
205 lines
7.9 KiB

import os
import re
from .str import StrParameterItem
from .. import Parameter
from ...Qt import QtWidgets, QtGui, QtCore
def _set_filepicker_kwargs(fileDlg, **kwargs):
"""Applies a dict of enum/flag kwarg opts to a file dialog"""
NO_MATCH = object()
for kk, vv in kwargs.items():
# Convert string or list representations into true flags
# 'fileMode' -> 'FileMode'
formattedName = kk[0].upper() + kk[1:]
# Edge case: "Options" has enum "Option"
if formattedName == 'Options':
enumCls = fileDlg.Option
enumCls = getattr(fileDlg, formattedName, NO_MATCH)
setFunc = getattr(fileDlg, f'set{formattedName}', NO_MATCH)
if enumCls is NO_MATCH or setFunc is NO_MATCH:
if enumCls is fileDlg.Option:
builder = fileDlg.Option(0)
# This is the only flag enum, all others can only take one value
if isinstance(vv, str): vv = [vv]
for flag in vv:
curVal = getattr(enumCls, flag)
builder |= curVal
# Some Qt implementations turn into ints by this point
outEnum = enumCls(builder)
outEnum = getattr(enumCls, vv)
def popupFilePicker(parent=None, windowTitle='', nameFilter='', directory=None, selectFile=None, relativeTo=None, **kwargs):
Thin wrapper around Qt file picker dialog. Used internally so all options are consistent
among all requests for external file information
============== ========================================================
parent Dialog parent
windowTitle Title of dialog window
nameFilter File filter as required by the Qt dialog
directory Where in the file system to open this dialog
selectFile File to preselect
relativeTo Parent directory that, if provided, will be removed from the prefix of all returned paths. So,
if '/my/text/file.txt' was selected, and `relativeTo='/my/text/'`, the return value would be
'file.txt'. This uses os.path.relpath under the hood, so expect that behavior.
kwargs Any enum value accepted by a QFileDialog and its value. Values can be a string or list of strings,
i.e. fileMode='AnyFile', options=['ShowDirsOnly', 'DontResolveSymlinks'], acceptMode='AcceptSave'
============== ========================================================
fileDlg = QtWidgets.QFileDialog(parent)
_set_filepicker_kwargs(fileDlg, **kwargs)
if directory is not None:
if selectFile is not None:
if fileDlg.exec():
# Append filter type
singleExtReg = r'(\.\w+)'
# Extensions of type '' need to capture repeating pattern of singleExt
suffMatch ='({singleExtReg}+)', fileDlg.selectedNameFilter())
if suffMatch:
# Strip leading '.' if it exists
ext =
if ext.startswith('.'):
ext = ext[1:]
fList = fileDlg.selectedFiles()
fList = []
if relativeTo is not None:
fList = [os.path.relpath(file, relativeTo) for file in fList]
# Make consistent to os flavor
fList = [os.path.normpath(file) for file in fList]
if fileDlg.fileMode() == fileDlg.FileMode.ExistingFiles:
return fList
elif len(fList) > 0:
return fList[0]
return None
class FileParameterItem(StrParameterItem):
def __init__(self, param, depth):
self._value = None
super().__init__(param, depth)
button = QtWidgets.QPushButton('...')
button.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
self.layoutWidget.layout().insertWidget(2, button)
self.displayLabel.resizeEvent = self._newResizeEvent
# self.layoutWidget.layout().insertWidget(3, self.defaultBtn)
def makeWidget(self):
w = super().makeWidget()
w.setValue = self.setValue
w.value = self.value
# Doesn't make much sense to have a 'changing' signal since filepaths should be complete before value
# is emitted
delattr(w, 'sigChanging')
return w
def _newResizeEvent(self, ev):
ret = type(self.displayLabel).resizeEvent(self.displayLabel, ev)
return ret
def setValue(self, value):
self._value = value
def value(self):
return self._value
def _retrieveFileSelection_gui(self):
curVal = self.param.value()
if isinstance(curVal, list) and len(curVal):
# All files should be from the same directory, in principle
# Since no mechanism exists for preselecting multiple, the most sensible
# thing is to select nothing in the preview dialog
curVal = curVal[0]
if os.path.isfile(curVal):
curVal = os.path.dirname(curVal)
opts = self.param.opts.copy()
useDir = curVal or opts.get('directory') or os.getcwd()
startDir = os.path.abspath(useDir)
if os.path.isfile(startDir):
opts['selectFile'] = os.path.basename(startDir)
startDir = os.path.dirname(startDir)
if os.path.exists(startDir):
opts['directory'] = startDir
if opts.get('windowTitle') is None:
opts['windowTitle'] = self.param.title()
fname = popupFilePicker(None, **opts)
if not fname:
def updateDefaultBtn(self):
# Override since a readonly label should still allow reverting to default
## enable/disable default btn
not self.param.valueIsDefault() and self.param.opts['enabled'])
# hide / show
def updateDisplayLabel(self, value=None):
lbl = self.displayLabel
if value is None:
value = self.param.value()
value = str(value)
font = lbl.font()
metrics = QtGui.QFontMetricsF(font)
value = metrics.elidedText(value, QtCore.Qt.TextElideMode.ElideLeft, lbl.width()-5)
return super().updateDisplayLabel(value)
class FileParameter(Parameter):
Interfaces with the myriad of file options available from a QFileDialog.
Note that the output can either be a single file string or list of files, depending on whether
`fileMode='ExistingFiles'` is specified.
Note that in all cases, absolute file paths are returned unless `relativeTo` is specified as
elaborated below.
============== ========================================================
parent Dialog parent
winTitle Title of dialog window
nameFilter File filter as required by the Qt dialog
directory Where in the file system to open this dialog
selectFile File to preselect
relativeTo Parent directory that, if provided, will be removed from the prefix of all returned paths. So,
if '/my/text/file.txt' was selected, and `relativeTo='my/text/'`, the return value would be
'file.txt'. This uses os.path.relpath under the hood, so expect that behavior.
kwargs Any enum value accepted by a QFileDialog and its value. Values can be a string or list of strings,
i.e. fileMode='AnyFile', options=['ShowDirsOnly', 'DontResolveSymlinks']
============== ========================================================
itemClass = FileParameterItem
def __init__(self, **opts):
opts.setdefault('readonly', True)