2xB ec66c34fc9 GraphicsLayout: Always call layout.activate() after adding items
Items added to a `GraphicsLayout` only learn their size information
after the internal `QGraphicsGridLayout` recalculates the layout.
This is happening as a slot in the Qt event queue.
Not having updated geometry bounds directly after adding an item
leads to multiple issues when not executing the Qt event loop
in time (see below). This commit fixes that by always calling
`layout.activate()` after adding items, updating item sizes

This is a follow-up to PR #1167, where introducing a direct call to
`processEvents` was suspected to be able to cause side effects.

Notifying @j9ac9k and @campagnola, as they were involved in #1167.

Fixes #8
Fixes #1136
2020-04-14 02:00:49 +02:00

195 lines
7.1 KiB

from ..Qt import QtGui, QtCore
from .. import functions as fn
from .GraphicsWidget import GraphicsWidget
## Must be imported at the end to avoid cyclic-dependency hell:
from .ViewBox import ViewBox
from .PlotItem import PlotItem
from .LabelItem import LabelItem
__all__ = ['GraphicsLayout']
class GraphicsLayout(GraphicsWidget):
Used for laying out GraphicsWidgets in a grid.
This is usually created automatically as part of a :class:`GraphicsWindow <pyqtgraph.GraphicsWindow>` or :class:`GraphicsLayoutWidget <pyqtgraph.GraphicsLayoutWidget>`.
def __init__(self, parent=None, border=None):
GraphicsWidget.__init__(self, parent)
if border is True:
border = (100,100,100)
self.border = border
self.layout = QtGui.QGraphicsGridLayout()
self.items = {} ## item: [(row, col), (row, col), ...] lists all cells occupied by the item
self.rows = {} ## row: {col1: item1, col2: item2, ...} maps cell location to item
self.itemBorders = {} ## {item1: QtGui.QGraphicsRectItem, ...} border rects
self.currentRow = 0
self.currentCol = 0
self.setSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding))
#def resizeEvent(self, ev):
#ret = GraphicsWidget.resizeEvent(self, ev)
#print self.pos(), self.mapToDevice(self.rect().topLeft())
#return ret
def setBorder(self, *args, **kwds):
Set the pen used to draw border between cells.
See :func:`mkPen <pyqtgraph.mkPen>` for arguments.
self.border = fn.mkPen(*args, **kwds)
for borderRect in self.itemBorders.values():
def nextRow(self):
"""Advance to next row for automatic item placement"""
self.currentRow += 1
self.currentCol = -1
def nextColumn(self):
"""Advance to next available column
(generally only for internal use--called by addItem)"""
self.currentCol += 1
while self.getItem(self.currentRow, self.currentCol) is not None:
self.currentCol += 1
def nextCol(self, *args, **kargs):
"""Alias of nextColumn"""
return self.nextColumn(*args, **kargs)
def addPlot(self, row=None, col=None, rowspan=1, colspan=1, **kargs):
Create a PlotItem and place it in the next available cell (or in the cell specified)
All extra keyword arguments are passed to :func:`PlotItem.__init__ <pyqtgraph.PlotItem.__init__>`
Returns the created item.
plot = PlotItem(**kargs)
self.addItem(plot, row, col, rowspan, colspan)
return plot
def addViewBox(self, row=None, col=None, rowspan=1, colspan=1, **kargs):
Create a ViewBox and place it in the next available cell (or in the cell specified)
All extra keyword arguments are passed to :func:`ViewBox.__init__ <pyqtgraph.ViewBox.__init__>`
Returns the created item.
vb = ViewBox(**kargs)
self.addItem(vb, row, col, rowspan, colspan)
return vb
def addLabel(self, text=' ', row=None, col=None, rowspan=1, colspan=1, **kargs):
Create a LabelItem with *text* and place it in the next available cell (or in the cell specified)
All extra keyword arguments are passed to :func:`LabelItem.__init__ <pyqtgraph.LabelItem.__init__>`
Returns the created item.
To create a vertical label, use *angle* = -90.
text = LabelItem(text, **kargs)
self.addItem(text, row, col, rowspan, colspan)
return text
def addLayout(self, row=None, col=None, rowspan=1, colspan=1, **kargs):
Create an empty GraphicsLayout and place it in the next available cell (or in the cell specified)
All extra keyword arguments are passed to :func:`GraphicsLayout.__init__ <pyqtgraph.GraphicsLayout.__init__>`
Returns the created item.
layout = GraphicsLayout(**kargs)
self.addItem(layout, row, col, rowspan, colspan)
return layout
def addItem(self, item, row=None, col=None, rowspan=1, colspan=1):
Add an item to the layout and place it in the next available cell (or in the cell specified).
The item must be an instance of a QGraphicsWidget subclass.
if row is None:
row = self.currentRow
if col is None:
col = self.currentCol
self.items[item] = []
for i in range(rowspan):
for j in range(colspan):
row2 = row + i
col2 = col + j
if row2 not in self.rows:
self.rows[row2] = {}
self.rows[row2][col2] = item
self.items[item].append((row2, col2))
borderRect = QtGui.QGraphicsRectItem()
self.itemBorders[item] = borderRect
self.layout.addItem(item, row, col, rowspan, colspan)
self.layout.activate() # Update layout, recalculating bounds.
# Allows some PyQtGraph features to also work without Qt event loop.
def getItem(self, row, col):
"""Return the item in (*row*, *col*). If the cell is empty, return None."""
return self.rows.get(row, {}).get(col, None)
def boundingRect(self):
return self.rect()
def itemIndex(self, item):
for i in range(self.layout.count()):
if self.layout.itemAt(i).graphicsItem() is item:
return i
raise Exception("Could not determine index of item " + str(item))
def removeItem(self, item):
"""Remove *item* from the layout."""
ind = self.itemIndex(item)
for r, c in self.items[item]:
del self.rows[r][c]
del self.items[item]
del self.itemBorders[item]
def clear(self):
for i in list(self.items.keys()):
self.currentRow = 0
self.currentCol = 0
def setContentsMargins(self, *args):
# Wrap calls to layout. This should happen automatically, but there
# seems to be a Qt bug:
def setSpacing(self, *args):
def _updateItemBorder(self):
if self.border is None:
item = self.sender()
if item is None:
r = item.mapRectToParent(item.boundingRect())