Luke Campagnola c07a92efbe Reorganized directory structure to be more standard
Started new SVG exporter
Merged updates from ACQ4
2012-12-25 00:43:31 -05:00

103 lines
3.2 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pyqtgraph.pgcollections import OrderedDict
from pyqtgraph import importModules
import os, types
from pyqtgraph.debug import printExc
from ..Node import Node
import pyqtgraph.reload as reload
NODE_LIST = OrderedDict() ## maps name:class for all registered Node subclasses
NODE_TREE = OrderedDict() ## categorized tree of Node subclasses
def getNodeType(name):
return NODE_LIST[name]
except KeyError:
raise Exception("No node type called '%s'" % name)
def getNodeTree():
return NODE_TREE
def registerNodeType(cls, paths, override=False):
Register a new node type. If the type's name is already in use,
an exception will be raised (unless override=True).
cls - a subclass of Node (must have typ.nodeName)
paths - list of tuples specifying the location(s) this
type will appear in the library tree.
override - if True, overwrite any class having the same name
if not isNodeClass(cls):
raise Exception("Object %s is not a Node subclass" % str(cls))
name = cls.nodeName
if not override and name in NODE_LIST:
raise Exception("Node type name '%s' is already registered." % name)
NODE_LIST[name] = cls
for path in paths:
root = NODE_TREE
for n in path:
if n not in root:
root[n] = OrderedDict()
root = root[n]
root[name] = cls
def isNodeClass(cls):
if not issubclass(cls, Node):
return False
return False
return hasattr(cls, 'nodeName')
def loadLibrary(reloadLibs=False, libPath=None):
"""Import all Node subclasses found within files in the library module."""
#if libPath is None:
#libPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
if reloadLibs:
mods = importModules('', globals(), locals())
#for f in frozenSupport.listdir(libPath):
#pathName, ext = os.path.splitext(f)
#if ext not in ('.py', '.pyc') or '__init__' in pathName or '__pycache__' in pathName:
##print "importing from", f
#mod = __import__(pathName, globals(), locals())
#printExc("Error loading flowchart library %s:" % pathName)
for name, mod in mods.items():
nodes = []
for n in dir(mod):
o = getattr(mod, n)
if isNodeClass(o):
#print " ", str(o)
registerNodeType(o, [(name,)], override=reloadLibs)
#nodes.append((o.nodeName, o))
#if len(nodes) > 0:
#NODE_TREE[name] = OrderedDict(nodes)
def reloadLibrary():
#for o in locals().values():
#if type(o) is type(AddNode) and issubclass(o, Node) and o is not Node and hasattr(o, 'nodeName'):
#NODE_LIST.append((o.nodeName, o))
#NODE_LIST.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(a[0], b[0]))