2021-03-08 02:14:37 +09:00

125 lines
4.7 KiB

from collections import OrderedDict
from argparse import Namespace
examples = OrderedDict([
('Command-line usage', ''),
('Basic Plotting', Namespace(filename='', recommended=True)),
('ImageView', ''),
('ParameterTree', ''),
('Crosshair / Mouse interaction', ''),
('Data Slicing', ''),
('Plot Customization', ''),
('Timestamps on x axis', ''),
('Image Analysis', ''),
('ViewBox Features', Namespace(filename='', recommended=True)),
('Dock widgets', ''),
('Console', ''),
('Histograms', ''),
('Beeswarm plot', ''),
('Symbols', ''),
('Auto-range', ''),
('Remote Plotting', ''),
('Scrolling plots', ''),
('Palette adjustment',''),
('HDF5 big data', ''),
('Demos', OrderedDict([
('Optics', ''),
('Special relativity', ''),
('Verlet chain', ''),
('Koch Fractal', ''),
('GraphicsItems', OrderedDict([
('Scatter Plot', ''),
#('PlotItem', ''),
('IsocurveItem', ''),
('GraphItem', ''),
('ErrorBarItem', ''),
('FillBetweenItem', ''),
('ImageItem - video', ''),
('ImageItem - draw', ''),
('Non-uniform Image', ''),
('Region-of-Interest', ''),
('Bar Graph', ''),
('GraphicsLayout', ''),
('LegendItem', ''),
('Text Item', ''),
('Linked Views', ''),
('Arrow', ''),
('ViewBox', ''),
('Custom Graphics', ''),
('Labeled Graph', ''),
('PColorMeshItem', ''),
('Benchmarks', OrderedDict([
('Video speed test', ''),
('Line Plot update', ''),
('Scatter Plot update', ''),
('Multiple plots', ''),
('3D Graphics', OrderedDict([
('Volumetric', ''),
('Isosurface', ''),
('Surface Plot', ''),
('Scatter Plot', ''),
('Shaders', ''),
('Line Plot', ''),
('Mesh', ''),
('Image', ''),
('Widgets', OrderedDict([
('PlotWidget', ''),
('SpinBox', ''),
('ConsoleWidget', ''),
('Histogram / lookup table', ''),
('TreeWidget', ''),
('ScatterPlotWidget', ''),
('DataTreeWidget', ''),
('GradientWidget', ''),
('TableWidget', ''),
('ColorButton', ''),
#('CheckTable', '../widgets/'),
#('VerticalLabel', '../widgets/'),
('JoystickButton', ''),
('Flowcharts', ''),
('Custom Flowchart Nodes', ''),
# don't care about ordering
# but actually from Python 3.7, dict is ordered
others = dict([
('logAxis', ''),
('PanningPlot', ''),
('MultiplePlotAxes', ''),
('ROItypes', ''),
('ScaleBar', ''),
('InfiniteLine', ''),
('ViewBox', ''),
('GradientEditor', ''),
('GLBarGraphItem', ''),
('GLViewWidget', ''),
('DiffTreeWidget', ''),
('MultiPlotWidget', ''),
('RemoteGraphicsView', ''),
('colorMaps', ''),
('contextMenu', ''),
('designerExample', ''),
('DateAxisItem_QtDesigner', ''),
('GraphicsScene', ''),
('MouseSelection', ''),
# examples that are subsumed into other examples
trivial = dict([
('SimplePlot', ''), #
('LogPlotTest', ''), #
('ViewLimits', ''), #
# examples that are not suitable for CI testing
skiptest = dict([
('ProgressDialog', ''), # modal dialog