lidstrom83 3af23725ca
Scatter Plot Improvements (#1420)
* Added hovering demo to ScatterPlot example

* Use Qt's serialization for SymbolAtlas.symbolMap keys

Yields significant performance improvements when updating the scatter plot's options. See e.g. the plot hover example.

* Further optimized scatter plot picking

* Fix ScatterPlot example tool tip

* Clean up while I'm here

* Compatibility

* Some simple optimizations for ScatterPlotItem

Speedups for
~50% without pxMode
~ 0% pxMode with useCache
~30% pxMode without useCache

* ~3x speedup in scatter plot speed test with pxMode

* More optimization low-hanging fruit for the scatter plot

* Removed hover example to lazily pass tests

* Avoid segfault

* Re-add hover example to

* Switch to id-based keying for scatter plot symbol atlas

- Use cases exist where serialization-based keying is a significant bottleneck, e.g. updating without atlas invalidation when a large variety pens or brushes are present.
- To avoid a performance hit, the onus is on the user to carefully reuse pen and brush objects.

* Optimized caching in scatter plot hovering example

* Fixed and optimized scatter plot hovering example

* Minor scatter plot optimization

* Cleanup

* Store hovered points in a set for the hovering example

* Keep a limited number symbol atlas entries around for future reuse

* Added a docstring note to remind the user to reuse QPen and QBrush objects for better performance

* Tidied up hovering example

* Typo

* Avoid unnecessary atlas rebuilds

* Refactored SymbolAtlas

* Efficient appending to SymbolAtlas

* SymbolAtlas rewrite

* Cleanup and profiling

* Add randomized brushes to speed test

* Add loc indexer to ScatterPlotItem

* Profile ScatterPlotItem.paint to identify bottlenecks

* Reuse targetRect to improve paint performance

* Readability improvements (opinionated)

* Only need to set x and y of targetRect

- w and h can stay set to 0 (not entirely sure why)
- this is a bit faster than setting all of x, y, w, h

* Minor renaming

* Strip off API changes and leave to another PR

* Renaming

* Compatibility

* Use drawPixmap(x, y, pm, sx, sy, sw, sh) signature to avoid needing to update QRectFs

* Use different drawing approaches for each Qt binding for performance reasons

* Fix a bug introduced two commits ago

Incidentally, I think there is a similar bug in the main branch currently.

* Minor performance and readability improvements

* Strip out source and target QRectF stuff

* Bring source and target QRectF stuff back in a less coupled way

* Leave deprecating getSpotOpts for another PR

* Compatibility fix

* Added docstrings and use SymbolAtlas__len__ where possible

* Fix export issue

* Add missing import

* Add deprecation warnings

* Avoid using deprecated methods

* Fix and cleanup max spot size measurements

* Make creation of style opts entries explicit

* Add hovering API to ScatterPlotItem

* Compatibility

* Marshal pen and brush lists in setPen and setBrush

* Fixed platform dependent bug
2020-12-16 11:07:39 -08:00

143 lines
4.4 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Example demonstrating a variety of scatter plot features.
## Add path to library (just for examples; you do not need this)
import initExample
from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore
import pyqtgraph as pg
import numpy as np
from collections import namedtuple
from itertools import chain
app = QtGui.QApplication([])
mw = QtGui.QMainWindow()
view = pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget() ## GraphicsView with GraphicsLayout inserted by default
mw.setWindowTitle('pyqtgraph example: ScatterPlot')
## create four areas to add plots
w1 = view.addPlot()
w2 = view.addViewBox()
w3 = view.addPlot()
w4 = view.addPlot()
print("Generating data, this takes a few seconds...")
## Make all plots clickable
clickedPen = pg.mkPen('b', width=2)
lastClicked = []
def clicked(plot, points):
global lastClicked
for p in lastClicked:
print("clicked points", points)
for p in points:
lastClicked = points
## There are a few different ways we can draw scatter plots; each is optimized for different types of data:
## 1) All spots identical and transform-invariant (top-left plot).
## In this case we can get a huge performance boost by pre-rendering the spot
## image and just drawing that image repeatedly.
n = 300
s1 = pg.ScatterPlotItem(size=10, pen=pg.mkPen(None), brush=pg.mkBrush(255, 255, 255, 120))
pos = np.random.normal(size=(2,n), scale=1e-5)
spots = [{'pos': pos[:,i], 'data': 1} for i in range(n)] + [{'pos': [0,0], 'data': 1}]
## 2) Spots are transform-invariant, but not identical (top-right plot).
## In this case, drawing is almsot as fast as 1), but there is more startup
## overhead and memory usage since each spot generates its own pre-rendered
## image.
TextSymbol = namedtuple("TextSymbol", "label symbol scale")
def createLabel(label, angle):
symbol = QtGui.QPainterPath()
#symbol.addText(0, 0, QFont("San Serif", 10), label)
f = QtGui.QFont()
symbol.addText(0, 0, f, label)
br = symbol.boundingRect()
scale = min(1. / br.width(), 1. / br.height())
tr = QtGui.QTransform()
tr.scale(scale, scale)
tr.translate(-br.x() - br.width()/2., -br.y() - br.height()/2.)
return TextSymbol(label,, 0.1 / scale)
random_str = lambda : (''.join([chr(np.random.randint(ord('A'),ord('z'))) for i in range(np.random.randint(1,5))]), np.random.randint(0, 360))
s2 = pg.ScatterPlotItem(size=10, pen=pg.mkPen('w'), pxMode=True)
pos = np.random.normal(size=(2,n), scale=1e-5)
spots = [{'pos': pos[:,i], 'data': 1, 'brush':pg.intColor(i, n), 'symbol': i%10, 'size': 5+i/10.} for i in range(n)]
spots = [{'pos': pos[:,i], 'data': 1, 'brush':pg.intColor(i, n), 'symbol': label[1], 'size': label[2]*(5+i/10.)} for (i, label) in [(i, createLabel(*random_str())) for i in range(n)]]
## 3) Spots are not transform-invariant, not identical (bottom-left).
## This is the slowest case, since all spots must be completely re-drawn
## every time because their apparent transformation may have changed.
s3 = pg.ScatterPlotItem(
pxMode=False, # Set pxMode=False to allow spots to transform with the view
spots3 = []
for i in range(10):
for j in range(10):
spots3.append({'pos': (1e-6*i, 1e-6*j), 'size': 1e-6, 'pen': {'color': 'w', 'width': 2}, 'brush':pg.intColor(i*10+j, 100)})
## Test performance of large scatterplots
s4 = pg.ScatterPlotItem(
brush=pg.mkBrush(255, 255, 255, 20),
hoverPen=pg.mkPen('r', width=2),
n = 10000
pos = np.random.normal(size=(2, n), scale=1e-9)
# size=(np.random.random(n) * 20.).astype(int),
# brush=[pg.mkBrush(x) for x in np.random.randint(0, 256, (n, 3))],
## Start Qt event loop unless running in interactive mode.
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
if (sys.flags.interactive != 1) or not hasattr(QtCore, 'PYQT_VERSION'):