lidstrom83 6519734932
Deprecate unused/unnecessary modules (#1576)
* Deprecate ordereddict module

* Import OrderedDict from collections module instead of pgcollections

* Deprecate pgcollections module

* Deprecate lru_cache module

A simpler recipe exists from the standard library using OrderedDict.

* Deprecate pil_fix module

* Python 3.7 compatibility fix

* Avoid or suppress deprecation warnings in tests
2021-02-15 09:52:06 -08:00

70 lines
2.1 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Importing this module installs support for 16-bit images in PIL.
This works by patching objects in the PIL namespace; no files are
import warnings
"Not used in pyqtgraph. Will be removed in 0.13",
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2
from PIL import Image
if Image.VERSION == '1.1.7':
Image._MODE_CONV["I;16"] = ('%su2' % Image._ENDIAN, None)
Image._fromarray_typemap[((1, 1), "<u2")] = ("I", "I;16")
if Image.VERSION == '1.1.6':
Image._MODE_CONV["I;16"] = ('%su2' % Image._ENDIAN, None)
## just a copy of fromarray() from with I;16 added in
def fromarray(obj, mode=None):
arr = obj.__array_interface__
shape = arr['shape']
ndim = len(shape)
strides = arr['strides']
except KeyError:
strides = None
if mode is None:
typestr = arr['typestr']
if not (typestr[0] == '|' or typestr[0] == Image._ENDIAN or
typestr[1:] not in ['u1', 'b1', 'i4', 'f4']):
raise TypeError("cannot handle data-type")
if typestr[0] == Image._ENDIAN:
typestr = typestr[1:3]
typestr = typestr[:2]
if typestr == 'i4':
mode = 'I'
if typestr == 'u2':
mode = 'I;16'
elif typestr == 'f4':
mode = 'F'
elif typestr == 'b1':
mode = '1'
elif ndim == 2:
mode = 'L'
elif ndim == 3:
mode = 'RGB'
elif ndim == 4:
mode = 'RGBA'
raise TypeError("Do not understand data.")
ndmax = 4
if mode in ['1','L','I','P','F']:
ndmax = 2
elif mode == 'RGB':
ndmax = 3
if ndim > ndmax:
raise ValueError("Too many dimensions.")
size = shape[:2][::-1]
if strides is not None:
obj = obj.tostring()
return frombuffer(mode, size, obj, "raw", mode, 0, 1)