2014-12-24 11:00:00 -05:00

558 lines
19 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os, sys, re
from subprocess import check_output, check_call
except ImportError:
import subprocess as sp
def check_output(*args, **kwds):
kwds['stdout'] = sp.PIPE
proc = sp.Popen(*args, **kwds)
output =
if proc.returncode != 0:
ex = Exception("Process had nonzero return value %d" % proc.returncode)
ex.returncode = proc.returncode
ex.output = output
raise ex
return output
# Maximum allowed repository size difference (in kB) following merge.
# This is used to prevent large files from being inappropriately added to
# the repository history.
# Paths that are checked for style by flake and flake_diff
FLAKE_CHECK_PATHS = ['pyqtgraph', 'examples', 'tools']
# Flake style checks -- mandatory, recommended, optional
# See:
# and
'E101', # indentation contains mixed spaces and tabs
'E112', # expected an indented block
'E122', # continuation line missing indentation or outdented
'E125', # continuation line does not distinguish itself from next line
'E133', # closing bracket is missing indentation
'E223', # tab before operator
'E224', # tab after operator
'E242', # tab after ,
'E273', # tab after keyword
'E274', # tab before keyword
'E901', # SyntaxError or IndentationError
'E902', # IOError
'W191', # indentation contains tabs
'W601', # .has_key() is deprecated, use in
'W602', # deprecated form of raising exception
'W603', # <> is deprecated, use !=
'W604', # backticks are deprecated, use repr()
'E124', # closing bracket does not match visual indentation
'E231', # missing whitespace after ,
'E211', # whitespace before (
'E261', # at least two spaces before inline comment
'E271', # multiple spaces after keyword
'E272', # multiple spaces before keyword
'E304', # blank lines found after function decorator
'F401', # module imported but unused
'F402', # import module from line N shadowed by loop variable
'F403', # from module import * used; unable to detect undefined names
'F404', # future import(s) name after other statements
'E501', # line too long (82 > 79 characters)
'E502', # the backslash is redundant between brackets
'E702', # multiple statements on one line (semicolon)
'E703', # statement ends with a semicolon
'E711', # comparison to None should be if cond is None:
'E712', # comparison to True should be if cond is True: or if cond:
'E721', # do not compare types, use isinstance()
'F811', # redefinition of unused name from line N
'F812', # list comprehension redefines name from line N
'F821', # undefined name name
'F822', # undefined name name in __all__
'F823', # local variable name ... referenced before assignment
'F831', # duplicate argument name in function definition
'F841', # local variable name is assigned to but never used
'W292', # no newline at end of file
'E121', # continuation line indentation is not a multiple of four
'E123', # closing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket
'E126', # continuation line over-indented for hanging indent
'E127', # continuation line over-indented for visual indent
'E128', # continuation line under-indented for visual indent
'E201', # whitespace after (
'E202', # whitespace before )
'E203', # whitespace before :
'E221', # multiple spaces before operator
'E222', # multiple spaces after operator
'E225', # missing whitespace around operator
'E227', # missing whitespace around bitwise or shift operator
'E226', # missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
'E228', # missing whitespace around modulo operator
'E241', # multiple spaces after ,
'E251', # unexpected spaces around keyword / parameter equals
'E262', # inline comment should start with #
'E301', # expected 1 blank line, found 0
'E302', # expected 2 blank lines, found 0
'E303', # too many blank lines (3)
'E401', # multiple imports on one line
'E701', # multiple statements on one line (colon)
'W291', # trailing whitespace
'W293', # blank line contains whitespace
'W391', # blank line at end of file
# 111 and 113 are ignored because they appear to be broken.
'E111', # indentation is not a multiple of four
'E113', # unexpected indentation
#def checkStyle():
#out = check_output(['flake8', '--select=%s' % FLAKE_TESTS, '--statistics', 'pyqtgraph/'])
#ret = 0
#print("All style checks OK.")
#except Exception as e:
#out = e.output
#ret = e.returncode
#return ret
def checkStyle():
""" Run flake8, checking only lines that are modified since the last
git commit. """
test = [ 1,2,3 ]
# First check _all_ code against mandatory error codes
print('flake8: check all code against mandatory error set...')
errors = ','.join(FLAKE_MANDATORY)
cmd = ['flake8', '--select=' + errors] + FLAKE_CHECK_PATHS
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
#ret = proc.wait()
output ='utf-8')
ret = proc.wait()
# Check for DOS newlines
print('check line endings in all files...')
count = 0
allowedEndings = set([None, '\n'])
for path, dirs, files in os.walk('.'):
for f in files:
if os.path.splitext(f)[1] not in ('.py', '.rst'):
filename = os.path.join(path, f)
fh = open(filename, 'U')
x = fh.readlines()
endings = set(fh.newlines if isinstance(fh.newlines, tuple) else (fh.newlines,))
endings -= allowedEndings
if len(endings) > 0:
print("\033[0;31m" + "File has invalid line endings: %s" % filename + "\033[0m")
ret = ret | 2
count += 1
print('checked line endings in %d files' % count)
# Next check new code with optional error codes
print('flake8: check new code against recommended error set...')
diff = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'diff'])
proc = subprocess.Popen(['flake8', '--diff', #'--show-source',
'--ignore=' + errors],
output ='utf-8')
ret |= printFlakeOutput(output)
if ret == 0:
print('style test passed.')
print('style test failed: %d' % ret)
return ret
def printFlakeOutput(text):
""" Print flake output, colored by error category.
Return 2 if there were any mandatory errors,
1 if only recommended / optional errors, and
0 if only optional errors.
ret = 0
gotError = False
for line in text.split('\n'):
m = re.match(r'[^\:]+\:\d+\:\d+\: (\w+) .*', line)
if m is None:
gotError = True
error =
if error in FLAKE_MANDATORY:
print("\033[0;31m" + line + "\033[0m")
ret |= 2
elif error in FLAKE_RECOMMENDED:
print("\033[0;33m" + line + "\033[0m")
#ret |= 1
elif error in FLAKE_OPTIONAL:
print("\033[0;32m" + line + "\033[0m")
elif error in FLAKE_IGNORE:
print("\033[0;36m" + line + "\033[0m")
if not gotError:
print(" [ no errors ]\n")
return ret
def unitTests():
Run all unit tests (using py.test)
Return the exit code.
if sys.version[0] == '3':
out = check_output('PYTHONPATH=. py.test-3', shell=True)
out = check_output('PYTHONPATH=. py.test', shell=True)
ret = 0
except Exception as e:
out = e.output
ret = e.returncode
return ret
def checkMergeSize(sourceBranch=None, targetBranch=None, sourceRepo=None, targetRepo=None):
Check that a git merge would not increase the repository size by MERGE_SIZE_LIMIT.
if sourceBranch is None:
sourceBranch = getGitBranch()
sourceRepo = '..'
if targetBranch is None:
if sourceBranch == 'develop':
targetBranch = 'develop'
targetRepo = ''
targetBranch = 'develop'
targetRepo = '..'
workingDir = '__merge-test-clone'
env = dict(TARGET_BRANCH=targetBranch,
print("Testing merge size difference:\n"
setup = """
mkdir {WORKING_DIR} && cd {WORKING_DIR} &&
git init && git remote add -t {TARGET_BRANCH} target {TARGET_REPO} &&
git fetch target {TARGET_BRANCH} &&
git checkout -qf target/{TARGET_BRANCH} &&
git gc -q --aggressive
checkSize = """
du -s . | sed -e "s/\t.*//"
merge = """
git pull -q {SOURCE_REPO} {SOURCE_BRANCH} &&
git gc -q --aggressive
print("Check out target branch:\n" + setup)
check_call(setup, shell=True)
targetSize = int(check_output(checkSize, shell=True))
print("TARGET SIZE: %d kB" % targetSize)
print("Merge source branch:\n" + merge)
check_call(merge, shell=True)
mergeSize = int(check_output(checkSize, shell=True))
print("MERGE SIZE: %d kB" % mergeSize)
diff = mergeSize - targetSize
if diff <= MERGE_SIZE_LIMIT:
print("DIFFERENCE: %d kB [OK]" % diff)
return 0
print("\033[0;31m" + "DIFFERENCE: %d kB [exceeds %d kB]" % (diff, MERGE_SIZE_LIMIT) + "\033[0m")
return 2
if os.path.isdir(workingDir):
def mergeTests():
ret = checkMergeSize()
ret |= unitTests()
ret |= checkStyle()
if ret == 0:
print("\033[0;32m" + "\nAll merge tests passed." + "\033[0m")
print("\033[0;31m" + "\nMerge tests failed." + "\033[0m")
return ret
def listAllPackages(pkgroot):
path = os.getcwd()
n = len(path.split(os.path.sep))
subdirs = [i[0].split(os.path.sep)[n:] for i in os.walk(os.path.join(path, pkgroot)) if '' in i[2]]
return ['.'.join(p) for p in subdirs]
def getInitVersion(pkgroot):
"""Return the version string defined in"""
path = os.getcwd()
initfile = os.path.join(path, pkgroot, '')
init = open(initfile).read()
m ='__version__ = (\S+)\n', init)
if m is None or len(m.groups()) != 1:
raise Exception("Cannot determine __version__ from init file: '%s'!" % initfile)
version ='\'\"')
return version
def gitCommit(name):
"""Return the commit ID for the given name."""
commit = check_output(['git', 'show', name], universal_newlines=True).split('\n')[0]
assert commit[:7] == 'commit '
return commit[7:]
def getGitVersion(tagPrefix):
"""Return a version string with information about this git checkout.
If the checkout is an unmodified, tagged commit, then return the tag version.
If this is not a tagged commit, return version-branch_name-commit_id.
If this checkout has been modified, append "+" to the version.
path = os.getcwd()
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, '.git')):
return None
# Find last tag matching "tagPrefix.*"
tagNames = check_output(['git', 'tag'], universal_newlines=True).strip().split('\n')
tagNames = [x for x in tagNames if re.match(tagPrefix + r'\d+\.\d+\..*', x)]
tagNames.sort(key=lambda s: map(int, s[len(tagPrefix):].split('.')))
lastTagName = tagNames[-1]
gitVersion = lastTagName.replace(tagPrefix, '')
# is this commit an unchanged checkout of the last tagged version?
lastTag = gitCommit(lastTagName)
head = gitCommit('HEAD')
if head != lastTag:
branch = getGitBranch()
gitVersion = gitVersion + "-%s-%s" % (branch, head[:10])
# any uncommitted modifications?
modified = False
status = check_output(['git', 'status', '--porcelain'], universal_newlines=True).strip().split('\n')
for line in status:
if line != '' and line[:2] != '??':
modified = True
if modified:
gitVersion = gitVersion + '+'
return gitVersion
def getGitBranch():
m ='\* (.*)', check_output(['git', 'branch'], universal_newlines=True))
if m is None:
return ''
def getVersionStrings(pkg):
Returns 4 version strings:
* the version string to use for this build,
* version string requested with --force-version (or None)
* version string that describes the current git checkout (or None).
* version string in the pkg/,
The first return value is (forceVersion or gitVersion or initVersion).
## Determine current version string from
initVersion = getInitVersion(pkgroot='pyqtgraph')
## If this is a git checkout, try to generate a more descriptive version string
gitVersion = getGitVersion(tagPrefix='pyqtgraph-')
gitVersion = None
sys.stderr.write("This appears to be a git checkout, but an error occurred "
"while attempting to determine a version string for the "
"current commit.\n")
# See whether a --force-version flag was given
forcedVersion = None
for i,arg in enumerate(sys.argv):
if arg.startswith('--force-version'):
if arg == '--force-version':
forcedVersion = sys.argv[i+1]
elif arg.startswith('--force-version='):
forcedVersion = sys.argv[i].replace('--force-version=', '')
## Finally decide on a version string to use:
if forcedVersion is not None:
version = forcedVersion
elif gitVersion is not None and getGitBranch() != 'debian': # ignore git version if this is debian branch
version = gitVersion
sys.stderr.write("Detected git commit; will use version string: '%s'\n" % version)
version = initVersion
return version, forcedVersion, gitVersion, initVersion
from distutils.core import Command
import shutil, subprocess
from generateChangelog import generateDebianChangelog
class DebCommand(Command):
description = "build .deb package using `debuild -us -uc`"
maintainer = "Luke Campagnola <>"
debTemplate = "debian"
debDir = "deb_build"
user_options = []
def initialize_options(self):
self.cwd = None
def finalize_options(self):
self.cwd = os.getcwd()
def run(self):
version = self.distribution.get_version()
pkgName = self.distribution.get_name()
debName = "python-" + pkgName
debDir = self.debDir
assert os.getcwd() == self.cwd, 'Must be in package root: %s' % self.cwd
if os.path.isdir(debDir):
raise Exception('DEB build dir already exists: "%s"' % debDir)
sdist = "dist/%s-%s.tar.gz" % (pkgName, version)
if not os.path.isfile(sdist):
raise Exception("No source distribution; run ` sdist` first.")
# copy sdist to build directory and extract
renamedSdist = '%s_%s.orig.tar.gz' % (debName, version)
print("copy %s => %s" % (sdist, os.path.join(debDir, renamedSdist)))
shutil.copy(sdist, os.path.join(debDir, renamedSdist))
print("cd %s; tar -xzf %s" % (debDir, renamedSdist))
if os.system("cd %s; tar -xzf %s" % (debDir, renamedSdist)) != 0:
raise Exception("Error extracting source distribution.")
buildDir = '%s/%s-%s' % (debDir, pkgName, version)
# copy debian control structure
print("copytree %s => %s" % (self.debTemplate, buildDir+'/debian'))
shutil.copytree(self.debTemplate, buildDir+'/debian')
# Write new changelog
chlog = generateDebianChangelog(pkgName, 'CHANGELOG', version, self.maintainer)
print("write changelog %s" % buildDir+'/debian/changelog')
open(buildDir+'/debian/changelog', 'w').write(chlog)
# build package
print('cd %s; debuild -us -uc' % buildDir)
if os.system('cd %s; debuild -us -uc' % buildDir) != 0:
raise Exception("Error during debuild.")
class DebugCommand(Command):
"""Just for learning about distutils."""
description = ""
user_options = []
def initialize_options(self):
def finalize_options(self):
def run(self):
global cmd
cmd = self
class TestCommand(Command):
description = "Run all package tests and exit immediately with informative return code."
user_options = []
def run(self):
def initialize_options(self):
def finalize_options(self):
class StyleCommand(Command):
description = "Check all code for style, exit immediately with informative return code."
user_options = []
def run(self):
def initialize_options(self):
def finalize_options(self):
class MergeTestCommand(Command):
description = "Run all tests needed to determine whether the current code is suitable for merge."
user_options = []
def run(self):
def initialize_options(self):
def finalize_options(self):