Luke Campagnola 81a32b0d1e Cleaned up and centralized export functionality
Moved GraphicsScene to its own directory, added exportDialog
Removed old export options from PlotItem / ViewBox (will re-enable once they are working again)
2012-03-11 11:59:45 -04:00

249 lines
7.8 KiB

from pyqtgraph.Point import Point
from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtCore, QtGui
import weakref
import pyqtgraph.ptime as ptime
class MouseDragEvent:
def __init__(self, moveEvent, pressEvent, lastEvent, start=False, finish=False):
self.start = start
self.finish = finish
self.accepted = False
self.currentItem = None
self._buttonDownScenePos = {}
self._buttonDownScreenPos = {}
for btn in [QtCore.Qt.LeftButton, QtCore.Qt.MidButton, QtCore.Qt.RightButton]:
self._buttonDownScenePos[int(btn)] = moveEvent.buttonDownScenePos(btn)
self._buttonDownScreenPos[int(btn)] = moveEvent.buttonDownScreenPos(btn)
self._scenePos = moveEvent.scenePos()
self._screenPos = moveEvent.screenPos()
if lastEvent is None:
self._lastScenePos = pressEvent.scenePos()
self._lastScreenPos = pressEvent.screenPos()
self._lastScenePos = lastEvent.scenePos()
self._lastScreenPos = lastEvent.screenPos()
self._buttons = moveEvent.buttons()
self._button = pressEvent.button()
self._modifiers = moveEvent.modifiers()
def accept(self):
self.accepted = True
self.acceptedItem = self.currentItem
def ignore(self):
self.accepted = False
def isAccepted(self):
return self.accepted
def scenePos(self):
return Point(self._scenePos)
def screenPos(self):
return Point(self._screenPos)
def buttonDownScenePos(self, btn=None):
if btn is None:
btn = self.button()
return Point(self._buttonDownScenePos[int(btn)])
def buttonDownScreenPos(self, btn=None):
if btn is None:
btn = self.button()
return Point(self._buttonDownScreenPos[int(btn)])
def lastScenePos(self):
return Point(self._lastScenePos)
def lastScreenPos(self):
return Point(self._lastScreenPos)
def buttons(self):
return self._buttons
def button(self):
"""Return the button that initiated the drag (may be different from the buttons currently pressed)"""
return self._button
def pos(self):
return Point(self.currentItem.mapFromScene(self._scenePos))
def lastPos(self):
return Point(self.currentItem.mapFromScene(self._lastScenePos))
def buttonDownPos(self, btn=None):
if btn is None:
btn = self.button()
return Point(self.currentItem.mapFromScene(self._buttonDownScenePos[int(btn)]))
def isStart(self):
return self.start
def isFinish(self):
return self.finish
def __repr__(self):
lp = self.lastPos()
p = self.pos()
return "<MouseDragEvent (%g,%g)->(%g,%g) buttons=%d start=%s finish=%s>" % (lp.x(), lp.y(), p.x(), p.y(), int(self.buttons()), str(self.isStart()), str(self.isFinish()))
def modifiers(self):
return self._modifiers
class MouseClickEvent:
def __init__(self, pressEvent, double=False):
self.accepted = False
self.currentItem = None
self._double = double
self._scenePos = pressEvent.scenePos()
self._screenPos = pressEvent.screenPos()
self._button = pressEvent.button()
self._buttons = pressEvent.buttons()
self._modifiers = pressEvent.modifiers()
self._time = ptime.time()
def accept(self):
self.accepted = True
self.acceptedItem = self.currentItem
def ignore(self):
self.accepted = False
def isAccepted(self):
return self.accepted
def scenePos(self):
return Point(self._scenePos)
def screenPos(self):
return Point(self._screenPos)
def buttons(self):
return self._buttons
def button(self):
return self._button
def double(self):
return self._double
def pos(self):
return Point(self.currentItem.mapFromScene(self._scenePos))
def lastPos(self):
return Point(self.currentItem.mapFromScene(self._lastScenePos))
def modifiers(self):
return self._modifiers
def __repr__(self):
p = self.pos()
return "<MouseClickEvent (%g,%g) button=%d>" % (p.x(), p.y(), int(self.button()))
def time(self):
return self._time
class HoverEvent:
This event class both informs items that the mouse cursor is nearby and allows items to
communicate with one another about whether each item will accept _potential_ mouse events.
It is common for multiple overlapping items to receive hover events and respond by changing
their appearance. This can be misleading to the user since, in general, only one item will
respond to mouse events. To avoid this, items make calls to event.acceptClicks(button)
and/or acceptDrags(button).
Each item may make multiple calls to acceptClicks/Drags, each time for a different button.
If the method returns True, then the item is guaranteed to be
the recipient of the claimed event IF the user presses the specified mouse button before
moving. If claimEvent returns False, then this item is guaranteed NOT to get the specified
event (because another has already claimed it) and the item should change its appearance
event.isEnter() returns True if the mouse has just entered the item's shape;
event.isExit() returns True if the mouse has just left.
def __init__(self, moveEvent, acceptable):
self.enter = False
self.acceptable = acceptable
self.exit = False
self.__clickItems = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
self.__dragItems = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
self.currentItem = None
if moveEvent is not None:
self._scenePos = moveEvent.scenePos()
self._screenPos = moveEvent.screenPos()
self._lastScenePos = moveEvent.lastScenePos()
self._lastScreenPos = moveEvent.lastScreenPos()
self._buttons = moveEvent.buttons()
self._modifiers = moveEvent.modifiers()
self.exit = True
def isEnter(self):
return self.enter
def isExit(self):
return self.exit
def acceptClicks(self, button):
if not self.acceptable:
return False
if button not in self.__clickItems:
self.__clickItems[button] = self.currentItem
return True
return False
def acceptDrags(self, button):
if not self.acceptable:
return False
if button not in self.__dragItems:
self.__dragItems[button] = self.currentItem
return True
return False
def scenePos(self):
return Point(self._scenePos)
def screenPos(self):
return Point(self._screenPos)
def lastScenePos(self):
return Point(self._lastScenePos)
def lastScreenPos(self):
return Point(self._lastScreenPos)
def buttons(self):
return self._buttons
def pos(self):
return Point(self.currentItem.mapFromScene(self._scenePos))
def lastPos(self):
return Point(self.currentItem.mapFromScene(self._lastScenePos))
def __repr__(self):
lp = self.lastPos()
p = self.pos()
return "<HoverEvent (%g,%g)->(%g,%g) buttons=%d enter=%s exit=%s>" % (lp.x(), lp.y(), p.x(), p.y(), int(self.buttons()), str(self.isEnter()), str(self.isExit()))
def modifiers(self):
return self._modifiers
def clickItems(self):
return self.__clickItems
def dragItems(self):
return self.__dragItems