
68 lines
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from ...Qt import QtCore, QT_LIB
from .list import ListParameter
class QtEnumParameter(ListParameter):
def __init__(self, enum, searchObj=QtCore.Qt, **opts):
Constructs a list of allowed enum values from the enum class provided
`searchObj` is only needed for PyQt5 compatibility, where it must be the module holding the enum.
For instance, if making a QtEnumParameter out of QtWidgets.QFileDialog.Option, `searchObj` would
be QtWidgets.QFileDialog
self.enum = enum
self.searchObj = searchObj
opts.setdefault('name', enum.__name__)
self.enumMap = self._getAllowedEnums(enum)
def setValue(self, value, blockSignal=None):
if isinstance(value, str):
value = self.enumMap[value]
super().setValue(value, blockSignal)
def formattedLimits(self):
# Title-cased words without the ending substring for brevity
substringEnd = None
mapping = self.enumMap
shortestName = min(len(name) for name in mapping)
names = list(mapping)
cmpName, *names = names
for ii in range(-1, -shortestName-1, -1):
if any(cmpName[ii] != curName[ii] for curName in names):
substringEnd = ii+1
# Special case of 0: Set to none to avoid null string
if substringEnd == 0:
substringEnd = None
limits = {}
for kk, vv in self.enumMap.items():
limits[kk[:substringEnd]] = vv
return limits
def saveState(self, filter=None):
state = super().saveState(filter)
reverseMap = dict(zip(self.enumMap.values(), self.enumMap))
state['value'] = reverseMap[state['value']]
return state
def _getAllowedEnums(self, enum):
"""Pyside provides a dict for easy evaluation"""
if 'PySide' in QT_LIB:
vals = enum.values
elif 'PyQt5' in QT_LIB:
vals = {}
for key in dir(self.searchObj):
value = getattr(self.searchObj, key)
if isinstance(value, enum):
vals[key] = value
elif 'PyQt6' in QT_LIB:
vals = { e for e in enum}
raise RuntimeError(f'Cannot find associated enum values for qt lib {QT_LIB}')
# Remove "M<enum>" since it's not a real option
vals.pop(f'M{enum.__name__}', None)
return vals