Mitchel Paulin e7b11cb39a
Fixed bug where removeTempArea would be called on home even if it was not defined (#1349)
* Fixed bug where removeTempArea would be called on home even if it was not defined

* Made the check for whether or not home is defined more explicit
2020-10-14 10:07:12 -07:00

386 lines
14 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import weakref
from ..Qt import QtCore, QtGui
from .Container import *
from .DockDrop import *
from .Dock import Dock
from .. import debug as debug
from ..python2_3 import basestring
class DockArea(Container, QtGui.QWidget, DockDrop):
def __init__(self, parent=None, temporary=False, home=None):
Container.__init__(self, self)
QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent=parent)
DockDrop.__init__(self, allowedAreas=['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'])
self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
self.docks = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
self.topContainer = None
self.temporary = temporary
self.tempAreas = []
self.home = home
def type(self):
return "top"
def addDock(self, dock=None, position='bottom', relativeTo=None, **kwds):
"""Adds a dock to this area.
============== =================================================================
dock The new Dock object to add. If None, then a new Dock will be
position 'bottom', 'top', 'left', 'right', 'above', or 'below'
relativeTo If relativeTo is None, then the new Dock is added to fill an
entire edge of the window. If relativeTo is another Dock, then
the new Dock is placed adjacent to it (or in a tabbed
configuration for 'above' and 'below').
============== =================================================================
All extra keyword arguments are passed to Dock.__init__() if *dock* is
if dock is None:
dock = Dock(**kwds)
# store original area that the dock will return to when un-floated
if not self.temporary:
dock.orig_area = self
## Determine the container to insert this dock into.
## If there is no neighbor, then the container is the top.
if relativeTo is None or relativeTo is self:
if self.topContainer is None:
container = self
neighbor = None
container = self.topContainer
neighbor = None
if isinstance(relativeTo, basestring):
relativeTo = self.docks[relativeTo]
container = self.getContainer(relativeTo)
if container is None:
raise TypeError("Dock %s is not contained in a DockArea; cannot add another dock relative to it." % relativeTo)
neighbor = relativeTo
## what container type do we need?
neededContainer = {
'bottom': 'vertical',
'top': 'vertical',
'left': 'horizontal',
'right': 'horizontal',
'above': 'tab',
'below': 'tab'
## Can't insert new containers into a tab container; insert outside instead.
if neededContainer != container.type() and container.type() == 'tab':
neighbor = container
container = container.container()
## Decide if the container we have is suitable.
## If not, insert a new container inside.
if neededContainer != container.type():
if neighbor is None:
container = self.addContainer(neededContainer, self.topContainer)
container = self.addContainer(neededContainer, neighbor)
## Insert the new dock before/after its neighbor
insertPos = {
'bottom': 'after',
'top': 'before',
'left': 'before',
'right': 'after',
'above': 'before',
'below': 'after'
#print "request insert", dock, insertPos, neighbor
old = dock.container()
container.insert(dock, insertPos, neighbor)
self.docks[] = dock
if old is not None:
return dock
def moveDock(self, dock, position, neighbor):
Move an existing Dock to a new location.
## Moving to the edge of a tabbed dock causes a drop outside the tab box
if position in ['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'] and neighbor is not None and neighbor.container() is not None and neighbor.container().type() == 'tab':
neighbor = neighbor.container()
self.addDock(dock, position, neighbor)
def getContainer(self, obj):
if obj is None:
return self
return obj.container()
def makeContainer(self, typ):
if typ == 'vertical':
new = VContainer(self)
elif typ == 'horizontal':
new = HContainer(self)
elif typ == 'tab':
new = TContainer(self)
return new
def addContainer(self, typ, obj):
"""Add a new container around obj"""
new = self.makeContainer(typ)
container = self.getContainer(obj)
container.insert(new, 'before', obj)
#print "Add container:", new, " -> ", container
if obj is not None:
return new
def insert(self, new, pos=None, neighbor=None):
if self.topContainer is not None:
# Adding new top-level container; addContainer() should
# take care of giving the old top container a new home.
self.topContainer = new
def count(self):
if self.topContainer is None:
return 0
return 1
def resizeEvent(self, ev):
def addTempArea(self):
if self.home is None:
area = DockArea(temporary=True, home=self)
win = TempAreaWindow(area) = win
area = self.home.addTempArea()
#print "added temp area", area, area.window()
return area
def floatDock(self, dock):
"""Removes *dock* from this DockArea and places it in a new window."""
area = self.addTempArea()
area.moveDock(dock, 'top', None)
def removeTempArea(self, area):
#print "close window", area.window()
def saveState(self):
Return a serialized (storable) representation of the state of
all Docks in this DockArea."""
if self.topContainer is None:
main = None
main = self.childState(self.topContainer)
state = {'main': main, 'float': []}
for a in self.tempAreas:
geo =
geo = (geo.x(), geo.y(), geo.width(), geo.height())
state['float'].append((a.saveState(), geo))
return state
def childState(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, Dock):
return ('dock',, {})
childs = []
for i in range(obj.count()):
return (obj.type(), childs, obj.saveState())
def restoreState(self, state, missing='error', extra='bottom'):
Restore Dock configuration as generated by saveState.
This function does not create any Docks--it will only
restore the arrangement of an existing set of Docks.
By default, docks that are described in *state* but do not exist
in the dock area will cause an exception to be raised. This behavior
can be changed by setting *missing* to 'ignore' or 'create'.
Extra docks that are in the dockarea but that are not mentioned in
*state* will be added to the bottom of the dockarea, unless otherwise
specified by the *extra* argument.
## 1) make dict of all docks and list of existing containers
containers, docks = self.findAll()
oldTemps = self.tempAreas[:]
#print "found docks:", docks
## 2) create container structure, move docks into new containers
if state['main'] is not None:
self.buildFromState(state['main'], docks, self, missing=missing)
## 3) create floating areas, populate
for s in state['float']:
a = self.addTempArea()
a.buildFromState(s[0]['main'], docks, a, missing=missing)*s[1])
a.apoptose() # ask temp area to close itself if it is empty
## 4) Add any remaining docks to a float
for d in docks.values():
if extra == 'float':
a = self.addTempArea()
a.addDock(d, 'below')
self.moveDock(d, extra, None)
#print "\nKill old containers:"
## 5) kill old containers
for c in containers:
for a in oldTemps:
def buildFromState(self, state, docks, root, depth=0, missing='error'):
typ, contents, state = state
pfx = " " * depth
if typ == 'dock':
obj = docks[contents]
del docks[contents]
except KeyError:
if missing == 'error':
raise Exception('Cannot restore dock state; no dock with name "%s"' % contents)
elif missing == 'create':
obj = Dock(name=contents)
elif missing == 'ignore':
raise ValueError('"missing" argument must be one of "error", "create", or "ignore".')
obj = self.makeContainer(typ)
root.insert(obj, 'after')
#print pfx+"Add:", obj, " -> ", root
if typ != 'dock':
for o in contents:
self.buildFromState(o, docks, obj, depth+1, missing=missing)
# remove this container if possible. (there are valid situations when a restore will
# generate empty containers, such as when using missing='ignore')
obj.restoreState(state) ## this has to be done later?
def findAll(self, obj=None, c=None, d=None):
if obj is None:
obj = self.topContainer
## check all temp areas first
if c is None:
c = []
d = {}
for a in self.tempAreas:
c1, d1 = a.findAll()
if isinstance(obj, Dock):
d[] = obj
elif obj is not None:
for i in range(obj.count()):
o2 = obj.widget(i)
c2, d2 = self.findAll(o2)
return (c, d)
def apoptose(self, propagate=True):
# remove top container if possible, close this area if it is temporary.
#print "apoptose area:", self.temporary, self.topContainer, self.topContainer.count()
if self.topContainer is None or self.topContainer.count() == 0:
self.topContainer = None
if self.temporary and self.home is not None:
def clear(self):
docks = self.findAll()[1]
for dock in docks.values():
## PySide bug: We need to explicitly redefine these methods
## or else drag/drop events will not be delivered.
def dragEnterEvent(self, *args):
DockDrop.dragEnterEvent(self, *args)
def dragMoveEvent(self, *args):
DockDrop.dragMoveEvent(self, *args)
def dragLeaveEvent(self, *args):
DockDrop.dragLeaveEvent(self, *args)
def dropEvent(self, *args):
DockDrop.dropEvent(self, *args)
def printState(self, state=None, name='Main'):
# for debugging
if state is None:
state = self.saveState()
print("=== %s dock area ===" % name)
if state['main'] is None:
print(" (empty)")
for i, float in enumerate(state['float']):
self.printState(float[0], name='float %d' % i)
def _printAreaState(self, area, indent=0):
if area[0] == 'dock':
print(" " * indent + area[0] + " " + str(area[1:]))
print(" " * indent + area[0])
for ch in area[1]:
self._printAreaState(ch, indent+1)
class TempAreaWindow(QtGui.QWidget):
def __init__(self, area, **kwargs):
QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, **kwargs)
self.layout = QtGui.QGridLayout()
self.layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
self.dockarea = area
def closeEvent(self, *args):
# restore docks to their original area
docks = self.dockarea.findAll()[1]
for dock in docks.values():
if hasattr(dock, 'orig_area'):
dock.orig_area.addDock(dock, )
# clear dock area, and close remaining docks
QtGui.QWidget.closeEvent(self, *args)