Luke Campagnola 3c5503039f speedup
2012-10-16 22:35:53 -04:00

885 lines
34 KiB

from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore
from pyqtgraph.Point import Point
import pyqtgraph.functions as fn
from .GraphicsItem import GraphicsItem
from .GraphicsObject import GraphicsObject
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats
import weakref
import pyqtgraph.debug as debug
from pyqtgraph.pgcollections import OrderedDict
#import pyqtgraph as pg
__all__ = ['ScatterPlotItem', 'SpotItem']
## Build all symbol paths
Symbols = OrderedDict([(name, QtGui.QPainterPath()) for name in ['o', 's', 't', 'd', '+']])
Symbols['o'].addEllipse(QtCore.QRectF(-0.5, -0.5, 1, 1))
Symbols['s'].addRect(QtCore.QRectF(-0.5, -0.5, 1, 1))
coords = {
't': [(-0.5, -0.5), (0, 0.5), (0.5, -0.5)],
'd': [(0., -0.5), (-0.4, 0.), (0, 0.5), (0.4, 0)],
'+': [
(-0.5, -0.05), (-0.5, 0.05), (-0.05, 0.05), (-0.05, 0.5),
(0.05, 0.5), (0.05, 0.05), (0.5, 0.05), (0.5, -0.05),
(0.05, -0.05), (0.05, -0.5), (-0.05, -0.5), (-0.05, -0.05)
for k, c in coords.items():
for x,y in c[1:]:
Symbols[k].lineTo(x, y)
def drawSymbol(painter, symbol, size, pen, brush):
painter.scale(size, size)
if isinstance(symbol, basestring):
symbol = Symbols[symbol]
if np.isscalar(symbol):
symbol = Symbols.values()[symbol % len(Symbols)]
def renderSymbol(symbol, size, pen, brush, device=None):
Render a symbol specification to QImage.
Symbol may be either a QPainterPath or one of the keys in the Symbols dict.
If *device* is None, a new QPixmap will be returned. Otherwise,
the symbol will be rendered into the device specified (See QPainter documentation
for more information).
## see if this pixmap is already cached
#global SymbolPixmapCache
#key = (symbol, size, fn.colorTuple(pen.color()), pen.width(),, fn.colorTuple(brush.color()))
#if key in SymbolPixmapCache:
#return SymbolPixmapCache[key]
## Render a spot with the given parameters to a pixmap
penPxWidth = max(np.ceil(pen.width()), 1)
image = QtGui.QImage(int(size+penPxWidth), int(size+penPxWidth), QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32)
p = QtGui.QPainter(image)
p.translate(image.width()*0.5, image.height()*0.5)
drawSymbol(p, symbol, size, pen, brush)
return image
#pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(image)
#SymbolPixmapCache[key] = pixmap
#return pixmap
def makeSymbolPixmap(size, pen, brush, symbol):
## deprecated
img = renderSymbol(symbol, size, pen, brush)
return QtGui.QPixmap(img)
class SymbolAtlas:
Used to efficiently construct a single QPixmap containing all rendered symbols
for a ScatterPlotItem. This is required for fragment rendering.
Use example:
atlas = SymbolAtlas()
sc1 = atlas.getSymbolCoords('o', 5, QPen(..), QBrush(..))
sc2 = atlas.getSymbolCoords('t', 10, QPen(..), QBrush(..))
pm = atlas.getAtlas()
class SymbolCoords(list): ## needed because lists are not allowed in weak references.
def __init__(self):
# symbol key : [x, y, w, h] atlas coordinates
# note that the coordinate list will always be the same list object as
# long as the symbol is in the atlas, but the coordinates may
# change if the atlas is rebuilt.
# weak value; if all external refs to this list disappear,
# the symbol will be forgotten.
self.symbolMap = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
self.atlasData = None # numpy array of atlas image
self.atlas = None # atlas as QPixmap
self.atlasValid = False
def getSymbolCoords(self, opts):
Given a list of spot records, return an object representing the coordinates of that symbol within the atlas
coords = np.empty(len(opts), dtype=object)
for i, rec in enumerate(opts):
symbol, size, pen, brush = rec['symbol'], rec['size'], rec['pen'], rec['brush']
pen = fn.mkPen(pen) if not isinstance(pen, QtGui.QPen) else pen
brush = fn.mkBrush(brush) if not isinstance(pen, QtGui.QBrush) else brush
key = (symbol, size, fn.colorTuple(pen.color()), pen.width(),, fn.colorTuple(brush.color()))
if key not in self.symbolMap:
newCoords = SymbolAtlas.SymbolCoords()
self.symbolMap[key] = newCoords
self.atlasValid = False
#self.addToAtlas(key) ## squeeze this into the atlas if there is room
#self.buildAtlas() ## otherwise, we need to rebuild
coords[i] = self.symbolMap[key]
return coords
def buildAtlas(self):
# get rendered array for all symbols, keep track of avg/max width
rendered = {}
avgWidth = 0.0
maxWidth = 0
images = []
for key, coords in self.symbolMap.items():
if len(coords) == 0:
pen = fn.mkPen(color=key[2], width=key[3], style=key[4])
brush = fn.mkBrush(color=key[5])
img = renderSymbol(key[0], key[1], pen, brush)
images.append(img) ## we only need this to prevent the images being garbage collected immediately
arr = fn.imageToArray(img, copy=False, transpose=False)
(x,y,w,h) = self.symbolMap[key]
arr = self.atlasData[x:x+w, y:y+w]
rendered[key] = arr
w = arr.shape[0]
avgWidth += w
maxWidth = max(maxWidth, w)
nSymbols = len(rendered)
if nSymbols > 0:
avgWidth /= nSymbols
width = max(maxWidth, avgWidth * (nSymbols**0.5))
avgWidth = 0
width = 0
# sort symbols by height
symbols = sorted(rendered.keys(), key=lambda x: rendered[x].shape[1], reverse=True)
self.atlasRows = []
x = width
y = 0
rowheight = 0
for key in symbols:
arr = rendered[key]
w,h = arr.shape[:2]
if x+w > width:
y += rowheight
x = 0
rowheight = h
self.atlasRows.append([y, rowheight, 0])
self.symbolMap[key][:] = x, y, w, h
x += w
self.atlasRows[-1][2] = x
height = y + rowheight
self.atlasData = np.zeros((width, height, 4), dtype=np.ubyte)
for key in symbols:
x, y, w, h = self.symbolMap[key]
self.atlasData[x:x+w, y:y+h] = rendered[key]
self.atlas = None
self.atlasValid = True
def getAtlas(self):
if not self.atlasValid:
if self.atlas is None:
if len(self.atlasData) == 0:
return QtGui.QPixmap(0,0)
img = fn.makeQImage(self.atlasData, copy=False, transpose=False)
self.atlas = QtGui.QPixmap(img)
return self.atlas
class ScatterPlotItem(GraphicsObject):
Displays a set of x/y points. Instances of this class are created
automatically as part of PlotDataItem; these rarely need to be instantiated
The size, shape, pen, and fill brush may be set for each point individually
or for all points.
======================== ===============================================
sigPlotChanged(self) Emitted when the data being plotted has changed
sigClicked(self, points) Emitted when the curve is clicked. Sends a list
of all the points under the mouse pointer.
======================== ===============================================
#sigPointClicked = QtCore.Signal(object, object)
sigClicked = QtCore.Signal(object, object) ## self, points
sigPlotChanged = QtCore.Signal(object)
def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
Accepts the same arguments as setData()
prof = debug.Profiler('ScatterPlotItem.__init__', disabled=True)
self.picture = None # QPicture used for rendering when pxmode==False
self.fragments = None # fragment specification for pxmode; updated every time the view changes.
self.fragmentAtlas = SymbolAtlas() = np.empty(0, dtype=[('x', float), ('y', float), ('size', float), ('symbol', object), ('pen', object), ('brush', object), ('data', object), ('fragCoords', object), ('item', object)])
self.bounds = [None, None] ## caches data bounds
self._maxSpotWidth = 0 ## maximum size of the scale-variant portion of all spots
self._maxSpotPxWidth = 0 ## maximum size of the scale-invariant portion of all spots
self.opts = {'pxMode': True, 'useCache': True} ## If useCache is False, symbols are re-drawn on every paint.
self.setPen(200,200,200, update=False)
self.setBrush(100,100,150, update=False)
self.setSymbol('o', update=False)
self.setSize(7, update=False)
self.setData(*args, **kargs)
def setData(self, *args, **kargs):
**Ordered Arguments:**
* If there is only one unnamed argument, it will be interpreted like the 'spots' argument.
* If there are two unnamed arguments, they will be interpreted as sequences of x and y values.
====================== ===============================================================================================
**Keyword Arguments:**
*spots* Optional list of dicts. Each dict specifies parameters for a single spot:
{'pos': (x,y), 'size', 'pen', 'brush', 'symbol'}. This is just an alternate method
of passing in data for the corresponding arguments.
*x*,*y* 1D arrays of x,y values.
*pos* 2D structure of x,y pairs (such as Nx2 array or list of tuples)
*pxMode* If True, spots are always the same size regardless of scaling, and size is given in px.
Otherwise, size is in scene coordinates and the spots scale with the view.
Default is True
*symbol* can be one (or a list) of:
* 'o' circle (default)
* 's' square
* 't' triangle
* 'd' diamond
* '+' plus
* any QPainterPath to specify custom symbol shapes. To properly obey the position and size,
custom symbols should be centered at (0,0) and width and height of 1.0. Note that it is also
possible to 'install' custom shapes by setting ScatterPlotItem.Symbols[key] = shape.
*pen* The pen (or list of pens) to use for drawing spot outlines.
*brush* The brush (or list of brushes) to use for filling spots.
*size* The size (or list of sizes) of spots. If *pxMode* is True, this value is in pixels. Otherwise,
it is in the item's local coordinate system.
*data* a list of python objects used to uniquely identify each spot.
*identical* *Deprecated*. This functionality is handled automatically now.
====================== ===============================================================================================
oldData = ## this causes cached pixmaps to be preserved while new data is registered.
self.clear() ## clear out all old data
self.addPoints(*args, **kargs)
def addPoints(self, *args, **kargs):
Add new points to the scatter plot.
Arguments are the same as setData()
## deal with non-keyword arguments
if len(args) == 1:
kargs['spots'] = args[0]
elif len(args) == 2:
kargs['x'] = args[0]
kargs['y'] = args[1]
elif len(args) > 2:
raise Exception('Only accepts up to two non-keyword arguments.')
## convert 'pos' argument to 'x' and 'y'
if 'pos' in kargs:
pos = kargs['pos']
if isinstance(pos, np.ndarray):
kargs['x'] = pos[:,0]
kargs['y'] = pos[:,1]
x = []
y = []
for p in pos:
if isinstance(p, QtCore.QPointF):
kargs['x'] = x
kargs['y'] = y
## determine how many spots we have
if 'spots' in kargs:
numPts = len(kargs['spots'])
elif 'y' in kargs and kargs['y'] is not None:
numPts = len(kargs['y'])
kargs['x'] = []
kargs['y'] = []
numPts = 0
## Extend record array
oldData = = np.empty(len(oldData)+numPts,
## note that np.empty initializes object fields to None and string fields to ''[:len(oldData)] = oldData
#for i in range(len(oldData)):
#oldData[i]['item']._data =[i] ## Make sure items have proper reference to new array
newData =[len(oldData):]
newData['size'] = -1 ## indicates to use default size
if 'spots' in kargs:
spots = kargs['spots']
for i in range(len(spots)):
spot = spots[i]
for k in spot:
#if k == 'pen':
#newData[k] = fn.mkPen(spot[k])
#elif k == 'brush':
#newData[k] = fn.mkBrush(spot[k])
if k == 'pos':
pos = spot[k]
if isinstance(pos, QtCore.QPointF):
x,y = pos.x(), pos.y()
x,y = pos[0], pos[1]
newData[i]['x'] = x
newData[i]['y'] = y
elif k in ['x', 'y', 'size', 'symbol', 'pen', 'brush', 'data']:
newData[i][k] = spot[k]
#elif k == 'data':
#self.pointData[i] = spot[k]
raise Exception("Unknown spot parameter: %s" % k)
elif 'y' in kargs:
newData['x'] = kargs['x']
newData['y'] = kargs['y']
if 'pxMode' in kargs:
## Set any extra parameters provided in keyword arguments
for k in ['pen', 'brush', 'symbol', 'size']:
if k in kargs:
setMethod = getattr(self, 'set' + k[0].upper() + k[1:])
setMethod(kargs[k], update=False, dataSet=newData)
if 'data' in kargs:
self.setPointData(kargs['data'], dataSet=newData)
self.bounds = [None, None]
def invalidate(self):
## clear any cached drawing state
self.picture = None
self.fragments = None
def getData(self):
def setPoints(self, *args, **kargs):
##Deprecated; use setData
return self.setData(*args, **kargs)
def implements(self, interface=None):
ints = ['plotData']
if interface is None:
return ints
return interface in ints
def setPen(self, *args, **kargs):
"""Set the pen(s) used to draw the outline around each spot.
If a list or array is provided, then the pen for each spot will be set separately.
Otherwise, the arguments are passed to pg.mkPen and used as the default pen for
all spots which do not have a pen explicitly set."""
update = kargs.pop('update', True)
dataSet = kargs.pop('dataSet',
if len(args) == 1 and (isinstance(args[0], np.ndarray) or isinstance(args[0], list)):
pens = args[0]
if len(pens) != len(dataSet):
raise Exception("Number of pens does not match number of points (%d != %d)" % (len(pens), len(dataSet)))
dataSet['pen'] = pens
self.opts['pen'] = fn.mkPen(*args, **kargs)
dataSet['fragCoords'] = None
if update:
def setBrush(self, *args, **kargs):
"""Set the brush(es) used to fill the interior of each spot.
If a list or array is provided, then the brush for each spot will be set separately.
Otherwise, the arguments are passed to pg.mkBrush and used as the default brush for
all spots which do not have a brush explicitly set."""
update = kargs.pop('update', True)
dataSet = kargs.pop('dataSet',
if len(args) == 1 and (isinstance(args[0], np.ndarray) or isinstance(args[0], list)):
brushes = args[0]
if len(brushes) != len(dataSet):
raise Exception("Number of brushes does not match number of points (%d != %d)" % (len(brushes), len(dataSet)))
#for i in xrange(len(brushes)):[i]['brush'] = fn.mkBrush(brushes[i], **kargs)
dataSet['brush'] = brushes
self.opts['brush'] = fn.mkBrush(*args, **kargs)
#self._spotPixmap = None
dataSet['fragCoords'] = None
if update:
def setSymbol(self, symbol, update=True, dataSet=None):
"""Set the symbol(s) used to draw each spot.
If a list or array is provided, then the symbol for each spot will be set separately.
Otherwise, the argument will be used as the default symbol for
all spots which do not have a symbol explicitly set."""
if dataSet is None:
dataSet =
if isinstance(symbol, np.ndarray) or isinstance(symbol, list):
symbols = symbol
if len(symbols) != len(dataSet):
raise Exception("Number of symbols does not match number of points (%d != %d)" % (len(symbols), len(dataSet)))
dataSet['symbol'] = symbols
self.opts['symbol'] = symbol
self._spotPixmap = None
dataSet['fragCoords'] = None
if update:
def setSize(self, size, update=True, dataSet=None):
"""Set the size(s) used to draw each spot.
If a list or array is provided, then the size for each spot will be set separately.
Otherwise, the argument will be used as the default size for
all spots which do not have a size explicitly set."""
if dataSet is None:
dataSet =
if isinstance(size, np.ndarray) or isinstance(size, list):
sizes = size
if len(sizes) != len(dataSet):
raise Exception("Number of sizes does not match number of points (%d != %d)" % (len(sizes), len(dataSet)))
dataSet['size'] = sizes
self.opts['size'] = size
self._spotPixmap = None
dataSet['fragCoords'] = None
if update:
def setPointData(self, data, dataSet=None):
if dataSet is None:
dataSet =
if isinstance(data, np.ndarray) or isinstance(data, list):
if len(data) != len(dataSet):
raise Exception("Length of meta data does not match number of points (%d != %d)" % (len(data), len(dataSet)))
## Bug: If data is a numpy record array, then items from that array must be copied to dataSet one at a time.
## (otherwise they are converted to tuples and thus lose their field names.
if isinstance(data, np.ndarray) and len(data.dtype.fields) > 1:
for i, rec in enumerate(data):
dataSet['data'][i] = rec
dataSet['data'] = data
def setPxMode(self, mode):
if self.opts['pxMode'] == mode:
self.opts['pxMode'] = mode
def updateSpots(self, dataSet=None):
if dataSet is None:
dataSet =
self._maxSpotWidth = 0
self._maxSpotPxWidth = 0
invalidate = False
if self.opts['pxMode']:
mask = np.equal(dataSet['fragCoords'], None)
if np.any(mask):
invalidate = True
opts = self.getSpotOpts(dataSet[mask])
coords = self.fragmentAtlas.getSymbolCoords(opts)
dataSet['fragCoords'][mask] = coords
#for rec in dataSet:
#if rec['fragCoords'] is None:
#invalidate = True
#rec['fragCoords'] = self.fragmentAtlas.getSymbolCoords(*self.getSpotOpts(rec))
if invalidate:
def getSpotOpts(self, recs):
if recs.ndim == 0:
rec = recs
symbol = rec['symbol']
if symbol is None:
symbol = self.opts['symbol']
size = rec['size']
if size < 0:
size = self.opts['size']
pen = rec['pen']
if pen is None:
pen = self.opts['pen']
brush = rec['brush']
if brush is None:
brush = self.opts['brush']
return (symbol, size, fn.mkPen(pen), fn.mkBrush(brush))
recs = recs.copy()
recs['symbol'][np.equal(recs['symbol'], None)] = self.opts['symbol']
recs['size'][np.equal(recs['size'], -1)] = self.opts['size']
recs['pen'][np.equal(recs['pen'], None)] = fn.mkPen(self.opts['pen'])
recs['brush'][np.equal(recs['brush'], None)] = fn.mkBrush(self.opts['brush'])
return recs
def measureSpotSizes(self, dataSet):
for rec in dataSet:
## keep track of the maximum spot size and pixel size
symbol, size, pen, brush = self.getSpotOpts(rec)
width = 0
pxWidth = 0
if self.opts['pxMode']:
pxWidth = size + pen.width()
width = size
if pen.isCosmetic():
pxWidth += pen.width()
width += pen.width()
self._maxSpotWidth = max(self._maxSpotWidth, width)
self._maxSpotPxWidth = max(self._maxSpotPxWidth, pxWidth)
self.bounds = [None, None]
def clear(self):
"""Remove all spots from the scatter plot"""
#self.clearItems() = np.empty(0,
self.bounds = [None, None]
def dataBounds(self, ax, frac=1.0, orthoRange=None):
if frac >= 1.0 and self.bounds[ax] is not None:
return self.bounds[ax]
if is None or len( == 0:
return (None, None)
if ax == 0:
d =['x']
d2 =['y']
elif ax == 1:
d =['y']
d2 =['x']
if orthoRange is not None:
mask = (d2 >= orthoRange[0]) * (d2 <= orthoRange[1])
d = d[mask]
d2 = d2[mask]
if frac >= 1.0:
## increase size of bounds based on spot size and pen width
px = self.pixelLength(Point(1, 0) if ax == 0 else Point(0, 1)) ## determine length of pixel along this axis
if px is None:
px = 0
minIndex = np.argmin(d)
maxIndex = np.argmax(d)
minVal = d[minIndex]
maxVal = d[maxIndex]
spotSize = 0.5 * (self._maxSpotWidth + px * self._maxSpotPxWidth)
self.bounds[ax] = (minVal-spotSize, maxVal+spotSize)
return self.bounds[ax]
elif frac <= 0.0:
raise Exception("Value for parameter 'frac' must be > 0. (got %s)" % str(frac))
return (scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(d, 50 - (frac * 50)), scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(d, 50 + (frac * 50)))
#def defaultSpotPixmap(self):
### Return the default spot pixmap
#if self._spotPixmap is None:
#self._spotPixmap = makeSymbolPixmap(size=self.opts['size'], brush=self.opts['brush'], pen=self.opts['pen'], symbol=self.opts['symbol'])
#return self._spotPixmap
def boundingRect(self):
(xmn, xmx) = self.dataBounds(ax=0)
(ymn, ymx) = self.dataBounds(ax=1)
if xmn is None or xmx is None:
xmn = 0
xmx = 0
if ymn is None or ymx is None:
ymn = 0
ymx = 0
return QtCore.QRectF(xmn, ymn, xmx-xmn, ymx-ymn)
def viewRangeChanged(self):
self.bounds = [None, None]
self.fragments = None
def generateFragments(self):
tr = self.deviceTransform()
if tr is None:
pts = np.empty((2,len(['x'])))
pts[0] =['x']
pts[1] =['y']
pts = fn.transformCoordinates(tr, pts)
self.fragments = []
for i in xrange(len(
rec =[i]
pos = QtCore.QPointF(pts[0,i], pts[1,i])
x,y,w,h = rec['fragCoords']
rect = QtCore.QRectF(y, x, h, w)
self.fragments.append(QtGui.QPainter.PixmapFragment.create(pos, rect))
def paint(self, p, *args):
if self.opts['pxMode']:
atlas = self.fragmentAtlas.getAtlas()
#arr = fn.imageToArray(atlas.toImage(), copy=True)
#if hasattr(self, 'lastAtlas'):
#if np.any(self.lastAtlas != arr):
#print "Atlas changed:", arr
#self.lastAtlas = arr
if self.fragments is None:
if self.opts['useCache']:
p.drawPixmapFragments(self.fragments, atlas)
for i in range(len(
rec =[i]
frag = self.fragments[i]
p.translate(frag.x, frag.y)
drawSymbol(p, *self.getSpotOpts(rec))
if self.picture is None:
self.picture = QtGui.QPicture()
p2 = QtGui.QPainter(self.picture)
for rec in
p2.translate(rec['x'], rec['y'])
drawSymbol(p2, *self.getSpotOpts(rec))
def points(self):
for rec in
if rec['item'] is None:
rec['item'] = SpotItem(rec, self)
def pointsAt(self, pos):
x = pos.x()
y = pos.y()
pw = self.pixelWidth()
ph = self.pixelHeight()
pts = []
for s in self.points():
sp = s.pos()
ss = s.size()
sx = sp.x()
sy = sp.y()
s2x = s2y = ss * 0.5
if self.opts['pxMode']:
s2x *= pw
s2y *= ph
if x > sx-s2x and x < sx+s2x and y > sy-s2y and y < sy+s2y:
#print "HIT:", x, y, sx, sy, s2x, s2y
#print "No hit:", (x, y), (sx, sy)
#print " ", (sx-s2x, sy-s2y), (sx+s2x, sy+s2y)
#pts.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(b.zValue(), a.zValue()))
return pts[::-1]
def mouseClickEvent(self, ev):
if ev.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton:
pts = self.pointsAt(ev.pos())
if len(pts) > 0:
self.ptsClicked = pts
self.sigClicked.emit(self, self.ptsClicked)
#print "no spots"
class SpotItem(object):
Class referring to individual spots in a scatter plot.
These can be retrieved by calling ScatterPlotItem.points() or
by connecting to the ScatterPlotItem's click signals.
def __init__(self, data, plot):
#GraphicsItem.__init__(self, register=False)
self._data = data
self._plot = plot
#self.setPos(QtCore.QPointF(data['x'], data['y']))
def data(self):
"""Return the user data associated with this spot."""
return self._data['data']
def size(self):
"""Return the size of this spot.
If the spot has no explicit size set, then return the ScatterPlotItem's default size instead."""
if self._data['size'] == -1:
return self._plot.opts['size']
return self._data['size']
def pos(self):
return Point(self._data['x'], self._data['y'])
def setSize(self, size):
"""Set the size of this spot.
If the size is set to -1, then the ScatterPlotItem's default size
will be used instead."""
self._data['size'] = size
def symbol(self):
"""Return the symbol of this spot.
If the spot has no explicit symbol set, then return the ScatterPlotItem's default symbol instead.
symbol = self._data['symbol']
if symbol is None:
symbol = self._plot.opts['symbol']
n = int(symbol)
symbol = list(Symbols.keys())[n % len(Symbols)]
return symbol
def setSymbol(self, symbol):
"""Set the symbol for this spot.
If the symbol is set to '', then the ScatterPlotItem's default symbol will be used instead."""
self._data['symbol'] = symbol
def pen(self):
pen = self._data['pen']
if pen is None:
pen = self._plot.opts['pen']
return fn.mkPen(pen)
def setPen(self, *args, **kargs):
"""Set the outline pen for this spot"""
pen = fn.mkPen(*args, **kargs)
self._data['pen'] = pen
def resetPen(self):
"""Remove the pen set for this spot; the scatter plot's default pen will be used instead."""
self._data['pen'] = None ## Note this is NOT the same as calling setPen(None)
def brush(self):
brush = self._data['brush']
if brush is None:
brush = self._plot.opts['brush']
return fn.mkBrush(brush)
def setBrush(self, *args, **kargs):
"""Set the fill brush for this spot"""
brush = fn.mkBrush(*args, **kargs)
self._data['brush'] = brush
def resetBrush(self):
"""Remove the brush set for this spot; the scatter plot's default brush will be used instead."""
self._data['brush'] = None ## Note this is NOT the same as calling setBrush(None)
def setData(self, data):
"""Set the user-data associated with this spot"""
self._data['data'] = data
def updateItem(self):
self._data['fragCoords'] = None
#class PixmapSpotItem(SpotItem, QtGui.QGraphicsPixmapItem):
#def __init__(self, data, plot):
#self.setFlags(self.flags() | self.ItemIgnoresTransformations)
#SpotItem.__init__(self, data, plot)
#def setPixmap(self, pixmap):
#QtGui.QGraphicsPixmapItem.setPixmap(self, pixmap)
#self.setOffset(-pixmap.width()/2.+0.5, -pixmap.height()/2.)
#def updateItem(self):
#symbolOpts = (self._data['pen'], self._data['brush'], self._data['size'], self._data['symbol'])
### If all symbol options are default, use default pixmap
#if symbolOpts == (None, None, -1, ''):
#pixmap = self._plot.defaultSpotPixmap()
#pixmap = makeSymbolPixmap(size=self.size(), pen=self.pen(), brush=self.brush(), symbol=self.symbol())
#class PathSpotItem(SpotItem, QtGui.QGraphicsPathItem):
#def __init__(self, data, plot):
#SpotItem.__init__(self, data, plot)
#def updateItem(self):
#QtGui.QGraphicsPathItem.setPath(self, Symbols[self.symbol()])
#QtGui.QGraphicsPathItem.setPen(self, self.pen())
#QtGui.QGraphicsPathItem.setBrush(self, self.brush())
#size = self.size()
#self.scale(size, size)