Qt import isQObjectAlive
## PyQt and PySide both are prone to crashing on exit.
## There are two general approaches to dealing with this:
## 1. Install atexit handlers that assist in tearing down to avoid crashes.
## This helps, but is never perfect.
## 2. Terminate the process before python starts tearing down
## This is potentially dangerous
## Attempts to work around exit crashes:
import atexit
_cleanupCalled = False
def cleanup():
global _cleanupCalled
if _cleanupCalled:
if not getConfigOption('exitCleanup'):
ViewBox.quit() ## tell ViewBox that it doesn't need to deregister views anymore.
## Workaround for Qt exit crash:
## ALL QGraphicsItems must have a scene before they are deleted.
## This is potentially very expensive, but preferred over crashing.
## Note: this appears to be fixed in PySide as of 2012.12, but it should be left in for a while longer..
app = QtGui.QApplication.instance()
if app is None or not isinstance(app, QtGui.QApplication):
# app was never constructed is already deleted or is an
# QCoreApplication/QGuiApplication and not a full QApplication
import gc
s = QtGui.QGraphicsScene()
for o in gc.get_objects():
if isinstance(o, QtGui.QGraphicsItem) and isQObjectAlive(o) and o.scene() is None:
if getConfigOption('crashWarning'):
sys.stderr.write('Error: graphics item without scene. '
'Make sure ViewBox.close() and GraphicsView.close() '
'are properly called before app shutdown (%s)\n' % (o,))
except (RuntimeError, ReferenceError): ## occurs if a python wrapper no longer has its underlying C++ object
_cleanupCalled = True
# Call cleanup when QApplication quits. This is necessary because sometimes
# the QApplication will quit before the atexit callbacks are invoked.
# Note: cannot connect this function until QApplication has been created, so
# instead we have GraphicsView.__init__ call this for us.
_cleanupConnected = False
def _connectCleanup():
global _cleanupConnected
if _cleanupConnected:
_cleanupConnected = True
## Optional function for exiting immediately (with some manual teardown)
def exit():
Causes python to exit without garbage-collecting any objects, and thus avoids
calling object destructor methods. This is a sledgehammer workaround for
a variety of bugs in PyQt and Pyside that cause crashes on exit.
This function does the following in an attempt to 'safely' terminate
the process:
* Invoke atexit callbacks
* Close all open file handles
* os._exit()
Note: there is some potential for causing damage with this function if you
are using objects that _require_ their destructors to be called (for example,
to properly terminate log files, disconnect from devices, etc). Situations
like this are probably quite rare, but use at your own risk.
## first disable our own cleanup function; won't be needing it.
## invoke atexit callbacks
## close file handles
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
for fd in range(3, 4096):
if fd in [7]: # trying to close 7 produces an illegal instruction on the Mac.
except OSError:
os.closerange(3, 4096) ## just guessing on the maximum descriptor count..
## Convenience functions for command-line use
plots = []
images = []
QAPP = None
def plot(*args, **kargs):
Create and return a :class:`PlotWindow <pyqtgraph.PlotWindow>`
(this is just a window with :class:`PlotWidget <pyqtgraph.PlotWidget>` inside), plot data in it.
Accepts a *title* argument to set the title of the window.
All other arguments are used to plot data. (see :func:`PlotItem.plot() <pyqtgraph.PlotItem.plot>`)
#if 'title' in kargs:
#w = PlotWindow(title=kargs['title'])
#del kargs['title']
#w = PlotWindow()
#if len(args)+len(kargs) > 0:
#w.plot(*args, **kargs)
pwArgList = ['title', 'labels', 'name', 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom', 'background']
pwArgs = {}
dataArgs = {}
for k in kargs:
if k in pwArgList:
pwArgs[k] = kargs[k]
dataArgs[k] = kargs[k]
w = PlotWindow(**pwArgs)
if len(args) > 0 or len(dataArgs) > 0:
w.plot(*args, **dataArgs)
return w
def _plotWindowClosed(w):
except ValueError:
def image(*args, **kargs):
Create and return an :class:`ImageWindow <pyqtgraph.ImageWindow>`
(this is just a window with :class:`ImageView <pyqtgraph.ImageView>` widget inside), show image data inside.
Will show 2D or 3D image data.
Accepts a *title* argument to set the title of the window.
All other arguments are used to show data. (see :func:`ImageView.setImage() <pyqtgraph.ImageView.setImage>`)
w = ImageWindow(*args, **kargs)
return w
show = image ## for backward compatibility
def _imageWindowClosed(w):
except ValueError:
def dbg(*args, **kwds):
Create a console window and begin watching for exceptions.
All arguments are passed to :func:`ConsoleWidget.__init__() <pyqtgraph.console.ConsoleWidget.__init__>`.
from . import console
c = console.ConsoleWidget(*args, **kwds)
global consoles
except NameError:
consoles = [c]
return c
def stack(*args, **kwds):
Create a console window and show the current stack trace.
All arguments are passed to :func:`ConsoleWidget.__init__() <pyqtgraph.console.ConsoleWidget.__init__>`.
from . import console
c = console.ConsoleWidget(*args, **kwds)
global consoles
except NameError:
consoles = [c]
return c